Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Oct 1935, p. 5

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thobbdat otfluub ttok tjhe acton free press paok fivm mr ifta klrkneaa of part sydney wu bomeotv tho wteinmd lav xl warren of toronto caltod aa acton friend on tuesday mn moore fa rttutote with her otters in toronto lor lew aa7k mra chaa of toronto spent abo weekend witto mrs robert garvin mr and mm stewart and jtacdc xpent eunday with relative in bramp mr and mra near ameat and robert of toronto visited relatlvea in three ociock wednesday by paul vest xithat time is it sallyr helen iten minute to three mlaa mr williamson of toronto vuted with mr and mra murray on eunday mr chas symon of flln flon man visited jset week at the borne of mrs james symon mr and mrs robertson or toronto visited with mrs scott over the weekend mr yra mraj benton attended the funeral of mis bentons mother the late mm blms at arthur last week mrs thoa smith mrs john reed mr and mm jesse reed of orton visited with mr and mrs reed on sunday mrs jas rarobhaw miss vlda ram abaw and the misses and ram spent sunday with fi atr frultland mr and mrs brlgnall mrs harley srignall and pred pletchet of toronto visited at mr and mm jas reeds this week mr and mrs swackhamer and mff etta of churchill mrs bennett and miss bennett visited mr and mrs terry and family at brant xord on sunday the engagement fe announced of mary sabrs nelson youngest daughter of the late mr and mrs john nelson to john robert macarthur only son of mr and mrs william macarthur of acton the marriage to take place the latter part of october mr and mrs john marshall of naii sagaweya no campbellviue will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day october 21st 1035 when they will be at home to their friends from to oclock in the after noon and from to 10 in the evening gifts gratefully declined back promptly at five dinner will bo at seven tonight tea miss helen the outer door of the apartment closed with soft thud the fragile and palpably lovely fig ure before the louis qulnro dressing table aat chin cupped in one blender hand as she looked into the crystal depths of the mirror yet she seemed scarcely to be aware of the pink and golden loveliness re flected there about her was an air of tense ex pectancy unseelngly she glanced down at the toe of one small hatln mule peep ing out from the trailing green folds of her negligee little frown puckered her forehead tshe looked nervously about the ex pensively simple bod room the frown deepened she got up and adjusted the white venetian blinds to soften the light fil tering through for half moment she peeped be tween two of the little white slats to catch fleeting glimpse of central park many dizzy floors below she walked few steps hack into the room and stood still she seemed to be listening intorjtly there wad no hound in tlio apart ment hue picked tip sparkling crys masonic hall dedicated here com tinned from page one olon in the years and with ttids note or hope faith anl courage the grand master closed one of the finest messages ever heard in the annals of masonry here bro cooper of acton in tryon th ei tourist traffic gains automobile tourist traffic entering canada has been very heavy so far this year and all indications point to sub stantial gain over last year when the curtain is rung down on the summer tourist season in the late autumn ac cording to information received from the three leading portoofentry for tourists windsor port erie and niagara palls incoming tourist traffic via tunnel bridge and terry at the port of windsor for the period from june 1st to july 15th comprised 43154 automobiles entered on sixtyday permits and 65i7 automo biles cntcrud for periods up to twenty four hour the ilood of travel at tills port onjufy 4th cnatcd an alltime record and necessitated keeping open five traffic lanes ut tins tunnel and four lanw ut the amhosiador bridge at port erie foreign automobiles entered from april 1st to july hth hicluslve num bered 24030a sixtyday touring per mits uued totalled 43sb3 travelers vehicle permits 1110 sixmonth permits 241 automobiles en red forpcrlods up to fortyeight hours totalled 204459 ovr 27000 cars vere handled at the peace bridge on july 4th thlrluen truffle lanes were kept open the num ber of tourku entered tlirough part erie en route for the northern ashing tratcritanincrcfticcrtiy miy per cent over the same period of 1034 at the busy port of niagara palla from april 1st to july 15th tills year tourist traffic was up fifteen per cent compared with tlw corresponding period of lost year grand total of 644515 automobiles conveying 04 s88 passengers was han ded travel between the united states and of perfume from the drooitlng table and delicately applied little glass rod to her hair the oho ofea hrear itretfully klipiglunecd ut tho rod mo rocco leather clock on tho writing desk out in the npurtment doorknob clicked the flgnr in green chiffon started slightly hurriedly ahn picked up chiffon handkerchief front the dressing tnblo sho wnlked few hteps townrd tho door paused mhil iitino bnek to the dressing table where she imt down in tho softly hhmled mirror she saw the tall figure of man appear hi the bedroom behind her her face in tho glass blanched trifle that was all why douroht who ekdalmoil there was nervous catch in hor volco what on earth are you doing homo at thlu time in the afternoon she seemed to bo very busy with her cos metics its framlngharn tho man in the doorway said ho refused to follow oot my plan wont cooperate wo had directors meeting this afternoon blew up and walk ml out oh darling im ho sorry she picked up comb but her hand trem bled so violently that she had to pat it back her body whh tense quiver ing with wide staring eye she glanced desperately at the clock the man la tho doorwuy looked at the time piece olo three oclock ho said was there just the truce of rtrnln in hla voice or did uhe imaglnn it whore is sallyr ho nuked lot her havo ti few bourn off you know we nro hnvlnj dinner at seven tonight sho anted to boo her broth er or hotuethlng oh ho he oct ml cigarette from tho rich brown leather box on tho writ ing deikttnillluiitthl itwith tho llghto she had given him for chrhitnmii sho yot up the room ueemod very unsteady shciin od nllklitiy the man in tho donrunv didnt notlco or did ho sho crohed to tho writing tarto tho little rwl morocco leather clock ticked with enjennc flvo nilnutob pat thrco she wanted to scream ciiicbh 111 tnko shower tho man bald awfull warm for thin tlmo of year why dont you dear it vvjll rot your norvoh ill lav out your thlnkd for you hor voice tromhlod sho leaned ngfilnft hil tublo to htcndy her holf come of walker ixxlga and welcomed all the visitors on any other occasion replying to this toast were bro dr forrester of etrattord who brought greetings from south huron dstrlct and spoke of his many friend ships here and his pleasure in visiting on this occasion bro logan grand secretary was revlsltlng walker lodge for the first time in 35 years he complimented them on their fine new tiome and from hlrf wide experience in meeting in the hlg brotherhood of masonry in many lodges and many countries gave many inteceat ing and some amusing experiences bro cooke imstrjct secretary also expressed appreciation of the hos pitality of walker lodge and paid com pliment to ltd officers and proposed the toast to walker lodge in concluding bro darby again expressed tho pleasure un having the visitors and assured them of cordial welcome at any time the junior war dens toast of happy to meet sorry to part happy to meet again brought this memorable event to close grand lodge office ro in attendance at this important ceremony included tho following moot worshipful right and very worshipful brethren of tho craft prank copus post grand master stmtferd tt vf wnrtlftv ft record year for club work 148 hausn tseng vtasple teak peri hi various rtmmm of thai work according to information secured from the local branch of tho ontario de partment of agriculture 1035 is record year far club work in hslton in all 148 boys and girls enrolled in definite auclph cooke quclph district sicrctary barraclou george town uagajl of gait hamil ton of gait hemphill waterloo herman haws waterloo hugh precston kitchener geo deklcbihans kitchen er dr abbott erin akx black guclph ale mulr pcrgusr gordon mcewcn drayton pcnfald guelph wellington keefer prtston george hcynoldu elora dr zimi shel bourno alex jaftnly uolph snyder campbellvllk rev thompson georgetown dr por reatcrt stratford geo pulrley guelph roy stewclling guelph visitors were prcunt on uils occobion from guelph pergus milton lucknow grand volley pulmcrston crecniore campbcllviue kitclientr durham wel lington pelrolui weston shelbourne gait elora toronto urfirldge george town brontford hamilton waterloo stratford drayton preston hcspelcr oanabas bacon exports suddenly uiu teh plume jingled loutf ly slio jumppd and muffled cry la her handkorchlof jm get it dear alio managed to aa oh hollo ma rio darling you of eourao ivo boon expecting you sure ly surely understand 1111 tut en mo in from the nltlce trouble of some sort of course well moko it ahothor afternoon groat wave of fr canadias pigs are going to market in big way especially the british market canadian bacon luts become very popular in great britains bacon market exports jumping rfrom 5000000 pounds in 1931 to 894od0oo pounds in 1034 par the first seven montlu of the present year export of canadian bacon and hams to tho british market have amounted to 84351200 pounds compared with 81504 c00 pounds in the amo period of 1034 indicating that canadas proportion of tlie bxltliii bacon trodu ut being well maintained and may be even greater this year than ever canadian bacon entering tho british market fc told in competition with uw worlds beat and in the comparativ ly chort period of four years canadvb position as an exporter of bacon to grcnt britain lias advanced from ninth ploco in 1031 to second place in 1034 can iwlan iiliare of the british bacon trado lias increased from per cent to 11 pr cent during thli period the quality of canadas bacon and pis producu has earned reputation second to none in tho uorld markets especially in tho british isles tills achievement is due to large extent to tho policy adopted by the canadian department of agriculture of promoting improved pro duction methods among tho hog raisers such innovations as the introduction of regulations governing the grading mar uioj last sp 40 ti enro in calf club work 34 in grain club work 43 in garden and canning club work and 31 in the clothing club project aohievernent days for these clubs were with tap exception of tho clothing club project conducted in connection with the acton esqueslng and county of halton agricultural societies 71 of the total enrolment completed the pro jects in ajl details and exhibited at the achievement days where tbo displays were among the outstanding features of the respective programs at acton tho display of the acton girls garden and canning club was one of the most at tractive exhibits in the had velma murray and margaret brown were tied for top honors for the seasons work and will rcceivo two weeks short course at macdonald institute e3va winters annie aiken and beatrice graff followed in tho order ruunetl the acton jersey calf club exhibit alsona tructed much interest gerald graham winning the if mckondrlck special with harry murray george henderson newton huddeu john mclean and chactle barber being close runnersup at milton tlio glrkv garden land can nhig club and soys grain club displays in the hall received much commenda tion in tho garden club work hazel booth receives tho short course ocholar jit ship mocdonaldtruitluitawlthmary jarvls evelyn simpson helen smith tm inthordcr named the grain club project results khowcd campbell mcklnnon to bo the clmmplon with jim wallace prcd luno hart sandy wallace colin dunkle and wilfred brownlow au runncrsup tho milton calf club was without doubt tho outstanding uvctock display on tlie grounds 24 club members being on liand to exlilblt their calves regin ald neclands of hornby was champion on the years project with addlwin wdodley erwhi shcplterd bruce held craig held and hoy tovell placing second third fourth fifth und blxui respectively at georgetown the boyu groin club and girls garden club displays set off most attractive hall seventeen of tlw ilghtecrt grain club members made ex hibits with donald mcnobb uoyd pisher jolin mcnabb john alexander craig held and wallace swackhamer placing in the order named the first thre prh winners also place second third and four in tlio strong malting barley special which attracted eleven entries in tlie girls garden and can ning club project plorene mclaughlin won tlie macdonald institute scliolarsliip witli kauuecn hyatt edna horrop marie butckau and jean king following in order to ail club members as well us the tponsorlng organisation we extend our liearty congratulations on tho years achievement hints on ricklk makino the preservation of food with salt or vinegar cither with or without the ad dition of spices or sugar is eominonly known as pickling the predomblailag flavor determines thb kind of pickle sour pickle sweet pickle or spiced pickle green or cuightly unrtpe fruits and tege tnbles aregenerally used the vlhe gar used must be of sufficient strength to exert preservative action writes lall of the ental parm ottawa and there most be enough of it to cover the material pic kled pickles have little food value but they make meal more palatable they should never be given to children only porcelain lined or granltewaro kettles should be used when vrng pickles acid will attack metal utenaus so they ahould not be used granite or wooden spoon should be used for stir ring perforated agote ladle is convenient utensil for lifting the pieces of pickle from the kettle finished pickles should be pocked into sterilised jam or crocks thtro are three main classes of pickles sweet fruit or vegetable pickles sour pi which include mustard pickles that large variety of pickle in which tho ingredients ore chopped finely there are many and varied recipes but tho following arc examples of the three clasifcs of pick lea and have been tested in tho kitchen at tlio central ex perimental purm ottawa sweet pickled pllotr peaclics pears sweet apples crabapplcs etc peck prepared fruit quart vinegar cup water ounces stick cinnamon ahun has been dissolved cook thb encumbers ten minutes few at tlms in quarter of the following mixture heated to the boiling point and boll ten minutes gallon vinegar red peppers tablespoons allspice tablespoons cloves sticks friptiwi strath remaining liquid over the pic kles which have been put ha stonto jar biddijca why is dbg warmer hi summer than in winter because hi winter it has coat and in the summer it has the samb coat and pants motto oil nee cloven thb destiny ov mankind depend upon it notlilng cosy nothing petty nor is anything haphazard thlngt ore not left to chance everything is amenable to law and order everything points to rational sclieino or plan of which we know neither tlio beginning nor tlie end but towards the fulfillment of wliich we can help in faco of all that shall ue allow ourselves to equabblo about trivialities shall we crawl about on the surface or tlie planet and sting each oilier here in the dust and die or shall ue rcalu that we are the heirs or nil the ages uiat tlio deutlny or mankind is belntr partly entrusted to un and that humanity has tuture potential future beyond our wildest dreams sir oliver lodge pounds sugar boil thu sugar vinegar andsploeo20 minutes dip tlie peaches in bailing uatcr and rub orf tlio fur but do not peel the pcani and apples tho crab upplcs may bo picked with the skins on stick tlw fruit with whole cloves pus into syrup and cook until soft using quarter or half of tlio fruit at time chili saucb 12 tomatoes apples bunch celery red peppers cuprt brown sugar onions green peppers cups vhhgar tablespoon salt toblespoonu mixed whole splco tltsd in cheeocloth bag chop and mix altogctlier and boll liours hcmove the spice hog and bottle the pickle at once uniupls cdoomhefl pickle oibsftkin wipe four quarts of small unripe cucumbers put in stone jar and add cup of salt dissolved in two quarts of boiling water and lot stand three dayu drain the cucumbers from the brlnwr brbig the brine to boiling point pour over cucumbers and again let stand three days repeat drain wipe the cucumbers and pour over gallon of boiling water in which tablespoon of put this motto up hi your office and look at it every morning where can improve my business today know man who adoptectthls motto early in life and it has been perpetual inspiration to him you can see the effects of it upon everything he does he is always trying to improve on his bt the result is that he has developed more of his ability than any other man know there are no fagends or half finished slipshod jobs about him com pleteness lshhe trademark upon every thing in and around his premises nothing dot seems to trouble him more than poor days work or bad job ooubt1ss havent seen you somewhere ask ed the young man 5uito likely replied tho glrl xve been there dancin ryan auditorium godph every wed ompjo 7h every sat couple 90o special thanksgiving dance wednesday october 23rd restoring hal davis and ills mnsle 10 to su couple 90e grocery phone 37 acton specials for thursday friday and saturday lb tin cowans cocoa 10o dcluis jelly powders ss quart heinz wills vinmr 1s lbs quality mincemeat iio lb no cooking onions so lbs rolled oats for ho lines charcoal for xso hollo mis toelet paper iso no wvestrttitf broom s9o lbs best bread flour iso lb arrow bleud tea jso ukinz soup mushroom otvictj 10 klndd family ska tin ho for ico beehive corn bsbup goldoo or whllo lb tin lor sso tomato ketcnbp largo botuo ttktnz iso lirao uotuo tttwva ho lugo boltlo happy vale 12o pastry flour lb lily white for ho 12 lb lily white slo lb lily white for 61c kttuig ului solo oi tiaco wiltshire cut for export grading or hog carcaues and the importation ultra aristocratic pig stock for breedhig purposes have been largely responsible for tlie gratifying re obtained bacon grading is one of the cornerstones of tlio improvement policy ai it standardises tlie quality grade and appearance of tlu product exported the object of bacon grading is to raise thj lmudof tliojtportid product toestah uant you to teach my non for eign language certainly mftdajn french oerman hisvibur whlcliwii the moat foreign mmmmmmmmtmvmmmmw for everybody did you ever see man carrying billboard under his arm ttf intematlonal boundary in tlie world andtluibdnilttanceofmimons oftour lsh eacll year prebeilt situation to border official of the dominion gov ernment quite distinct from that of regular commercial traffic isoth im migration and customs inspectors wel come the bona nde tourist and tho regu lations are framed to make the move ment of such vultont crossing the border into canada just as free of red tape aiid restriction as possible during the summer montlis when the trarfle it its peak extra officer are provided wherever ueceaaary hi order uiat tlw touruui can be admitted witli the utmost despatch riie heavy volume of traffic handled so far uils yvar speaks well for the canadian border service and indicates that tho simple formalities required arj no banter tb legitimate trultlc gfct it ovicb hubby cant cat this nturf young urtde never mind dear have iomo lovely recipes for making loft overs hubby in uiat com 1u eat it now her leaving hr uubollitvuljly weak homehow she th nrwiv ita hook it wa murlo jayti utyar aha explslnod to the hroud buck turuttd toward her bho wuh going to drop by but couldnt make 1l ummm ho nuniiblwj help mi art uiu dantf tie oh will you wuter was uphitihln nurrlly in tin buthroom weekly win commpiicfd to pick up his cloth from wlure he hud tluug tho on chair ulnlo shoot nolo pupr dropped from hlu cont pocket it rend would it lntrvht you to know thai jour wife in luivlug uu titfulr with one of tho boin ubout town drop in at our iipurtmimit thr oclock wmtnew dny uftfrnoun jl kjniputluitio iviund with trembling linger ho plucod tho noti lho blood had drulufd fron lur fucf hhe ioouimi fondly at tut diamond hniccli tn on hor ulouder wruth uml the lltimond hugi on hor long tuptrlng llngi rn titoiiifiit inter ut hor writing denk him vnry dillliuriltil iiml oiuplottli ithhiii from ti thi ni hutlutr not hook the kniino huoul moioud 4j vntnil iark west oi 5oftld lkihed baalfl of mercluindhdng canada tudate uie dominions position for tlie future cm hlglily oonipetitive market iluftossxhllt havo you over eon ftcdi cwlmmlnz up waterfall xf you did not know it could be done you would oi course pro nounce it an impomjbility liven wluri on aw watching tlui performance you feel as though you are looking ut niwv biff picture where the action la reverwiu uudently the thu dot nut trouble its htiul ubout what liupuilble und whut not howewr tft jiut faxi ahead and do it anj tiling cm come down on water full plecli pf wood dead fkh anything it ull nothlmf tiwlmjup wutrruill howevir that ih not trctm ndously allvo whin next jou urn temptud to feci uiat elry thing la auuiiutl you that iuxiit hi luiiuxadble think of that ibili golntc from low level to higher ui tlie face of douiipour of wutir thinking of thut be luiluuued vvir aguln to bay cant gregory theatre yanoay ocrokieit uui the flamewithin costaring ann harding and herbert maridiall comedy in the dog xlouae cluiptcr of hum tin up uarnes hattjiujay octoklcr 10th hontfiiprayed iiprce of kiddy uuliity jack huuy und ann aotli ern comedy vacauon dayu souvenir ko vox news monhay octoheu 31u oltchids to you its it nust riiduuuj course hi romunru bturrlnir jiaii mulr john uoui und cimrlj iluturwortli dllvwly till lllillt lsuitiuitlc vuudivuij no com1no ijengal lancklts mks witius ov the cai5hage latcu did you ever see handbill on reading table no did you ever see picture of the new hat you vanticomeintotiiehomeviaradio no did you ever see copy of live newspaper thrown into the waste basket with being read no thats why advertising in this newspaper brings results wmmmmwmwmwmmmwsiimmwmwmmmmmwi

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