Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 2

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the acton free press thuhsdiay february 8th 1030 vvimmhma kry tburadajr at ataana olo subscunrnoii rates vrr u4 aahlnaaaa ahol cnn immi la reajnaaied camceluitionsw ta hurt jtrsr to ha intr aukncrimlon nunuplf jlsllirsui it airf rr nu am titd etl aaaana iwsk chcoiir advertising rates lcl noloaa lac una lor initio lna far nn ibl liratrvloo an coo aual ao iltr or orralaalion rrrna tte par una up char rcrt ol nacati bald udl uaarla pocau brrtb mtlr ani tlc sj booco uo applcalaana ar onwaad intnl ofca daplny adcriin raaa virjr aionrdn apacn eoniraxted lor aror tb fr praaa acccpa adaartlam the nndrntandin it will ool irani lor ar rror any adertiaamanl puklianed hereunder unlet roof ol aueb dertfaement la repeated in wlk tbi ndaartuer and relnmed to to free pre kaiuxm nac duly ained by ahe aderiier and vib aueh error or correction plainly noted in wrun thereon and an ibat cnae any error noted la not corrected by the free preaa it liability aball not eaceed aucb proportion ol una entire cot ol aucb advertiaemeol aa the apace occupied by the tooted error beara to the whole apace occupied by aucb advertiacment telephones editorial and lluait realdence caulor diixs ejtor offic lit what hoald be done witli them the books of raffle tickets that are broadcast in the mails these days arc getting to be real nuisance not that wc have ever attempted to sell any of them becansc they are all promptly consigned to the waste paper basket it would appear that votors lists or somo other lists are used to give tho mailing names for these books whatever the list used wc are on it they come from all sorts of organizations some ofwhich wc never knew existed in canada or any place else and the enterprises they seek to promote aro as varied as the organizations and places thej come from we jiad one the other day from rhod esia if they could all be collected from the waste paper the past few months would give great assort ment it is held we understand that it is illegal to purchase sweepstakes tickets conducted for tho benelit of irish hospitals wc wonder what is citizenship duty to do with the tickets for canadian raffles that arc ever becoming more numerous in order that the mow may stop the sundayschool lesson for sunday february 9tb jesus insists on uiq11tbouhnes3 golden ttejtt why call yc me lord lord and do not ihu thlnga which buy luk 40 lesson tvxt luke 3940 time midsummer 28 place the plain ut the loot of uic horns of llattin exposition prove all thlnics 33 40a bain nelfkd too jimmy told his motner it was rainy far him to go to ochool but it will not be loo rainy uha rter noon ui play ball wul it asked his tnotlicr no mother replied hlue jimmy respectfully because you can alwayti play brurrbalinthtom dont see bow jimmy why repied jimmy when it la rumlnjr there is lots of mud thai makes so slljpiry you can elide on your stomach better same oil line younir tun liarluhr jove you or no lite warnlnir winch our lord brtnfpl to one ewr loved before younjf widov uny dllft rencc humph cant canadian apple production up apple production in canada during 1035 showed an increase over 1034 due largely to the recovery of many trees which were slightly affected with winter injury in 103334 the commercial production of apples in canada for the yearis estimated ut 4141 000 barrels compared witli 3801000 in 1034 and the 5ycar average 103034 of 4063000 barrels all provinces with the exception of nova scotia report slight increases the nova scotia production is esi timated at 1800000 barrels the same as reported in 1034 newspapers cease to function announcements of the past fcw weeks have shown several casualties among the weekly newspapcrstho millbrook mirrorreporter and tho hastings star have ceased publication the perth expositor has been absorbed by the perth courier and it iorumor ed that the two kincardine papers aro planning to amalgamate editor lucy of tho hastings star states in his final announcement that failure on the part of local merchants to advertise caused the cessation of activity jpor this selfsame reason more than score of newspapers have shut up shop in recent years in ontario until publishers begin to take serious cognizance of the rapid demise in local newspapers citizens are also becoming alarmed but when it is too late in the case of the village of hastings we doubt very much whether the citizens and particularly the local merchants will trulyrcalize the great loss they have sustained until the news paper has ceased to exist like so many of our publx institutions the church the library the hospital the utilities the public fails to fully appreciate their worth or are not prepared to pay the price to share in their benefits newspaper is something like the mole in that respect the legend respecting this little animal relates that it spent so much of its time burrowing in the ground in the dark that soon its eyes became useless and in time moles were all born blind too many people are blind to the benefits of their local newspaper they not only take it for granted but expect all sorts of free publicity without spending anything with the paper in return and not until the shutters have been hung up over the win dows and the paper has been removed from their midst do they realize their loss community loses its identity and soon becomes deserted village when its newspaper ceases to function editorial notes mnllons new warden the main roadways about town are in rather unsafe condition liberal application of sand is needed its done in rockwood by someone at the inaugural meeting of halton county council last week mr george currie reeve of es quesing was chosen warden for i03g the new the second line from acton to milton has been warden comes to this office well equipped for the splendidly maintained this winter its added width position he served on esquesing council for three an well cleared roadway have been appreciated by years he was deputy reeve for two years and has nil been reeve of esquesing for five years he has thcreforebcenamembcr onhc coirntytuouiicttteotl seven years his experience is therefore quite lengthy one it is gratifying to note that the plan of giving turns to municipalities for the wardenship is giving way to that of selection of the men with the experience to guide the affairs of the county mr currie will make very capable warden for 1030 and his friends throughout the county and elsewhere tender congratulations on the honor which 1ic has won by his long and very capable service to the public anothr n6wopiuerchaiigo announcement is made this week of the sale of the dundas star to mr anslow of campbellton inasmuch as the retiring editor mr moore is native of acton and graduate of tin furx piinss office this announcement has consider able local interest mr moores mother and sisti reside in acton after serving his apprenticeship in this office under his uncle the late moore he went to toronto for time and later was forenvin on the perth expositor the hawkesbury post then irpould appear that the section of highway from georgetown to guelphgets the least attention from the snow plough other highways are much easier to travel we are pleased to note that lot of sport writers who have seen the acton team playing agree hint it is team that will go quite distance toward the championship honors this year mr harry anderson has resigned as managing editor of the globe he has served on the globe since 1000 and is an outstanding newspaper man of wide experience he succeeded mr steawrt lyon mthis positiotrin 1026 and now premier abcrhart of alberta has be come editor abcrhart that 25 per month will certainly come in handy ir lie follows the usual course of most editors during their early days of journalism fort erie timesreliew our notice is worthy of our uerlous cun slderutlun the amount of evil which fulso teaching lias brought ml tltu church in all ages incalculable thu world lias always been fuu of blind men who aspired to lead others perhaps tnere unfr5 never more of sucll tielftyled lead en than today llut teacher who does not know the way to god himself ltf not likely to lead his hearers to god if tho blind lead the blind they both fall into tho ditch dio disciple is not ubove his master hut not few pro fessed disciples of jcsm uday fancy tluit they know more tluui ho did if ue would escape tho danger against which christ warn wo must prow educit every lndlvlduul individually the uachlnff wo hear by tho holy scrip fl for oaltxrh it ls one of tlio chief recommendation of qiuiond ilclec trlc oh that it can be uud intenwlty with usi much ucccr nl it can outward ly yuiftixn from eaturrh will hnd tluit tho oh ulivh ued according direc tion will kve prompt rellcr mnxiy junerer from thu ailment have found relief in the oh und hicue tent testi monial canadas domestic exports during the calendar year ilm5 totalled 722mfaq compared ith sg5j 113000 in likvj nn increase ol 75082000 or ii came under his guidance going to dundas in 1904 as per cent imports amounted to 550315000 compur foreman of the star in november 1013 mr moocj ed with 5i31000 1134 an increase 3r purchased the star from mr thos whallcy andjor 12 per ceitt the total canadian trade in 1035 has for the past twentytwo years conducted it with amounted to l202titi7ooo compared with 17 marked success in announcing the sale mr moore 707000 in 1031 an increase of 18870000 or 10 per ieuiarks that the editing of weekly newspaper cent and the management of printing business is rather strenuous and exacting occupation ani for one wonders if people who are given to playinj the present he will take good long holiday mr the slot machines have even remote idea of how moore has served dundas well with its newspaper heavily the odds are against them magazine requirements und friends here as elsewhere will writer liguiies out that there are only 63 times wiiih him pleasant holiday in ms relaxation from out of 1000 that the machine returns more than put duty his brother mr john moore will continue the other 037 times you lose your nickel if you foreman in the star and mr ami mrs moore will continue to reside in dundas his successor mr gordon anslow has also had splendid experience in tho newspaper field and will prove worthy succcs sor played 50 ut5 cents time you would receive un average of 1235 in return while you would lose s37g5 which kes to the various persons sharing in the profits in other words you lose about 14 out or 15 times burrie examiner turcd tltey uro our only infallible uudi we have urn prombur of jcsllit that uij holy spirit will lead u1 into all truth john id 13 with tho word of god uii lamp to our feet and the uuldance of the spirit in our hcarli wc hav no exeujw if our fioub arc led astitiy ii the need for coiuuiuncy 40b42 when ue arv perfected restored by divine trace to our true condition wm hull be like 121m cr eph 15 uuc insofar tut we differ from tlim in thought will and conduct ue are now imperfect the liible everywhere warns ua against judfftng otherr most men urpihnrp jllihted to tee the mot sins and fault in unotlwjrs eye but pur umiotlcod the beam in their own jcjiua inocu thti fitranifc lncaiubttncy with utartllnc wliy the answer la selfevident ilelflahnoij there no clearer evidence of our flclfuhmt than tliat wc judffe others by different standards from thos by which we judtre ouraelvea love blind but no other love ki io blind ni elflove when we learn to lave others this attitude touurd them ulll ceae car 13 47 one unvntreawin or our hardi judjrment of other la that wj fancy that to discern faults in other covers up or atones for our own fnultt cut it doer not romans 121 14 12 jesus calls the one ro blind to his own faults byno ft name hypocrite what he names him and that is jutt uhat hu is hlfj pretended yeal for ribhtcousnctas ir humbug for he dcslr it not for himself but in someone else mutt 24 51 tells us whitherward this man is headed if we uould really hvlp othcra ue muit not contradict by our lhes uhat ue wiy uith our lips it is uell to derlre to iet other free from faults but wc should first be iurc we are free from them ourselves iii character shown by conduct 43 45 jeius compares rood man to gooi tree and bad man to corrupt tree and then goes on to rhow that what min at tvirt determines his character the words of our lord on thl point are clear and unmistakable every tree is knoun by his oun fruit if there is be good outuard life there must flrjt be good lnuard man pure heart prov 32 tim heart determine the words too as well as the acts much of our twentieth century religious and ethical culture is an attempt to make corrupt tree bring forth good fruit it cannot be donel what ki needed new heart there no use trying to cultivate an unregencrate man he must be born again iv ileairfl and doers of the word action the proof or aueglarum 4740 jesus here enters an emphatic protest against calling him lord lord with our lips and not making him lord of our lives the religion of many fcanslsui in calling jesus lord on the first day of urn ueek and spcyiding the remaining six days in doing the things which he tells as not to do rwf and domestic life it iu not enough to hear the sayings or christ we must do them not enough to projul3 rela tion to him as ills servant we mutt obey hlni there will be many in the day of judgment who have called him lord on earth to whom ho will say never icoew you depart from me ye that uork iniquity matt 213 luice 13 2527 obedlencu to his command is the one acceptable proof that ue are the friend of jlu john 15 14 see also john jesm graphically describe luo builders one joes deep in dliglng for foundation not until reaches the solid rock does he juy lit foundation tills muni houne is ieverrly tried as all micrnrrrf mxinei litr the mood rbes the mreiim breaks unuliist the houe but the hoifr not even shaken who is this builder the one who comes to jesus really hum ia uord docth the words uhlch lw hears 47 but there another builder und he has many imi tator today uwik wel to see if this is voiir own photograph itila builder dois not dig down to tlve rock he jujt btiiidj on the lao earth without any foundation whatever his structure tried too tlietream wuka agahuit it ml nuuiitly uur in dlutcr uie lioiuie fullu and there ruin grmtruu who ludd builder he bi ukd tlw otlnr builder hi one rapct ua limi the words of jetturi but lie unlike in uiu vlui rpct ltv doe hot do them kvery church coinrtauon full of such mu henry hird and women bap tilted und professed fol lowers of chilt who luivo built tlielr houjrf on and what great rub will there be for utm un ujoii as the hood ritsj wliut are you building upon dirt or rock simply hearing or hearing and dobik let eucli of us face this question and ansuer it honestly wc mujt faco it iomc day butter face it now the christianity which comlsts of merely hearing and assenting to the teachings tif nulglnn lttt building whloik tlnnlly fall miere is no losi like tlie loa of soul amtime u7ea7un mum mkasjitls kowkil ok rjujiitnini primitive man rtujajnvd that lightning wa lire from heuveii wru ww des tructive but wm ubi the greatest gift of uw godj to num it provided warmth and gave savor to lib food lightning protected him from predatory anlmul fillid liiut ultli uue for it ulso could produce dijtructlon and wus maiil fiitatlou of the giver of life and must be propitiated witli sacrifices modern silence houevtr nqt only knows just whutllghtnlng riwlly but know how to huiidle it und control 1u great pouers artlilcial lightning of million of vollq power now generated and j0 turned tliut mull can be enveloped hi die crushing napping darting volu and tmerge unharmed scientlts also kjow how to meuuire the power of lightning single severe stroke probably lasb not more than 150 onemllllantlis of second uie average current in the stroke during tlibi time to paj thb much cliargo to earth mut be 100000 amperes or about the current required by 200000 lamps the maximum pouer in severe stroke when it hits conducting rod such as transmission line bi of the order of two billian kllouuttn uunuiip ut ililmiri hum neier saved nations from radicalism glenn frank jaian to builo moji tunnex hwiilnltr declrion to begin cuiittructli ol tlie ubmurlne tunnel between slum omiskl und moji jupun early next iear hi bcn umiouuctd by jtailwuy minister thlnyu uchldu in iviklo the project which has bii contemplated since 1910 ulll eot 55000000 construction will uijulre four lean engineer geologicta and experli of the hallway and war mlnbtrles ulll sjiend the remainder of this juir in ytematlc study of foreign iubniurlne tunnels in prepar ation for the gigantic work the iiiiwnius in every icniae of the word the rhin oceros terrifying beast und that fact makes him one of lie most interest ing he weighs generally some four or fle tons and curries the most perfect suit of natural uripor of all unlmuls tho ham of the rhinoceros has always been ii fource of interest in tho eust par ticularly the belier till exbibi tluit it possesses magical properties in tho true ferure it is not horn bvlnji actually form ed of hair which grows from the skin whowiisltthat said one man und god make majority albert ein stein carrolls new bread smacli uiurd cluply aull ey to cut into inowy tlictl cm oil nw loif ol bd ii pifct ten tuulng fcrtd kb dltclou lor undwlckvi tk to of ltiid jut bho3 you bclc for mtv vi tin 24ox new loaf 7c ckirollc ciuouty butter lb 27c cufiollt tur peanut butter lbs 25c wltad rad plum jam uk mi 20c canalit special tea im 23c evaportd milk kins 25c golden evaporated apricots lb 29c ci nw dates willi stones iu 19c westons sandwich biscuiti creamettes lbs 27c carrolls delicious mincemeat lbs 25c catarac dry ginger ale blls 48c nirt btcrosiyj crisco vr djomato tnbausnoanu omed deel aalba nosh at 1lb tin 21c on tin 12c tomatoes 19c aunt jmlnli pancake flour fit 15c cabin put maple syrup 16o til 21c crown of bnanltf corn syrup alt 17c the tat easy way to get clothes clean oxydol extra special fairy soap sunlight t0re soap large p9 2uc cakes ilc bars 15c carrolls limited oranges 229c medium ijmfie weii large dozen also spinach bs 15c cook inc onions bs 9c tomatoes eedu2ss rt cereim eikm heads grapefruit 0z5c lettuce oc htee delivery ihone 158 mill street one 15s acton ontario

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