Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Oct 1935, p. 6

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paoxoix the acton free prb63 oaratmi 17th mm rang wixonn upon mountain netgjil tar llrom aoa fotmd anall to my ustentac ar on tnl thine iter aooc of ocean aeawxs to tajr nr tale of ocean aeemad to u1i how came the abell unpon the mountain flowery language by mejuje sinclair heightt raaap wbetber there dropped or aome careleet or whether there ceat when ocean swept land kre the sternal had ordained the deyr jim banning ripped final copy for the morning sentinel from hla type wrlter and looked wearily at the clock midnight bill kllwlno at the next dealt threw down hla eyeahade and addreaaed the office at large what need la aoraa strange was it not far torn 1u native night ilia of different variety what deep aayl ona aong jun paid no attenuon bat lutened sstwais wonld hu newer ow wide wh tbgn asked as hsd formed jtrcr with echoes of the ocean rang titbit of dolus lately coming jlmf these midnight sallies into gay and as the shell upon tbe mountain were cmuum trouble between height gttngs of tbe sea bo do ever leagues and leagues sway so do ever wandering where may fling my home sing my homel of thee eugene field call tjpotf the lima beau by hetty barclay thied cooked lima beans ore now available in cans so ucores of healthful and delicious uma bean dishes may be mm and nancy she was jealous of vina martlnesu and bad an idem ridiculous little puritan that man dldnt love his wife if he went to few impromptu parties without her impromptu she had cried bias eyes wet with angry tears whn youyjb done this doxen times and never once phoned me to come along when we havent ben married year across the city room flro watched tawnyhalred vlnn put away her lip stick of course jtmfl coming arent youtjlmt yes he wart coming just to teach nancy the ltjoum ihe hail to learn though bin head did aclu and bed of fered greater invitation most of tin htaff were working through until two oclock it was t1 kmwl mils wan so orenared quickly and ecocoinicjmjrby prcpwcu hv cluty tor and in und vlnn who the canadian housewife try one whenvour are ao appetizing alkaline dish creamed t1m1s a3cd asparagus tips cups cooked dried limas cuja canned ai parngus tips cujat tabum white sauce cup grated cheese 3rriir whlf uautc in double boll went somehow luttly it was just thn fourofthrmnkhl ofthe time he didnt care nn thing ubout vina hut she intrigued him the ac of cluht wuh jammed and almost opaque 1th miinke an tine tuoiiri uinttr of crinoiihh imnniinced novelty mmilws in honor ltid44 brln iltuim cliumpeen shlha slats maby by boab taaqobab rirday the noospaper where ia works at give him ft pass to moovey witch was nlado to fcy otoe hsrlo oretcy qarboe and sum untter of the lg udle boot oflti attraekshuns and pa went to see the show last turning when be cum home ms askl did you see sh the girls and pa sed sort of wise crack hge for mec aaterday to me this is the day of days sunday xcepted ko skool to late to chop klndler and pack cole sleep tlu the brekfust dishes are washt and dryed et ball tn the why not all be mary sunday akool is not eo hot tbo sunday and pa waa tawklng and ant emmy up and says says she whats the world sertus about dlddent no it could te sertus these dsee when wlm mln and gurls smoak and drink like they do no anser but later pa said so nobuddy but could here dummern nolster sort glantoen tord mjr ant muziday well may not no can bete charlie qiim roannldgln big leag bawl teem when lack stanley hit that bagger to start the nlnst wood of rite away of lifted out jcrkes and rench and of lnsurted borne buddy to nock that tallle home if the cubs wont reel mannldgcr mile be endoooed to let skol go teursday joe 31b dropt ovat to are house this am and alter joo left pa raid he blcavcd joe is smartern he looks ho wooden halft to be so oflul smart to bo that put in ma pa seamed to of got liv ldco fru joo rcmarkux that crime dont pay ncbby but lio notlscs the thcaves and robbers net tmdo for lncum tacka the cbatv rsedimo ot tovvtkx modern methods of production have so almpuned poultry raising that it has een made poasjble for poultry meat to become an every day article of 4jet that it has not become so lias mainly at the door ot the produoer too much of canadas poultry is marketed in an un finished condition scrawny consequent ly dry and tough and all to frequently poo dr wciiwlay went to the pltciitr show and seen tho bare louis flto pltclkbrs last uviiiriitlieu wat spcclctatar and uhi nucluv sliow hit no place for yun children that dont no nutliln about hun rcplyed and mxi iiiobby nlnt no xpurt but hae learnt uiutliltun tuy on tho ilut with your fawj all the time daont us ind chexurf coaic until liioroughly 1ju4 is iiunutri uitn scrxc owr la iki or ui rxmcuns or pjtiy uma3 vldojlnia czm cooled driid lamwi ucipoji butur ttiipomi ijit hardcocvarvd cup hot uaur taioan ptppcr lalcpoan chopped irjy tablespoon lemon juice cu beaten ilat ijmjj in double boiler cream luir add salt pcppr pirtley lmon juice and beaten tity mix uell add hot tlijrrday old afic ncntclicnu cum up of thp tiitoh iiutvtfiiiimhh nlkttcluu7jrrducuhcnns mviflmbly was nt brck to hliov lti npprt liilnn of nnr kplcn fut thln today mcbby ot tliu did pntrnnikt the uumiikomant pro ronif tlant but it reamed to me that pu mnth started it to et cumthlnn on ant emmy acrosr tin room in oq caught he at her uood she uckept hernswicf jlit of sport foiilfy imarfmouthwl the wood ii old enuf but he uas gntumiini of clnuicf wh ui ulwnyiitill iprlnir chlckon yen rjjjd pa petcrlnu thi fnrt dfpirtiiwmit with sprinff of nkty tlun he laifed and jilm was hliichrd and hirqunrod midced mc dldnt net it blond drlnulnu too rupmly from swill umber clnss kml away tolukst tnamc om incueask in roultlon shiti ut itw vlnn whimpered he turned from her inlid ncroas at sport oonlcj ulio pi loorlrik wink tim rase to hw feol there are two principal methods of finishing pen feeding and crate feeding the former method is generally used for turkeys and waterfowl tbe latter for chickens of all aces although some feed ers fouow the practice of pen feeding for couple of weeks and then finish ing off in crates batteries are com monly used in hftenslve plants tout for ordinary farm use crates are equally satisfactory and are inexpensive as they can be readily constructed by anyone who is handy with saw and hammer the quarters where the birds are to be onlabed should be dry cool and well ventilated and the birds should have quiet and freedom from excit the general purpose or heavy breeds are best suited for crate feeding and best results can be expected only where strong vigorous sturdy type birds are ueed before eiarttng the finishing period the birds should be dusted with flowers of sulphur or some other suitable preparation to ensure their freedom from lice how the blrtfa are fed is equally as important as what they are fed heavy feeding at the start will often result in tho birds going off their feed our markets demand light colored skin consequently tlioso feeds that tend tn produce tills should be favored or tunately our homo frown grains arc just toe nxhjghmiabe of peace tollowtog the trail of canadianmade farm implements and machinery export ed from the dc4nlnlon constitutes gen erous lesson in geography at t2a present moment the onegeographlcal spot to which all eyeufartt turned is ethiopia and siuiougty thought is being given to issiahs vision of the tune when they shall beat their swords into plough shares and their spears into pruning what arc iulcin pdts7barioy buck wheat and wheat arc all suitable and are bt fed hicomblnation mixed to batter with sour milk vetding trials at tile dominion experi mental parms havj shown uiat excellent rciulu may be attained by the feeding of elevator screcnhigi and that unmar ketable potatoes fed in conjunction with home grown grnlrut not only produce economical ruin but flesh of the very highest quality lor full information on the making ol fattening crati and the feeding killing clrersliif and fradlntf of poultry write to the publicity and lixtunilon branch department of apiculture ottawa for copy of the bulletin preparing poultry produce for market or write to your nearet experimental parm for infor mation on specific qucstloni scotch vacation ilnlf an hour later uter until creamy turn into hot tltclion of hi vgi table dish and arrange sliced hard cooked ctrus oier tbe top and sprinkle tlmly chopped naruey in border around the dish cold drinks and desserts when unexpected company comes and you do not know what to zrve for dthirt purchase your favorite lec cream and jour probum is uilved if the cuvtt1 are children they 111 bo delliihud ulth homemade ice cream soda use ginger alg root beer cream wxla or any sttnllar beverage into each glat drop llbural portion of ico cream stir thoroughly and your ioda ready where uie guesta are older serve ice cream on pie cake or men doughnut the grou ing movement of tourlat travel between canada and the united status reflccu the friendly and under landing rclatlonijiip exltbig lietwoen there two great countries traffic over scotchmans vacation the mctt travelled international boundary wander in uie world during the prtsent tourltj vason shoulng decided increase over the corresponding period of ioit year and the principal international porta of he tiptoed into up irtmiiit ha hank going on motor vacation thl summer prank no im going to take tay at home and hhoheritd the stem of luigi cronmy rnkc found an olue hoitle for vuno lie hadnt hrmicht nuiicy llowerj for agoi thw uiih jimt ne ijtul bhod is liwhl lie ed it on hh t1 jl plavkng safe bide of the hn ikfist table lie cllik crr the llkht mrl felt his va hitn thf lndroniii ltai from rtreet lump falntu uhiuiln itcd it fall ini iiero the four pttr htd with its neat hprimd of eandtw aeronu bed thai wim mnooth uni unoeeupledl my god jim pniwd iinlntilliglhly ll lie felt for tin ele trie pruned harder ns ln jnidud open tha elotet door ilut er dreti vory kinnll tlalnt he was goin il from every itntc in the union are partaking of their norther neighbors hospitality one of the feuturu or thla lir traffic tlie large nmnber of tour is entered en route for callander ontario home of the dlonne qulntup kls windsor ontario kd all porta in the tit ton dom lh the numbt of nutomobllo tcuriiita entering from the united states uiit ear here they come by bridge tunnel and fjrry and the present tourtt lie uii hill tillliu afternoon that sin you ulll find theie combination very fi uns trvln to filghten him under nodiy touring permlta pleading ulth cup of hot tea or coffe himself the nort ll prolng the biillt ever evperl lil lie bark that jcvu at till port automobiles entered between vitamin salad out our iuamlns from fruits and greens iji the doctor oct them in dishi that appeal to the taste lu my when his telephone rung he awered grunly tlm the nl wns thronty trembling flood of warm tli spread through hla whole being xnnre darling hone advice here worth trjlng orange vitamin salad serves to fi small oranges ldtuce cup grated cocoannt rup grated carrots li recipe well ive been ini7 tlien ou ilid worry care nre you 1ni home now nee eiilled the mlh you didnt totni rare fimugh to little nut uherfl sweetheart you lat night whon iiil left at twehl pare oinite and cut in thin mict cut jllctt in lulus on lettucecovered ialad puitei arrrange circle of oran uctirbnlnirgeneroui with fruit sprin kle with grated cocoannt and grated ir rot sine at once with mnvonnalse inti which much orange juice has been thoroughly blended iini iniini ln mean yout wanting nine one im niibitdv iim diti ive just been htubhni tstam nt the lmdto think and meant tn ike he after noon train home to mnitn mid ilnd but id fin gotten ni ilh so waited wml tlili after the dates of april and august 15 this star numbered 1q3g7g under trivellrn uhijlc permfu 1723 and for jierlods ot itl hour or loss 211401 canadian can oilluartli for touring purposes numbered 533 reijpi car entered through the port of port erie during the iame trod under the goday touring permit iuml ered 70 19 imder travvllerj veh ptrmlls and for period up to il hours 310 g81 cniadlan cars out wnds on touring pi nnlls totalled l9 the port or mifiira pnlls tratrie over tla thru lntcrnitlonal hrlclreirontinnei pl it purine rtie rtnfl prlioner there goes my liat sliall run after it casey and not come back no you lay hlre and ill run alter the lint that he can produce beetles birds flowers snakes and liquids from tta air is the claim of liajor pap hungarian carpenter whose uncanny powers havs pusxled doctors and scientists through out europe he recently underwent series of experiments at the international institute for physical research south kensington england when in trance can produce nvmg and inttmata lhiefa exacywhar73ahurtffth many orthftarrhnal have produced from the air are living in various museums in budapest dr imandor pordor honorary research officer of the institute said he had teen lajos pap produce 93 live beetles from the alr at meeting in budapest he has to be in complete trance to do it he produces the beetle by snatching at the air every precaution was taken to see that there waa not the slightest possi bility of the exhibit being fake doing study of the map will show that ethiopia to surrounded by canadas harrows seeders and ploughs even as far as the conflmes of the vast continent of africa from morocco in the extreme northwest to port said in the north east down to the farthest south in cape town while munitions of war are being piled up aroukid btihlopta the latest consignments of csjiadlanmade agricultural implements ana making their peaceful and beneflclent entrance into contiguous countries french africa egypt and the angloegyptian sudan on the north and northwest into british somallland on the east while in the south virtually solid phalanx of can adian ploughshares studs the continent throughout kenya colony once called british east africa the belgian congo rhodesia portugese south africa and british south africa not only in the countries of africa but in those of europe asia north and south america and in tile outlying outposts of the world whose shores are laved by tho wavcs of tho seven ticos canadian farm implements and machmery find their wny success ltd ban dehievi lived well laughed often and loved much whojumgaincdtuc respect of intelligent men and the love of littl chil wh has umfd liui niche and accomplished his tiuik who has left uio world better than he found it whether by an im proved poppy perfect poem or res cued soul who has never lacked apprec iation of eartht beauty or failed to ex press it who has always looked for the belt in others and given the best he had wlipse life was nn inspiration whose memory benediction beetles ntoduced from ate not going to belt son say dad that apple just ate had worm hi it and ate that too parent what here drink that water and wash it down but junior shook his head aw let im walk down business directory dr honiven omca and am ctlllllll annua and ngfck ajtnmfc dr nelson xaaetro tfearapy dr tm cullen offlos bom 14 aad 7ft comer tndarlck and adu ittcobona 131 phone ho 33 beat harold nash farmer bairtater saoclur rama order roofing now actoit hour jo to 1200 noon 100 to 500 saturdays 13joo oclock kenneth langdon barrister burftor metwy pamk offices acton oeorgecasm over seynucks cafe matabtrebte pot appointments phone acton georgetown 88 office hours acton tuesday thursday 115 tn to 430 ings on request dentait cadesky pitomktuikt aaaacsal will nil in acton on i3l monday november anyone suffering from eicatraln dcf vision or headache should not mba tho opportunity of consulting tills eyesight spcutust appontments may be made with mr brown druggist consultation ppke offlfd hours till av buchanan dd dental sttrgeoa office in ilim block hours until pm evenings by appointment oos for extractions closed wednesday afternoon phone lit pharen denial bwxii successor to late tt si bell phone 29 mill street acton veteb1na1xy dr bruyns veterloary sorrwrn all calls rccelvd promptattention pnone 133 acton ontario office mill street coukagi courage tirt of armour to the roie tiindunduiapx animuelcomeinipfc slon from driving too deep into percep tion he that it amis bold and strong li not uo easily piuhed down however when tlie envmy htrlkes hard uil man has great deal to grapple with until jnii went to noon yfl iiltutolullulucll jujj to auurt rorelrn can enti 111 lili until uudni vehicle jhrmiu undir god ty to piinilus numbend id and loi ptflods up to 10 houn fljj canadian car ported out uard tor touring pilipoei numbend ll lluljljluasluit im1iusis iuu what tlie nisi it hi lich or us his hi gt neroils lmpulei atiiit having thiin and4khui tlumi eiiloiiraceinint simply aj lmpulies muten lion throw out that scotch houunet all right fr un emergency nieuhiige hut imiie getting ft bvd bomeudug will bo felt hi bplteof all uio frolu tht nrlit kpeelnl braury hnaglnahle to bear pain dc imi ll0no fently li good sign of inward trength and an undoubted proor of great mind jlm mf th htfl courane by keeping the senses quiet and uie bmieratandbig clear puts us hi condition to receive trutf in tell la nee to maku coiitputatlons upon danger and pronounce rlghuy upon that which threutriu us innocence of life coikiel led so dear nnd uttli patln tie drooping fiom tlmt old hottla pcrhaji ought tonietlmes to lie counted men iw llowern so fiiiin unto us for riglitfoiisiui it lt quit conceivable at any rale that if we oujnifai of worth and ureut expectations are tlie beat foundations of courage millers wami powders attack worms in the htomacli and intestines at once and no worm can come hi contact with them and live tlwy also correct the un healthy conditions in the digestive organs that invite and encourage worms settbig op reactions that are most beneficial to the growth of the child tly have attested their power tn hundreds of case mod at all time are thoroughly trust worthy derlulvely in the dlnetlon of vina to kiiow itu uppreelutlou the management preaenth acb of you ludlen with one fc mag ulfkent rok4i and tn you uiittlt uieu vino hud laughed ut lir memouto juwt uh klut laughed at everything tluu slitt hud placed it in jlmu lupl from which tb long btepi duitglixl ri diculously this to kanry nlie had said uml might just as well huv added sine bavo you old tbar lu his obsession to show nancy bow sorry be was it bud not enttrtd his htupld aching tuud tlmt be ahould have pitched tbe tainted flower into the gutter didnt haw them at all we would bo poorer fpecinu na or humanity than we are ilut generous lmpulea that are never carried out and never made to realize themvlvei in koine jyjrt of real suo fashion must have only very iipirficlal kbid of virtue if as somo tlmeji seenui to happen we flatur our uelvei on huvuig tliem and meanwhile have no bitentlon of dohig tmyuihig with tliem tliey may not prove to be virtues at ill tlie gootl deeds uiat we mean to do but nevir gt doju will iwvur comfort any lwarla or relievo any iwceaslties customtr wlsli to buy un approprt ata gift for bride aomethbig timely and striking morclumt how about clock wu iiiotiiers who know the virtues of motiicr graves worm icx terminator al ways hav it at hand because it proves its value no nol nal ryclash nor mos qiiiiov wliiskorvubrjc memory turtnaylravllml fifty yrarb and tla pooplcj know about it but they forget new customers are being born every minute and they grow up and have to be told note to merchants unlttw you kr teuantf them by advertuiiifc what you huvo to offer thentv uti fellow who hart oty befih in buriinetuj fifty weekri and whiulvertirii intelligently will prove to you the truth of it you must tell them to sell them harrop sc phone day or night s3 reside ncotbowcr avenue acted all calls promptly answered rates reasonable misc e1xaneo francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street quclph ont eagleson ontario and dominion iltwd regutered profckdoiud enginec surveys reports liitlmates plans drainage work speciattx telephone 31 omurevtne ont general we sleciamzl kn life fire ilcnllh and accident automobile winriqlnn plntt glnaa lloiler fidelity itonds anmiitiuh and all general lined of insurance also ocenn steamship tickets leaking comlaniia noiilnr iaciuxpis trednctw rtgfif acton the door of opportunity these 8nah ads wfll om docc to whaterer yoa an 8ccfdiax wnsaftwawss wlslavamauwjvj4 vjyaaahu

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