mob two the acton free press nttmsday january ioth 10 fumuiud btor tbuadar acton ontario uuao slit mlliol sinlc ooola bo o1 ub addraaac mddfaaa rcancud cancellatiohsw0 finl that to thai rclt bo capitation whlta ob rartlom will carried if rrr atdcd 5a bcribcr lb hnfctli buuc ahould be made niuural lttcr order or cheque adver1ts1mc batkslcl nolle lac per br inaction balder tiooj il in blackfmc trtsc pr lc additional notice qul ljl inialtracllon ocb cmcrt cntertalnmcote cburcb aojletj of oraolatioo aoeetlo ate lac ue lol tins bew gladly inaarted mum char sc henorta ol tneel afernoriam notice jlirth urrligr ml in afernoriam notice and loc per marriage ami pcatb notice ii line extra for 11 charge ace cnah it ppltcation are addreaed ng rale var according advtiacment ic per booaed jjci eo 10c catr tbl offici biply ao pace contracted for alinotigh eery precaution will be error the pre pie accept advrtlank in it 00 the underlandlng tlit it veil not be liable error in lay edvertiaement pulllhed hereunder proof ol uch adrertleroeot rehueed in writ the edreitler and returned to the kree lrea oisc duly limed by the advertler and with audi error or correction plainly noud in writing thereon and that caae if any error holed not corrected by the free pree it liability hall not exceed audi proportion 01 tb entire cot ol lich ailvehlaeiuent the pace occupied by the noted error hear to the whole pace occupied by aucb advertiement old for any lea by aulof dilui ejilo better to know the worst it is gratifying to learn at least that while deficit of l200000p will be shown by tho provincial gov ernment that the electorate is not being fooled and told of surplus when delicit should have been reported it would seem that the liberal regime lias profited by the experience of tho late hjcnry govern ment and realizes fully that the electorate cant be fooled that is big deficit but it is better that wtf should know about it than that it should be covered up and charged to capitid expenditure there has been quite an outcry against various levies of taxes nope of these levies were popular but if the present outlay of relief is to be continued it is quite evident that governments will have to continue in fhese and further levies of tnxes there is limit to the addi tions that may be made to capital expenditure it is well to know honestly where wo stand and that wc are spending more than we raise perhaps pre sentation of our iliiancinl position will bring home realization of how it must be met the hiding of the outlay certainly has got us into nice mess th sunday school esson ga fob suniay januajlv 3u telewiqnaks dtorul beiulctlcc who is going to finish it premier aberhurt and his social credit venture nre bcfrinniiik t0 how tit the easiest part of nn election isnt the winning but rather the fulfilment of preelection promises major douglas who wrote the book on this plan may or may not be coming to alberta to prove his theory the writing of book is something like election promises different entirely from carrying the theory into everyday prac tise weve read the past tew days several very interesting books one of them wc recall scntur good baines and the story of making millionaire from scratch start as good yarn fact is it jias even social credit backed off the map for ucccsrs7butwc dont sec it being applied in every day life newspaper report the other day quotes premier aberhart as saying it seems settle now he major douglas will not come here until the session is over but am determined that lie must come here at that time if he does not ill undertake his job myself but hes the man to do it jksus nuaaiuaa hok his woitx oumcn tvxt thou jhal worship thu uid thy god unci him only ahult thou mrvc lukv usswm txt 31 2a timu alx 27 ploecs sicthany bo yond jordu11 mid tho wlltkmu there about expoaluon tho baptism of jcfiiiu jemw sllnujuu tho bapthwr wltli tlui holy spirit und lire coniuj ui john to bupllzwl with water could uliylhhu huiku hiorw plain uo linportuiee ot uutur huptlni7 god commands it us tho form by which mail aluill publicly confewj tluit ho renounce shi jcrub wait not jln livr but ha toolc tlm sinners place and waif mudo to bo sin in our behalf cor si jesus wuit proyhitf tut 3in went down into tho water christian may leurn to vuluo prayer when ho sii tlie saviour thus cngaavd in thu solemn hour of his life thu best of us will retrret our coldness to prayer when in another hko we ma how power ful viu the ntteiicy it exertod upon us jejuji prayed and praying uic lcuvcn opened and the holy ghot dscnded god juvo him twofold testimony tlu vblblc dove and the uudlblo voloo cf phils matt 17 tluj dove ias it mkii to john tibio job 33 was his own baptism wltli the holy spirit john 33 tlie ilonce of tlie nes wa broken god was well pleased that one was found lit and uuuntf to take mana place he flpoie rloud from the open heaven he pro claimed jcaun my son the belowd one and declared hlr dclltiht in 3iim ii the flrit temptation j3utsfac worshlp for himself that la tho very caicrux of devlllsm ho would havfi tho son of ood render to him that worship which belongs to god alone tho devil li tlio priuoo of this world jolin 30 und it won not altogether lie hen ho said all tills authority und klory had been delivered to him and whomsoever would kivo it ho sevis get jcjuj to grarp tlilo authority rlkhtfuliy lllr by another way hum oiat of the crues auin jcus meets him wltli uic word of god iv the third tomplallon appeal uj irldu and lretle having been met twice with uu ocrip turrs satan himself quoui uiuin in uio third umptation hut ho mistiuotcs them he leavtsi out aji important clause cf ii ul 11 cnu nrrclf to watch the irvhu juota lions of scripluro cf mrs kddys und iaslor itusjells writ inits closely he is llkidy to quote near ly as it is but not just rluht und to omit important conuxt jar jvjus to have uccepted tills cliallciiuc 6f satans uould have been to doubt gods word by making iui experiment umipt god vj show spiritual pride by mak ing display or trust in god without any otlier purpose bliig wrved by it llm temptation covered thu iiurc forty day tlie tlireo temptations recorded lire the climax and utv typical jcaiis met tliem lu such state of physical exhaustion and weakness us would make usktunec difficult and failure moeit ex cuwjjle he did not fall ro now no one can plead adtvrse circumstances ai juiitlflcatlon for wronudolnif al our lordu quotations were from ixutroii omy ko wonder the devil hates that book and has ittrred up the critic to ajasnulfc it hnppy is the man who known belle veil and uijia deuteronomy jesus never hnd any ifs and buts nbout the authority of tlie holy scrip ture with him it was always tho final rullnk in all matters concerning human conduct and mans relation to god is delicious ktkam tkaim ivott an houit hon the senses 14 the moment or loftiest spiritual vxul tntlon satan the spirit by the temptations of the lust or the flesh tlw lust of the eyes he and uie vainglory of life cf john it may work nil rijtht if we dont ju lia te our currency to point where wc hi immediately succeeded by blowout duluth news tribune fiercest assault the baptbim of vour world rcrtb foripvedure niudi hi the trial run of hrltului silver jubllie jlrealiulned steam train last september nceiit study of the record of the run reveals the maximum spjcd far the journey hetuetn klntfs croii and grantham was 11j miles per hour for dblance of 1s mihti an overage tm of 1705 miles pr hour vus main tained tlie dltance being covered in 13 minutes 67 seconds il mlliyi were run at an average speed of loo miles an hour und 70 miles ut im average spedd of 01 miles an hour tttv train was hauled by streamlined iteom locomo tive named silver link and consisted of cars with gro weight of 230 tons its advantages veterin anyhow theres one ad vantage in hiving wsoden kg lrkiui whats that veteran ycu can hold you socks up with thumb tacks jlst iumvlt dont ou agrc that time the greit healer he may be but hes certainly no beauty plclallrt in akckntina tliev utltl thu ie ooffke btuong in argentiiru tiwy drink their cocwj extra strong and so tliey dont need per colator srvants which arc very cheap do tit uisblng und that ruus out wash ing machine liut tlvey do like their tojut uhich making good demand lor electric toajut those coming prin cipally from tlie united states accord ing to the industrial department of tlie cunudlan national hjillvtays sweden ha corner on the supply of vacuum cli oners while in the matter of electric sloiv tlie use of which on tho in crease theje come from tlie united states ilritaln and germany vasv well johnny said the uncle who hadnt seen him for some time you are gttiiijf to be quite bltf boy now arent you yep replied thj kid pup says im r3ulnir like the public debt ckatitkjlfh she nut if you say jou cant bear thrrgirlrvhyvvrr did proixusev he well her people liave always been jiwlully good to me and its the only way could return their hospital ity an operators license recently the fergus newsrecord called atten tion in reporting an automobile accident to pro vision of the highway trnffic act that apparently is not known to many drivers it is section 88 and requires that every person in charge of motor vehicle who is directly or indirectly involved in an accident shall if the accident results in personal snjurieaorindflniagotopropcrtyapparcntlyeyxced ing 50 report such accident to police office there used to be little booklet issued by the department giving the rules of the road and outlining what was required of the driver of motor car wc havent seen copy for some time but it might not be bad idea if one were included with each drivers permit each year so that more motorists would become familiar with what is required of them we note on the envelope of the new markers that notice is given that the department must be notified of any change of ownership of the car bearing the plates yet traffic court has offenders of that section quite fre quently there arc lot of things involved outside of the expenditure of dollar when one buys an operators license it would save lot of addi tional expenditure if the purchaser took an hour or so to become acquainted with his responsibilities when he uses that license to operate motor vehicle started this social credit thing have taken my ideas from him the thing is started alright but the question now is avho is going to finish it were glad now that we didnt buy and read all those s6cial credit books that were offered us for nine or ten dollars while ago major douglas seems to have been forceful writer permanenjcy rather than speed the wisdom of the dominion government in put ting the proposed social legislatjpn to court test in comparison with thoplan of tho united states ic mimnhy ic the temptation was neces sary preparation for our saviours worlc just as neceiasary or wan the baptism with the holy spirit ileb 17 ib 15 10 we sometimes wonder why god suffers us to be tempted ahd tried as wc arc it is that we may bo fitted for the uork he has for us to do jesus temptation was of thu devil it came from uithout not frorri within tlie personality of uic devil is here clearly taught also his malignity cunning and final defeat the preceding chapter doses with remarkable testimony to jesus divinity this one sfcnz with an equally remarkable witness to his the reality and complflo made at home the slogans of buy at home and patronize home town merchants have many arguments in their favor and have often been put forth for further development of the community another quatyornctnrpsttrn to patronize your liomc industries the institutions that make the payrolls every week in your town newspaper feature writer says you should never forget the importance of the various industries that make your town and never lose nn opportunity to encourage andassist them in their growth for there in rests the success of your community and the welfare of all who live and work there for in stance leather is manufactured in acton why not insist that your allocs arc soled with leather made here that your belts are product of the local institution gloves are being made and giving em ployment to many actonians children underwear is local product and provides good section of the community with livelihood auto parts are made and distributed from acton we might go on at some length your purchases lmiv seem small but supposing we all had that loyalty and faith in the prodlictfi with which should be helactuainied and all insisted on wearing these products of home industries wouldnt it be quite boost in our em ployment figures and eventually improve our own local conditions ncss of lilt human nature are plainly ffjen not only in that he war tempted but in his hunger and the way he met and conquered temptation to say that he was human however is not to say that he could sin he was real man but he uas perfect man absolutely holy hi human as woll as his dhine self said no to sin in act thought and feeltnc his whole ielf was sinless thn devil had absolutely nothing in him and yet ontario and other provinces are being assist j0 14 30 in this first temptation and carrying on the old age pension scheme satan appealed to jesus through the medium of bodily appetite satisfaction of which was normal and right if it certainly wise one no false hopes have been raised or partial application of the proposed measures been brought on if the legal difficulties in the way of the desired legislation are pointed out it is not stop page to the fulfilment of measures if they are ac tually in the interests of the majority but merely temporary delay the application of old age pen sions in dominionwide plan was found not possible through the provinces it is better to find the dif ficulties to be surmounted and bring in the reforms so that the provisions will be operative than to find out later that the wrong procedure had been made and have them thrown out by the courts the gov ernment headed by hon mackenzie king can be entrusted to bring on social reform as fast as it is adaptable to the people just as the old age pension scheme was made possible so will way be found to make necessary measures operative there is not likely to be any pretense or false promises but an orderly bringing in of the new legislation but co operation must exist throughout the dominion in reasonable measure to secure the greatest good fnnrom notfs hauptmann is still figure in the headline what vacancy he will leave for the dailie ever leaves aly if he uvre done by rliht methods he intro duced it by suggesting doubt of the truth of gods word god had just said thou art my beloved son satan said if thou art the son of god the devil is great at putting ifs before gods statements had jesufi accepted the devils challenge he would thereby have taken himself out from under those human conditions and limitations under uhich he hod voluntarily placed himself for our redemption phils 08 ueb 14 it would have involved throw ing up his entire mission the redemp tion of man by divine nemon who had become real man essentially the same sin to uhich satan tempted our lord is committed by men today uhen they taje themselves out of the sphere of anrrinraannrrnltrhrip uhtvh fhny rains have come to therescue of the ethopians in their struggle against the italians and without anyones particular suiction either must live if they are to have saving pouer with their fllowmen jesus met thl and the other two temptations with the word of cod it li written was his constant reply ill the second temptation worldly power 50 in the second temptation the devil romvs out in his true cplors lie seeks lord tweedsmuir it seems has become hockev fan after witnessing his first game and the second and following games are et to come tnronto has been having another rather ridiculous pi esentation the past tew weeks thank gnndness the ci is pictng tluelytire cost of its own police pro ik bladder troubles bother miny past 40 srrll lilt of ten an victim ivrllrr triw llnu lrtlilj mi if lliirf ultli kn mill il il nrcr iii kn bittti tlm tl iqc icapt snacks snow cp pilchards heinx potk fctw beans yllow sput peas lbs grden ptch coldcit orw hctiiut coved beef 12 ayln sive eas regal or sila plain salt pkgs pure black pepper 7oi tin sale pitujncw dates lb 10c peacnes valb 10c olives 4ii 10c pears nosu 10c auatraltan seadlcm raisins lb 10c rice lbs 10c hcllmabnl mayonnaise 10c bcdmmi oaf st llivrrcntd corn starch 10c gr0w walnuts 10c lb lbs 10 10 spaghetti or macaroni carrolls rich old cheese libbvs sauer kraut kirks castile soap bi 10 aotoowwo clothes pins 10 chocolatecoated shortbreads 15 five roses all purpose flour 24 83 domestic or easifirst shortening 13 frvs breakfast cocoa 19 christies salted soda biscuits lb bo kffkls rhklish 30 mustard glasscos pure ora marmalade 4ez tin 2a glasscos pure oramge armaiaae 23 carrolls tin joli iw bi ml miii vi id onl li hui us iritl i1 iililit llm ui impe ii ii ueik thf mi im liumli tij win luve tune rur llnu urvi iiii kill niiuhri lilc iiiu nu woman councillor creates history is heading wau in trulj iii drrful incl iivi tinin nil pralm tthing ol oikvillcs first woman councillor if slu acts ainthmj like the birjseve centre new ueeve sliell leave some history all njht will inn prmit ui tin nil tnv hiiiiicip lhas ouruiu il niulu alm dp tri illmfiit it seems mr henry doesnt think 1000 is suf ficient to allow for the painting of his portrait about year and half uu it would have been painted if exhibited in some ijiinrters for nothing aifd the artists would have enjoyed their labor one of the brampton papers calls the attention to the council of that town that the trallie lights there arent timed rijht most motorists win drive through hrainptoii think there never was time when they were needed rn is rum mr nr imiatails to liu alim it ulit miudic hie kldiuw ind hrliik tin mi muii ulilrh iiricn ill lt hull ilsmntlui rvcry iullricr ii tin in liliu mhlk and diun tliruuili ir ilns stintv hut irrtjufnt uiiriatiiui gttliilupnlnhl rum inliiblllty ami lau1 nf 1nrin huuld iry tlu jilitutui milne cif the i3r jiimtli utirth whvlah fnrimilu ut once any io nl tlrimil urn tuplv jou nil udelln ue prtimle ut itbtuitum or uuitirj lucl onions soini and dlty ms 9c potatoes iooi cookehs 25c pt grapefruit 25c onions navei mkdlm and iaitie itiucit s1zks llc lie ic doen doz lettuce tomatoes 2b ik kkilkkc flttm hkads fhkl dkuveiiy itawamas kihm he1j rnone irs mill street phone 153 acton ontario