wht tfts sixtyflrpt year no 10 acton ontario thursday september 5th 1935 eight homeprint pages fivo cents fatal results rather contradictory reports re state of hydro equipment commissioners greeted with report that acton system was in deplorable condition subsequent letter says system has been fairly well maintained further meeting to be ar ranged to get points straight improvements suggested being proceeded with now mystery of first report since no en rinecr here to secure figures in past thrr years the monthly moetine of tho public tjulitlco commission was held on thutu day evening last wlui commissioner arnold and uxcvo ii harrison pre sent and chairman king prodd ing tho secretary was by molion in structed to pay uio following accounts hydro departmenl bell telephone co services 021 geo edwards repairing spurt talbot supplies 176 hepo of ontario july power 311410 northern electric co supplied 19g4 eugene phillips electrical works wlr inspection fees lea metres canadian laco lamps ltd nupplles macdonuld electric ltd eup pllcd corporation of acton business tax 1vnnb ftfl 143 03 3105 1051 5577 lso pre ew flflrr house inspector fta the robbhuf lord co re pairs jas st kearney corporation nuppues ffopg company ltd repairs to metro bank of montreal revenue stamps matthowd postage king commissioners ex penses to toronto 300 1000 t34s354 waterwocfc department jlydro department power at spring canadian slrass co service pipe canadian johjwmanvlu co jute packing 13740 5071 17s3 911450 ttw list of arrears was clicked and instruction issued to uie officers for their attention details hi connection wlui dealer fin ances for range installation were discuss ed by the commladon tikj superintendent was instructed to have 40 water metres sent to the factory far repairs to keep uio service up to standard applicauons for hot water equipment installation wen signed by the commis sion prices were set for the nolo of heaters uiat lutd been used in uie old building and were now or no further use tho secretary was by motion in structed to transfer 500 from the waterworks operation account to the general account of tho corporation chairman kin then the re uult of uie meeting of the local commis sioners with the ontario hydro commis sion when rebate had been sought for the local consumers from the surplus now on hand the ontario commission had received them well and it appeared the rebate request would be granted until mr jeffries had reported that the acton system wan in deplorable condition based on report dated february 103j mr king hud taken exception to this statement and pointed out the general improvement and maintenance uiat had been carried on from year to year it linri nnnllv twvn dprldtvl in hnwnnrn fallow whrn twoyearold child swal low nail 1iumrd awy in hospital yuruay bobble thelitthj twentytwo monuis old son of mr and mrs william brud shaw passed away yesterday in tho sick childrens hospital toronto following un operation for tin removal of null which ho luul swallowed it day or tio previously while playing tho little oivj had chlldllku put two and half inch null in hbt mouth and accidentally swallowed it we howover apparently auifervd little at the time from the ex perience but on xray at ouolph located the null lodged just below the throat removal was attempted in ouclph but it was found tliat ute operation could not successfully bd performed uiere and uio lltuo one was taken to toronto wluu thiwra cqulpmrnt wab ntlnlilr tho operation was performed succcstt fully at tho sick children hoapltaf but an infection luid developed and hobby passed away unable to throw off uio erfects we was an only child and was one year and ten months old the parents uro licartbrokeii and in uiclr loss have the deep sympathy of many frlencfa the funeral will be licld tomorrow morn ing with service at st josephs church acton interment will be made in dublin cemetery halton exhibitor prominent at carried off number ot prix in live slock claw in camjttuuou at the show in toronto walton live stock exlubltors were much in evidence at the last week when uio prise ribbons were being handed out splendid exhibit of walton holstclns is on dkiplay in tho coliseum with entries from the follow ing lujrdu john picket and sons nelands ju sons elton mclean dickenson robinson brcwi victor law rence gordon tasker shepherd bros herbert and stanley inglchart in nil the wolsteln cntrlcu brought back slight ly over 30000 in prize money wlllmott sons flock of hamp shire sheep practically swept the boards securing the grand und reserve cham pionships for maler and reservo cham pionship for females the same breeder ticcured the prosing reserve challenge trophy for the second best pen consist ing of ram lamb and three ewe iambs bred and exhibited by exhibitor this is noteworthy achievement particularly ro in viow of the fnct that tills was in competition with both long and short woalled breeds entries from the herds of duncan campbell amos black of moffat and chisholm campbellvllle were much in evidence during uie judging ol shorthorns the esqueslng agricultural society again brought prominence to walton us source of good seed by winning the premier award on agricultural society exhibits in competition twith other agri cultural societies throughout the pro rinr ihrr mt various interesting items of news tvmlly iteunlon at norval very happy family reunion was held at tho homo of mm wm louth icorvnl ontario mrs charles chesloy daughter of mrs louth was home from cleveland ohio to complete uio family gathering mr and mrs priuik glbbonu und baby diilalilo of acton wcro guests ut tho reunion won grain lrla or win jie son of it nqi acton were winners of several prbvi for grain ut tho canadian national ex hibition this week sor grain in tho uheaf thbi local grower won ilrat on winter wheat first on hurley and third oats second for bushel of winter who tt win ako among this exhibitors win nings itue winhent prlsw winners in uie contejt sponsored by uie womens christian temperance union were announced inst week and in clude wlnncm from acton school polly porty won uilrd prbie for wealth booc in grade vi and elmer liuiby won flrnt prize tor reference books in grade viil ouior wimiors in uio county ware rnfrlrlnqaxley mittmy flrnf far georgetown iucand for orado vil referenco books elizabeth kuig bur lington ilrst for grade vh imstcrs local icackncy strcoderrf lromlneni at sw breederu of hackney horses from tho dktrlct about acton have always taken prominent placo in the local and larger exhlbluons and fairs and were again among the winners at tho can adian kauonal exhlbluon this year with the best entries palrvlew bonnie first jirlxc threeyearold ally of mann acton was declared uio best mare of uie show gold seal twoyearold owned by moffat acton was junior champion and reserve was won by wermolnc performer owned by lindsay acton outtrved ehuelh birthday an interesting event of uie week was tho gathering of number of the rela tival of mrs robert bennett at the residence on lake avenue acton to express to her uielr heartiest congratu lations on uie occasion af her floth birthday mrs bennett formerly mlsu mary bingham daughter of mr and mrs robert bingham is one of uie two remaining members of this family whose residence datcti for almost one hundred yearo in this community brouicr mr samuel bingham junior to mrs bennett resides in erin the descendants of this honored family have scattered to many par li of uie world some lie in flanders fields those re maining wish for mm bennett contlnu ed health and lifes richest blessings puticancamnhell wlnnlnfu winner in the mixed class of six affud shorthorns at the canadian nauoml exhlbluon was drynie roland bull of splendid depth and thlcknctis from beaul farms oshawa second in the same class was double mliutrel cliown by duncan campbell moffat buglei guard exhibited by cpl ix deacon unlonville was third in the junior yearling ciilis the cup for reserve champ ion wail also won by campbells double minstrel there was real battle for tophonore in the summer yearlings the judge taking fully ten minutes deciding hctwnn the llrnt two nnlmnls for inn juveniles drojped first playoff game niiijynra fall team romped ionic with uijj sjcorc good game until sixth in tho juvenllo playoff koliio played bftwucnvriiuara fulls and acton tho vbluirii ran up an enormous score when uie local boytl faded badly after the lirtti liming it was anybodys game up until then and both hides playihi heatbiup ball but in the sixth arid rumulnlng innings it wiui just purtule for nlauari four pitchers uerc used to atop ulem but lrf four lnnlngi they scored 23 runs the llnal ucoro was l53 aeun scord lirit when patrick walk ed jones wus then called out for inter ference and wootls put onb out to tho race track for home run but patrick was culled out for not touching iiecond nluguru evened it up in uie second when they bunched three singles for tally the next two frames chawed tomo wonderful baiwball by both teams al though neither teamiicored but in tlw fifth walk an error and single put niagara one up afur thbi framu acton went all to plcceei and couldnt do anyuihig right they used all their pltcliem lambert wolmeo ryder and klllott but uiey lad no support and niagara just ran wild they scored th slx on six hi civonfh ihiy urnrf nmw nn lilui in uio eighth and ninth thoy scored in each to make grand total of 25 acton jost heart after the sixth and only made feeble attempt in uie seventh they scored twice on two clngles and double but uiat was all uicy could shove acrofis frost cathcrwood and benson each had homers for uie win ners with cauierwood and beiuwm olaa having doublet woods for acton also had circuit clout everybody on tlw ykdtmg team liad hand in the clouting while bayllss for acton was uie losers best wlui uiree out of four the score finished at 253 but that isnt uio difference between the two teams acton uhould give them far better game in niagara if they will settle down and play uie ball uioy are capable of niagara are more ex perienced team and the look of cauier wood the visitors hefty first baseman bi enohgh to frighten any youngster the homerun smack of his was tho jongesthit ball we liave ceen for some time this is nothing new for him au we are told it is about ills twentyclxth this year there was good crowd on hand and it is too bad they caw the kids tako such beating however even uio beat of teams blow some time or other the following ki uie box score niaoaua falls ab jl po walker 3b 12 110 patterson ns frost cf catheruood lb fowle rf 10 barr if benson mills 2b 112 harris 13 52 25 2420 jones out for interference acton ab po patrick 2b jones lb 10 woods lambert ss 12 ryder 3b 12 12 guthrie if 12 10 biyliss rf leulhum ui 10 ryder 10 10 munlmi trp qq williams cf 301101 holmes imcgill 10 batted for jones in 0th butted for williams in 0th summary home runs woods frost cauierwood benson base hits cauierwood ben son bayfjss sacrifice hits patterson fowle struck out by warrls by lam bert ryder walked by harrbi by ijunbert by holmes by elliott stolen bantu walker fowle lam bert guthrie baylbs wild pitch lam bert left on bases acton niagara falli 11 umpires beullng kitchener scott nliguru fulls selection of news items fractumj arm mrs kuthertiio loggle of toronto formerly of acton was taken from eiln to gmlph general hospital on wedner dnyriifmliig ut about two oclock iuf ftrlng from fractured arm sho had beni vuitlng in erin but her home is in toronto she li reported us resting fairly well ut the hospital orehrftfu urlj corn itoast lust thursday cumlng knox sunday school orhejtru were entertained tit the homo of the plmibit miss murgaret brown with corn roajit after mulcal program of orchestra numbers und real clngtuing uie boys allowed their appreciation of tho fulthfulness of the pianist by pretjenung her with lovely btujcet of mums school kteopeuecl acton schools reopened on tucjluy there was only one cliange in the staff from that of lust year mlsu isabel bruce succeeded miss muriel odbert who rc ulgned thbs year tho enrollment at the public sciiool li 270 for uils term at the high school the attendance fa 10 tho subjects being taught this jeal lor uppcnschoql arc history aanctry l41ii acton ontario will be visited by representative from acton eng ir smart ih sc will visit actotk during finit week of glctober and convey grectinj from acton england will present hug from the isorough of acton council arranging for official ueception crotwing repairs under supervision of county engineer and chairman of streets and walkri won at tiddlers conust oldtlmo fiddlers from tills dlsbrlct carried off uie major awards at toronto exhibition uiki year the class for c5 years and under 75 went to mo millan erin nlckell llmehousc and david tarswell arkell in uiat order the class for nddlero over 75 years of age was won by nell mccor mick hlllsburg all of these artists usually compete in uie event at acton fair and are well known in the dis trict imi ueaiutrucuoalis foil to nominate catumdale nomination of stevens parjy can didate in peel was again deferred on wednesday night at what was to have been the nominating convention of tho peel county organization previous caucus at the home of fl rlchw cooksvllle was unfruitful and on tues day night uie orange hall brampton as well filled with membcro of the party and unofficial but curious voters the decision to call onouier postpone ment arrived after considerable debate and the meeting was finally turned over to uie speakers rev ferry cor bctton dr sara atkbison toronto and harry hallett went york nominee ed trought inglcwood president of the peel association war in charge of tho meeting mcdonald kteunbm at erin the macdanald clan to the numbor of 150 gauiered at stanley park erin on monday for their annual reunlou those prcixnt were descendants of john mac donald nnd alargarct gibson who came from scotland to settle on lot fourth concession west caledon an extensive program of cporta was carried out at uie busincn mccung held in the pavilion macdonoid prestl ent of last yearu organ lxat ion was mas ter of ceremonies olrers takmg part in the musical program which was dir ected by jas macdonuld of toronto were leverne macdonuld len wilson mrs wagner and douglas macdonuld to alex thomson 84 went uie honor of being uie oldest person present officers elected for 193530 are hon president macdonuld qoreu the regular meeting of acton council wiui hvld in uie council chamber on tuejduy evening councillors mc millan mason and mcculchpon wire present with reeve hurrb011 presiding the fllmnco commlttv presenud their seventeenth report and recom mrptltd payment of the following ac eounbi crlirrul ou mackenzie son iiupplles 473 king calcium producbi tile 4420 kerr coomb foundry co ltd iruln frames 1001 george cowfe repairs to grader 103 mcdonald premium on fidelity bond of mc pherson 1200 xi mcplierson gravel and drain cap 735 pioneers cemetery fence 525 i8550 murray memorial aceount bmackrrpdp fio ftcrynj s2370 moved by maiion seconded by mcmillan uiat uie report of uie finalise committee bo adopted as read carried councillor mccutcheon was dele gated to arrange with county engineer smith regarding levelling uie railway crossing on mill street the clerk was instructed to apply ac count payable on business taxes owing the clerk wou instructed to keep the pioneers cemetery occounti separate from the general accounts tlie reeve reported uie progress in regard to uie negouatlond about uio shoe factory building aluiough iy de finite decisions liave been made tlie clerk read communication from firm desiring site for manufacturing purposes tlie clerk was instructed to reply stating uiat representauve of council would call on uiem in uie near future tlie clerk read the following letter from the mayor of acton england and presented uie council with guide book and the book published at the tunc of the klng jubilee at acton england municipal offices acton london 23rd august 1035 dear mr farmer dr smart ph sc the director of education for the borough of acton middle sex england will very shortly be visiting canadn as one of uie guests of the national council of education in canada and the overseas educa tion league wis worship the mayor of acton councillor wm atkinson is taking the opportunity of forming another link with your town of acton by asking dr smart to be the bearer of gift from our town here and an appropriate letter of intro duction for your information have pleasure in sending herewith copy of this letter wlui uiucn closurcu referred to dr smart proposes to visit tor onto from thursday the 3rd to monday uie 7th october next nnd on one of these days will do his utmost to visit acton ontario ije will get into touch with you on his arrival ut toronto with very best wishes am yours faithfully morgan town clerk ii farmer eui secretary and treasurer acton town county walton ontario canada opening set nllii opening will be on october ml klunti for lraeruii and keero tarlal work under way at meeting of tin board of direc tors of aeton on tuesday evenlug mr bulluntyne of the nutloual council mr brown secretary of uio hamilton mr sidenius of hamilton and mr maclareii of george town were present to ussbtt in getting the work outlined und under way all these men have hud wide experience in thb work and an excellent iitart was made on the program in acton committee comprising messrs mason eraser arnold have the plans in charge for the official opening that will take place on wed nesday october 2nd it is expected many officials prominent in uie woric of uie will be present on that occasion but dotallii liave yet to tomitiitftea it was also decided that an experi enced worker would be en gaged to arrange wlui tlio committee for uie program that will be carried on following uio opening and offered tha young people of acton and uio district directors put in charge of uild com mittee which will enlarged upon were messrs dills ft elliott and humley president and vico prtsldents of acton murray memorial at the nauonal council and ouicr ifflclaki have given very valu able assistance and are continuing to help materially uio local committee in tills work tliat id entirely new in acton tlie visitors were very complimentary the building und faclllues provided and uie arrangemenli uiat have been madts for its maintenance baptist picnic welti at edfewood laht on saturday afternoon the wlnntrtf cf the varlouil events while the weather was cool quite on enjoyable time was had by nil who at tended the baptist sunday school plcnlo at edgewood park on saturday after noon races were keenly contested and uie picnic supper provided was an event in which all participated with equal de light following is the list of prize winncra in uie events kiddies and under clarence held barbara kullck boys to eddie crewson tommy atkuitn noysrgtolifroddlc crewson oor don alrdrlc girls to elda fryer evelyn at kinson girls 11 to 15 bcruia brlstow helen west boys 15 up wilmer fryer doug muplesden girls 15 up melissa harris elda fryer married women mrs wm kelly mrs kullck married men mr wm kelly mr eucter relay race bertha brlstowo uam mm ktlllrvr team glneer visit acton and the local cammts blon were assured uiey would liave his report commissioner arnold wlio liod been on the dclegauon was shocked at thlu report he had been under tho impres sion the acton system was in good con dition tlie report of engineer stocking as received following his vklt was read by tho commuslon mr king reported that during mr stockings visit he had met him al though ht hid not appeared particularly tuixlouii to meet uie commission he had asked mr stocking if he had fur nished uie report presented in toronto and the question had bevm evaded mr king had pointed out the general im provement that had been carried on dur ing the years since installation and drew uie engineers attention to uiese in detail mr wilson local superintendent said uie report had struck him as hard as it luid tlie commllun to hu knowledge uure had not been an engineer from the ontario hydro in aeton in two or thre years make report from local data the secretary ulso concurred in this mr arnold ukn drew attention to the ttatenumit lliut industrial conditions in acton were none too good uhlch seemed fur from fact mr king said uiat he never knew of any improvements suggealed not being carrltd out and mv wlbon wrliled hits atateiiunt appeared to uie commlvloii that the iveent range campaign hod been contluuod on inl five uio following growers jas cunnmgham tom hrounridge earl and frank wilson and bruce brlgden brownrldge with his berk shlreu valleycrest farm palermo wltn clydesdales smith bros burllngtoa with fruit were other exhibitors who were well to the fore in their respective classes prize winners at roekwood show horticultural show hud nearly 500 entriett and iood exhibila in all cliikrieh uockwotul wortlculliirul society nhow held last saturday proved splendid event and was well attended there wvre 402 entries in the varloiu 9l1uues line dlplay or gludlohw growi by mr win harris ami much admired by vbltors during the proceedings uddrues were irlven by the president kelllngloii und by mr occoiuore und mr simpson of auelph the following ls the list of prize win ners in the vurlou classes apples early variety mrs hamilton hutchinson mrs gea oakes beans bush gnn pmbi tltt beans bush uax potbi mrs utile mrn harrbi titt concluded on page eight place finally he placed chieftain shown by george rodunz stonltvllle over dun can campbells klnellur mlntmaster and tile rodunz bull went on to reserve junior championship merry maid ex hibited by amos nnd black moffat wai junior female champion both moffat breeders also carried off number of prizes in other shorthorn clashs walton itecoiiftr net ion party forma county axmoelatbm at meetlngof the recontructlou party of walton held in milton on tues day county committee was formed as follows president colonel cousins of george town flru vicepresident robin 1011 of burlington second vicepresident barr of aeton third vluirrsidint fred wright or acton fourth vice jus wuld brook of oakvllle secretary col jos ballantlne of georgetown an ekveutlve committee comtuued of the above named officers und the fol lowing member was ub instituted hrowulow acton shortlll ilulhn urud win hmlui georuotown harley georgetown shields oakuue uai peurt burlington inotitm uas made und curried that tlw association cull convention tor the purptve of nominating it candidate in milton lai monday the kith landing president dr sinclair burlington vlceprtbldent james mucdonald toronto secretary macdonuld toronto sports committee macdonuld and family of detroit program committee wilson and jjouglos macdonuld toronto walton county scwool fairs agricultural representatives are mak ing arrangements for the annual scjioil fain to be held in september dates announced for ilulton county are limewouse september llui nassaoaweya september 12th horkby september 13th mt nemo september 20th south nelson scnjurnbcr 24th thafaix3ar september 25ti ith kvunino meal diafchttiti wife do you think uie mountain uir will disagree with me hubby doubt if it would dure my drur street mulclun wes recently in alwrdeen we whittled all through tlie grunlui city without getting tingle eopiur as he pujoml the last door he turned to an old nutlvu who sat tunnuur himself on the diwrslep man said lw huvenu got cop per lp the hale loon na im no thinkin ye uud ye se we do otir in whutlln here fall faiu latis acton september and 10 brampton september 20 and 21 oooksville september 24 and 2ft caledon october and kiun october 11 and 12 fergus september 13 and 14 georgiciown octolwr und galt geptember 20 ana 21 grand valley sept 27 and 21 ixjndon western fair septo to 14 mount forest sept 18 and 10 milton september 27 mid 2h orangevwje september 10 and 11 ilheluouluje spuinlwr 17 und hi strektsville kpumber 10 mayors parlour municipal olflcea acton london 22nd august 1035 my dear sir have very much pleasure in in troducing mr johnson ewart smart ph sc the bearer of this communication who is tlie director of education for the borough of acton middlesex england dr smiirt li this year president of tlie association of directors and secretaries of education for england and walrs iuul is vultlug canada as one of the guests of the national council of education in canada and the overseas educiition league and considered his vbiit to bea most approprbite opportunity to form an other link wlui our suter town of acton ontario have therefore requuted dr smart to be the bearer or british flag the union jack with the coat of arms of the cor ikirullon of acton middlesex em broidered thereon and to ask him to make arrangements for lli presenta tion am confident can leave it to dr smart to convey to your reevu and members of tho council and ouier clthumn the warm und cordial gteetlngii of mywlf uio iluyaitiiu aldermen counclllom and other burgejjes or the borough of acton and un expression of best wbjies for your towns future prosperity on the uui june 1027 our uien mayor alderman oraige uccorded civic welcome 10 the rv albert moore the brother of mr moore who was then police maglstrute of acton ontario und former editor of tick acion li4kc ihitssi canada oil that oceuiilun dr moore on ulialf of concluded on pagu eight needle and thread race mr add mrs wm kelly mrs klujck and doug muplesden pie plate race mru kelly and wil mer fryer wheelbarrow race walter and wil mer fryer time rjicl mrs kelly mens shoe race doug muplesden boys threelegged race walter and wilmer fryer air li threelegged race edna fryer und ida fryer no marketing neces3auy liza said rastus her darker luilf favors chicken dinner tomorrow now duts too bud replied liza ise fruld de stores am all closed by now its after oclock ipecks to agreed rastus did you aim to buy uornpln coming events rmrrita ol kletftiilkh con other kvtrnts under thitf are iliarril id ccutt ef minimum charge ff uny incut of jic come com supper hud irogruiii ut limehouse united church grounds 000 friday september 13ui adnils lilon 25c und 10c