Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 17 Oct 1935, p. 3

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thphqpat ootongt ttth 11m the acton free press bjr 3tr frauf hort tnrg teee captain of vasti uotjuj mckklvty a44ut ht th creek of tho un that her alded the end of the game hoarsely cheering crowd of root en surred over the restrainta barriers and swept out onto the field some of them swarmed about the layers others joined the hilarious crowd whsofe was already through the field like fraotto thamr ivgr centipede antfrtlt icnorlns the clamor and bruthma aside the grasping hands that would bare stayed him miles le left half back of the tlctorious vastl eleven sprinted for the saftey of the showers no hero stuff for him let tiny palmer and captain stuts revel in it that was what they played the gm for anyhow the grand stands the newspaper headline and next years captaincy savagely miles stripped off his sodden togs and peeled the protective tape from bis weak ankle he had not had chance not single chance to score all afternoon out in the middle of the field he had been given the ball or on first or second down when only ft yard or two were needed to make nrst down however when tho ball was with in carrying distance oj roal it was always tiny who got it sluts fed him the ball at tho big momenta not because he was the logical man or because strat egy demanded it but because ho and tntywero brothers of the same society and because tiny wanted to captain next years team touchdowns meant pub licity publicity and acclaim meant next years captaincy as miles soaked under the shower his bitter thoughts raced on if tills were tho only chance that tiny would have to lend team whyjhat might make difference but it was not already ho had been captain of tho baseball team already lie hud i1l1 kttcr in wrestling why should ho bo no ii fish and greedy why should hollo big boyl water hot tonight at tho greeting mlleji knapped back to earth what he wild oh hello churbl sure tho waters fine most of the team hud rifted into tho locker room now tired weary and bruised iw they were they tilled the room with huppy noisy clamor utro plenty tough tell you hows jour leg butch ytah that full hacu was about tut easy to stop ati tin urmy tank hud stltiurm like pile driver and did liny jmmk em over why they positively slashed when he bored through for that touchdown mucsylldthrouuh the hubbub to his locker and began to dresjf ordinarily he loved the camaraderie of the lockvr room after game the luuffhtcr the to deceive anybody unlos he mixes bis plays dont know dont either seems like coach would try to bum little gumption into him maybe be will this week his idea is to keep hands off when the teams out an the field explained miles and that gives stuts his chance oh well tots forget it im toungry as the next week passed excite over the homecoming game swelled dally the first of the old grads arrived on thursday on friday the campus was swarming with them miles father mother and younger brother drove in at noon miles managed to get permis sion to drive in to see his folks all set bon asked mr lehman ah set replied miles and your ankle how docs it feel entirely okeh at least it seems to be fine then were all ready to give knox another lesson in football im expecting at least one touchdown from you tomorrow miles its family tradition fattier and son smiled at one another understanding ill do my best promised miles to make them think that old arnlo lclunan irlmaelf is bock in uniform mv lehman chuckled wo did treat them little rough miles stepped into tho roadster ho had borrowed for the trip waved and drove away an ideal foootball day wiui the unani mous verdict of the thousands who tilled tlio studlum the hist half hour gradually wore it iolf auny and tho bltf moment way finally at hand sluts uon the tout and elected to receive he and hla teammates scat tered to their plactif are you ready vaiiti iiliouted the referee heady knox stuui waved an arm the knot cap tain nodded the referees whltle jirllud and the gamu was on the klckolf was beauty end over end the bull catapulted through tho nlr toward tinya corner tiny palmer tensed for the catch vaiti men twmtr into rough uvdfle in front of him tho instant the ball plunked info his arms the eager group drove straight doun tho field the forcmout knox men went doun like nlnepim soon however btocky knox linesman managed to sift through tlm ilylnjf edge he nailed tiny on the vastl thirtyjtird line flrt and ten roared uie referee the croud jiad been ruept to their feet by the excitement or the opening kickoff they settled back into their scats now with fo much at stake they wlfttglve his tracks knox determined to take no chance wltt her alxooint lead punted on first down and the ball sailed safely out of the dancer state vastl now opened up with everything she had in the bag trick formations followed on another in bewildering sac cession lone and short passes were tossed from almost every angle the break came with dramatic sudden ness knox had tne ball on vasus thirty yard une when play which appeared to be right end run bad drawn the overeager vastl defense out of position when the knox left end had out cross long pass was shot far to the left even to t3ie right mues had not been stamp eded out of position aa result he was right on the job when knox receiver went scooting to the left the pass was low miles charging furiously hinged into its line of flight and snatched the ball before the knox man could realise all that had happened miles was ten yards beyond him with tiny thundering along five yards in the rear and trying desperately to get near enough to run interference for him miles shot down the field lawrence the knox half back who had heaved the pass raced across to intercept him miles saw the other coming desperately he tried to length en his stride just one man between him and touchdown he must make it he tnustl out of the corner of his eye then he saw liny tiny was too far behind him to clock the tackier he would have to nght his way through hlmuclf hut not how about lateral pass to tiny miles thoughts boiled lcrhaps by lianging on to tlio ball miles could crash through and win tlio game himself nobody could blame him and he had an ovn chance of winning out on tlio other had ho could pass to tiny block tho tackier him self and hiaku touchdown certain tinyl ho gasped to the rlghtl balls coming at youl tiny grasping tho idea instantly vecred tho right when he was full live yurdit uway miles tossed tho ball ucroiji to him swerving he crashed into tho kneci of thu oncoming tackier aji he and the knox man went down tiny tho ball locked in his arms plunged over the line with happy exultant roar the croud freed its bluuandgold balloons tiny it bjloucd in ilx than minute schwartz booted the ball over the crossbar for the win ning point the final uhltle blew four minutes after play uou resumed no further icorlne had liken place vastl liad uon and tiny uas again in the spot light linen year shortly after the end of the football season uie buslncs mrn of the vtu community hold banquet for the football team on the 1rlday nljrht for which the banquet uas scheduled the players rath eicd in the uvsinated anteroom as retiring captain stuu presided prom ptly at seventhirtj he called tlio meet ing to order guessi ue had better get nolng fellows he said you all know the purpose of this mevtlng were litre to elect cnptaln acaptainjabbahajdonoatbasu dow much vaktttt in by barter breaks mdtce we cant co verr far into the subject of making menus without coming to the matter oi yariety women looking for help in meal glancing usually ask for euggestlorjb for variety tn their every day menus in fact variety seems to be word that covers mnltttade of oondl tlons and many sins nearly of us justify menu now and then with the excuse that we do not have much variety from which to choose when we come right down the matter of eating just how much variety do we want people who regularly eat in restaurants where there is wide sel ection of food eat pretty much the same meals day after day every home has its traditions tn cooking too many new ways and strange foods will be as upsetting in the home as they areun profitable in the restaurant but meals do become monotonous and there trnut something different in menus to make them interesting we can do no heifer than take tip from the restauranteurs who make business of planning interesting meals kearly all success is good homecooked food with little extra touches to give variety some of them will tell you that the secret of of the little thingcr are hot breads par ticularly the dark fruity ones garnishes that can be eaten such as carrot straws raddlsh roses celery curls pickles jelly tho smart restaurant chef knows uomcthing about using leftovers too stood is never just warmed over it is made into new dish and is garnished and iscrved with all tho fanfare of chefs special hero again it is the little thing that docs tho trick perhaps some thing 10 simple as toppwg of buttered com flakes for cancrolo of scalloped leftover vegetables and meat those dark fruity breads tlmt every one likes can be in tlio form of muffins buns or loaves hero are few recipes to add to your collection honey curhant 11uns cup prepared bran j1 cup milk cup currants cup honey cupu flour tablespoons baking powder tjblemjoon salt cup shortening comblno bran currants milk and honey sift together the dry ingredients and cut tn the shortening add to the llrt mixture and combine turn onto llourcd board and shape in long roll divide into twelve equal pieces roll each into ball nnd flatten out to inch thickness place on greased pan and bike in hot oven 425 degrees about 25 minutes yield 12 buns 2i inches in diameter note if dtilred buns may be blnzed ulth mixture of honey and melted butter before baking tills gives them golden hroun color steamed prune bread cup prepared bran cup sour mill cup prunei soaked several houro stoned drained and chopped tablespoon molasses cup sugar cup hour pnnn noda lug tonight was no different from other nighui as he listened to this chatter now his bitter thoughts slipped away from mhoi almost at once these were great fellows it had been great game when tiny in passing paused to give him friendly slap on the back he looked up grinning sonic game eh tiny sure uas rumbled tiny how the ueak ahkle not even stiff tine you mire were knocking them over uhead or mc today old fellow miles tlushld at thl praise had to he said or yon birds would have run right over mc an body heard yet how knox come out dozen ulcn anbucred him walkaway won 34 to milw whistled looks he observed as if the homecoming game nvxt sat urday in going to be humdinger when mileu ptuhed open the door of tin room lhit hf with tmi walkr he found lvk busily tjplnc too biij to go out to uat asked muli ljlepuhcd up hls ee sh uie just kllhiihttnvetlllitii cumjjiiild lloi did the old war horse come througlt the fraj and mie fray it iiu too th plenty tough mues nodded and now uvre all iet to send knot to thirtiitnurt ubw did the imkie stand up ali right wiiyilncjieitjre body iclcji asking about that ankle lii lieen as good oj new all reaou everybody seems to think tlmt because broke it last year im permanent cripple lyle grinned you broke it last year tuid twice youve strained it thk wo ask about it because we want you with ua during tho knox game dont ate why grumbled miuti liny does all tlie acnrlngl jnterruited lyle knrw old man know and tui does everybody elie stuu ouglit to bo allot llut hes overdoing it miles hit fellows urciit so dumb that they dont know what is gohiy at it gets my geuit though confe miles hoiieetly lyle it isnt so much that want to be captain im not that cheap sport ljut tlnys no leader he wont work with tho fellows enough and this favoritism of etuts is wrecking the team that touchdown today in spite of it being flashy was just plain luck but we actually earned two touch downs and would have had them loo if etuts would use anything but old number thirty how can ho exept wirlly and unit for the breaks the plujs that follouvtl oil through the llnt quarter proved this psychology correct minute after unite or uie second quarter sped away and left both teams itiir scoreless the ten ton mounu schuarta vastl full back was outpunt ing his opponent twenty or thirty jard on each evchange 10 the ball wnjj grad ually worked deeper and deeper into knox territory emboldened by this fact stuts llimlly culled for pass from punt formation miles ran wide to tlw it ft and raped into the clear scli wartns heae wai long tor moment it looked as though the half back could not pj iblj snare it but he did htart breaking burt of spevd leap high into the air and he had succeeded in doing the impt slble not until lit had reaehtd tlitlr thlrtjjard line did knn tuckh is uccid in bringing him dou 11 on the mt plaj stuts tried another pu ihnrt on thl time ovir the eentlr of the line thl pass too uu ffmplitnl villnou hui tin bill on ihe vmm nlnetiiijard line and lti llrt curing oppoitimitv of the day the big ronboird indicated thit there wire stll about four minute to plaj lloottrclimbed to tin ir ft now li rtnv for touchdown thrust through tulle netl two jard short ml run brought tu inure not inough tuts was growling in the hud dle well try another pass old fortj unlcss the team pulk shoulder to shoul dlr with him its hopeless one there probibly have been times during tlio si of on just past when you fellows thought woj cray the way ran the team whatever jou fvlt though you never cumplnlned not one of you appreciated that more uian can say tor moment or two there was com plete hence milj shifted uncomfort ably in his chair could stuu have been sincere in his manner of running the team after all could he no one who hid heard hl little speech could doubt it llnj now biole the silence mr chairman hi called suits nooded him reeognition and tiny flushed and uncuinfortubh clliniied to his feet you ftlloai know he said clearing his tiuo it unnecl ianly jiut how much ijneeli malar am want to make nomination thuugli just the same want to humiliate for captain fellow who did irt much to mike us champ ionship outfit 1i iifgi teaspoon baking powder teispoon salt mix together the bran hour inllk mol asses and prunes add tlie sugar then the flour which has been sifted with tlie soda baking powder and salt put the batter into greased can cover tghuy anil steam for hours yield loif ervingf bran date bread ii cuj boiling water cuii dates cut fine lj cuje prepared bran tablespoons melted shortening egg slightly beaten teaspoon vanilla extract cups flour teaspoon soda teaspoon tilt teatpoon baking powder cuji sugar cup nutiihut chopped pour boiling walr over daus and cool add bran eg shortening and vanilla hj lir ingredients and add nuts add anjune in uie room rv higrtdhnl to first mixture and stir mlmv who aluaj in unl th hake in greased ibaf mluutit yield luif inches 1iine ijojtt an instant later the ball was snapped die pllfu fx mien ih wftthigh juggled it deperately tackier stnu him the ball bounced to the left strlght into the arms of an oncoming knox tackier of course he uus away like flush tuiy and miles had iwung wide des perately now they took up the chase tjiey cut down tho runners lead but he had tenfoot start of them and as he crossed the van lfiorty yard lino lw was still six feet ahead on tho thirty yard line tiny tripped and fell not until the knox man was lunfilinr over the tenyard line dkl miles leave his feet he won ut 111 too fur away his ouutretched arms tripped tlie runner and bent him tumbling end ovtr end but the mlowi momentum carried liim over the line touchdown the foal kick went widi that was little solace to vastl but not much wlnm tlie half ended uie score was still knox vastl the twenty minute rest ixjriod between halves finally wore itself away and play wus rcsumod knos received tlio kick went deep and vastl men dowtmfl tho red and black bli carrier almost in tiieit uhtie ihiiiejre hiippenlhg youve tiiali ibl gm ed the man have in mind tor next leari tuptaui nomin ate my running mite mile lelimiuil milts had been sloiiehid far down in hi ehitlr al ni ntion or hl name he jumiaci iu though pricked by needle what inj nominating him you sie how nilieh tile nomination surprisid mues he uan suj lug wed tlmjrtyplual4f him vet nnd silsprlsed wlicn aiiyum 1u vxiujcllowlumvjiuiuuiiiiascdlll his chance tor touchdown in uie knox game wonder if you fell6ws ever won dered why stutsy didnt have milts carry the all more in jmtlce to stutsy think you ought to be told now tlmt uie need for secrecy is over miles was pretty important miui to the team without him running interference sch wartz and could liavo tfotten nowhere without him backing up the left side of tho line on defence wo would luive been seriously weakened to nay the leosl and as all of us know miles lias had weak ankle all ieason coach didnt wani to taku any inoro ciuuioas with that ankle than was altoueuur noeuuiry lui couldnt ieu old miles to take thlnus easy because miles heintt the fitfhur ho would hav ueortivd this wellmeant uikitlon so lit told btuts aiid ois fired stuu to ktave lilm all lui could it was plenty tough on artlei but u10 plan worked we uuuiagrd to keep him wlui tu all fccaion hi hplte of lild bum ankfe and uiati uiat vellow tuunbiate mllca lclunan second uie nomlnauoti boomed 1erslni lulm promotes ilalntlnes charm anrt bfiury magical in its effect on the skin theiv nothing like for creating and prerrving lovely com ph xlon cooling carejlng it coothe and relic vl all roughnei caiescd by htt iwntr wtauior ounditituu dulicatuly fragranu nottcesi nihaiires the most finished appearance hiuiiiiie slin rojuileif in textuxci trilly pet rli toilt requlite for every tllcernlnit oman swkht illmimillt xjjra you remind me fo all do world of brown uugali how come sam you am so bweet and so unrefined schwartz immediately little ward chalmerii ulid to his feet mr chalrman he called move unit nomhmtkukj be closed all in favor say aye opposed motion curried and that ot couri means that mllc is uiuuiliiiously elected osu next ycara leader uuoech mluml mujilicii his eyert hhuuuiurr milcji roped ier tlie back of ihe chair bi front of hhu und pulled hlirmclr to 111 feet coach ordentstuts und liny luwl been protectbitf him all the time lie llad been dlalikbl uwul uley had been wor rying about hu ankle wiiat pud fel low uiey were what dmptetcn ho luul been nw kaajy far tbe water cray prparauoo tor avedlnr the wtotcre crop of raln in the preeahouae of the cereal division erperlmenut varm ottawa have iuat been occnpletednd aeedlnff will proceed ahortly as usual the crop will ccmalst laraely of breeding naterial which is either to be bacreaaed or used for hybridisation purpoaea the use of nenhcuees in this work sreatly accelerates lt by reductrur the time required to reach the desired ob jecuve cbeap reeds for 1ntcfalny fwoltry in expexunents in crate finishing of poultry conducted an the dominion ex perimental farms it has been found thai buckwheat screcnlngsor standard tttr cleaned screenlnff abyproductl from the grain elevators consisting largely of wlld buckwheat and broken wheat with small admixture of wild oats flaxseed and other weed seeds give excellent re sults both as to quantity and quality of flesh it was also shown in these experi ments that small unmarketable potatoes may be used to advantage in crate feed ing jed in conjunction with home grown grains these potatoes gave as economical gains as corn and produced better color and finer quality in akin and flesh tlie potatoes may fed either boiled or mashed or raw and finely chop ped and mixed wlui u10 ground grain and milk euectkicltv in coeam each fat globule in cream carried mi electric charge invcstlgatori in the dairy industry department of the unlvernlty of wlsconsm have discovered in an lnvttitl tratlorrlntn tho tlmo hrtnlcnsto maku butter out of cream they found uils tlmo varied wlui uie drgree of acldiy of tlie cream and ulat the amount of electricity also varied with uils factor there li no danger of gelung an ckctrjc shock from drinking glass of milk or from the more concentrated charges in pat of butter ns experience hai lihown they found that uie observa tions were useful nevertheless because it gave tlwm means of controlling the fat losses and in reducing the time re quired to make butter the ley acid the cream the lost negative war charge and finally point was reached at which the decreasing acidity resulted in nn increasing positive charge on the globules mlkchanicai injuries jto potato the most serious loss resulting freed mnchankml injuries to potatoes drjr go he whats the name of the selection the orchestra lt playing she oo feather your nest he go jump in tho lake asked jou civil que ition to the destructive rot caused by fungi and bacteria which enter the tobera ttirooghthe lnjmed uaaue these organ isms axe known as wound parasites and occur in every potato growing section of canada since they became important after harvest it is natural to assume that the rough handling of potatoes durmg this period may be followed by serious consequuicea bry tajuries are meant cuts brulsea shrinking and creeks cuts are usually the most conspicuous and while bruises and cracks are known to be more serious it should be clearly understood that all injuries which do not heal quickly may lead to considerable loss and incanrenlenoe where healing takes place without delay the nrrmmii organisms are shut out and the tubers thus protected may remain free from rol on the other hsccoidltionsmay be more favorable for the organisms than for the healing process so that rot sets in the amount of injury dtopendlng upon the temperature and ventilation conditlonc of the storage house observbtic7ismade at the dominion juaboratory of plant tathology chariot town demonstrated convincingly that potatoes produced on wet land develop tender skin and are more subject to injury when dug than those produced in dry coll lotatocs produced under such condluoiul therefore should be handled very carefully while it is true that potatoes grown in dry soil liavo com paratively tough skim and for uiu reason are less llablo to injury nover uio less they are very often injured through uie fact uiat this typo of noil is not carried over uie digger to com pensate this disadvantage when elevator dlgfcru used flumclehtroirehouldbo taken up to pivvent the tubers coming into direct wit uie moving parts of tlie machine authorities ngre that diggers should be at least 24 inches wide and the spade operated deep enough to avoid cuttbig uie tubers tlie careful farmer pads not only uie digger chain but also all hard and solid parta of the machine with which potatoes may come in contact while tlw digger is the chief offender in causing mechanieil injuries it li acknowledged alio that considerable damage inflicted whm the tubers are picked and hauled to the cellar it has been determined expeu mentaly that tubers are injured but very llihtly wlwn poured from basket into hick from height of 12 inches when poured from height of 30 inches how tver injury by cracking and bruising js very severe potatoes therefore should be rolled or poured carefully from ba kels into uie bagi further precautions against such injuries are as follows leave the potatoet expand to the sun and the air for two or three hours di not drop uie filled sacks on the floor of the barn or cellar pad the pickinr biskets with at least one layer of burlap doctor said she needed bulk her constipation eenoffkaixbkan brings relief to mrs uaneely read the fallowing ansollettss letter up to five years ago knew no end of suff ering caused by consti pation used all kinds of laxa tives but only found relief till got used to them my physician told me to get some kellopgs allbltajf and instxueted me now touse it did just as was told by my doctor and today send my high est praise for what yon aixbram haadone for me mrs jas maneelyjr address upon request due to inuffiunt bulk im inaals aixbhak provides gentle bajk to help overcome common constipa tion it is also good source of vitamin and iron the bulk of allbran is often more effective than the bulk in fruits and vegetables as it does not break down within tno body two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient if not corrected this way see your doctor isnt tills food much pleaaanter and safer than risking patent med icines get the redanagreen pack ajfo at your grocers made by kellogg in london ontario keep on the sunny side of lm sales books are the best counter check books made in canada they cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction we are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required see your home printer flrri the free press offers you st ce ii and bank the dfference here is real offer thht will save you money give yourself and your family lasting enjoyment and enter jtaimiaagjiljtl tlirnii tliij is all have to do select any of these famous magazines together with your local sewspaper andyouwillreiv the wh publica tions for one year from the date we receive the coupon here is the amazing combination low price qcuikhi ttiousw1 yr piconl rcvtw canadian magazinalyii national horn montmy lyr canadian hortsculiuro mi horn mf anno yr our guaranc to youi this wonderful offer la avail able to old und now ubscrlb rd to this ntjwspaper wo tiuarunteo thd rulflllment of ull tnauuxinu iubscriptlouij und you lutvu pasltlvo tuuruiicu that this tfenerotgi offer is cicucuy as represented xle nowala will be extended for full term showuw wdjtf clip list of magazitutm after checking publica tion desired fill out coupon carefully gentlemen enclose please send mo the three hiajfaidnes checked with years subscription to your newspaper name street oh rsm1 town and province

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