Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Feb 1936, p. 1

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jvrtow sttt btt sixtyfirst year no 32 actonrontarto thursdayrpebkuary ethri03c eighthomoprinf pages fivocent acton trims georgetown finish group without loss friday night game went to 61 for the acton teant with victory never in doubt georgetown team put up good game acton secured 19 out of possible 20 points now waiting for second place winners acton nntened their jntermediate group hockey gunes on friday night with an other win in georgetown to the tunc of 61 the boys this year played the ten games without loss and finished with 19 point out of possible 20 one game with guelph was tie while the game friday didnt mean anything to either team an far as group btandlng both teams put on real exhibition and served up good hoctey to the rather small crowd in attendance mooney took the first pop at boo in the opening minutes and ward missed on tosts pass when oreer was out of the net walters went off for body check and georgetown took advantage of ihe chance gibson went right la mnd put greer down to save score then acton bottled up the georgetown team and there was some nice passing by both teams scott wad close on loose puck and mkrzo was ditto on lind says rebound the same pair came close again norm morton went right in but richardson beat him and uie mitti to terry georgetown took the play and then terry plastered hot one at richardson that he threw out just as if it burnt butt morton took nice pass from terry for the opening score and richardson had no chance to save minute later marxo took lindsays pass to put acton two up both scored were in the last ninety seconds of the period score 30 for acton and the play as indicated by the score one penalty for acton mooney bored right in at the start of the second period but failed to register on the first attempt after two minuted of play he took nice pass front marzo to make the count three mooney was right in again and ward was close or georgetown hall picked up nice re bound but greer beat him ward and toat combined on nice play but greer their combination terry miss ed on nice fourman rush ricliardson was busy boy duncan went to the cooler for cliarg lug terry tost burled siiot that woj lost in greer pads at eleven mlnutjs norm morion took terrys pass for num ber four goal word went in minute later on nice play und beat greer to save whitewash scott went oh when he dumped tost georgetown pressed the play gibbons made the count ave for acton wiien lie went through the whoki bunch of gmen at seventeen minuted ft wai nice solo play walters went right hi but richardson beat him on the shot norm morton and terry were right in but richard son saved again lindsay made ui count six for acton at nineteen minutes on an unassisted play score 01 for acton and acton the better team pen alties evenly divided at one apiece lindsay failed to beat richardson on the first play and hall missed on nice pass by tost greer saved again from scramble acton was outskutlng and outplaying georgetown richardson beat norm mortont allot and georgetown fn to rzrr whin qnwr wafinirl of his net mooney was close for score just close greer stopped nice at tempt by ward mooney and lindsay went right in came right out again georgetown was trying hard and never gave up hall missed uie open net and oreer hntl another elot tint then was pep aplenty georgetown put everybody dou and bus morton broke away ricliardson came half way to the blue line and beat him on the attempt the period was scoreless the penalties were nil pinal score cl for acton the teams uere acton qwit goal walters and scott defence morton centre terry ami bus morton ungs lindsay marzo mooney and gibbons altcrnatei georgetoun richardson goal dun can and anthony defence tat centre ward and hall wings aibon bradley sargent and sanderson alternates rcfjree johnny jones guelpli music at the arena splendid sound system no fawialled permanently band will flay at the liowy game tho sound amplifiers and music re cently installed at the arena by jack smith hau proven very satisfactory and ore now part of the arena equipment the previous system was disappoint ment buti reports on tills new installa tion are very congratulatory to tho local builder of tho set records arc being secured ond there will bo music at the arena every night the cost of tho system has been met by the special arena fund and there will be no extra charge on skating nights the system hak two horns and it is so arranged that both or only one ol them may be used lul the need arise it lias ample volume for the building the reproducing machine is an electric unit and it and the microphone ore located in the secretarys booth ab tho main entrance and operated by him it will also bo gratlrylng to tho patrons of tlic arena who enoyed tho music of the band at the hockey games to know that arrangements arc also being made to have tho band play at tho garner the arrangements should make tho arerti more popular than ever school board members take allegiance oath other mattel dealt with at the meeting of the school board on tuesday at tlie monthly session of the school board on tuesday evening trustee dr buchanan dr pearen mccleary and ii fruser were pre sent and chairman mcdonald pre sided the members of the board all sub scribed to the new oath of allegiance to iclng edward viii principal macrac reported the suspen sion of victor brlstow indefinitely the truant oificer and principal had con sulted and the board uere agreed that if the principal agreed that he would be allowed to return as by the principal group of books were ordered to be repaired supply of stationery was also to be secured for the principal music for the orchtbtra was also to be secured transportation arrangements for the pupils attending the orchestra practise in guelph in preparation for uie ap pearance in toronto at easter were discussed trustee prater was put in charge of the arrangements the matter of continuing phyrrfcar training at the ymca gymnasium was left over to be considered when the inspector had made hk regular visit dr buchanan reported from tlie jani tor that the public school had been entered on sunday night the matter wwijw ndedtot he mcf of pohco fr fire destroys kennedy block threatens business section block containing store barber shop plumbing shop and two apartments completely demolished was fdfcmer masonic hall and kenney shoe store fire brigade did excellent work in confin ing blaze temperature below westerly gale blowing fire lost night completely demolulied the kennedy block on main street in acton and threatened to spread uirouga tho entire business section only the good work of the fire brigade kept tho fire confined to tho one structure the temperature was eight below stcra and bitter west wind swept down main street carrying burning wood smoke and spray from the hose lines right over tho business section of mill street and fr iwivcral blocks urtwcn were covered with ice but fought the stubborn blaai for six hours to bring it under control the adjoining building occupied by honey was separated from the burn ing structure by only urn fcl at the rear were several old frame outbuildings while on uie west was the bell telephone office with three lines of hose and splendid pressure maintained the pure brigade comlned uie fire to the one building iode officers elected for year society has contributed and aa sisted in many useful tenter prise milk supplied school children the duke of devonshire chapter held its annual meeting at uio home of mrs peter smith on tuesday the membcro took uie oaui of allegi ance to his majesty king edward vetf after two minuted silence had been observed boui secretarys and treasurers re ports showed amost successful year the chapter have contributed to uie follow ing the king george jubueecancr fund uie manltoulln hospital uw en th alarm was sounded about 1015 wment fund christmas stocking uw and while uie brigade responded jl kerr official of fairs association it kerr of acton was elected as second vicepresident of tho ontario falrjj association at tho annual conven uon in toronto uils week mr kerr is ast president and director of acion pall pair and former distlrict pairs president uete well vereed in tho work of the pall pairs and will ably fulfil tho position in uw provincial association president murray secretary xj wright and mr kerr wcro delegates from acton pair to the convention won in dominion contest elmer lashy of acton watt winner of uie prbtc for reference book in uie dominion contest reccnuy conducted bj the national womens christian tem perance union he won lirst place in senior rv elizabeth king of burling ton won honorable tncnuon in uio poster contest for high school students elmer had previously won uie county and provincial awards hi this contest and now hati secured uio highest award ho is son of mr and mrs 111 hard lasby main street and friends join in congratulating him on his winning of this contest promptly uie flru liad made such head way uiat uie roof was well alight before uie water was put on the building the store is at present unoccupied mr prrd davison occupied the barber sliop premkes and mr blah hod his plumbing shop in uie rear of uie building mr and mrs allan klrk ness occupied one of uie apartments and navy league for sailors christmas din ners remembrance day jwrcaui war veterans christmas liampers they liave nlso supplied 2310 botlkhj of milk to school cldldrcn the new officers for 1030 are honorary regent mrs cooper regent mrs blow 1st vlceregcnumrs pearcn 2nd vice regentsmrs mcdon jumlee singers please mr and mrs matu tyler uie other hat above uie stores it li owned by mr kennedy georgetown some of uie contents of the building were removed before uie building was destroyed but water damage will bo heavy tlie furniture of uie npartmqnb and uie contents of tlie barber shop were nearly all taken out none of tlie con tents of blairs shop were caved three lines of hose were put on the blaxe but uie structure which was stucco and sheet metal one with brlcic front wau doomed in cpllo of any effors that might have been put forth water pressure was excellent and the firemen stuck at their posts for six hours be fore the pile of debris was finally ex tinguished the thermometer registered bulow zero and uie howling ucst wind froze the spray of water on everything an it fell at 40 the big brick front collapsed on uio ma in sir oat buuliocc llnoo and men had been kept well clear of it and no one was injured the plate glass win dous in uie store building had broken with the heat earlier but the large win dow in uie barber shop liad to be broken to get the water at uie fire and with stood tlie heat when the building bacfc of it was almost burned away the direct uos flooded with water and is uils morning over foot thick with lee adjoining buildine are ren cased in ice tlie snow on uie roof of tlie buildings was the only thing that saved many of them from catching on fire the building adjoining with honey aa tenant is flooded wlui foot of water it is on lower level uian tliotraat investigation the second report of the finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts red jacket coal co fuel 201 04 highway garage repairs 330 moyer school supplies supplier ic5 national stationers supplies 75 the geo hendry co supplier 00 3ftfstpxs sk imagine ltl georgetown and acton played ime ulth onlj three penalties and uhule period uilhmit one penalty she aint jwliul tlie usvd to bel no uonder doc nelson is all wnlun ten group games and not luss isnt it something to smile over for any man ager acton scored 53 goals in tlie ten game and had 22 scored aguhat ummii oak uie gave guelph bad jolt on thiitttduy when uicy lianded uie hoyul city crew ld trlmmltig right in the hoyl city the report tu adopted permission un guen miss mcmil lan to be ausenffrom school on thurs day afternoon to attend funeral the building is one of uie oldest struc tures in acton although it had been modernized in recent years tlie store uas for years occupied by kenny brov hoe store which actons oldet busi ness ctablttlimpnt thp late john lau son also had quarters herein ftv jears later kennedy vft son con ducted hardware und plumbing ivliops in uili building and talbot liad 57f nart tre there the last occupant una keith ulth hl 5c lo si stov uie taim of which still hunrt in front of the building mr davison and mr secretary mrs barr auaitant secretary mrs praser treasurer mrs macrae assistant treasurer mrs hos sard standard bearer mrti matthews assistant standard bearer airs bishop echoes and educational secretary miss 2t bennett press secretary mrs dills pianist mrti dryden assistant pianlt miss smith opportunities how to meet opportunity was inc subject of another one of rev dr morrows discourses in the ucrles pn sunday evening and proved quite nn interesting study dr morrow divided his study into four types of individuals the man who murdered hti opportunity the man uho met opportunity uie in dividual who grasped lib opportunity and tlie man who created hti opportun ity it war nn inspirauona message to the young folks halton insurance company meeting annual report shown good year directors arc elected on friday then wu1 rood attendance nt the annual minting nn frltav at thn tmvn tconthfued on isige plvej ttu junior htnau with kloiu luul continimxi va tgwi rlw police officer is threatened in making arrest in acton saturday on saturday ewnlng chief mcphrrwm down but the attempt uiuj ihuujj was culled to the iiiiu tr mrs all provincial cojistabk oliver was called under on victoria avenue alieje lur and when the officers returned to uie son prod had become abusive and hiid truck his ilster and uils threutenlnt to do bodily injury to the members of the family when the chief arrived alexander liad gone upatalra to bed and taken uie axe with him chief mcpherson went up stairs to talk to uie man und as ne came to uie head of the btalrwuy alex undur sprung out of bd and grabbing uie uxe tlireatelled uie chief to ok it he dune clomir tile chief tried to renaoii wlui him und get him calmed home alexander wai sleeping and the officer reached his bedsloy before he had chance to secure the ae on being questioned by constable oliver he said he aould certainly liave used uie axe on chief mcpiicrsou if lia liad ax tempud to arrest hhn he was taken to milton and remanded for trial in acton ut police court toduy and luu hi uie meantime been lodged hi uie county jul tilccum lias since been adjobriked for week und will come up for liearlng at next weeks court hall of the halton union farmer mutual pl re insurance company mr lasby president was in charge of the meeting tlie annual financial statement show ed very sat li factory year losscii dur ing tlie year amounted to 1510170 the financial lukjtian of the company uas shoun to be in good condition at the cloje of the year there were 2010 pollclej hi force insuring for 11354553 there were uell over 1000 policies ljiued in tlu put year the cieli on hand and in tlie banlo at the conclusion of the year was proximately 34000 in the election of officers for the usual term or oiriri mr lujby acton uiu reelected mr chas ueadheiui of neloii succeetl mr win hume of milton and mr ford of trafalgar tin iioird of directors ls now duncan camp bell mofful luby ac tun chiai ileadluad nekon wood ireeman daniel graj iiiikburg italic georgetouii pearen acton victor hull hornby messrs thus and moore are uie secntarytreiuiiren tlie virginia jubilee singers proved popular again in their concert in tha united church on saturday evening and were greeted wlui good audience they have appeared here previously and al ways left most favorable impression tlie company comprised eight artists their group songs uphltuals solo trio and quartette numbers were all well nm dered and made well balanced pro gram their plantauon songs presented in costume made pleasing prescnta uon rev dr morrow was chairman and introduced the company the bin it ers attended the church service on sun day morning and contributed appreciated selections to the service of praise united ladies aid meeting the regular business meeting of the ladles aid society of the united church was held on tuesday at the pannage with the president mrs syman in uie chair tlie devotional period was in charge of mrs johnston tl society has been divided into six groups ulth each group to plan their years ork after business uas dliposed of mrs morrow assisted by mrs uamsdci mlsscu bernlce reld jean and sylva morrow entertained the ladies to very dainty lunch after uhich social tlm uas upent opening of township roads and dlskusion warble and rot fly by nasfiagaweya council meeting at the meeting of nassagaueya coun cil on monday accounts were passed as follows for reller 324 50 and mis cellaneous 100 20 tetruditor le they hud ap wintry winds tjw verity of tlu february gales la noud in several incidents uiat have been heard of the juist day or so dog was reported to have been swept oh uie bridge on maria street by uie wind motor cur left standing on uie highway was blown down the road for hundred yards before it wad brought to staiul sull its been quite blow checked all receipts and expenditures of tlie treasurer books finding uiem cor rect but had not completed tilth work sound equipment has been purchased for use at arena council satwficd with the installation of 1renetit equipment oath of allegiance is taken by reeve and councillors accounts are passed for payment occupancy of shoe factory building discussed public school entered on sunday night some person or persons forced entry at one of the rear doors of uie public school and appar enuy spent uie night in the teachers room everything wat hi disorder when mr mann uio caretaker came tho fol lowing morning and the room was in terrible condition tlie llghu had been turned on and during uie evening someone had been sick in the room thc local and provincial police arc luvcsu gatltig matter and liave several im portant clues to work on rev john waldie removing to arthur rev john waldlc who lias been stationed ut walkers ontario lias re ceived call to uie presbyterian churcn at arthur ontario which he lias accept ed prlcndii liere will bo glad to hear uiat rev mr waldle is being stationed closer to uie home of his parents arid his friends acton schools roll of honor the pupils who during january took highest standing in claieg at uie meeting of acton council on monday night councillors tmasai mc millan mccutcheon and nelson were pwmt with reeve harrison presiding clerk parmer had al the off iclala sub scribe to uio oath of allegiance to king edward viil tlie attention of the council was drawn to uio advisability of installing blower for heating at uio pump house by councillor mcmillan tlie pbiance committees third report recommended uiat the following accounu bv paid jones arena supplies ltj if powell rent of sound equipment 2300 ritchie agar coal for shoe factory 080 john williamson wood for hall 000 actom fa pufcji printing and advcrttilng 10i0 acton public uulltles commis sion street ugbung 151 34 acton public utilities commis sion town hall lighting 3t0 acton public mihues commis sion pump bourse lighting it acton public utilities commis sion arena llghung 1040 acton public utilities commis sion power at lire pump 1034 alex mclsaac welding 50 settlor ltolrih gordon mccutclieon 437 margarol scrlven 425 marie brunelle 405 ajirito molozzle 300 beverley arnold 381 kathleen robins 380 total 350 bennett principal junior fourth polly porty 483 pranoec chlsholm 450 lorne masales 441 prances lamb 435 leonard lambert 434 jack chap man 432 total coo foistcr teacher senior third ausun gibbons 481 olga dyriw 470 margaret smith 4g3 dora wood 44c margaret somervlllc 444 ruui plsk 430 total 550 orr teacher senur third charkw arnold 420 bob jackson 377 sammy brunelle 340 emola marcxuk 335 muriel darby 300 mary marxo 270 total 500 junior third eveleen bralda 431 wuimetta smith 359 bobby pearen 354 george hollln ger 340 herbledron 33b winnie daw kins 337 total 500 anderson teacher keillor second victor masters 395 joe taylor 374 edward arnold 372 john turkosz 370 lamb 3c3 lok fryer 301 junior seond eleanor allen 385 betty gibson 381 betty warner 354 may nlcol 340 mae 338 karl mnmtea 337 tolil i00 macmiuan teaclier senior tlrst joan rumley 250 audrey mcklnnon 54 jack stewart 553 dorothy pallant 50 joan pargeter 250 clayton pryer tnmi nnn young teacher junior socoxid margaret ryan 332 george johnson 25088 letter was read regarding arrears of taxes and ordered fyled group of roprcsentauves were pre sent to dlscutj wlui uie council arrange ments for occupying uie shoe factory building recently vacated and uie as suming of uie agreement of uw llcwct son ca council agreed to accept responsibility for the hospital account of mr earl an derson forwarded from guelpli general hospital clerk parmer gave an explanation of controversy over pay menu of the cigar ette license fee of mr john mellon and uie matter was settled councillor nelson reported uiat he had tested the new tuiund equipment in uio arena and felt it was satlifactory and great improvement over the former installauon the special account for the arena showed balance of 100 in uie ac count and it uau felt this improvement uould make the skaung nights much more enjoyable moved by nelson seconded by million that the sound equipment for the arena be purchased from mr jack smith price to be 181 payable out of special arena savings account system to be guarunlevd tor one year arid pay ment to be made on presentation of such guarantee carried council ako favored having uie band play at the hockey gomes as previously us it was felt ifudded more intercctrand enjoyment and the clerk was instructed to write uie secretary of the band to uils effect wlui the new sound equipment popular muulc can now be enjoyed for skating aliii udmlzjuri prices will not be in creased as wau the cose on band nlghlj skating is now quite popular at uio arena again following uie mceung uie council and representative negotiating for uie shoe factory building made tour of inspec tlortof theremherfand decision arrived ut will probably be mode in week or lo in other respects and agreed they would 3g vivian girard 311 annio lasby be ready by next meeting of the coubcii jlmmlc orourke 302 jean brin councll authorised the agricultural die 290 total 450 representative to purchase quantity or powder for warble fly treatment lengthy and intcresung discussions took some time over the warble fly bot fly and the big problem of keeping the township roads open for winter travel council adjourned to meet march 2nd at one oclock senior prhiir joe mirharja jean ghas rose ar nold bruce teacher junior primary eduurd gilii aldo braida jean mavuj betty miutrru frances fryer hetty bauer hunt teacher georgetown 40000 post office officially opened on saturday georgetowns new 40000 post office uas olflclully opened by dr an denuin of milton for score of yearn representative of halton county 111 ths tvderjif hoilu on saturduy afternoon in the presence of some 200 georgetown resident to whom the building was thrown open for inspection during tlie afternoon built by mackemde js son georgetown the building one of tivi imwl uptodate hi central ontario and uuld the most liaiulsome structure hulton county construction was cr rled out in credit valley llnieatone and nearly ull of the raw material of tha building vi ere producetl in hulton coun ty other speakers at uie opening cere mony were hughes cleaver mp blakelock mpjp fleck luoy dale und mackemde mayor jasrpliglbban was clialnnan lor ne hllitu band assisted in the service post office customs and icxclse oitieeii were uurowu open for complete inspec tion following uie series of uddree4 ltie rlrut stump to be bold in uie build ing was handed to mayor gibbons by loatmasler john mcdermld wtu moved hid abarf into uie new building on mon day morn big coming events imiirmenti ol ucciiulb con or oilier kv tuts umler thii it are cliarifftl to ccnlfl trr villi iiuiuiiium charge fur any iiicmrni jjc tliere will be mooting of uio scout mothers club at uie homo of mrs mason on monday wenlng february 10th at 00 owing to the stormy ueatlier uio concert at churchill arranged for feb ruary 5th has been postponed until wednesday ivbruarj 19tii meetnir of the acton radio club uill be held thbi thursday evening hi tlw blement of the talk will be given by an acton old hoy from toronto on amateur radio coitio and bring friend acton luwn bowling und tennis club will preuent the fouract play nio arizona cowboy in acton town hall on march 4th und 5th the cut will include mwes hurt laura mcmulleii marguerite ryder helen cook mora say eid meru jack held ciuul kirfc ilmji jan roiji gordon cook oordon cooper jueih hurst ulu pranoea hurst is director of uie play

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