Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 3 Oct 1935, p. 3

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thubjbday ouilkwk ud ibm the acton free press building details and cost of murray memorial yjmlca sale of bonds and interest made total sum of 2412293 available for structure the buddings accommodations while th original bequest for the building was 30000 it was also stlpulat ed that any amounts accruing from thte fund should also bo used in the building judicious investment toy the council or theeo trust funds and the subsequent solo of the bonds with the interest brought the original amount available up to 242293 when the building was completed and ready to be assumed under the control of the board there was balance still available tor equipping for work of 83700 this amount is being utilized to make changes and additions and to purchase the equip ment deemed necessary by the board the himfninnn of the building are 58x84 feet the basement contains tho heating equipment and storage for coal and vault to be used for the storing of municipal files and other documents centre section will be furnished for two club rooms for yjjoa activities tha wind ships of nova scotia thouo who love long lino curve in tlio hull of boat would havo delighted in the wind ships of nova scotia which gave tho province wide fame during tho years from 1840 to 1880 tho romantic industry of wooden shipbuilding was its height in nova scotia and the bluo nosd vessels were renowned for their buoyancy quality which at that time was often lacking in iihlps built else where the novascotlan shipbuilding industry began at yarmouth in 1701 with tho construction of small schooner of twentynvto tons and developed up to 1884 at that port and around tho entire southwestern portion of tho province at tho height of tho shipbuilding era 3025 vessels with tonnage of 558011 wcro registered in nova scotia tons or shipping per capita of the population larger holding than any other country eb 3j the main entrance and rest room showing the staircase and entrance to the janitors suite of rooms and the masonic lodgo 3iall section under the gymnasium has been left unfinished funds were not avail able for the construction of swimming pool and decision bos not yet been knade of ltd use section of the base ment also is utilized by the iubllc utilities commission for workshop and storage the main floor has the public bttlltlts offices with board room the public library main hall and rest room tmbuo lavatories gymnasium hall arid entrance secretary cake cloak itoom locker and shower room kitchen and committee hooul the upper noor has the janitors liv ing quarters the club room lodge room and kitchen for the masonic lodge the architects of the building were messrs mahoney austin of ouelph and tho contractors for the most part were local tradesmen fecniaki balm is unrivalled for pro moting feminine loveliness tones and rejuvenates the skin mokttt it ex quisitely softtextured makes hands flawlessly white especially recommoodr cd to soothe and relieve tougluiea or chafing causd by weather condttiontt in dispensable to every dainty woman cool and refrcshingr delicately fragrant magical in results never leaved vui tigi of stick bieas persian balm is the one toilet requisite for the woman who cares for charm and elegance bld khef smil client should marry wan who lies to me fortune tellerttlady do you waut to be an old maid in tile world those splendid wooden ships of great tonnage for tlie times were constructed by local workmen in villages far removed from great cltle the wooden fleet of nova scotia man ned by iron men sailed on every ocean active and resourceful teamen were bred on the farms and trafntod in the ships the tang of the flea permeates nova public utilities commission board room in which tho sessions of tho board are held immediately at tlio rear of tho business office uttfbbox montreal musings dear fxu press tho inauguration of tho in acton marks now phase in the development of the old home town and will indeed bo worthy df tlie deepest interest and most devoted effort of all interested in what it standi for tho initials comprising tlio common desig nation arc often used in loosely gen eral way but the full title if truly car ried out will mean great deal to com munity welfare aelttdy of thellfe and warktof sir george williams its original founder will well repay thoso who wish tlie movement success in its equipment it 1ms suggested itself to the mind of tlio writer tliat course being submitted may or may some well selected portraits might well not bo acted upon or improved ston recently deceased and possibly others tlio faces of all of those trca uured in portrait grouped or otherwise might bo an incentive to many of canadas greatest asset to try to attain to highest usefulness then the early founders of tlio sun day schools might bo so remembered and actons first council all the iteuvui might bo grouped und actons only contribution to ihurllamcntary life lion henderson could well bo so honored tho christian teaching implies giving honor and respect txrthoee set over us and hi many ofthe instances tho men were specially interested in chrls tia work facslmllio of tlio begin tdng of actons only newspaper which celebrates lbs diamond jubllecalongwuh tlio now institution mightrboappropri atc all tills is luggestlvc coming lnu mind mostly during walk around town hero today saturday 21st and of scotia and from tlie nea tho blucnose bred have learned the largeness of vision the freedom of thought and the spirit of adventurous dating that is so much part of maritime country white the era of wooden ships has passed the shipbuilders of nova scotia have not lost their cunning the blucnose queen of the atlantic ashing fleet and the fastest ashing schooner in the world was built in 1921 at lunenburg finely constructed and appointed yachu and scliooncrs ore also being built at shel burae and mkhone bay 1tytwo unknowns we dont know tlie name of it but theres how club hi loudon whose memberslilp is limited to 20 young men and 20 young ladles all of whom must be elnglo and under 20 years of ngc and none of whom is permitted to know anyone elses name it was started by counted it oedema who is the only one who knows wlw the member are she gives them party once week during which they address each other as mf itnfl miss anyone who discovers the real nmo of onotlier member is lionorbound to resign thud far all tlie resignations have been fol lowed by marriages 14 to date tho seven tjutts our part in actons new was the electrical work reids electric shop wo offer coiiirrutulutunw on the oflictal opening and the occupancy of tho uuiltlintf adorn its walls on occasional visits to tlio largo central here havo studied along the main liallway great nrray or lnrttu framed portraits of past iriidcnt3 running back for perhaps eighty years or more tliat of couryu is not yit feasible in acton but if noaiiblc one of tha original founder would bo appropri ate and inspiring tlvero might well be secured and dis played portraits of tliowi man whose teaching and labora in tlio community laid foundation for tlio jfcnliment wlilch haa crystallized in uils movement tho pastors of the various churchrs is hardly polsiblo to liave all yut probably uiero are many in tlie posses sion of present cltlsens who would be klad to donate far the purpose especially those well advanced in years tho pretbyterlan minbum ilevs measm john mclaclilon camtron roe hugh mocpherson wilson stewart and the present amid tho many uddrcwaa hi tlio way of formulating policies for tlio welfata of tills country who are they who are capable of analyzing enough of tlie many truth promulgated to be ojlmllated and probably acted upon by uis individual who baa only one vote it is interesting to note ua uhowtng tlie liability to channo in this transltoiy splkre the fact tliat hon hugh autn rleu son as conservative is contesting for ceat for soutii wellington as per this weeds vuvt pucmj many ycartt ago when living in tliat county it re membered tliat some of tho neighbor who had been at orit meeting at rockwood tpoke of clover young outlirle wlio spoko tliere and whose father won donald outlirle was pro vbiclal secretary in tlie reform cabinet tlie young outlirle became later qrlt at ottawa and on account of his abilities member of tlie notional coalition government from which he the murray memorial committee the committee as designated by the will of the late murray to decide upon the nature of tho building held lhelr flrat meeting on fridtfy march 24th 1d33 it was competed of rov poole rev ii bennlc mr murroy reeve thutford and councillors mcmillan jones lasby and lasby mr ii farmer acted mi secretary until may iioui 1034 wlm lili rilgnatioii was tendered and dills was chosen on secretary to nil this vacanry tills committor carried on thi work until ocujber 0th id34 mr murray was cliosen chairman at ho initial nice ting and carried on hki duties until completed on that date the final meeting was hild and tho work of tlio committee woj completed tho council as uijovo mon tloraid hud charge of tlio construction of the building iaid under tlio direc tion of mrs malioncy and auauh7 arch tec of gurlph tho bulldmg as planned was compleud and now oiflcally opened tliat it lt credit to tlio community rocs without laying anotlicr commtend hlo feature li tlio fact tliat tlio building was kept within tho estimated and at the conclusion sum was loft to make any alterations necessary and allow for tlie purchase of rome equipment rhpphk khxhhbhi iii wkm hhhh the acton public lib just ort uio main ltrance ti tin nuuiiina e3sa bennle would by uiclr presence on tha walla furnislr cherished memories in the minds of many who knew or heard of tlieui similarly from exra adams down tlie mctliodlst branch would furnish vast array owing to ths cutom of itinerancy bringing so many crumgesr as tills body belonged to georgetown up to 1874 tliere is from that year onward uevst stevenson geo calvert lucluurd izoblu wtlkhuon will toyvru culling it phillips glrtord joseph edge jacob howell and many since most of wliom may be re called by present generations tlie uaptiit body furplslud men wlioae lumies cannot now be reddled in order but itev it cook wlio for many yearn remained resident and gave son to tlie ministry might well have place as well as pastors iu anglican und other bodies tliere are number of men now have been wlnn aotlve in tho ministry who ax luds belonged to the acton com munity ur of thte returned hi tha timet km to school reunion but are now all on active service llevs arthur armstrong cluiti cook albert moore and onotlier wluwe name hai slipped but which ioine of your people could furnish then there have been two antord boys now of montreal coluge and ciirf now of lrestoii two smith boy lloyd and luvull botliaov in montreal kutmuwlii toronto liobitoii xirown alberu tunul john develaped us fullhedged oorarvatlve giving now son aspiring uewbu witneifced today in anotlier hi ftonoe uia changes liable to occur magnificent rddenoa on pel street here la ottered for bole for 135060 being tloloo less than assessed valued if not kold by october 15th it will be demolish ed walk up tlio slope leading toward the mountains great liouses revealed an immense building once tlie home of deceamxl sir which becoming vacant is probably too jare for ordbiary usti and the grass is long uncut uie windows are boarded up and thus wliat tliows to liave been oaniikicivd almtkit absolute liermanenoe lum to tuocumb to tlie track of uventii its basement has even bed rooms for faervants and proportionate numbers of otlivrs tlirougliout wlt ncitsed tuuno montlis ago million dollar home in tlie name district go undor tlio lianimortar 41000 treasured on eartli are very uabki to vanlshnient yours truly coleman montreal lujiunly fii uraelte to have the loruche lt to endure torture tlie fcur li delicate orgiin and few care to deal uith it eontilderhig lt work for doc tor dr thomas kcuvctrle oil otters imple jemidy fuw droiw ujion pieie of lint or medicated cotton tuid uut4l tu tlu ear ill do much hi rillj ing puln cana1ian canning llugllts9 great progrcxt has been mado by tho camied foods hidustry in canada alnco the beginning of tlio prcnt century in 1900 tlio value of production did not exceed 8205000 but by 1030 it had incrcakcd to more than 55000000 or itbt and onulialf times as much the principal commodltcsof tlio cuumlng industry are iuji fruits and vegotahlmr milk und meats in addition to being an important industry hi itself with capital investment exceeding 50000000 tho canning industry provides aii im portant outlet for tlio products of other industries audi as the tin can industry tho wooden box industry and the paper and printing industries not only has tlio development of uw canned foods industry in recent years effected change in the food require munis of tlio nation but lt has also brought about great changes in the rela tionship of foods to seasoiui years 130 certain fooda were entirely out of the question at certain times or tlw year today frtilt and vegetables ofmnuy kinds are tp bo had ut all times of tlio year not always with all tlio charm or the freshly gathered product but with much of then original flavor and frcsh neij to tlie farmer this development lias provided art enormously extended market for ills products and to the con sumer in both city and country lt pro vides cheap and wlioksome food in great variety all canned food products arte subject to government regulations which arc rigidly enforced and tho mark canaditapprovfcdon unproductrtirtiltt buycm assurance of quality in common with other industries the conned foods industry suffered as recession tlio value of products drop ping to 33113103 in lqra and in 1933 the latest year for which statistics afro available to 33b470g5 tlio apparent consumption of canned foods in canada during 1033 is placed at 33031091 or per capita consumption of 307 export had value or 12b80383 and imports were valued at 3053514 tlie principal exports were canned fish to tlie value of 8141553 and concentrated milk pro ducts valued at 3007153 murray chairman of murray memorial committed koran is binted on canadian newsprint canadian newsprint is put to all sorts of uses besides newspapers down in netherlands india in addition to us by small newspapers ntewsprlnt sheet are used for printing the koran and certain cheap native chinese books about year ago these ohecls wcro also used for making cigarettes but this trod lias elnco disappeared rloo papers being used canada captured first plaoo last year for tlio supply of newsprint fol lowed by sweden japan norway aus tria and germany according to tho in dustrial department of tho canadian national hallways tho year previous was tlio first tn which canadian news print appeared in tho statistics tho bulk bf tlie canadian newsprint in rolls and sheets conws from tlio west coast mailer parcels from eastern canada tile prospects are that canada will stuj turthor increase her sales of newsprint to netherlands india bse congratulations face brick for new mx building supplied by the cooksville company limited 672 dupont street toronto kikclal course what did your adn learn at callege well ik can asjc for money in such way tliat it makes it seem privilege to give it to him you young single men do you save money regularly injrhaps your ready onswbr to that question is yea you put tomo tiling into tlie savings bank each week or month flnet but do you leave it there at tlie end of the year does your bank balan show an increase over tha year before here kl some tiling tliat will give you real incentive to save money regularly an imperial life endow ment jpollcy and when the date of maturity comes which may bo time you will most need money you will receive 1000 3000 5000 or wluiujvcr the value of the policy li in cosh or you may decide to have monthly income for certain number of years or for the bolauoo of your lifetime more than that your imperial endowment imlicy will be of great iinportarifralfyou marry iuahy casa lt will litelp you to achieve your ambitions think lt over you may make many investments but none will give you greater satisfaction than on imperial life policy you are probably insurable now later you may not be your name and address will bring you full infor mation youix he glad you mixed in tj0s wrltf mail it today tlio imperial life assurance co of canada wright uepresentative acton llienet residence 1021 offlee 9s please send me particulars or your imperial endowment policies without obligating mo in any way name addreik ago iqcm aflr 3e tljdm ojlm eeee congratulations mahoney austin architects 79 quebec street west guelph phonti 215w mahoney mraic 380 wottlwith street phone 237 aaron austin milaic it no guelph phone 496rl4

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