Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 5 Dec 1935, p. 5

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thursday itbiwp 6th ism the acton free press paqb rvrm mr boyd clark of toronto la holi daying at hi homo her mr and mrs james iteed attended the funeral of mr john kear orton on sunday musco grace qlbson laura and marjorie ball spent the wfcknd with friends in guelph mr and mrs macarthur mr james mills mr and mrs win buck of carnpbcllvlllc vulted friend an hamil ton on sunday mrs browning of toronto visit ed this week with her alster mrs robert mcpherson who friends will be pleased to leam is recovering nicely from her recent operation and was ablo to return from the hospital last week mr and mrs frank day mr george day who has been several weeks in guelph general hospital miss margaret thomas of rockwood and mr fred day of the collegtanr institute wood stock visited at tho homo of mrs wansbrough on saturday stuffing the holiday roast by barbara brooks be sure to make lot of stuffing is often the last warning to the cook when holiday meals are being planned at thfa time of year then nothing is mom welcome than good stuffing recipes for isnt the roast game fish fowl or joint the first thought in our traditional feasta and stuffings are important there are really two schools bf thought on this subject in some regions the rich dry stuffing is considered perfect in others the moist one there is aomo difference of opinion tooasto season ings in whatever way tradition settles the matter there are still some varia tions from the basic recipe which may be made either to adapt the stuffing to the particular kind of meat or to add an element of surprise in the meal whether stuffing is made in the dry or moist manner the addition of bran improves the texture because this cereal softens and swells in the baking process bran also increases the richness of flavor men of acton oft saturday december 7th will open new clothes shop for men at 123 yonge st toronto featuring every new fabric pattern shade model and guar antecd quality exclusive but not expen sive vxtend to you very hearty in vitation to visit our new shop and aauro you my very best per gonal attention george wallace 123 yonge street opp ryrlos toronto canadians compete at chicago here is bran stuffing recipe with modifications for several types of meat the recipe is for tlio dry kind but can be changed easily to maie the other typo simply let the bread crumbs soak hi water or milk for few mlnutea then drain and press the excess liquid from the crumbs and proceed with the recipe as given basxo recipe cups soft bread crumbs cup bran cereal cup incited fat teaspoon salt teaspoo teaspoon poultry seasoning optional combine bread and bran with molted fat and seationlnga aipl stoffbtfa add one cup chopped tart apples to basic or onion recipe celery stoffing add one cup finely chopped celery to bmao or onion recipe chestnut stdttsna pound chestnuts cup soft bread crumbs cup bran cereal vi cup melted butter teaspoon talt li ttospoon pepper tablespoons cream remove shells and brown tjdn from chestnuts steam or boll gently until tender masli add crumbs bran butter and seasonings add the cream and mix thoroughly mtjsimoom stopping ujj basic recipe cooking ebt siloed niushroonis in the fat onion stuffing add one tablespoon minced onion to basic recipe oyster stufrtno add to basic recipe teaspoons salt vl cup celery fnuinyclioppdt pint oyaters finely cut onion finely chapped cup heated oyster liquor cup melted fat raisin stttwlno add to basic recipe cup needed raisins cupclioppcdnuu teaspoon age sagfc srowmo add two utpoiu powdered sagd to basic or onion recipe kudules wiiy tlia merrit letur in thu alphabet because it is always in fun row do we know tliat bunnies kosslp arbecauoe they are all tall bearvnt man in spiritual affinity with this eternal mind will think the beuutliul thought or god in the terms of beautiful life ttiomaa mucer progress uvi growth of power is tvo end and boon of liberty and without this people may have the name but want the substance and bplrit of free the 30th annual international live stock fcxpofiltion and the l7th inter national oraln and hay show at chicago where farmer from canada will again compete with farmers from all parts of the united states and other countries is an event of outstanding inbrrest more than 12000 head of live stock and 6000 exhibits of grains and seeds have been entered canadians have been very much in evidence at tho live stock exposition and the grain and hay show ever since they wcre inaugurated and have each year carried off some of the most coveted awardd last year canadian exhibitors were awarded total of 17 champion ships 17 reserve clnnplonslilps cc ursc prises and nearly 500 other prizes canadas specialty has been winning tho world wheat championship which in 1034 was awarded to john ausop of wembley alberta for an exhibit of howard wlwat variety of parti red bprlng wheat originated by the dominion experimental farnai this marked the thirteenth timo that canadian was crowned wheat kling since the grain and hay show was first imul at chicago andtho twentieth timebln cc the in tcmatlonal grain and hay contests were introduced books for lqnflly unlvermlry of alberta supplies beading matter to men and women in faraway places miss jessie montgomery librarian of the library division of the department of extension in the university of alberta has estrangcy library and conducts more fascinating information bureau than most of her professional colleagues rir task includes the choosing end sending out of parcels of books to be read in the faraway huts of the miners and by men pi tinned for dreary months in the arctic circle night and she posts love stories to cuiadiin wives in the solitude of farms 50 let from village in an interview miu montgonwrry de scribed how she rctilvcs letters from the women of these disolate farmstrads asking what is th best way to feed my sixtnoothsold baby is it too young foe meat how shall best preserve my fruit please send me some patterns for making dress answer hundred of these she said simply when the 11000 books of my travelling library come back each one is shaken and out of them tumble ears of wheat and oats from the wagons in which sunburunt workers have been reading them on some jolting journey box of books may ravel 1000 miles and be away for month but so great la the appreciation and care that they come back cleaner very often than if aomcona in the next street had iwirrowed them for day or two the men in the lumber camps like adventure stories they are the 100 per cent hernen suppose and they like flood red blooded story few prefer love storlc but they will not have the highbrow modern problem novel at any price historic cape breton loulsburu stands near the bemaina ol karller french svnklvmcnt abandoned to iirltth along the buiki of the mini river less than score of mile from sydney nova scotia are traces of the inhabitants who lived in loultliurfl before the fortress fell to the brltub who lived in the district 100 years before the came in to settle with the discovery of further relics on the site of oils almost forgotten french settlement steps ore under wjy to con duct further excavations with view to finding out more about the life of this village tn the french regime of 200 years ago its history la written in the hollows of the forest in the almost obliterated lines of old foundations and the branches of fruit trees planted lonrj ago mere was settlement under the french prosperous and highly develop ed it had farms brickyirdt shipyards presentation ta mr and mrs mr and mr brown friends homer her parent storey the home of mr and mrs storey was tho scene of happy gathering pn saturday evening november 33rd when more than hundred neighbors and friends met to spend social evening with their daughter wllma and her hunband and to present them with miscellaneous shower the early part of tho evening was spent in cards and dancing after which tho gathering was called toorder and in few well chosen words louis brown low called upon john black to read tho following address while misses mablc mcgregor and katherlno anderson pre sented them willi beautifully decorated basket overflowing with gifts dear wilms wo are gathered together tonight to meet with you and your hunband and to bring our greetings to you for long and happy married ufo we as neighbors have known you and have seen you grow up in our midst and unco you have launched your ship on tho sea of matrimony wo want to mark that event in your history in some tangible manner hence jour meeting with you tonight you have left our neighborhood to moke your new homo in tho midst of strangers and so wo would desire to follow you hi some definite man ner and help you to remember tho friends and neighbors you have left behind so kindly accept from us thb miscellaneous shower of things that arc to be used and of other things that can bo abused and when you do so think of tho givers and tlio imppy life ou spent in our midst yours with every good wish for prosperous married life signed malile mooltbgon jo1u0 ulack oth mr and mrs urown made fit ting reply thanking them for their kind ness and extending to all warm hi vltatlon to vut tlicm in their now home in felora nr rounded by trenches for protection from the indians today few treesthe out line of an old road remain to tell the slory of settlement earlier than the modern town with its white houses and shaded utreeu for century after the fall of the fort ress in the middle eighteenth century the settlement was empty louses decayed the chapel fell into ruins the brickworks and thlpytrds went to pieces only tra dition remained when the first english colonists came in century before the french villages iiad taken their canoes and small boats and travelled down the mlra river and across the head of the bay to mlra gut overland they went to urn forbfss and w4 transport back to france halton county sells debentures oootinued from page one breckon that the clerk be instructed to secure the approval of tho ontario municipal board on debentures under bylaws 079 and 680 and when approv al secured liavo debentures printed carried mr amos mason ac ton and mr jamlcson brampton representing the halton and foul childrens aid society interviewed the council with regard to ccuring room in tho court house an olflco for tho use of mr frank tliompboii county superintendent of the childrens aid society it was felt that an ofllcu was urgently needed by mr thompson for tho efficient carrying out of ills duties it uos left to tho county buildings committee to tnako lnqurlcs and report to tho council moved by mr currle seconded by mr irving that tills council adjourn to meet at the cull of tlm warden car ried canadas ukin0ett ueku nnuving alio well is the latest word from canadas reindeer and tho condition or the herd and tho prospects for lht future development are considered highly uat isfactory after trek of over 1g00 miles across tho rim of tho arctic clrclo from wes tern alaska to the 6600 square mils preserve east of the delta of thu mac kemdo illver tho reindeer wre deliver ed by the vendors to tho canadian gov ernment ivpreentatlvi in march 1035 shortly after delivery tho first fawning at tho govcrnmeilr station took place and an result 811 fawns were added to the herd the total number of animals at the station as shown by thu august roundup was well over 3000 bath tho young and mature animals havo progrfjmd rapidly on tho nplendld forago available on the reserve much to tho gratification of those engaged in establishing tho herd when tlio herd won delivered tho count allowed that there were 2370 animals including 1408 females of all tties oil bulls yearlings and male fawns and 2fll etftcrs tills was female par devotion when it does not lie under the check of reason is apt to degenerate into enthusiasm addison oenlugu of over 6j per cent whlchws cousmeml highly satkilactory after ui long drive with tlk reindeer estab lished on their new grajdng range tho officers in charge consider that for tlio better development of the herd tho num ber of breeding males aliould be reduced and as result there la now surplim of about s0 steum or all ages certain number of the mature anintii tliat in those of thrcr years of age and over will be slaughtered from time to time to provide food and clothing us required the work of training apprentices with the object of eventually fctabllsliing small lirds among the natives has al ready begun and two youtlw one on aaklnio and tlw other wlille boy have been engaged ttmso boys will serve under the alx herders three lappa and three laklmo uow on the wtarf of the station the practice of training natives as herder and tlie dkitributing of num bers of rehidcer to tlloae apprentices us payment for tlielr services has proved successful hi tlw development of the reindeer industry hi alaaka and whether thk aystem will bo given trial at the canadian station is now under conau erntiou worlds population eoormotii yearly increase althotiqb some countries show oecline there are zototvxhoo human beings now living in the world according to the statistics published in the league of nations year book these fifjuren show in incresne at the rate of about 20 000 000 per year asia remuns the most populous conti nent with 1103 000000 the combined populations of north and south america totil 252000000 europe for the firtt time passes total of 506000 000 threat britain shows total of 46000 000 uhlle italy with 41000 000 how decrease as compar ed with the figures of recent years rus sia remains europes most populous country with 127000000 austrilisli includiiui now zealand counts 10000 000 inh klints special dance kyan aud guecph saturday dec feat0juno len allen and his orchestra direct from tlie old mill and brant inn no attvancc in kklcs dancing every wed couple 70c inc tax camel tluit carried npoieod tlie cimcl uhich ik ic funous for having carried nipolcon bon rl dur ing his campaign in italy will tio fo the new napoleonic museum which the linron gourgutd is completing cn the island of aix the camel was brought back to prance and when it died it uis stuffed and put away in the muscu of the rue geoflroys nnt hailaire in paris wiikre heroes sleep flnrhil nrnnndt tlirnnnhniir ill nnrm tnirr 111 in which are graves of sailors and sol dim of tlir british empire who uere kilhd during the war number 1570s according to the thirteenth annual report of the imperial war graves commission ilicse tombs commemorate 1101 r90 dead the mortality hv of the empire irnm 19h to 1018 ol this number 587119 are burled in identified jrive while 517771 men are commemorated whose xitnvta ar notloiowa tliocouu fry where the largest number of british le is thus cominemorted is prance with 530847 of whom 213017 areun identifled in llelolum there are 184712 of whom 102424 are unidentified in rope total of 908621 deceased men and women are commemorated superstitious plsherpolk mariner ire notoriously superxtluous the local governing council of cronur in agreeable little township on the nor ulk coast is respecting the superstition if he local flslurnien in renard to weather ane depleting large crow mrh wij rrryiffl uy tl rnun ii hie llkhermen say the weather has hiii consiilently bad since the vane was nit up and they have not been able to itch so jny crabs and lobsters the row they aswrt is bird of 111 omen id llit ol death in deference to lirse repreent tlons the vane is to be ii down and new on depicting ii it hi il is to lit et uii curioui man cromer coitof arms laee crows on it why is thunder like jeweller because they both make tlw ear ring homeland for christmas and hogmanay clirlstmac tailings from halifax december 8th and december 15th tickets and other information re paunorl etc gladly arranged flefititra tlons for tlio legloa vlmy pilgrimage july 103q re ceived here itcglstcr early wright piione3 raid lbjjt okie mill sl 8s atrtn ont gregory theatre nun ay kkcimkui etit in old sante pe thrilling action drama fitarrlnif ken xsuynard comedy high wide and handsome cartoon molly moo cow and uiq indians chapter of llurn em uarnts kaitjicday llttlmiltu jth rile man they covvo not hang thu uni itory of john lee tho mosittlitound lug caim la lory lau glut bara tlirlll ouiiedy homework lox newa monday 0ctmlicu 0th muiisuitr girl detective capture jublu hero no alarrlng tlally kurra uiui cluuiur morru comedy husbanda holiday novelty cliaa ahearna milluinalrca boy scout notes xlic tlrst regular meeting of tho scout mother club wail held following tho scout mlctlng on monday night mrs hasxard tlio lrcsldent conducted very lutiibdmtlc meeting iplans for tho troop and pack birthday party were dlfcuvuu january 3rd was suggested as suitable date lunch wait iarvcd fol lowing brief program of musical num bers and reading tlio urplutt cand ulches ucrc left fortlio transients nt the town hall this was probably tho clubs first olflclal good turn there was iw attendance at tho regular scout meeting martin hassard uos lnvaud an scout and presented with tho troop scarf two wolf cubs who haw reached twelve years of age have applied for membership in tlio troop scoutm aster mason attended tlie annual banquet of tlie 1st milton troop held in tlie town jybdl milton bn november 20th italy and the boy scoots 40000 boy scouts hi italy as part of his plan to secure national unity mus aollnl demanded but one youth move ment the balllla the junior branch or tho facktl vollowlng discussions the iipe acquleiccd and reluctantly closed down the italian scout association mussolini however jjot antagonistic toward tlio scout movement in other countries scout visitors to italy havo been received in friendly faahjon and witli out any attempt at propaganda win cuam110nsimk in tailm onjneconxir the fifth annual national contest at tlio iloyal winter lvllr toronto la con nection with the canadian boyii and girls farm clubs were held on tuesday novemb 19th and resulted in teams trom alberta taking llrst awards for bef cattle swine and seed grain three out of total of sbc quebec won in dairy cattle manitoba hi seed potatoes and new brunswick in poultry thlrtytuo tea hit of two members each winners in the cluht provincial contests went to the iloyal winter iuir un guests of til canadian council on boys and girls club work and represented total of 1000 clubs with membership or 30283 in nl tlie nine provinces of the do minion the ratings for the awards in the projects of the competltlonu uvre based on actual judging and an oral exumlna tionrelatlng to the project the team comprlxd sixtyone boys and three girls louisa kerr and haael selllck of stan ley uho uon llrst in tlie poultry project and marlon wood mt herbert member or the bethel short horn club at the opening dinner of the royal winter imlr on wednesday night november 20 til dr barton deputy minister dominion department ot agriculture presented each or tlio teams that won tlie highest score in powilbleo floorwilhkehft icnge troph lndlcatlve or the dominion champion ship to bcj retained for one year fciich member of tho varlou championship teams was ako awarded miniature trophy as his or her own property and was given an inscribed medal the win era hi tlie six projects wervi as follow dair caltlif queler sou th lcal feeding cluhmomes simmons and it hoy simmons both of aylmer sat tvam more 1045 points beef cattlo alberto lacombe beef cttir club thamaa blglands laoomba kdwin petliybridge ovjcs team score 0c3 points swine alberta dlna swln cjub orlun uratvold molaughlln and burnu ntrhobum dlna team score 007 pointy poultry now bruruwlck stanley poultry club louisa kerr and haul selllck botli or stanley team scor u4u polntst stcd araln alberto grande ivulre grain club justyn higby weiiuiy and arthur mkclcey oexminlth team score 1004 polnu seed potato manitoba whyuwold ihiutn club hurry jolnuvon winnipeg uracil and mcphern whyte wold leam aoore ltkstf pobiu wifey dear haw uu woe leaf cloreat little hut downtown today hubby hrbig it out and put it on lets ace liow you look hi it canadas fisheries gain canadas sea osherlea registered sain of 105000 cwta in quantity and nearly 87700 in value in september with the atlantic cod and tlio pacific salmon as chief bontiibutora the catch of flah and alicll fish amounted to 340030 cwta with landed value of 1774530 compared with landings of 1045410 win valued at 1g8c875 in september 1034 on the atlantic coast the sea flah landings increased by 108070 cwts and tlio value by about 40000 on tha pacific coast tho catch gain was about bg 300 cwtn and the gain in value to tlio fishermen as landed was trifle mare than 30600 in all of the rsca flalicrics provinces except prince edward island increases were registered in both catch and landed value insurance fire car accident sickness etc harrop representative gore district mutual norwich union cmun fire intamnoe company the alliance aaonuue co the caanalty of catmda aanmaoe the merchanu caaroaliy co tho portagelaltalrle mntnal em stark r0 jfodcru trend ommetrist will be at rachlins store acton on friday december 6th 1935 tiione i4s pott aitointment tuoolo addrcs sail 165 medleu itenul boudtal 435 spadlna avcdw kx zzs2 woods grocery famjly grocer weekend specials phone 37 it lb pabtoy flova 6x0 is lb pastov vtoxm sko lb pastky vlova si pkts durlintn corn starch 19a lb seedij2s3 liaisins i5 iba 6toneless dates lb cdt mixed pkkti zso lb slbacitkd ra1bins 18o lbs icwa soaak iso bottle maraschino cherries lie lb red rose tea for sjo trbrfrftfrltaftafor hsc lb mixed pancy 11isc0jt3 3sj lb sheuod walnuts mo lb qunllty mincemeat lie 32oz bottle suect cider iso lb thistle bakfiie powder lo lb enffo baking powder 24c lb arrow blend tka 44c 37oilhot mixed st plcklea 2so 37cabot st mustard pickles 2so 10oihot st wlilto onions mo lb vacpac cowee 44c lbs best rice isc ibr01lanuiiated30ans5e greatest values in dry cleaning acton has ever seen trutex cleaning dyeing owing to the success of our new exclusive trutex process of dry cleaning we are offering sensational bar for limited time only ladies suits dresses and ocoats mens suits and ocoats service and satisfaction guaranteed free pickup and delivery jack stewart cleaner dyer acton aglint harry mainprize barber mill street phone 46

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