thubsdaxootoasl scd ims the acton free press pads rvrm smdcnak mr and mr oeorge ladle of golpl pent stand at tho bone oc mr and mrs brawn mr dmtt dran of toronto apent the weekend at le home bere mt myrr rawaon apeot wtel end wttfc was helen uecale mr and mrs xugeae uaepberaoa of toronto visited at the home of bis parents mr and mia macphenon mr ad mm william iaadaborouxb and mr and mrs chaxhe tandabocougb eit sunday wltri friends in hamlltrm mr oharlee blade of kitchener visit ed with mr and mm rawson and mr and mrs henderson last veelc mrs ftank kelly has returned homo after spending the past two nocks with mr and mrs hugh 8rnlley and other friends at aldersbot ontario miss gladys lowry miss jennie obrien and mr kenneth bunk of woodstock spent tuesday at the home of mr and mrs nelson lambert canadas youngest ymca dedicated continued from one msl be known and fully appreciated except by those in otoeest oontact with his work and amities it was pleasure and an honor to have him attend this opening function mr alex maclaren the ncw secretary of anton told of the local plans and the suggested fees some of the xrouns that alreadhave leaderarilp vtere told of and the fcooperatlan that had been received by cttltgns mr mao larens plans cave some lining of what may be expected from the in acton in another column in this issue of thx pxt paxss the immediate plans of activities is given detail along with coupons for filling hi and securing of ideas for the desires and needs of the community in closing the president thanked all who had assisted to make this official opening such splendid success and inaugurated the work in acton the ladles assisted by the men as waiters then served delightful refresh ments and during an hour or so the building was open lor inspection and viewed by all souvenir programs of the service were distributed during the even ing neighborhood news bukungton william hopkins one of the bai known and highly esteemed residents of this district passed away at his home bonnie tuoc oudph line on tues day evening after brief illness he was 76 ycora of age about 800 oclock on saturday even ing the firemen were called to nro at the home of 5rank maisbltt corner of martha and james streets it is said spark from rubbish heap started blaze in rabbit pen which was near the main part of the fwiiw already there is talk of having an in termediate ilockey team in town this season and it is expected meeting will be held in the near future to moke plans for the winter wo understand prospects are bright for getting strong team to gether for this popular sport at tile regular meeting of the town council which was held in the council chamber last night mdvln bush was named town clerk and treasurer to tlh the vacancy caused by the death of the late llobaoii the bylaw appointing mr bisdi was given throe readings without discussion and cans for salary of 1500 per year with all fees and emoluments to be turned into the town gaxette first meeting ttetd by the nwlliiw ta the in is mr owargw ovris fc twwn oakville mrs larry t3camoiw who 1ms spent soma time in femropy since her marriage arrived in mew york lout week and mr and mrs desinond will lake up uielr residence on navy street tills week mrs bruce smiui retumia to her home in ottawa on monday after spend ing the past month the guest of lief mothermrf 11 olitchfleld summer avnue the many friends of ernest dowdle wlio was injured when struck by tire truck will be pleased to hear uiat he making satisfactory progress toward re covery the vicinity of oakvlue experienced tasts of ham warfare ovet the week end with the various oompunwd of the county lome hide scottish engaging in their annual fall tactical tcheuie charging mayor oeome jscobi local jam manufacturer with wtthhold lng formation uie jam marketing board of canada lost its case against oak vi lie mayor wtcn magistrate mcuveeu dkuitlosed the charge in magis trates court monday morning record while operating corn brnoer on hu farm middle hood highway victor wu son had the misfortune to hw the index fmger of his left hand crushed in the machine amputation was found to be necessary at the first joint among the qakviue student attending university of toronto this year are aleo chisholm jack isard ranklyn beggs arthur ouess ted crdsnolm cameron isuhner has resumed tils studies at queens university etar crowd of 100 to iso attended the first local meeting of che election cam paign 4n the town pall on monday evening exwarden mason was chairman of this meeting held in the mtcrest of mr oeorge ourrte oonser vative candidate for halton mayor qeorge ewott of milton wan the nret speaker who touched on the benefits of the knmlre trades agree ments and urged an undivided vote for the ooneervatlvp candidate mr oeorge curxie the candidate said there were no ties binding canada and canadian trade he asked his hearers to remember the days prior to the advent of the bennett regime bennett had not closed market to canada and mr currto conrtudrd by pointing to halton producers who had been benefitted aa direct result of the bennett policy of protection and treaties wilfred tfrightngtoo was the speaker of the even ing be la forceful witty and pleas ing speaker and his address pleased the audience he fek mr currle was the right type of repre for halton county and he was glad to lend him what assistance he could the elector ate in the midst of this turmoil might well be pardoned for not knowing what to dd but they should use the same care as tliey would in selecting doctor or anyone else who was going to serve them personally there were three points that the aver age election conversation brought up we want change we want to vote for this man stevens anyway and what has bennett done in answer to the first charge mr heightlngton alleged that tb change prom conservative to liberal governments in nova scotia and new brunswick bad not been particularly beneficial in on tario he questioned the benefits of the hepburn record old man ontario has bad attack of lumbago and the appli cation of roebuck imlment is not having the desired effect lib pointed to in creased taxation and claimed that whuo conservatives had been tired more liberals had been hired to nil the posts made vacant he pointed to the kindly hearing mr bennett had given ireinlcr abcrhart when assistance in financing had been requoiicd on the second question he asked why elevens promises of 1035 should be preferred to those of 1030 at that unvj tcvcu was identified with every plank of the bennett platform why believe him now lie was in the cabinet for four years with apparent content if his record was good was not bcnnettss alio good wlien elevens had left uie price spreads inquiry it was bennett who had carried it on and put enact ments on the statute books to correct the evils in answer to the third query the speaker sold it was the record of the king government hi 1030 that elected bennett heuaedlheijderalov ernment for not taking tetauaimg mea sures mr bennett was good business man but opparetly people preferred the polltlclanu type he pointed to the ad vantages of trade agreements and other measures introduced by bennett dr anderson former for halton added his tribute to mr bennetts many abilities and his support of mr currle he repudiated tile assertion that mr bennett had increased hu holdlni by uu millions and sold in mr bennetts best days ha was not worth that amount flo belittled mr king os professional politician olid stevens us man never able to make living at anything else lie went into he had no knowledge of law or businea mr woodswohh had leti the pulpit to take up the interests of labor ho felt uure that mr bennett would be uw next premier and mr currle the member for hollon the band coocertbj the west toronto salvation army silver band last sunday afternoon proved musical treat for those who braved the rather mipleaaant weather and attervwi it was held in the arena and fawygood crowd was present the band of about forty pieces paraded the town prior to the concert it is vitv wniesi organisation and under the leadership of bandmaster farmer presented the following program which they termed happy harmonics oprn song and prayer led by adj jolly march the beaumont vocal quartette cry out and shout euphon ium eoto lift dp the banner bands man mcanlay band selection tm manels praise trombone solo santa lucia by bandsman dale air vazie my homeward journey march long ijong ago led by bandmaster mason of acton band vocal quar tette gladsome song bible reading cornet solo rove him better every day bandsman hate selection warriors of the cross at umch the band was entertained try the members of acton citizens band who made arrangements for their visit here visiting band of salvatua army of wast toronto osb rue mstavwj frwgram here tlecord fetjtteb otjtput saskatchewan creameries established new high record in butter production in july when the output amounted to 4135800 pounds the first month in the history of the province that more than four muip pounds of creamery butter were manufactured compared the corresponding month of 1d34 pro duction showed an increase of 443063 pounds or 13 per cent and nlthm th wrt fly frthn nf the year au reported decreases the totaloutput for the first seven months is only 173041 pounds or 13 per cent below the same period of 134 the southern eectlon of the province is accounting for the principal part of the increase at the present time as result of the greatly improved feed conditions in that part compared with other recent years fair ly substantial increases were reported in almost all parts of the province during july gregory theatre pidav octoeee 4ut daring young makt madcap com4y starring jamcd dunn and mae clark charley chaser comedy pojcer at teielit the last chajlci of nio law of the wild batuejuav octollku sui the age ov indis chewon stnry of modern llveil star ring paul lukas und madtre evans comedy mickeys rescue eporls pro pvouau fox news monday octobcb vlh hpeclal matlnea kt cis les miserales adapted from victor hugoe clafesk etarring vroderlo march and clwrud xjlughton song hit hooray for fthythm acton ymca activities filtmnay nfitonkit bill group ol leave for toronto about 800 they are icohuf to uttend conrerenoe oft and will return to acton in tlie altenioon if you would ilka to bo of service to the tlirouih oil tiervlce clul witliln uui and will join uiu group sunday momuib notify mr aikm mason mr vic nuniley or mr dills who will arrange traiuportauoa for yoic not only acton rosldenu but farmers and otliers in tlie actoa community are urved to join thu delegation gouitf to toronto lirtmaday octouen 10 at boo hi hi tlia aymmuaim sroup of oyrn leader from tvjronto central will demonstrate what can be done in vyrn work wubouuapoaraula ucoept nu altboys arid arerhiriteltyberreill thla demonstrutlon will inaugurate our physical work program far men ukmlikduim allfjicationjk that we may brgln to get our members enrolled will you please nil out uie following blank and leave at the office of tir aero run pkj or with mr wright the secretary of uie vc board would like to have on opportunity to ducuis further applying for memberehlp hi sonva oroup mr noma hi iull mrs miss am interested in uie following activities which liave underlined pliybjcalayin class group games yolk oanclng volley ball basketball boning wroollng knteluscrraafj publla speaking bobatlng heading club rhsoojgrio club tjulveralty extension jlecture opcil poruiu handkcliait woodwork carving vrelsaw work hammered mela iog making lace making basketry tesilln weavuaf leotlier work isiper lower making art modelling aeroplane making itadlo camera club lcnittlng sewing ouidooilnalure tiludy hikes barriers aktlng snowslioelng siloctal altout dramatics choral society orchestra badmlngton name any hobby or blnrrtlst you liave fertlch snot listed hi uie above are we to remain helpless pawns in the tragic pitiless pastime of party politics it is no lees than disgrace that young and vigorous country like canada lavishly endowed py nature should find herself facing bankruptcy onetenth of her people on relief her business and industry larifruishing and her citizens laden with the highest per capita debt of any nation in the world the cause partv 3p0utics no less tf the time has not come when none are for the party biuall for the slate then our case is hopeless we are selfdoomed tto the slavish domination of our party masters we arc pawns helpless pawns in the pitiless pastime of party politics simcoe reformer to the electors of halton county october 14th fateful day in cuuutlui history drawn near have ydu faced facts7 are the irich to booorae richer the foor poorer are the scales of social jtftuoe to he balanced which has the greater value the dol lar bill or the human being who is to prevail the organized wn onclal interests or the common people what is it to be the oolden rule or th rule of oold might is right or right is mlht7 the answer rests with you canada boosts nimncialtumio that holds the cottunon people are incapable of thought blind allegiance to old twutlcal parties has always been right down the allay for organized finance the chu who voted orlfc or tory because his grand pappy did has been putty in tho hands of the money manipulators 3ie has btoen encouraged in his party loyalty bitter quarrels over tariffs were safe they 6b scured corudderatlori of monetary reform of economic liberty of progressive steps toward individual eecurity progress to ward higher iate of dvilirauon was to come only as the master minds of lllgh finance permitted history repeals ilaelf otio hundred years ago flery crusad ing reformer william xyon mockenzlo launclicd ruvolt to break thd grip of uie tamlly compact of that day ho fought or political liberty today urn struggjo is for economic liberty vitlx hon harry ix stevens in the role of the modern win iyon man kmizio an he seeks to umasli uie ahakltis forged by thu modern 5omlly oompact fcight montlut ago rl hon bennett prime minister of canada electrified tlia nation by his famous radio declaration the old capitalistic system has gona it will not return the old system served you well but it ended in condition under which there has boeuunlveraal deproisloii and unemployment and pov erty in llw midst of plenty there ate many faults in the capitalistic system child labor sweat hops slave wages crushingly long hours inequality of bene fits low prices to producers lugh prices to the ultimate consumer many fail to realize what unemployment means it is visible expression of uie inhetiit defects of the capitalist system if cannot abolish uie dole wo should abolish uie system generation of strife deatli in foreign lands at home uie fearful struggle for wajoiui uiese eviki flourished in the times when capitalism run itself ran uio people ran uie state wtui tills surring declaration ringing in the ears of uie nation high hopta were held of immediate fiteps toward reform and wliat suui liajipened bennett blows liot and cold ho talis reform but uieix it ends ho leaves uu on uie proverbial limb or an one crluc has said if bennett believed what ho udd uien he standi condemned as tho impotent unwilling tool of uw system he condemns certainly we cant forget that eight monuvs and one seitslon of parliament liave paused since uioee words of uu prime minister lifted ud for uie moment out of uie doptlis and wliat of king tile fmaiiclal editor of toronto satur day night quotes prominent business man as saying think ill vote for mackenido king his record lias been one of masterful xnaouvity and units uie policy that suits mo and for manuis it lum been uie policy approw of by all uie liiuuibuu wrltan uiy epeakfor hlg isuehuxo big rnsl wanf yy by state it wants complete freedom to flo as it like water stock gobble up uie small manufacturer grind uie primary producer and liold uve independent retail merchant hi oompkite subjection aiiades of 18371 win lyon mackenzie tile areat re ioriier would bluuli wlui bhame and tremble wlui hidignatlon if he knew ids grandson lit hon win tlyon ufackende icing in uie hour of canadas grcatuit need titauds tforui as uie expoiient of policy of majtterful inacuvlty endorsod oy uie nnanclal family compact of 1035 masurful inactivity wliat an apt duscripuou of uie liberal policy and of leader who declared under hu own blaiature uiat unernloymtint is can ada greateit problem and wlu offers in uie kdxth year of uie dejiression to meet una problem by setting up oauonal commission to study uie matter and re commend what action is to be one cannot do otherwise than ask where has mr king been and what has he been doing for ttsa past six years surely as leader of an old political party he has had ample tame to study and evolve some treatment of uie cancer ilk dearth of ideas hkj masterful in active proposal of commission on un employment damn him for ever in uie eyes of all thinking canadian the unemployed want work and wages they have little patience with which endure while commissions study and report and parliament debates there is little bread and certainly no butter in the king pro posal it is on the gnsatttfuestion of nodal reform uiat stevens dtlterd so radically tfrum king and bennett robinson reconstruction party candidate in halton county stevens has been great national asset montreal weekly witness for considerably more than year the honorable harry stevens has been great nationarassefrthetquulitimofthcr asset was his readiness to be used by the spirit of rightncss reverently capitalizing these words as being fundamentally synonymous with the holy spirit the quality of tho asset was doubled from the time when sacrificing the emoluments and honors of office he became private largely nonpartisan backbencher negative factor in party councils he then became positive public benefactor the onetime champ ion of privilege became the prophet of honesty in business equity for the workers and square deal for the public at large whether his bid for power at the head of new party will weaken his influence by confining him once more within the four walls of party programme remains to be seen what is certain is that liis severance from the official conservative party deprives it of what might have been its strongest mjoral argument in the coming election tho government that had tc throw out its single champion of the oppressed worker and the cheated investorthat gave preference to mr cahans policy of subservience to big business over mr stevens plea for social stevens contends the chief issue is one of balancing the social scale he blames concentration of wealth in uie hands of few for the present financial blisxard ilia fight is with big business which would crush him for big business didnt like uie irice spreads and mass buying investigation special imvilege doesnt want regulation stevens is after the rvedatory interests hn regards it as uie duty of uie stale to restore bar gaining power to the farmer to remove the aruneial barriers bo uio old law of supply and demand may operate to secure for labor fairer bhato of tho reward of industry in short lie seeks better life for uie ordinary fellow stevens maintains control of canadas economic life is uie great dtolce of uils modern crusade ixa standd for an easy money policy he points out that mr bennett andmr king liave on all occa sion supported uie bankers policy of restricting credit maintaining interest rates and limiting currency circulation mr bennett calls uus the sound money policy but mr stevens regards ifc as uie tight money policy designed to pre fiorve for ftrw powerful corporation and group of rich mm full and absolute control of canadas economic life this policy mr stevens contends respon sible far uie depression great britain recognized this and adopted an easy money policy with the result uiat uiey liave ntado greater stridcstoward nrccoverythanianyotfcer country the midland bonk review july 10s5 advocates uio eaey money policy thia review says we have endeavored to ithow how vital has been uie contribution mads by un hrltkih governments cheap money policy to the recovery involving employ ment and increased consumption further from uio midland bank re ferring to uie change from uio former tight money policy to uie present easy and plenuful money policy una great bonk declares tlds change is nouilng short of revolution it indi cates an almost complete traniormauou or uie monetary system these aru uie words of one erf the greatest banking authorities in uie world but one that lion been out of sympathy wlui uie old orthodox exclusive linandal group and iu you liave uie issue masterful inactivity on uie part of mr king blasts against tlw capitalistic ttystem but never ending delay in executing his proposals to make capitalism your ser vant not your master by mr bennett tiie development of cooperative iibito by mr woodswohh and rtntff wintrm of canadas kcanotntp mr stevens rendered his country magnificent service at critical time we would like to think that he is on the way to fuller conversion still clearer vision and grander achieve ment we hopethathisnowbiovement primarilyto teuchnadttastigy6uthfrxiwth tunities will retain the vision glorious and refuse to be side tracked by prospect of petty political gain we commend his declared resolve to have no truck or trade with donors of campaign funds with strings attached and his plan of working through volunteers who believe in their mission rather than ward heelers at five dollars day and expectation of further rewards stevens sets the pace dous odds stirs the nation his crusade in tho face of tremen he deserves to win life as advocated by mr stevens who maintains above all ele uiat uie social security of the individual paramount the reconlrucuoji party came into being at uie urgent request of uie amall buslnen man it is cruade fiingle luinded steveiu lights tlie good right no huge campaign pot to help ifor hu is xor tiuiii vi party all out to restore to uie rank una flle ctialr share of the poolof uie stevens lias record of accomplish ment behind him he lias inumate know ledge of uw poor mans problems with out money and with uie might of st james btreet arrayed against him lie has embarked on his great crusade for uie common people defeat for stevens meoiki victory for organised slnanoe victory means square deal for uie under dog it means uie human being becomes more impor tant uuui uie dollar bui if you are content to vt cupruikra run itself run uie people and run uio state vote for king or banhett if you want uie state to regulate capitalism vote for stewn itobhisom candidate in lalton county for uie reconstruction party join stevens in his great crusade for human rights drrcfctvisjcrcwinifc