Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Sep 1935, p. 3

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nronflday september ieth 1035 the acton free press hi t4 hp 3frpp flrpaa hnrt toru advice which never fails blhtram nioh rinoale almmy jones looked at the big factory clock for the seventh time and wondered if live clock would ever come he had received an answer to ills lrtlt from madam coo author of uio column advice which never folia and could hardly wait until closing tlmt to see what the cojitenta contained at last the biff clock boomed five with trembling fingers and eager an ticipation jimmy opened lho letter it was typed in dark blue ink and looked quite professional it ran thus dear mr jones your case is certainly very complicat ed and give you great credit consulting itpclailsilii heart problems when you found yourself in such perplexed situ ation often young men of your age dp some little foolish thing and lose knclr girl friend forever have been at this of solving lovc probtemrt fur number of years and have an enviable reputation of not one failure but remember one rule must be closely observed do exactly as say and success will bo your reward your lady friend naturally loves you or bile would not have kept company with you for four years this new num hair taken fancy for the time being but site will noon tire of him olid be glad to have you bade again locate girl about twenty oct one with fair curly liair and dark broun eyes explain to her about my letter and ask her if she will do you favor by making your huly frktid jealous if she consents to help you out feel positive of succeed und you will soon wii her back phone this new glri every day lake her out to all tin uxal entertainments and hiaku big fuss over her in publc please drop me few unci at lar date and kfc me know if my advice worked succeiijully yours for future happlnesj madame coo poor jimmy bit lib up until it hurt it uounded so very umple in writing and madamu coo seemed so confident of success but jimmy failed to feel so optimistic he knew dozens of glru with falr curly lialr and blue eyes who uould be delighted to play the joke but it tated distinctly pair curly hair and dark brown eyes simile lighted up hli face aa lie suddenly thought of beryl june ulio una stenographer in lawyers office she was about tutnty years of age and he had notlcld particularly at the last partv he attended that the liad fair uavy hair and her ryes were almost block she was regular good hft and lead no steady so lie thought uiat part of the problem was bolved if beryl would ac cept the offer jimmy simply couldn collect enough courage to cull nt lur olflcu in person so he did the next but tiling and tele phoned ills voice was trifle shacy as he explained the delicate proposition beryl was capable of ruling real good joke und agreed not too readllv to take the part of making his ltl jealous but slu asked jimmy to invl wine frleiitk over and explain tlio joke so sli wouldn look too ridiculous wlien tlie plan uorked smlthviues big charity bill uai the feature of that coon and provided beryl and jimmy uith their first opp tunity for public npeiruice toother and they made the be of it thov danced not once but every number to gether luitil the uhole centre of at rac tlon uoj tht unuual dr im is fu broke an jibe concluded hope susan und you will always be happy together jimmy voice was husky wiien ho iuld if jive to be hundred 111 never be able to repay you for you kimlncis you re uw best sport hi smllhvllu beryl felt relieved to get in her rom and cried as if her heart would break for icv ral montlis she had been awnro of out fact that she was deeply hi lovo with jimmy and to think she had la tlio man oho had loved brought new flood of tears ah she iay motionless on the bed her yr caught sight of an old motto partly hidden behind larger picture her grandmother gave it to her for her until birthday it was li an old fashioned frame and surrounded by bunch of deep blue panslcs ak and it liall bo given you matt her thoughts flew back to tlio time when she uas little gill and spent her summer holidays with licr granny on the furm she liad loved licr grand mother almost us much as her matin she was such sympathetic and under standing individual and always looked on tlio bright tilde pf things few montlis before slie died kile liad written letter for beryl and askud her not to openh untlther tw jbtbeday beryl had keit tlio letter intact for almost ten years because she hid promised licr grandmother to do as site had asked but beryl thought die had done pretty well to wait until slitf waj ttteiity and broke the seal it seemed so ttraiiketo read her letter after grnild motlier luid been dead all these year it read my dear beryl many happy returns of the day have left you certain amount of money in the rru company wltiithe ln tcrest it will amount to almat 000 hope you uon mind mu uvlng you chines lanterns in that gathering was xffiza every kind of costumu imaginable and gvpuwtcotdfed ughtu showed tliem off to best advantage tlio orchestra opened tlio prokrniil ulth tliat old haunting waltz let me call you sweetheart beryl and jimmy glided acroii the floor in pcrfoct stc she gazed up into his fuoe and smlli and jimmy couldn resist tlio temp la tlon to plant light kiss on her pretty lipci afti lunch tliey walked out on the balcony and juntny vole was very tmdrr when ho arked beryl would it be right to marry without iov bt ryl aiiswt red quit tly of course not without love lift would get to montoil ous and wouldn be worth jiving at all you must ruin tuber jimmy lovo is the foundation to every liappy rrtarringo but why ak jimmy hardly knew how to anrwrr you see don love fausan aiiy moru faho ki fine girl and used to think jduj uaji tlie only lrl for mo bu ve changed now iii jn lovo with another kin beryl tried to speak naturally jim jones of all tlio flirts you toko the cake have worked hard for you all uiese montlis to get susan back for you and now you vo jumped tlio traces tell me all about thk new girl is she dark arfair7 jimmy aiuwered bhv li as pretty as picture she isn very tall iilr wavy liair and her eyeti aro beautiful hiey uro very unu ual tliey aro ulmant black have been hi lovo with tills girl for six monthj beryl its you couldn you care just tiny bit for beryl smiled as jjie answered jimmy do care lot for you too my frlendi often remarked how well took my part but my love was genuine and tliat the reason did bo well but jimmy wliak will jbusan way thai utcrsayhigla1k of the dovu and he mire to appear came true susan and her friend came into the balcony and stated tlicmsclvvi close to beryl and jimmy who uore hidden in the uiudow of one of the plllara thev carcejy breatlied they rtarted tlielr conversation tlixjl ou enjojed younclf susan her escort auked oh ronnie uie anucrcd feel uonrled ttiu having lovely tlsre until tliat mioopy little gertie coon iveognled hiet know1rrmyheiirt alio ulll tell jimmy mndo her promle little advice and hope ou will have faithfully she wouldn but jq has told senx enough to take it ne so many rcandala and ucrcts you uill meet many problems as you can nut nn jimmy jo uirouph life which can be tolled only by jounelf if you see anytl intf in life ou really delre take my advlci evlr heard attended this dance ilg uould never forgive me her ecort replied wk he would and go right after it ajwajs kukiu htar and then uould bo lucky iauelietlrlelitlme low at ilr by and the muil illlije critic in it ua the talk or the town onl slluii browne the irl uhom jlmmj mill trjlnj toil in bic fal ej see the joke she hurt and htimill nted to ike nntlvr uor her tort juude bf filj oitr the new tehil on operator and neglected lier terribl slu was horrilkd uhen lier frlliieli ijii inipiitiiulni ab mt lailng jlmm ultlr hvirtihlmfwotnontfyrn su jin uai conilnctd the uhole allulr hud one ule toofir she uai rttll depritilj in low ulth jimmy bat pride denlnl lur tl upn ion of il ing him to think he ul anxl iu make up iii in in uie meantlnil iurl un nijovln the epbuxle tut uu ihe dreudid thi liiiil coming uhen it uould tiiti almost eierj night she and jimmy uere out together and her enjoymunt of jimmy connuny increased the duj3 came and urn six innnthti ptlsed like tix uati to hetil und she rxulycd in lur hwirt it would soon mr rumii uah lettug tlid of lur new man and trld to meet jimmy at eviry opportunity one evi ulng while sitting on tin verandah doing mime fancy work jimmy came ruhing up uie garewii ualk and oxclahmd befi the plan has wortdl kiwaii wutits buck uguln und bt uiriy ton evtr parted ntv dreamed mudjmo ooo advice would work so 11 did youi bcryl voice seamed uirribly ehkiibt as bhe answered of couru tiiought it would work and in so glad was able to tlclp you out uw vuloe aim vst ber god helps thoe wlio help tliem elitu sitting doun uid crying never uon bittlc and to be nu ccc jul you mu be ready to put up good fight often mile ai think bici when your randfuthcr as courting me on eienlnc he was helping me into tl burgy and my dresa became tangled and houed my inkle nuooncd and your poor grandpa had to carry mo almost tuo miles to the nearest farmhoilc but berjl it uaun ueoknes did it purposely so he uould have to hold mo in lib arms and the ery next day he asked nie to mirry hhn so remember anything worth having li uorth fighting for jlove from grandma berjl pulled her shouldeni back she would take cicry bit of tlmt good cd vice she loicd jimmy uitli au her lieart and if she lot him it wouldn be her fault for not trjing she calkd jimmy on the phono hello mr jones berjl ipoaking plcuo do not think me rude calling you up but polng to uik faior my cousin oier in milbraok is ivlng dance in aid of their tennl club morrou eienlng and do uant to co bullj would be king too much to inilu jou for in cort she con eluded tlil ulll be our fireuell pirt jlinm and hope ue to utter jiniinj mice jubilint he break for me think mould make jou far better husband than jlmmj jonei if do ay it myself no no ronnie susan oniwered louldnt uunk of it must marr jimmy not becnu love him hac almost learned to hntc him lately fincc he has humiliated me before all my friend but ju to let that smart mli june uce she cant get ahead of sujanj broune tlie ery idea of lier tellnr tin smith ville folk she did it nu for jake anybody with half doen brills in their head could tell she uar out in earnest after married will make jimmy jones pa good interest for every tear he has caused mi to shed there the conversation stopped iu tlie orchestra started tlio home waltz and eierybody made dash for the dance floor beryl and jimmy dldn moio they sat on their cluiru as if they wra hypnotized beryl broke the silence jimmy have read of thlnri happening like tlilj but neer dreamed tiieycould huopen in reilitj it uiu one uhen they reached masquerade home botii of them ru hed up the ilr and tcirld jioor mrs june almot to ath she creamed whoi tlure wliit uroni who if berjl and jlmmj poled tluir heudi in her bed room or and broe the ie nice time tlu1 npufeinent ft iji liter btrjl celled lt red letter frunrdtd to in fr tlih hi flu il rjl btrjl cho pile pnk dr md hi lr ilr in tln curl she uor bunch of pmsli uhich jimmy hit lini and lo il beuitchlnr with hi jianj frl bt mtj and ciptlialnr mill mn june um udiulrint ly at ut tl uii liter uhen he ink red the lltch mhnw innrmveiy tt7tt ht im proud of jeiu but do jou thin jou an lng tin rij ht thlin nou ut mi in md jlmmj lnu made up voui cu randmotlur would turn in mir ran if the km uhit you vtre dalu btrjl an utn jn rnothi lovln ly oh motlur really think umkr md hrinny buttr than jou eier dil grandm nry mill and wd he but he urj eltvir she won battl and coihjuered ulnre tlronger women uould hive fulled their contrs ltlon uus cut sliort uy tin upturmee of jimmy he wili dn id in prince cluirmlng outfit and lookwl really hanuuonu he loocid tenderly at ikryl and tlun uu sonu thing in hti ulnici uhlch iusdd no urdi to say ht curd lot for lur lovi ly ummtr evtuing the ulr tllkd ulth dilightful frugranct and beauti ful full moon made tlu jouriuy to mil brook trip mvr to bit forgotten uuy clutust llltv pair of cluxl kldu and uvre as tntiuistxl us younuster liable to tlu ioionto kkhlbltutft tor tlie iru time winn tliey urrlitd tlu hull was isti fully dtcoruted wltli colorrl imtvrti and iil hare uorld udli di for vi office it uul urltlni it tli smllliulh ft ritt in jimmy id ir mad uul ct kindly find uielwd ipitiln it our adilti uijtd jiiderfu in fa it uirlid both ly ul the lime to hui mj irl frh nd ick nnt tf all it jiroui hi me in contact uith tlu lowll iii in the rid uiiilji in irrj jm iilluie uce more prize winners at acton fall fair continued rrom page ono cattxt shorthorns bull yiurs pr over griflin norru ilioa cook bull year under oerrio it fcjilotl soiu bull calf oerrlo uliott so mi cow any ago it elliott ac sons cl rrle llui1 cook twoyear old heler gerh griirin mllott siiw one yearold heifer qerrln it elliott jls son norrish calf heifer orifthi eliiott sons norrlji herd aerrio it elliott fc spwi ien of calvej it elliott ju sons gi rrlo baby betf 11 uliott ju soils griffin gerrlo it male animal in class griff in bit lymale animal in class gerrle aberdeen anrus or any other reed bull any lege geo mack nelun son cow any ug mack fl wklea son iwo year old heifer nclles ju son mack one yelirold heifer mack heifer calf mock nvues son best maje ajlhnal hi olass mack bet ivnuiie anhnal hi class mack tmre itrd hob mil bull hi montlis or over iloblnson br ol ilc bull imdtr 10 montlu galo norlands cow otiy age oalc iloblnson bros luo year old iieircxt qalc ij neelandii one yearold heifer jt gale neelalldj heifer calf noclnndft gale pure bred holrteln herd gale bert mole animal in cloiu robinson brai be rvmalo anlmnl in claj gale luro itrcil jersey bull lfl montluj or over gerald graham ella sons alex ander bull under 10 months ula son alexander cow any nge ocrald graliam rila sons alexander two jear old heifer gerald graham ella soni alexander one yvarold holfcr ella son griham son oerald graham heifer calf graham son ella son gerald graliam pure bred jersey herd gerald grab un ella sons alex andcr bet male animal in ciosj gcald gniham best rvmole animal in class gerald graliam ca1iili specials group of tlireo dairy cous herd of pure bred holsteins gale herd of pure bred jencys gerald rah am beef steer or heifer mack dairy cou gerald graham shim leicester shep ham tuo years and over clarkso son norrlh slu trllnr rim clarion son norrlji ham limli clarlon son norrlsh eut tiyo year and oier clari on son norrl li slunrllnr due clark on son ceo wit on son ll tiiinh tu ji ci irl gm down ay other breed itam two years and over wji nun clarksou son sharlliig ilamj wlton me lintry ham imb clarjcwm sjii wilson ui tuo jiurn and oirr chukson son wllon jhi arllng eue clarknon son wilon ewe lamb w1l on mcencry mock of miu wool iup cun nltif ham wluon unit ham hi clieet wuaon liort 1ui in clie clarkboii son s1ifip sncciats lu mock of sho clorkson at son wilson pair mark lablo wether lotnb wllon mceilery hocs beiar born prt vlour to september 1st 10j4 yiutlnntoii murray wilson boar bom between september lojt and march 1st 103s of imauier uon murrav wilson boar born after march 1st 1935 1vathenton murray cliamplon boar sow born previous to soptcmber 1st 1034 of veaulereton wusoq murray sow born bctutcn september 1st 103 and march 1st 103j ivathcrston wluon murray sow bom after march 1st 10351 brownridge peatltcrston wlbon cliamplon sow ivatlicrston pen bacon hogs brownridge wikon clnunpion bacon hog brown ridge irouttky hi im in c1l chirk on ing allan ttliode hand ited hi gould ini akxander uliode und red cockerel alexander gouldbig itliode hand red pullet gouleung white leghorn cock alex ander goulding wlilto leghorn hen gouldln alexander white leghorn cockerel alexander gouldbig white xechom pulkt goulding alexander white wyandotte cock gould big pred conn white wy uidotto hen gould lnp ived conn white wyandotte cockerel gouldlnr tred conn white wyandotte pullet gouli lng pred conn barred plymouth hock cock alexander birred plymouth hock hen gouldlnr alexander barred plymouth hock cockerel gouldlnr alexander barred plymouth hock pullet goulding alexander white hock cock ii mclaren alexander whito hock hen alexander ii mclann while rock cockerel brown ridge alexander white hock pullet brownridgo alexander pn barred rocks bred tolay brownridge altken bantam cock ii allan goulding bantam hen ii allan pred conn bantam cockerel mr ivyer pred conn bantam pullet goulding pred ccnn pen white wyandotte ii mc laren pred conn plii white leghorn duval alexander ito an duclr old mile ii allan mclaren it nun duck old female all ii mclaren rouen dut youni male all it mclaren tilli tlnrl jnmig uiiialg wjhf esquesing fall fair at georgetown friday and saturday october 4th and 5th special prizes houses slngltt high stepper by blalcelock single runiout road hit jirixc by ie meek best arnurs iuniout slnglr by andcrixni best ladys drlvi by alliaitc iup co delivery horse in luinicss by kbig donation 10 best road horse beet cuncral purpose horse on rein by colo bros and scott donation no best agricultural horee on rem by jolin irving milton itato race 3rd by brill co cap donation no 25 hbij heavy earn on grounds including heavy draft ukricultural and gciinral lunm 1st 00 und s3 00 on any article purclueytd from masse yharrfct co sugentjctitume is oo 00 00 00 00 300 is 00 00 500 00 4oo 00 300 00 300 0o 00 00 htm beit colt old and iitider slred by brilliant by wm breiinan to be deducted oif 1936 evicu fee 00 13 best clydesdale marc on rein rtlnted tb overtime by mckhmon 00 to be deducted from colt fee oif overrtime imp 13 best sprbig colt hired by irhicc of jvmeule by ghlus to be deducud qi 1931 rvlce fee 00 ladtcs potato race lt by buck 2nd by brownrldito 15 girl or boy ridw under 14 yeors riding und liaiidllng liorse conudered 00 10 quick hitch hitching liorse and once aromid track and unhitch 1st prize by mcdonald ttatc cattle in cil geo wllon our itefully jimmy it ir cum into lur tt ie hi ul tlu letur slu idi up lur muid th it in my uuild et tlu moiuy hick ai un hut hi iui uuy that he uould inv dn im hi un the author of the columi advice which eier alt ihe smllhvlllt neu ue thl pop ir couple the bli urlte up puible for uiilr etlding and hiul their plctur the front pau hi hole lomnmnlty tunu out in full force for tlu hower ulun they re tujntd ti ik xroin tiielr iinneymoun hi elfl uhlch cmiseel the nuk com nu nt ua iwuuliful mu hoe any cloche ulth cutludral chlnu it hud siuill card nitachi und uiu typed in dirk blut ink wl hing hi ryl und jimmy life of hupplmw prom id mn co hi ryl trltd to look rlous wlnn iln calud jimmy ov to st tin pr uit jimmy slu said do you know any thhig about this coo woman urely yo luivi glv any reoumgt hunt jimmy bhiilnd dep hcarh an mild urn uilllng to tak fonmn oath long uoelled sheep hun tuo ir uul oxer clart son aardhoifo on sh irlliil it un irdh son it tm imb irdh sun if mftli lin luo yi ir and our gard tt il it ittle she irltni in gurdhoue son it lltli ue lamb irdlioili son lllli iii tf ini wool mup clark sin girdlum son ham in cluu gardhol lu in ci gurdhou axford ilownu run tuo ir and over cun nlnt ham jiu trllng him cunningham im lamb cunningham tuo yeurj and over cun ningham jh arllng ue cunningham lu ijinil cunnlughajn bt ram in ci is ciinnlngh bi ui in cla cuiuilnghum aieuuitr ii ml in lirl ly mah ii all lurl lie ii allan wui lltv siixiils pdi of brul toliy pullet alliun alexaudir tlmt uouldn evtn know tlu lady if nut htr but un ly you can tru nu in ryl juve hhn loving hug and ix itmcd of eoui tun trtut yo and laiuchtd until iiho utmost erled all mclaren in dn old male ii oiren ce mebiln im in duel old female ii mc linn mebiln im in duck yoiinr mule geo mc biin ii mclmii pel in duck younr fern tlu ii me lin ceo milliin cwwi male alexander ii all in pit sttolk gouldlm bin pejr pli unit piir or uubbll goulding john hunter it anlmil raymond atklikui hoy macarthur itched imlr icltuil howard tar uvll ijirm miluilj oh ol placfr among tlu gin ut reception was it llttuitullud man of tiers he wu grave and lonu what taciturn onvi or th ladltii pnstitt suttu ti to tlu huit iss tliat he sieiiud to be out of place at ueh party ytu rihili ml tlu ho witll bright itinlu you sit in eaii talk unylhii if but iu best jerey female be reft trwi sluirtlioni peinale best holsteln peneale bct ayrihlre pemalo group of dairy cout consl ting of one mature cow one tuoycarold lielfer and one yearling to be jred by pure bred bull sheffield reproduction entree dlh donated by laton co ltd valued at 11 00 any family having won liton prle at air in 1035 not clli ible 11 00 be beef animal years and under by mcdonald hallltan toronto 00 be veil calf by neeley black toronto 00 bet calf shown by boy or ir oyyncd bi halton county 50 for calf 50 for eiioumanrllip by dr paul it 00 2nd by milton harduare donation no 20 00 shee1 bcl pen of pine wool sheep not lej tlion sheep male females by beaumont 00 best pen of lone wool sbeep male femalcr by barraclouch 00 bet pen or sheep any breed shear ram cues cue limb by lome mullln 00 miscellaneous bet lb butter ha lb prints by warren be lbs or butter in prints by thompson bet pair dre chicken by mcclure goods be dressed chicken by sjkes beit dressed chicken by jame gruham best pair dressed chlckenr by halton cream and butter co bet pair drcixd chicken by robinson bet pair dre chicken by harry robertson bet dr xd chicken by sanford bet pair drced chickens poods by mackejizio bct pair dresed chicken by ii thompson deft dressed duck by it speight best pair dreed chickens by pamell beii pumpkin pi by gibbons bet pair dretud clilckctl by arthur blackburn but dressed gooe by heuson narval bet pair drcuud cliickmu by kemcy best pair dreseyl chickens by thoe sykes bej half don white bkcults jeart subscription to the peel gottc best lit if dojxn brown btumlts yvars subcrlpuon to tlie brampton conservator bet half doejibuns years subscription to uie peel gazette bet half dcam cookies year subtrripuon to the brampton conervator bet douji butter tarts years subscription to tlie brampton conervator beit dozen iyuit tartr years rubcription to tlie peel gazettl be dozen butler tartr year cubcrlptlon to the milton cliamp on be bu hel northern spy apple by stone welling ton nunvery co sproule aj ent 10 00 uorth of nursery lock to be delivered next prlng uhen chatn from the aiint apple to be delivered to 49 we hint ton stnet toronto bet loif of ilomemide brt id by gtulph outfltu donati in no ii fnh1 hmmlliil nititt till soo do 00 00 00 oo 100 soo 00 joo 00 300 00 i3 00 00 00 00 00 00 izoo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 400 soo 00 500 100 00 300 350 350 150 150 50 50 150 50 50 10 00 00 gmlph illon no collection of try by mcarthur don ul in no depliy of cut nun by wrl lit in itl no 11 hel uiytr cili oj mulhiu well gmlph lb ui jir ol ho brand ut inktd pu kit biby show by inpector guthrie ild 00 ml sj biby und 111 mtll ui ii md bound she il or griln to be bound iln of hu by willi im on ilddlir conte od hint llddler dlpiy of grain in she in th in hi iv 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 hiiif to im nt it ihni tn hi liri uniy on tlu round it jud unul at 30 in premium tm suift abb it ulr uu no hi sj00 nd cirroll dtumtlon no j7 be colli lion of vt libit ci ll jh be ililf bu hel sueet clver by mario petllt jy hat half bu hel all uf seed by peel sed grouer 10 bnt bilshel ak ikv by salter hornby 11 hi buhel iud clover by salter hornby 1u hilhel llmolhy seeel by siller sirtion 30 40 41 seed mu lw groun ui halton county 4j collectkm of homi made bikini done by lady in ijj ing coil ting of iyer cake pie dtueii bt cult dcuun cikiklt diuun tarti dtmu uon no by icre out iph 44 bill rraiind pt exhlblutt by country boy or girl klmt of halton county by percy lulle 00 4j hiiluht luting cream for la ueek hi stpteniber by saxi to ix udded to price of cream 4t hy moore luit laaf ilium made bnad girieuiuii herald yiur iaril half doju pmh girgitown heraid yi ar lb and uu lb butter girg toun herald yeor bt buh lahle rumlp griilouii ih ruid year btt dr id young gwe not it tlian lbs uuh 47 lktt bulu hamper siiow appln by krwln ju gold ham mast of value articles lo btexuiie tin property of doiuir j3 00 00 00 00 00 ana 1035 00 00 300 50 150 150 50 00 300 00 60 00 100

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