zvbqb two the acton free press thursday october ird 1918 some items of importance in connection with ymc tbq bequest that made the building possible in acton the turning of the first sod laying the corner stone and tenancies or course this edition raukl not bo complete unless short rewne was given outlining boob of dates of important stages in acton secur ing this latest asset to lbs community life rhowlng the death of the late murray on june 15th 1030 his will was puhllsbed as directed by his execu tors in tux pax pants of thursday july loth 1030 the section of the will tetriermtrg this bequest to acton was as follows to the municipal corporation of the village of acton the sum of twenty thousand dollars 2000000 subject to jthe conditions set out in paragraph hereof the said last mentioned sum however shall be held in trust by my executors and trustees and the lnco thereof amounting to 100000 year as provided ha paragraph hereof shall be paid to my said wife unil the council of the said village shall undertake and agree to build or provide home for poor or sick children and aged or helpless people who are in need of charity or young mens christian association build tag or building to be used jointly by the youngadens and youngwomenls christian associations when my execu tors and trustees shall pay over the along with the corpus when the said home or association building is tastab lished while the said sum is so held by toy executors and trustees shall be kept invested in authorised securities and in the event of there being any surplus of income after the said annual income of 00000 has been paid it shall bo added to the corpus and paid over with it to the corporation of acton when the proper tune as hereinbefore provid ed arrives the council on april 11th 1033 ac cepted this legacy under the stipulations outlined but it was not until 1833 fol lowing the death of mrs murray that proceedings started toward the pla of the form of building the commit tee as arranged in the will after the clearing away of legal and other diffi culties finally decided that the building uhold take the form of to be used jointly by the yodng mens and young womens christian associa tions pinal contracts for the building were awarded on august 1st 1834 at spec ial session of the council the property had been previously jgrajigcd or wediieadayvsoparnbcr 5th 11134 thccltc sign board on the property wad removed rooms and the prec library april moved from the town llall to their ftnv quarters in this building month ktcr in may the public lavatories were ready and opened for the use of the general public now the front hall lias been furnished and will be utilized by tlie public as rest room and meeting place for thoue from the district who come to acton the gymnasium showcrr loclccf and club roorn are being fur jflshelow tlktprogrom do vclops which seems best to suit tlie needs of the com munity the gymnasium well lighten adequately heated commodious said sum to tlio council or the said village on its undertaking to pay the bald yearly bieonie to my wlfw as here inbefore provided and on 1u alio under taking to expend tlio said sum in estab llshlng such home or association build ing on the death of my said wife tiie nature of the home or associa tion building shall bo decided upon by the council of tlie village of acton my executor and trustee oeorge wesley murray if lie bo then living and the ministers of knox presbyterian church and tlie united church of canada ut acton ontario who sliall form joint conitnittee for uuch purpose in tlie event of my sold wife dying before the said sum of money is paid over to tlie said council the annual in come of 100000 shall until tlio said council undertakes to establish the said home or building be paid to the council of the sold village to be expended by it in assisting the poor sick and needy in the vlllufcc of acton and the surround ing neighborhood under tiki direction or uustaua leer in uie event of uie sold u300o000 yielding greater income uian 1000 00 year during tlie tuna after tlie hand ing of it ovfer to tlie council of acton and before tlie death of my said wife the surplus shall be retained by tlie said council and addod to and expended and tlio first tod turned for preparation for actona ix on saturday september 20th tlie corner stone of the nfcw building was well and truly laid by mr murray brother of the donor of the building the ceremony on that occasion was at tended by 400 or 500 and was presided over by dills acton citizens band wl in tht sing ing of the hymns and rev bennle gave tlie scripture reading and uev poole led in prayer tlie silver trowel iniml for laying the corner rtone was presented to mr murray by reevo thetford it was incrlbed presented to murray by tlie corporation of acton tlie speaker on this important occasion was dr best general secretary of the national council of the of canada he outlined tlie scope of tlie work and tlio place it could occupy in tlie community life of acton tlie benediction was pronounced by uev brllllnger very well and on wednesday february 20th 1035 tlie acton public utilities commission were tlio first tenant to occupy their quarters in the new build ing the masonic order followed in the occupying and furnishing of their lodge we offer congratulations on the building of the new mca we appreciate having the privilege of supplying curpela window shaded and furniture johnstone rumley house furnishings eh the provisional board of directors back row burnley plrst vicepresident exreeve thetford lowric treasurer fraser mcdonald chapman mcdonald coles seated ex warden mason honorary president jones arnold wttlght secretary dills presideni eflliott second vicepresident barr reeve harrison reld the mau1t of vai110rk no matter how unimportant you may mtfard somltlilnr you liave undertaken put your wclftht into lfc una make success of it it ir possible out of trif ling things to build up the habit of failure tlie boy still the grades who fulls on at least one examination every year who starui music lessonr and gives them up who trier to learn to swim and decides that it is beyond him who is tlie worst ball player in his room 1ms formed tlie liablt of failure by the time he is twelve years old anionic his as sociates are those vho liave formed tlie liftblt of succixu and formed it so thor otuhly tliat it will be next to impossible to beat them never get tin idea that if task la comparatively trifling it docs not matter vhether you moke success of it or not one who is defeated in nucceuilon of trivial tasku may thereby form tho liablt which will be hfc undoing the habit of failure the first board of directors kvery klndnciia done to others in our dally walk every attempt to make others linppy every prejudice overcome is stop near to the life of christ dean stanley the first board of directors of acton murray memorial was chosen by tlie murray memorial committee tlie motion covering this selection was made on august 0th 103 and reads as fol lows moved by lasby seconded by jrermcmlllan tliatrthtrfollowlngnarrmmit fj wright insurance agent presby terian vlctarb rumley funeral direc tor presbyterian arnold glove manufacturer presbyterian mc donald gentleman presbyterian barr grocer presbyterian mc donald factory superintendent presby terian praser manager bank ol montreal united evan jones team ster united 11 harrison inonufac turerers agent united it lowrle gentleman anglican jack chapman in surance agent anglican colcu shoe worker baptist jos held electrician baptist dills editor united reeve thetford gentleman xjjiltcd mason manufacturer united elliott merchant united submit ted by the subcommittee nominated as the provisional board of directors of uie xi in acton carried sanction of this selection was given in letter from tlie national council of the on monday august 13th 1934 this provisional board held its flrut meeting and mr maaon was chosen chairman and mr mc donnld secretary protem of the board under thctr direction tlie work was ably advanced until the election of officers early triliryenrtporth cm tt ices thtr followlng wer charcn mason honorary president dills president rumley pirt vicepresident ii elliott second the shower room showers with hot and cold water wash basins and totlclu adjoining the locker room and aymnaslum on the scotch again sandy joined uol clultttnirwairtall by the profesiilonal that if ills name was on hli golf balbi and they were lost they would be returned to him whvn found aood said the scot putmy name on thl ball the pro did so would you aw put after uv requcititl the new member am doctor the pro obliged thrres jmst one more tiling went oi the scot can ye squeeze houni 10 to on us well dfctxnmons bane woman ki nothing but ratf and hank of lialr man is notlibig but hrotf aroau and tank of uir miluirvi worm lwdert will drivj worms from the syatem without injury the child the pawdurs are so tasv to tako tliat the most delicate btomach coil boslmllau blenl and welcome uvcm as speedy easers of publ becouscs they promptly kill the worms that cause the pain and thus the suffrrbirf of uie child is relieved with sterling reiwedv at hand do child aluiukl surfer an hour from worms vicepresident wright secretary rw iowrie treafiurer ii arnold tmtik kbiirt7nuricexttitlveoom4 mlttee directors mcdonald 11 praser ii harrison thetford mcdonald jones chapman coles lulii this is the board at present functioning with tlie assist ance of other citizens and who will carry on uie work rorthe llrt year at tlnvj set forth in the constitu tion to be drafted the mcmbenihip of the will each year aulect the hoaul of dlrectom and ili olf leers canadian kxtobts gain renecuns expanding oreicn markets canadas domestio exports during asurll totalled 37575000 compared with 31 562000 in april of last year exports to the united states totalled 15717000 and to the united kingdom 12400000 wheat exports increased from 3300 000 to 4288000 grains of all kinds mounted for 3512000 to 4087000 the united kingdom increasing her purchane from 14 140o to 3020000 and the united states from 4000 to 327000 alcoholic beverages rose from 006000 to 1123000 and rubber exports which were made up chiefly of tires and foot wear climbed from 833000 to 062000 cattle exports increased sharply rising from 301000 to 1007000 fish ex ports rose to 1010000 from 000000 automobile exports at 3774000 in creased considerably over april last year when the export was 1460000 due mainly to heavier shipments to tlio united kingdom purm implements were higher rising from 333000 to 501000 aluminum exports rose from 00000 to 174000 and nickel exports were stron ger than year ago rising from 3446 ooo to 3734000 silver exports to the united states rose from 50000 to 347000 acids increased from 146000 to 304000 electrical energy rose from 344000 to 253000 all to the united states plans rose from 156000 to 244000 mainly accounted for by the increase to tho united kingdom from 66000 to 136000 decreases were shown in exports of fruits vegetables wheat riour unmanu factured leather planks and boards copper raw gold lead fertlurers soda and compounds wmat blffitmougttt mr pester yes my lovo wovo lost all our money but it woo an act of pro vidence mrs pester vdont excuse yourself it was many acts of lm providence murray brother of 1ao murray who lald the corner stone of the building to get better job tlio young people who are all worked up over tlio shortcomings of their job and are looking for better one ore seldom the sort whoso iocs worries their employers it would seem natural that young fellow bi posltjpn plainly be neath his capacity would not only nil the place satis factoruy but would over flow it so to speak demonstrating un mistakably lils ritneii for bigger more exacting job nine times out of ten howovcr instead of overflowing his job tlie dissatisfied worker does not fill it he gives aslittle satisfaction liefeels generally speaking the way to obtain better job is not to go out to look for it but to make uucii success of the mferlor position tliat it will be plain to everybody tiuit keeping you there is waste of ability an eskimo newspaper since 1861 there has been news paper with the title atuagagdliutit published hi greenland the name of the paper translated into english means gratulously distributed reading the paper is published monthly and there is an annual issue for those who live in the more remote and wildest parts of greenland the type is set up by six native compositions and the small prej is portly worked by paraffin oil motor each edition of the publication la as full of information as possible and touch of modem journalism is introduced by tlio inclusion of love story 25 congratulations to actons on the official opening mooney oar contnf ia on thi pins bulldlne win the itoofins and sheet metal work 33 congratulations mackenzie son acton and georgetown on tbe opening of actons new it was our pleasure to fulfil uie excavathik mason and carpenter contracts 5fw fk1xing thk kautuk pulss records of eartliquukui obtained by tlvj laric uehnuhfraph iriiltulled lii an underuroiiiid vuult ut the sfiknioloylcal laboratory at pukadeiiu california yield new facts about earthquakes which may caiuut clcuntuith to develop new uieoriis about the interior of the earth mot aehtmograplis indicate only the vibratory motions of uie earth ut uiveti point but the pasadena instrument ako tkes the earthu puue by nifcasurblg tlie rela tive movement of two different polnu it responds uilly to stretches or com pressions and bidlrectly to vibratory tnowments when is cllalr like udys dress when it sat hi bauii jnw congratulations battaglia general contractor 120 ferguson street guelph phone 2589 our work on this building was the bricklaying