thursday october 17th ims the acton free press pob octobkk october with ma band qow aptua bar wine of same and sold upon the hula it anlaahaa on che aloptsa and blend into rich olorlng otfthnost crrery hue deep red and ruaaet orange yellow jade grapcfclue and green and teown of every and in the valley hans like fllmy mist her vela of opal blue fend amethyst ay and until it dreams think that aomewhere up around the throne ooda cup of glory must have overflown courtney ohalus twbntt yeabs a4jo laane of the free freas thaiday october lat 1915 my john harvey has added another shell to the fan fxxsa exhibition of munitions it is an 18 pounder and was manufactured tn hamilton charles benson fourteenyearold boy at qfap williams was fatally burned when his clothing caught flr while play ing with blasting powder which he and another lad were setting off mr storey is converting the large brick garage on john 6trect into two dwellings twostory brick ad dition will be erected in the rear tte oreer pte taylor pte oeo caswell and pie if iuit were home for brief vfalts during the week the seventieth anniversary of the methodist church was held on sunday when able sermons were delivered by rev charles draper of milton the county pair at milton was favored with ideal autumn weather as result hero wasatrecord attendance computed to be over loooo the show throughout was excellent the 5uwnnr tol joyable social in the parish hall in honor of bro scrgt coles horn swackilameit xu erin on monday 11th october to mr and mrs swackliumcr daughter faled brunt on wednesday october 13th at toronto general hospital thomas brunt in his 46th year martin at ingfcwood on faunday october 3rd william martin father of mrs clarridge acton aged 76 years chronicles of gingerfarm wrlite bi atony tar eto free fraaa gwendoline c3amw finding the goun e1 almost every school grade will have had pupil who has registered failure to tyi during the past school term writes an official of the quebecs womens institutes tlieso class failures constitute problems widch often do not terminate with school life but mark the adult of which the pupil is the embryo cluttering 800101 with misfits and inecticumts it might or might not help to solve these problems if the blame for tlicm could be laid at the door of thote re epotuuble for thctri it is to be fvarid however that school life discovers the mistake too lute for cure since so little individual attention is posuble under the usual educational routine the pupil too often leaves school with uliisu of fail ure which may eoiily lay the foundations for life long liandlcup in the uhape of cry real inferiority oomph close and inulhgrut study of uie cuus failure both at home and in school will somitinus discover latent pouibllltlcs and powers hitherto uruupected tim child who abominates teorgrapliy may revcul an hitense inurut in growing things if this bent eucouruged he will soon tev for himself tlie necessity of knowing geography hi order tliat he may know more about the native homes of the plants and flowers lie loves if his bugbear is mathematics and he lias love for the mechanical tlw vital con ttoction between the two will urge him to uw ntudy of the textbook that lie may use its abstract calculations hi concrete illustrations if lie is fond of inducrlml knate reading his attention may be turn ed to history and the higher types of literature if lie scribbles or draws he call ba taught by wymiwuiy and dyntlej tacss that neither habit will be of any use to him without solid background in general education vn the dullard seemingly un possible of be big taught unless actually an idiot has tome open sesamd to mental development and this hould be carefully watched for and developed until work along 1u lined be comes libit and histead of failure there is person capable of doing one uung well und pohcaed of tlie wslf pwl wliluli ult froai 4uoh wtiloj leii couitt cauls to it gloves unique method of upending justice was reported lo at cruneul maryland recently algle crlppin and unit white tmct uegroes wrre brought before magis trate prcd holland 011 charge of being intoxicated undquarrewune tike bug ls irate conferred wlui sheriff luther dougherty and they agreed it would be futile to put uw county to 130 expense for imprisoning the mgroel for rive days the euatomary penalty tim ncicroos were provided wlul boxing gloves rhlg toxrked off oil um water front and tlie negroes told to right it out rr more than an hour ull cotumerclul activity in the ncigtiborhood was stopped while crowd watched uie right crlppin was decurcd winner on points this week feel could not do better than fill up my column by telling you about aplendid speaker heard last week at our institute meeting the speaker was miss ethel chapman editor of the womens section of the farmer and hex subject was primarily home economics now that word econ omics always strikes me as sounding rather dry and technical but miss chan mans address was very fax from my conception of the word she spoke about the modern theories of house furnishing which advocated not so much the buying of uptodate fur niture but rather make the most of what wo already have finding some way of using the white elephants which are to be found in very home furniture and ornaments that hate been wished upon us by our inlaws or given to us as wedding presents miss chapman spoke of onp case where young girl wrote asking advice and saying in her letter wo have some awful old truck in our house but mother just loved it what can we do about it the answer was if your mother love it then leave it alone your mothers happiness is of far more lmporlanou than having the house exactly as you like it mv thoughts went back years and ycatb to my molars home and to the time whcnmytbtrrarur having been away for some iars came homo again and wanted to re arrange every room in uie house the oldfashioned texts must be token down tcxtssintcn my mother had givt11 to each of us as we grew old enough to read and under stand tlitlr meaning the curtains must bo draped dlxtcrcnuy arid u10 furniture entirely rvarranged poor motlicr can remember even yet how hurt slie was how almost stunned into mibmusion and than how she aulast rebelled katli lecn would dust tlw drawingroom plac ing the choirs at an artistic angle re moving the antimacassars and draping the curtains as she an tod tlicm after while mother would come along and straighten uie clialrs bub pack uie anti macassars and untie uie curtains it would have been funny had it not been so pathcuc because mouicr did so love her home naturally an atmosphere of frlcuon was introduced into our family ufo condition which miss chapman pointed is always bad economics miss chapman also spoke of everyday conversation in our homes the affairs of country are moulded around u10 dinner tables of its people it wat nue point and one well worui comlihr hig what do ue talk about at the table is our conversation of any eduj cauonal value to our children are uiey netting right mont on life from the opinions they hear expressed by their parents at the table or from other kroumups their family have you ever listened to your own children holding forth on eighty nrob lems of uie day if you lunvnt uien keep un tar open next time you notice our children in camecit conversation ond you may net quite rhock thins sound liferent uhen repeated by child up to certain age children are hle mirror reflecting uie mamicni and opinions of older member of the family uion lint it tremendously important that we give some uiought to what uiey see or hear consider music how shall child learn to ov music if lie doce not hear dood mmdc in hfet own homo and uie advantages of readings how sliall child learn to appreciate good books unless uie ruht type of books and magazines be brought into the house refinement is anouier polnu how shall child learn td do uie right uilng at uiui right time unleiai u10 rudiments of good manners are not only taught but practised in his own liome all uteee thin mia3 chapmah pouiud out mi luipftrtmt phwmwla pouce1 rnsr mrm con you keep bocretj mr wyca mrs well the coolc has oloped with the chauffeur and uieyve bor rowed your motor correct 50 did you ever stop toacbor whut la tho xlurul or child bright pupil twllia boom boom boom rs if were candidate for oftlco hould go in for yachting you muut bo corrupt if you aro for aale oh no thon should alwayh havo my boom wltli me to think by edsov waite shawnee oklahoma johnston editor of the suffolk va newsherald says advertising is to merchandise in particular and business in general wliat moisture is lo vegetation defied rain and dew the fruit of the earth withers and dies without publicity business becomes parlytic and goesto asow deafly jiomo teconomlcji tiien she utretjuid the importance of healui in uie home und of liablts and conditions in un leal to halui particu larly to u10 mouier of the family anouier uilng slie asked us to con tilder was u10 futility of trying to moke young people work at something utterly uncongenial to their nature she illus trated hur point by telling ui of man who was determined tiiat his ban thou 13 mdmhw bhcnnuiiua bnbdicj wheil one is aufferer from muscular rlteuqi atlun he cannot do better uian to have the region rubbed with dr thomas afelectric oil let rubbing be brisk and continue until ease aecured there more vfrtuv bottle of it than can be fully estimated mh hmon tile form liut uo boy became obviouuy unwell they took him to the doctor who advuuhl that the boy be ullowed take up any work uiot lie uiought uould interest him the boy asked to take technical course in englncerlntf and to cet away from the farm this lie did ills health improved considerably and at uie end of uie course lie said to hit father you know dad if ue could have tractor and more machinery dont believe uiero any place would rattier be uian right at home on uie farm 11 le fauwr arcourc was only too willing to full in wlui uie lads wished uils time realising that every farm ncds not only stock man ploughman and harvtar but meclianlc otf well tlirre now uilnk hay given you the high light of mus chapmans od drcks and did want to pam uiem on you becaumt uihik they are so well worth considering dont you indkspknsiblk lmdy at end of thu cruke well koodbye captmhi im sure dont know wliat we should hav done without you therelore the only problem for tlie advertiser is lo find medium which cov ers his field without duplication and waste when more than one medium is used it is my firm belief founded on thirtysix years of newspaper work in almost every department outside the mechanical that merchants are throwing away millions of dollars annually through duplications and tlie choice of valueless media merchants in the smaller cities and towns where they are unorganized are preyed upon pit eously by the public always loaded with cause there is but one safe publicity medium for the retail merchant or others with something to sell and that is the well established local newspaper communi ties of twenty thousand and under can be adequately served by one newspaper space in any other medium is donation not an investment only the newspaper carries the message into the heart of the home the local newspaper breaks down sales resistancoand merchandising news is not slap in the face of the reader it is accepted as the mouthpioce and spokes inaiiftanromtim time tables nxtlan at arfctort going kaa daily except sunday otfajn dally except sunday 1007 ajtt daily except sunday uj sunday only 7jiu here at d31 rcaathound atopa aft georgetown at 40 oats wcaa dally except sunday 816 dally except sunday 3ts pjn dally except sunday 04 pjn dally except sunday 1331 am sunday only bjmajtt sunday only llta pun stjujdjud arrow bus leave westbound 45 tax ii except saturday 15 tn s1s tax siuny only 15 715 tax 11 15 tax 05 to bturdaya sandays and moudya leave eastb0und 00 tn dally except snxi4ay 10 tn 12 eao te 45 kn dh itinebaaik3peanne to aix points in canada united statty mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines toronto patterson ro speelmllsi in eye orihopuo tt 108 wyndhun st nat to aveljm phone 3108 qtulliy aaoarcy savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario 11 wjbu ill business and industrial life duly author ized by common consent to disseminate messages from man to man and from group to group 0tuerpublicity media may fail the local news paper never when the message is clear and understandable backed by public confidence in the advertiser and the things he sells vreaft the acton free press subscription for all taken at tb pre pre