Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 Nov 1935, p. 2

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paok two the acton free press thursday novehbdl 14th ims she artnn xtt rtbb puwuiud kt tbrut amo 0irf uiudstmi stalitlol sirl copu 5c both old 4drm rtflwitti cajcl1at10sw dm thl of ihoald 4c by rltrcd bu mow order cheque advehtisinc ratksl1 nolle ic lloo for fi insertion line for eocb tubsequent lntrtioo si vctr liot lo cb lioof in buok uo lnrxllon ou tctiont cboh ojletj or ofnullon nihil oe ll ns cbc report of hio u41y injortcd trie in ucmitia notice coc od loo per uo ctr cor pom birth mrrue nudelb ollce ree sou idllemnt per mid mmmum cbre booed tlao toe etr abi pplclloo re iorjej pco contracted for auoouib ery precaution will be to rold ot tb kr pre tu ilt column ror iba rroe run the under landing that it will jot be llhle rot in ny dvertiernent publlh rot in ny dertiement pububed proof uch drertleroeot requeted in writrn by tbj drrtlar and returned to the rree pre bume office duly lined by the dertler uj with euch error or correction plaint ootod in wrtu theeoo nod in that cue uuy error ao noted hot corrects by the tfiee pre it lublhty binnitrwreeducb propor ol tbe entire cot oi ucb wlvertiement the pceoccupied by the noted error ber to the whole pce occupied by each ulvertiement aklof d1ixs editor telephones editorul wd iluilne oirice ty kejence speed costs it is not generally known that tho fastor auto mobiles travel tho greater the consumptionofgaso lino but such appears to be the case thirteen kinds of cars were tested to ascertain if that fact applied to them all the american automobile association gives the following as the result of tests made 30 miles an hour 18 miles per gallon go miles an hour 120 miles pcr gallon 80 miles an hour 86 miles per gallon oil consumption is seven times as great at 55 miles an hour as at 30 miles an hour this is we suppose no concern of person who starts out on trip at eighty miles or more per hour doubtless he never worries about the bill his widow can take care of it out of the insurance money li change advisable indications seem to point that if remembrance day is to maintain its interest and accomplish its best purpose that date on sunday nearest novem ber 11th would be best suited last year the date was on sunday and the attendance at the service locally was easily double that of this year of course weather conditions may have had som bearing on the matter we do not suggest that november lth is not of sufficient importance to be observed as public holiday but the fact cannot be overlooked that it is not generally observed we understand that rural mail couriers were expected and did carry the mail on that day in toronto the observance was cljnrretlotlbouttrrrhourtrfccs5 tion of business localy the stores were neariy all closed all day but most of the industries were operating it is far from observance of public holiday in any sense of the word and to maintain tho proper atmosphere and complete observance of the occasion that it demands it would seem that apecial sunday near november 11th would be the logical date for services and remembrance in the right direction with speed that iscommendiblo tho nowly elected liberal government has opened negotia tions and made arrangements with tho united states for form of reciprocity which undoubtedly will be beneficial to both countries it is almost twentyflvo years ago that the laurier government went down to defeat on reciprocity issue but the intervening years have seen many changes in thought un doubtcdly high tariff walls are not conducive of good feeling between nations and lowering of these barriers and freer exchange between two neighboring countries will mako for better feeling it matters littlo who can be blamed tor tho start of this tariff war but it is surely good sign to see tho end of it canada needs markets for many of its commoditiestand likewise can use to advantage the products of other countries it is move in tho right direction canadian exports gain showing gain of 6430000 canadas domestic exports in september amounted to 64565000 com pared with 58135000 in september year ugo exports to the united states increased from 20 865000 in september 1034 to 25912000 und ex ports to the united kingdom rose from 24530000 to 25536000 nickel exports showed strong in creuse rising troiii 1033000 year ago to 3070 000 there was also sharpjncreaso in tho expo of copper which rose from 1875000 to 2030000 raw gold lead and silver increased but alminium dropped from 1801000 to 567000 newsprint paperincreased fro 6063000 to 7737000 thci walfirt0nsidergblrevfyarin4lttip which increased from 700000 to 1745000 and butter exports rose from 7000 to 40000 as result of consignments to the united kingdom being resumed gains were also shown in fish meats raw hides and cattle exports of automobiles rose from 1367000 to 1070000 farm implements rosj from 213000 to 110000 machinery from 335000 to 503000 and iron pigs and ingots from 46000 to 200000 citizenship only those who aspire for municipal office in acton this year will be doing so purely from the stand point of citizenship duty following the elections last year the honorariums attached to the offices of reeve councillors and public utilities commis sioners were abolished and these offices are filled on the same basis as that of school trustee acton we believe was the only town in the county where these officers received any small remuneration at the time of adoption it seemed the trend of the times but in testing out it proved that it did not make for any better municipal administration and there was the possibility of inferior candidates being attracted by the hope of small refurn it would appear the question has been definitely settled candidates who offer themselves for the positions will at least be under no misunderstanding before qualifying for the office good administration has been secured this year without payment of these allowances taxes have been reduced rebates have been made and improvement of municipal and public utilities services have very apparently ben the order of the years business the abolition of the allowances has certainly been no deterrent to good administration all through the same years the lack of an allowance has apparently been no handicap in the securing of very efficient business administration of school affairs this year all offices are offered on an equal basis citizenship only the sunday school lesson fob sunday novemill 17lh editorial notes if cold weather would put the flies where they linnlfl hn in tlin inter tm even it would be welcome the iurrunn fpom oaptivitv ooldcn text tho lonl hath dono groat things lor us whereat wo arc glvl psalm 126 ljjtmn text eira lll pnalm 120 10 verses prlnud here ezra 111 study also jcr 20 1014 la 41 2128 dan 1023 lev 20 37 30 tunc 530 jl place babylon exjxkiiuoii tho word jo hovah is aurclt will bo pulnlled to tho very letter 14 seventy years oelorc tho holy spirit hud moved jeremiah petrr 31 lo say that lit seventy yearn jehovah would vlidt ills people in babylon and cauio them to rctiirn to jorusalcm jcr 20 10 25 1214 33 713 now that word in about to bo fuliulcd literally and ex actly every prophecy of tho blblo is turu of literal fullllmcnt there aro many prophecies of the bible that have hot been fuullled as yet but they will bo in their time just tut so many have bm fullllled already pulllllcd prophcclct one of gods own seals upon tho inspira tion of tho table tlve huldcli in the church und out of it have done thilr beit to read the uropheoleri out of the bible and their fulfilment out of hluoiy butthiy linviflihrtl utterly som ot the arguments that they havo ventured upon in their desperation are pitiably ludicrous they ser to uhlurute what fools wltaj inen becomo when they under take to light ukulmt god rtoiiutns whata way god took to fulnl iris owtt to tho front man not yet bom when the prophecy was made and then pulil it into hk heart to fullu ills word tile loud stirred up tho jplrlt or cyrus god hiui strange but mighty way of moving upon the hearts of men he can prompt king to help ills people prov 31 lie 37 23 can putlt into the heart of rich man to send help to poor man just at tho itour of ids need lie docs it today or well as in tho days of ezra modem clurbitlan history abounds in illustra tions of this wellejtabllahcd fact tho man who is in leaguo with aod can bring all tho kings of earth to his assist ance though it was the word of tho loud that was fulfilled at tins tlmo it had been spoken tiy tile mouth oi jeremiah but it uas notjer word what jeremiah sajw li not his own word but gods and so what isaiah utyfl nnd paul and john say tills is very different theory ot inspiration from that which tr popular with ad vanced tliinkers today but it is the true theory as history abundantly de monstrated tho lord god of heaven hath given me nil the kingdoms of the oarth cyrus was wise man to recog nize the source of his power whether or not daniel had called his attention to the prophecies that co lonu before had mentioned him by nnme is 44 202b 45 10 we cannot tell with certainty but omchow cyrus had been brought to recognition of the eretit truth that all power emanates from god comp jcr 27 dan 37 30 25 32 it would be well if men of wealth and influence and power today recog nized this truth dan 1021 cyrus not only recognises the source of his great power but also his obligation to obey and reryo illm who had placed hint in his exalted position many thcro are who theoretically at least acknowledge god an tho giver of all they luive but they do not recognize their obligation to obey hun in practical life jehovahs charge to cyrus is found in tlve pro phecy of isaiah is 41 202b 45 13 13 there are thoso today who would have us believe that thu prophecy of isaiah is of later date but cyrus who lived 3400 years nearer the time did nit think so and for samo 3000 years 310 ono thought but these very wise men of today havo found out what has bpen hidden from all the good and great workmens compknsatiorj statement there were 5500 accidents reported to tito workmens compensation board during uus month of october this being the lamest number reported durlnffany month this year and compares with 5002 during september and 5220 during october last year tile fatal coses numbered 28 as against 20 in september and 33 last october tito total benents awarded amounted lo 517878 01 of which m3401701 was for compcnnauon and 8200100 fur medical aid tills brings the total benefits awarded to date this year to 440102286 as contoured with 3608020 02 during thu same period last year and tho number of accidents reported this year to date nro 48553 as against 45553 for the oor rcspondiror period of 1034 tiub eveiiomn boon love which is tho door through which god enters into tho lrcart of man and man into god is eternal and as the door in thki poor temperij life wart but little gate tliut did not always stand open but was often shut by ttroig gust of wind in heaven the poor little gate will becomo mighty portal stand lug oped night and day tholuck dont bo without douglas egyptian liniment keep it always handy re liever toqtluichc malralgla uoro throat quinsy und croup invaluable for bums sores barbers itch and rtlngworm wlllrnnoworu ttnirof brought forth by cyrus and restored to did with hearty good wr entrusted to sheshbazztr shcshbnrar is the persian name of zfcrubbobcl there wcic 5400 vessels in all but hi the num bers specified in vs 10 there were but 34d9 presumably only tlut chief vejiujk aro specified spoons etc being omitted the list is crlven in esdras 13 14 which sums up to 5400 thus in truly wonderful way and through aid rendered them by alien monarch tho men of judalt and benjamin were enabled to return to their native zlon thero to rebuild tho house of their go tea at its best salada tea man owns vast toy army tho world larcot jcolfectlon of to koltllitrt firacntlnr tntutcrn mechan ized tinny drawn up on xovenlceiliiille battlo front tins hern oil exhibition at thu iloyal united tsurvlcaiv museum al whitehall etfland ono man hari dciil lifetime in building up the collection of 20000 pieces from which this exhibit lt mlccud mo dllccnur hewitt ot hum ton ion third of tho plci nhown hu has made himjtlf the real utro bouuht somctliwii linvc to buy jnldkrii iram abroad hewitt iild then lvu thtm 13rltuh luatit und uni forms the unique exhibit attracucl lartff crouds ib fouttton tongue okjh sunday hkutagfc sunday iji as much to one as another lt li divine and prlcucr irutltutloii it lt the necernnry pnuc in the natfonnl if eim netivi tyr li lolly tho tntrn hill th44 and ttraln of dally work it is thu birth day of every british subject day of pergonal social and spiritual opportun tlcn and above all our trent heritage and one lt is our responsibility prlvilejn and duty to hand on to posterity unsul lied by the commercialization which fci mnlclnir its marlc today it is tin duty of the stale to uphold and preserve our heritage by restricting sunday trading and the opening of shops to cuch public services ac are absolutely necessary night hon winston churcluu ul the greenland whole thoush hugo tlmjd and harmlean buit the kilter wholv much smaller one oi tho turctiat dmlzcrur of the ocean and the only tpccuut of cetacean which ha oompktn et of teeth in both jan killers hunt in poclu and ore thu more than match for the arnat cacholot or aperm whalr according to captain mil jocr uic anurctic txplorer in attacking tin kilu li ti hljh int tho air by thr uhalc nu two or three of uu attack lui lua until thy ttiid them ojtundf thty thn drvour he torttfuf uhlch uiu frequently weigh much as four toiu jvlnj tfcirtr hug prey to die the captiln ajo asserts that lie has tocii pack of cljrht to lwchu killcri come to tile leeedje and hap six ftti out of hie water tu if la dlcovcr ulicthcr any lals were bask ing an it if there were thy would dlvo und nieath smash up the icp and col lect tlwir victims if tliey were of com mercial uie ldlicr3quldjtilijxiyy paratlv ely worthlttj and thm tnoy almost complfte immunity from attxclc by man oilligt me wxask im sorr ilr said the constabie but youll haie to be tummoded for driving at fifty miles an hour along thl road couldnt jou charge me with driv ing eighty officer said tlie culprit wont to till tlie car and it would put the price up the first group of boys to pay penalties for breaking street lamps have found it doesnt pay to be destructive lboks as if the highway department was in this year before the christmas rush and the post chnstmns shortage it was rather remarkable what speedy exit he slot machines made from acton and othor co muni tics when the intimation was made that the department was about to rid rlie province of these affairs that they wercpopular and being used is evidenced by the numbtr of them that were iu use that they were profitable to the owners of the machines was albo to be seen by the ever growing installations until it was doubtful where one of the machines was liable to confront one the desire to spend the loose change in such devices seems to be uppermost in most people and few can claim not to have used money in trial on such dovicej atfith such an outcry from the levy of an equal amount as relief tax on amusements it would seem that action by tho provincial department wafi only in keeping with tb need to stop the low of nickles into these machines gauged always so that the owner was he winner in spite ot watchfulness too often nlckle needed for nocesities found its way to slot oiachine and die temptation they provwed was not conductive to the right outlook on life of the yoong folks judging by appearances it would seem that the move to have 1030 auto markers available tlie first of november that the plan was popular or perhaps the novelty of having new plates so early ib the attraction as conditions continue to improve and the un employed runks become less the ieed for the con tinuance of relief assistance becomes questionable the use of tins help by some continues as usuul to be more of stumbling block than stepping btone frank gannett well known kochcster pub lisher givcb out some ustouishing findings of the american business mens kesearch foundation of which he is president foremost finding is the fact that the advertising campaign of the liquor tradlc is achieving iremendouti rculu in making drinkers out of women and youth another is that tho success of liquor in hugely expanding its profits reflected in decline in tho market for food clothing education books insurance and has sent down milk consump tion 27 per cent in 50 citica barrio examiner and wise all tluie yuan not to know so many thlna uuui to know so many thlni that are nob no ills ood bo with him cyrus could wuii for nothing bettt for thoso who wore to co up that wish included evirythtnf if clod was with them no one could aaalnht them romans 31 and they could be sure tluit god would be with them for he has promised to be with thaw who obey and tenve htm jodh chron 28 30 matt 20 20 hub 13 every oho in every place was to co opcrato in sending oocu people of that fplace to jerusalem to do the work il the reform of jchovami people to nulld jehovahs houie in jeruaakiin 511 tlie leaders of judah and benjamin responded piomptly and heartily to the docrii of cyrun those wic went were thaw whose uplrit aod had stirred oad had tnt etlrrd up thu nplrlt of cyrus to mako the proclamation chron 30 33 tunil now ocuia spirit utlrred up the twople to carry it out cf nell 13 prov 10 phil 131 tho purpom tvuj return was roliirhuw ratiirr thiui twutical to build thd house of jehovuh which hi jtorusojum icvcty one on wrry hand eimerly oivurktod nd htreuuthened thfolr luuitui ueldom iuch universal oopemtlon keen in llw work of god there war cheerful blviiu oii every hand cf cor thtf acred veaaelti tluit luul be lunged to uvo houae oi jehovah but whleh nebucluutneduu had carried wuy in the ack of the city and had dese crated them by puttlna ihetn tn tlie houm of hu coda and which bcuns bar had turtber dmecratod to adorn hb leihen debauch dan ft 34 were fresh mccormkks butter bars aib 25c five roses bread flour 24lb big 85c magic bakilig fowoer cull tad cirry tnct ckristies biscuit week delicious fig rolls lb 27c christiei sultanas pound 27c dainty soda biscuits iib 16c beans oilfc fori ttlnbt 5c carrolls own peanut butter 2ib25c green valley old dutch cleanser 27 im frttur ut uolit tuuiifa onmrnml kd uctiht wkl ft feosut hi hu uuurt ulwjulafd calay soap cl ve ui0 free trips iisl hnttmii great iojooo comtcst icupiii wlt ll iii itwoub atu ut job bi imv blamkl red rose tea hib dpi 25c ivory soap mdlum uli 25c soap 5i 17c carrolls limited sweet potutoes cl qc funcy quulity iu sound dry 10 grapes lvncy quality oc lb oranges sweet and juicy doi 23c bananas 97 golden kipc dozen fwil celery hearts loc bundle good size grapefruit tor 25c cranberries and other fruits and vbgetabubs at special prices ifree delivery phone 158 mill street wdne is acton

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