Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 26 Sep 1935, p. 2

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nam two the acton free press thursday september 20th 1938 pubuabm tbiuadat at acurn ontario italud slalji ultluil sin cojla jc blb ou lai adaraaie wh addnaa is reaoetad toa br tall wta 3l awl una ahoold nude br rialrd letwr nvc orfw duqiu advebtismc batslal ncxio lac pa uaa faa rat biaertloo pa line tor each anbaaqaaml innertlon sstoti it to taaartli ii in buk inc trot additional notice qaalhjln co toratvrmttion neb concert eotertninmnt cborck aocletr or ornountlon nacctln roc per luc nunl sm cbr jsc report ol ttla ladlr ld irne in fioanrtan notice joe nod oc per uo axtr lor gelliliruv aoidaatb ouctwtrccnll adtlat per word minimum cha jv jav booaad jje alao loc entr when application re ddred to thi vsc dlpur wcrimb rle vary to apaca contracted lor alnouh err precullon will be taken to old error the prae pre accept advertum in it column on tie under tandlna that it will not be liable lor any error in an adertlaement publlahed hereunder unlea prool ol uch drertuement la tcaileeted in writmt bjl the adertler and relumed to the free pre bum office duly iffned by the advertier and with uch error or correction puinly notad in writing thereon and that caae 11 any error ao noted la not corrected by toe qee preaa ha liability hall not exceed uch proportion ol tbe entire coc ol uch advctliemcnl the pace occupied by the noted error bear the whole apace occupied by aucb advertlaement aulop dills editor tatlephones editortalaoo ntia urn rt happy position according to newspaper dispatches industry in simcoo is in very flourishing state and that news would come as very welcome not only to those who know this fine town but the general public it called to mind review of our own local conditions and it would seem that acton did not need to take back scat industrially cither the bcardmore plant is running well and giving steady employment and new dry loft is duplicating the size of tho one now in use the storey glove co is running at capacity with more employees than at any other time and the mason knitting co has for month had the capacity of the mill booked for tlie year and is running overtimo in an effort to meet tho demand these arc only the major industries and others of smaller size are in like condition for tunato indeed is the town whoso industries are giving their quota of employment nnd have pay roll of regularity in this respect acton shares the same happy position as simcoc on smaller scale and the result is that few houses are available for rent and some building and expansion has been found advisable canadian building gains construction contracts awarded throughout cnnaduduringtvugusttotallcd23837 with 18510200 in july an increase of more than 5000000 according to figures compiled by maclean building reports limited contracts awarded in the first eight months of 1035 had value of 117 081100 compared with 85051100 in the correspond ing period of 1031 and 55043800 in 1033 quebec led the provinces in the august returns with con tracts awarded to the value of 11313700 followed by ontario with 0703100 nova scotia with 2655 100 bri columbia m50000 saskatchewan pioneering next week will be opened in community that is the smallest in the dominion to carry on this work the new building will be formally dedicated and the following days will see start in the program acton is pioneering in this work in the smaller communities needless to say other small centres will watch the work with great deal of interest the success or otherwise here will possibly mean the extension of this work to new sphere actons program will be watched right now inquiry is being received from other municipalities of like size next week is the open ing it requires tho cooperation of all the com jmurutyajthattiniendthmuguoatthcwcck3jindl years that will follow that its greatest good may be accomplished it is on opportunity and acton cannot well afford to fail we are pioneering and we need the perseverance and stability of pioneers to accomplish success serious promises even the suggestion of pensioning all workers at sixty raises quite an argument on both sides of the question it would seem that the workers dont want to be pensioned and the shirkers would take it at any age any who has actually been worker up to the age of sixty has acquired habit of industry that is hard to break unless ill health prevents its continuance and the same could be said of the individual who has spent lifetime acquiring the habit of dodging work as long as individuals arc so dilterently constituted it would seem difficult matter to make retirement at any rifrivl fijti rnnipnknry prrlircpc after spx 7ftlro0ralbcthr366s00 matyrkbrcw8 now brunswick 238000 anj prince edward island 70200 normally there is decline in construction awards in the late summer but this has been offset thisycar by large engineering contracts in the pro vince of quebec during august contracts awarded throughout the dominion included 220 engineering projects totalling 1412200 business construction to the value of 5423800 residential construction made up of 22 apartments and 1007 residences totalling 3460600 and industrial construction 040800 ijuit wwk wiu tclltiiu you wu tuul aot our c4u nxod up rrrwly to bo oil tlio rood uuiiui juid wo of couxtm thbi wueir liuvc booji advcnturulff ut tho wheul uml it iiiun dotio mu moru hood than wulfon load of medicine thoro ara uunu blrdu tlutt novor thrive in captivity jucaa must bo olio of tlujml anyway it was jufltrand to bo out utfuin why it wan oven ulrill to go down town and do my own luiopplntf oven if onjy to buy urosaio things luco peppero for pickled llavincf been relcaacd wan naturally onxtoibl make tltu most of my liberty and so when al invitation coma for partner and to attend local fair wo wcro only loo glad to accept the invlta tion and uio offer of tlrivo it was glorious day warm olid sunny absolutely ideal weather far country fair tile twclvemllo drive ulrough wooded country is one tlutt ulwaya tfdfcluuy tijoyjt lovely ni any time but two wctiw time it will bo overi more beautiful wlual the irws and burile1 will lutvo token on their heart warming autumn tints at tho fair there wan tho usual lino of exlllblbi honeu livestock handi craft baking and puts all these wero very commendable but whnt partner and particularly nolicod wan tho ovldcnco of good organiyjitlon tlio fair grounds ucrc in itpendld condition which added so much to oneii enjoyment we have been to fairs where tho ground was so tougllii was ulortl like walking business conditions in its current monthly summary the bank of montreal has this to say regarding business condi tions in canada substantial rise in wheat prices and an increase in wheat exports are developments which if maintained will have an important and constructive influbncc upon the general upward movement of trade that has been in evidence for some months august exports of wheat rose in volume from 14700675 bushels to 2i6082sj bushels and in value rrom 12868422 to 176030cs the comparisons being with the august showing of riiere mas been furtlicr though not ifsoettt consistent improvement during the present month together with an upward trend in prices to the high est levels since august of 1034 in addition to the improvements in the movement of wheat to overseas markets there has been substantial improvement in general export trade in august the value of the dominions foreign commerce was 120207800 com pared with 104653584 the previous month and with 98756 70c in august of last year the august level was the highest since may of 1931 and the favorable trade balance at 21177773 was the high est for any august since 1925 though imports as well as exports were higher in value editorial notes one thing is certain says an exchange if town does not iqok good place to live in it isnt illdfini hv the wnv thn pnlitirnl pnsttc of hnth chronicles of ginger farm written specially for acton frc pram gwendoline cvajlkk pjwtu ft hi bu lli fch irfcr to mourn wuro mora like kpacloag lawn wo itavo ixxxi to tfood many fain in our time in england and canada and us wo naturally toko uiv interest in tiiedo tiling wo tixl wj art at least qualified to express an opinion tjuj bulldlngi wo noticed wre very cliian and in ood repair tliohau tt hlblta wero wuu displayed and uio buc ing and canned goods mott attractively set out wo liked tho idea of tho poultry ex hibits being placed ou tilde becaufio one nuedd to be very decided jiouhry en uullast to take any real interest or pleasure in leatlicrcd fowl confined in utility building generally inadequate in kiic partner was not particularly interest k1 in the exhibit of childrens peu as hu cays he teea quite enough cau in lilt own etuble but just loved tlie darllifl little kittens that were utul goodnatur ed enough to play in spite of their cloce quarters and the puppies uere alto ever so cute except one poor little fellow that wan shut up in crate that was far too small for him and wau letting everybody know about it all the farm live stock waa good and well managed including those in diarc of the young lads qnufeaturowopap ticularly liked uas the prize winning otock parade in front of the grandstand think even townbred people must get quite thrill in ceelng ucugroomed jplrlted hora and fine array of cattle and calvci the agricultural fairs in england nnj canada are ery similar or fur as ex hibit go but instead of trials of speed ar uc have them here in england they hiu exhibit or good horicmanliin that riding in the middle there are abo more highjumping conteita teit imgging and obtaclc race all horse back riding auother character tic engllh feature is sheepherding uhen one had an opportunity of atchlng ckut sheep dog at uork an with un believable skill and gentfencsj tley would round up the slicep that were tlieir charge until every one of them was in 1lj appointed pen and all done wlth hardly word being said to the dog by his iheplurd master but to get back to our local fair perhaps no one will think what have slats diaby by ross faitquliar friday well jake and me haa gono in to tho junk bialncsa and aro bothering old rugs and boned and iron and cct tuid who we gl about 17 hundred moiu ibi wo will have tun of junk ap proximately sau rduy ma got vi tura at mo and iutcn thu morning hku7 wo tmidu ivnt of hcr ilublmr plant and tho test fulled wo trjod ie liow fur it wk storutch mid it dldddit ma was very very mutch out of yumor iiunduy wlun lug iuvenj cum to sunday vkool uniity lie told tho teocher ho was lute on iicct hbi mutllor being uh an tho toochar was vory ewcet and act ptig if it was cimy thing witch mile be ketchlng luid juid lug replyed and iah no ho diddent think so 311s la told him it was loven lb girl monday herb pooler itays tlio wlrld is divided bito klntbi of men tlicm witch is ulnclo and uro narry of it ard them witch bt maryod and uro sarry uf it tuuoday ma ot in hurry nlba when was cutting tlio graj in tlio yd wltli tho ion moro mid jjhe wanted mo to hurry at get thxuw before dark and bed to her itomn was not bilt in day and alio replyed and uioy diddent uso ion marui when itome was bilt wwiudai tfot trood lalt today when ma ot boolc witch she had juiu for few thuya go it was lntitled how to tuwk tlilriday joe illx jjiju lui all rite to give woman vj the roiid when you meet hor drlvelng ottomoboel but tilt trubble is you never no just witch vj ihe ij libel to want the mjjypurpec olh botli in the iiouaj and stable there are scores of une for ti tliomas eclectrlc oil ujuj it tnr nlf wnt ziilil the nnlnt of rheumatism and sciatica sore throat and blmllar ailments and mishaps as utllct manlclnd and are equally amen able to umj healing influence of tills fine old remedy which lias made thousands of firm friends durlntf tho past fifty ycaru serve the best tea salada edwa rdsbu rq rown brand orn syrup kv nourished uore canadian children than amy other corn lsns syrup pojtt of tt canada staucii co lbnltj written purtlculiirly uite noting uut wanted to give you the impression of comparative itrangerr local alr ratluu like show window the goods displayed tuid tlio way in which they nre set out are indications of the char acter of the people good fair is never found ui poor spirited community poor fulrls impoulble wheie theiv is live enthusiasm where tliere are luatlr men and women tuixlous to help with bnttn umi bnrwtr wmry totni for mr every irifort to make their fair real ucrew and the chief reafm for so doirg la loyalt thb it our fair it must be silccivsl maelaren pure peanut butter 240 jar 23 carroll pure baking powder sunlight soap bh isc nil these reforms advocated nt election time should not be taken seriously at all memory wont need to be long to refer from one election to another and recall how many of the reforms advocated on the platforms actually come into operation even mr aberharts first work before handing out his bonus or whatever it is termed was visit to make loan another link in cluun of sueccus officers and directors who have had tlie conduct of acton fair in their charge may feel justifiably proud of the event of 1935 the weather was truly very much in tlieir favor but their program and management of the fair made it one most enjoy able the arrangement of tho grounds was well planned tliere was very evident desire to keep the program up to schedule and provide bufficient to entertain the gathering for bath the evening mid the afternoon in fact it would be difficult to offer little or any criticibin that success attended these efforts and the fair has the support of town mid count ysje tor miles around was evidenced by the crowds that attended acton fair has for years beeu establishing good reputation among the loci fairs he event just passed can be refunded as one that adds tn this long link of successes and leuveb some recoids that will lie hard to surpass it was another ample of line en operative com munity effort and the field of united action coveriil quite bit of terntoiy parties are torn down both sides seem to lime quite destructive following guaranteed perfect glass the war clouds still hover around some days quite threatening and then other times with ray of light and hope of peace piercing them with less than three weeks to go the political aotivity can hesaid to be war ig up bnt7nmt actually evidence of the election is to be seen mr forrester formerly ot becton 1ms purchased the oakville star and is now in chargi halton newspaper men will welcome mr forrester to their ranks nnd wish him success in the guidance of the star fruit jars 99 13 jolly good prepared mustard 13 10 ask tin riy jc carrolls limited all exchange says that lot of fellows who spout about capital and labor never had any capital never employed or tried to employ anyone and nover did any labor muss of coo tons or rock fell from gibraltar into the sea what ever became of the oldfashion lil gibraltar that had the strength of an insurance company detroit news the improvements on mill stieet will add materially to the general good name for neatness that acton usually enjoys the council is to he commended for its in langeinents mv cltur frllim thun uu two mill to iwry qmtkiii yc then an tuo slct to hi of lljlmpcr ami it inukr lot of dlirii onrf lo tin fly uhlcli uli 11 cliooij stiady joi you jiulvti toy lonit li it in court lu fori ptbonr twwity year your uorihli jikiki and uhat him you lxn dohrj all tllbi urn prwmir tuenty an iiaui1 to may lliarp yoiiiitir can you wl hin all tin pin to anotlar sharp yoiiniftir well if hard ui you im tlur polnti it ll grapefruit ro 23c peaches lemons special sale 18c ontario cookino onions lo 15 ohangps flesh and juicy ifx doen bananas cy ifx doen 2c dozen watch ouk windows vou fresh kiui1ts and vegetables lhee deijveity ihone 158 oik dlrtitlon tuul htiiiltd in imoih mill street phone 158 acton ontario

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