page eight the acton free press thursday august 20th h35 notices of births uarruce umj death inserted lq thl column without charse la lfemofum notices 50c sad 10c pr 1um addition or poetry died hutcheon on tuesday augunt 27th 1035 at the ouclph ocncral hospital david llutchcon former treasurer of halton county in his both ytiar sunn in london ontario on mon day august 2gth 1035 elizabeth dunn daughter of tho lata james and catherine dunn interment took place in dublin ceme tery acton ontario blackley at tho home lot 22 con cession eramosa township on tucsr day august 27th 1035 andrew bloci ley beloved husband of isabella alex ander in his 74th year tho funeral will bo held on friday afternoon with eervlco at tho home at 130 clock standard time inter ment at johnsonto cemetery eramoea ounton at tho residence of his bob victor ounton 1833 oerrard su eastj toronto on tueaday evening augujt 27th 1035 thomas ounton in hlo s5th year tho funeral will be held friday after noon from the funeral parlors of mc doucaji and brown donforth avenue ttortnto with service at two oclock proceeding by motor to ralrvlew ceme tery acton for interment obituorq iocals labor day next monday tomorrow la press day at tho ex hibition most of uo grain ho been harvest ted in this section clocs hock dont forget to turn your cl an hour 011 monday night 0nltichurch rthe is bei jro school commences on tuesday and the long summer vacation is ended th political pot seems to bo warm ing up but its far from boiling yet ulto corn roasts scent to bo quite tho popular thing uiouo late summer even ings without rain it looks as if tho dotato crop wouldn be bumper one this year acton fair just two weeks from tuesday and wednesday on september 17th and 18th store news is told about in the ail if there arent any ads uiat part of the slews is lacking cakdon peat iu to be tried out in toronto sharuy for fuel it la now being prepared for the market the temperuture uie last few day has had every indication of fall exit tho ice man enter the coal man among uie artists on cprb amateur hour lust night wai mrs ii mowut of acton listeners enjoyed her cola very much there um no sitting or the poluo court in acton tills week all the cases were transferred until thu stolon of september ui workman liave commenced rcbhlld ing uie section of sidewalk on mill strctl it will be allghuy wider than uie former pavement the attendance at uie is fefcuhvon u10 increase indications from attractions pobit uiat uie same ought to be true for acton fair tho baptist churcli building in erin is being demolished and reeve uendul who owns the property will erect dwelling on uie bite wlille rain would fcot be very ttcoeptablo to uio inhibition program it would however be of real bene lit throughout the oountry generally rather unlquo family gathering wag hiii nt th hnm of mr and mrs ramukn last week wlwn two group of four ijenerauans were present caterpillars of an unusually largo variety are playing tiavoc wlu some splendid trees in uie cast secuan of mill street and wellington street the btrect drain on boiler avenue at elghi street lias been rebuilt and hew permanent catch basin installed to accommodate uie suvet drainage an open ltoson of two days for ukheoanu niay be declared hi la ton county uils vur if uw recommcndiiuan of uie halton game and pish prou uvo association is adopted tho ij of the baptist church held their regular utekly uwe hig at the horn br mr and mrj walter fryer becond lino softball und outdoor contests kere held followed by dovo tleuutl period indoors rwiiltylour und lialf acrj ol how pace are found bcjieaui uw roof of the combined coliseum horse imiuco and live stock pavilion ut tlie canadian nauonul inhibition it is uie blytfeit unit hi uie world devoted to the purpose johu lerooti of milton has be 11 appointed turning onlixr for hal tun cojuity in the ceunliig vdeml tl uoll suecccdlllg jullles hoitatoil of afilton who was forced to resign on account of tunoi he luivlng recently suffered stroke david hutcheon milton david hutchcon onu of halton coun ty sxst known cltlzcris an life long resident of uio county died in ouclpn general hospital on monday night in his 85th year mru hutchcon died 31 cars ugo ho was conservative and presbyterian mr hutchcon was form er warden of tho county and was county treasurer for 10 years surviving uru two sons and four daughters hutchcon duvldson bask hutchcon tor onto mrs walter elliott mlltorf mm robert elliott vancouver mrs ii moitatt bradwcll sask and miss hutchcon winona mlnncsoca nelson if oaltdek toronto acton friends were indeed grieved to learn of tho death last thursday of mr ix garden who was for over twenty five years on esteemed resident of acton mr oardcn had undergone on opera tion on wednesday last at tho western hospital in uie city he rallhd from the operation but on thursday the crisis came and ho was unable to recover nelson garden came to acton in hl3 young manhood and entered uie employ of tho ucardmorc co from on ordinary position in uie office he rose by dint of hfcf attcnuun to buslncstt olid uie uvlfaro of uie company to one of tho chief exo cuuve positions of tho firm always interested in sports ha played as young mmi on uw local hockey team and when actons now arena was built it was only natural uiat nelson garden should oitsumc uie management of u10 team and year after year ho ted tho team to victory and group champlon uilps ho took his place hi tho affairs of uie community and was an esteemed ltlzcn aoout thfyenrgilb rto grid mrs garden and his family removed to toronto to engage 4ft business hi the city besides hki widow who was before marriage miss jean hynds and his children marjory ololrw and glen ho leaves one sister mrs pegcnuut and his mouicr mrs garden both of tor onto to all of tliese who have been so sadly bereft uw sympathy of friends in the home town where uiey lived so long goes out at uifc time one brouu clarence lost his life while irving with the ulr force in u10 great war llio funeral on saturday was private and in terment was made in park lawn ceme tery in toronto donald mclean sr lifelong and lughly respected re sident of erin towru hip donald mc lean sr paiud nuay on wednesday or last week on tlie home lead where lie vos born ninety years ago ltor the port year mr mclean had bevn in fnl intr htultli but until two years ago ho uas active about uie farm born on the farm lot conceeion in erin township ton of uie lute donald mclean he pent lus entire life on this fine hametead and now his ton don uld carries on at u10 same farm ho uas the lost member of that ertcrauoii of mcleans lftyflve years ago la chrlbtmai day donald mclean was joined in holy ucdloclc to mary bonnie besides ha widow he is survived by two tons alexander of acton and donald on tlie homestead to uieio who have been bereaved sympauiy of rrleneu goes out at uils time donald mclean uaa man who was held in the hlgliett es teem uirougliout the enuro nelghbcr hood his farm activities and i1l1 family here his chid interests but nelglibnrs knew him as staunch and loyal friend nt all tlmei tiie funtral was held on pvlday afternoon wiui service conducted by rev mr foreman mr mclean wis member of the united church at bal llnafad friends from throughout the immediate district where he was so ueh known and from guelph hamilton toronto garafraxa and erin gauiced ut uie funeral on friday to pay their final tribute interment was made in ralrvlew cemetery acton the pall bearers were neighbors mcjism geortju thompson cree jos swlndlchurst clayton be jm allrn nnrt tnhi here and woo prand master for tho term of 1022 23 surviving aro ills widow dilsy one tutu charles daughtc edith or on3itiry und brothor wm of new york hev telfer usslst by ltev ji ilucoik conducted ilu funeral rvlct on iuliirliiy ntu rnoon it 30 oelitck nt wt ley united chun of whlrh mr in iwood wien an active and loyul mi mix mr fx iwcwxj wile 011 lnhlw of mr nleklin aeton run stop quikik woiiun motorlsli ut u10 flanh of red trafliu light retjulro about 25 pr cent more time uian mt to jam 011 tho brikei according to tt ili conducted by tdftlneem of the mi lju hust tts iiiatltutu of nehnology with uio delay timer duvleu which un imvo developed wherciu the avi ruga woman did hot ract until 87100 of second had elapcd tho uvcrogo man applied his brakes seventenths of second after seeing tho red light holiday thoughts quaijtv courttsv blrvlce ikesh com carrots cabbage tomatoes marrow peppera celery lettuce fresh peaches bananas oranges lemons ajlplw mellonu to fresh pies cakes tarts buns cookies biscuits meat pies stavitttts wcnic btrs quality teas coffee cereals sodas cheese sardines beans snacks quality tomato juice pineapple juice grapefruit juice raspberry punch grape punch orange punch ginglll ali soft nttlnks 1ch cllfam hulk or llriclc sltopwith safety barrs quality grocery we deliver givens frederick selwood calgary alta tlie calgary albertan or rrlday august oth carried uie following obitu ary of mr seluood friends hero ulll extend tympathy to mm selwood and family hi her bereavement well knowil calgary borrtitcr and prominent in school ttcuvltlr here lyederlck shel ton seluood died thursday afternoon aijgut flth at litj home 830 hlllct aienue following an lllncis of several teles he uas til lear of age the late mr selwood was born in llstowl ontario where he received his public and high school education and was graduate of the university of toronto being iillw medullt of hb year in engllli before liiterlng university hl taught school at godrrlch colulate in tltuil in ib0j at picton high schwl from 1803 to 1805 ichik ton colleclaio intltuu from 1808 to 1000 he mov to hot ton studying law ulth the firm of dunbir and ruckiiiuinn he vus uthih ud the bur at twon in 1003 loan mr siluood came to culyary jol ing tin kiil tlrm of sjiort and rou with uhlch he rtmulmd until 10j7 when hi pructlid uiult hli own name lit tewil kn lj1ur1t in school work ami uas eucted tdoultfary school ltottrd from 1018 to 10j0 lie wis chulrman of the lututd in 1010 10j4 10j5 und lujl while ui boston he wus tiu mb of laifuye tte iulge ltoxbury uks tuenilh of ashlor masonic lemle no j8 royal guelph terrific holiday attraction sat mon tues the lute will rogers steamboat kound the rend one of tho two pictures he complet continuous saturday and monday sunday sut lit at 1205 grace moore in love me forever make up your party for jili mldnluht rrtutl seatj now sell ui one priou rt inelmllnit lux joc now til friday katuruinr ftepburn in alice adams llooth turkliinh puliter prise story abyaaininrtft itihiibitect pv nt home for ages 111 in ihluphivix in hil iijv inliiillh bin ml htm il in it ih ii 111 it tl ilhui hi ui ii i1i1 ii ml ill lid sill ii li il mi ml ii iih ndiiki in hi ii 111 ii ul 111 ih llll ml ih lllllll pliwlv 111 ill ill hill uliilm tin 11 inn ilwd im il ii t1t hiki tin in mm imd i1111i li nt nl 11 ihlr iiiii liiutlnnllv twin intro in in ih oiirlli ntiir mid ind nnll hitiiid tin intrhoiit tin lund ililn nrlmlllm fnlrli in1v ulth nuinv ioiih iohih nt llhhllmii ih tln prliulpil ilirlon thi mihiv in tho snxinilli inttiry tin miihoin tin dunw lonmnrid nil of gypt und tjltt alhtjllllll tltllmtlll llhuitohlotlu ho ahihhliiiuim ueio driven into thu interior uiountitln fautneicttj tliory to itmiiiiln nearly 11 thoiihiiud itnr until their very uxlwtt nee kuu nlmout for gotun about li00 portujm he nx pedlllnn tiklnn mjthh nit rn ohrltlan kingdom pt iu trntt the eountr nlid nt into rotntlwv rthtp htinielt ntly frhiully to rmlt the hfltfthllmlimout of nilhhlonh porttikiit heloufj the crodlt for nmny chun ih bridge und oth public workh coiimtnu td nt tin tlmo and nl ho to tint fmintku ft of their prli uth mimt bn ttttrlbut the dn htruetlon of uio iinclont utoruturt thu abyhhlnfiitih nru mild to huvu hud bin domination of tho miuulonurluu luhtul luurly 11 ltntury und half when rellglotiu dluputeu urouu and tho portuguoho iv ore dtlven out the ahju tiluliinh nun in retiring to remnln in keclufllon until about the middle of tho lhmt century anrient buildera jokoa were reveal ed in tflm bulldt ra of the old churchus in unglnnd woro itot so oerlous but thnt they now and then rpotratod jok oven in htono on more than one of tholr crontlotu notes it writer in the montreal itornld they enrvod in rollof 11 ttcono roprohentlng monk pronch lng rolemnly to flock of gnein thu hitmo liumoroutt hplrlt la aomotliuoa to bo detected in the dmneatlc nrchi tocturo of ourly tlnu juiit irpon thu buundarlaii of red fordhhlro and hortfordfhlro formerly ntood nn old rnmblluu farmhotibe tho living rooni vhh long und low and on tho canter thnt wont ncrobh the coll lng wnh lnucrlhod thin gond if you nro cold go to iii thin seemingly inhonpl table lnvita tlon nn cxplulnod hv tho fnct thnt one hnlf of uio room unu 1n one conn ty und one hnlf in the other tho flro plnco wiia in iioitfordhhlre guxy and mntugiiuxy with tho rapid growth of ustronomj ib tornni have oft ehunged their mount ku dr uiuhw sluiple director of the ilnrvurd ohf ervntory eently defined homo of them ns follows gal nicy roftth to ntur utotn of tho hplral nehuln order of iilre grontor than atnr cluntern like tho oreut eh ula tn andromeda uupor cnlnxloa are nyntonib of two or more uulnxloh np parotitly rov oh inn around common router or oth ru hie uctlnu hb unit tlio jiiolngnhixv in tho entlro uy litem of giiluileb it dlffora from iho unlvcrho in that tho hitter premim ihly nlno con tntnfl radlntlona luvvu of nnturc con hclouhiieta etc literary dlgi nt ralllou of tltm eaklmoa utntonient about tho nkimorc hglnnenti srnrcilj he brief and clenr without being mlith fidlni it ih not fnr wrong however to nriv tlint tho tdon of worehlp au chrlktlans undorntnnd it ta rudimentary or ahi ent like more hlihly civilized people the cuuinuui aro of courao confused in their roll glouu thinking different nnuworu and confuroil ntifiwera tomn from tho mout thoughtful und bent informed me mown of tlio unmo community natiouhl parua mohumetita thft nntlonnl nark nntlonal won umotiu are ao clonely allied that it la difficult to draw hurd nnd fat line botwoen tliom gonornlly spooking na tlonul parkni are arena pruuorved in ftfdoral ownetsdilp by act of congrou hcniiao of tholr outuinndlng uconory national in character ho national monumnntu on the other imnd aro ro udrvod lenuue of their hutorlc pr lilatorlc or acumtlllc intoreat th rihidui ole bull ole nornomann liull won born in rorgon vorwny rehruar 1h10 in chlldhnod lie dt vt loped tonlnoau for imi itl onptliillj tin vhdln and upon vlilt to iliru in mil und was oncour ng it tv piignntnl he tlral npponred on the kiiuerl htnge with irnat nnd mini il 11 nil hefoie lonj ida fume hpi ml ovi uropi till 1laidino cockitoacii corkroachi art ndv uturoun foragi rs and are no ret peelers of urchltcctur hry nw arm unywln thi choono or ulvunei hi little otiuni u11il1 into up irtiih nt hotu hot privuu duell liu hou bkiui or ton tin und of building inuki no dllfi nn provld the onilltloii nn mot und wiirm and tin ph ntlfu upply of fexkt coekrotthti huvi txtn iniliajicc 11 ovir can ulu thl iitntiu arid evlifciit tind of the eoinpuratlvu freedom of inuulclpnl irhi dump are taking dm fi eriuk und vlct in uie walli of nearby dwriiing hotum ifacy hide during thu day and emi rj at nljht in nurth of food lluy ivit anythhig cit able but are purtieularly fond of tho food tunh fiivon il by man on uils oe eount th are ually mot numerous utjout kitchen nnd pantries and ouicr placljj where food is accessible cock roacheji may bo readily controlled by means of bodlunf xlubrldc which can be bought from any drug store at nominal price this material idiould bo lighuy dilsted in placet frequented by uio roache sueh us about slnkil baseboards cupboards hot wtcr pipes and so on hie sodium adhered to the legs of the burets and hi cleaning uicmsclvcs uiey am poisoned as sodium fluoride is somuwhut poisonous to human beings reasonable precautions should be take says tho pamphlet on cockroaches instled by the domhilon department of agri culture to prevent children or domestic pets from gaining ncccm to it yotjthkjl musician slxyenrold june masters daughter of mr and mn masters of guildhall street folke tone kngland who com menced taking music lesions only rdx montli1 ago conducted an orchestra of 37 children at concert in uie town nhiir fit polkcrtonc 1vuli rtrftfucdmint lltfhf rqp hm music stand she called the orchestra to utteiiuon and uicn gave uie cue for uiu itart later slio stood alone on uie platform nnd played several violin soloc includ ing oihr glled juno written by her tutor too phtsonajt woods grocery family grocer ihone 37 acton ontario 17 sports day edgewood park eden mills labor day september 2nd afternoon and evening sofnialx to1iunam1nt swimming oaces running kacis contests phizes admission z5o and loo dance saturday evening monday evening un stuarts i0mfck oiu1h stila admission 25o piua fax tlie bride waa shopping for vacuum cleaner and the clerk waa eidilbitlna several different makes what the name of uiat one7 she inquired indicating machine thnt li uie eelvldcre replied the clerk tlie bride pave ijlm wluierlnq glancl and cin you recommend tlie belva rhe inquired icily letts go orangeville fall fair tuesday and wednesday september 10 and 11 gala day of sports and racing sec the best in livestock and palm produce dancing main hall wednesday evening tuo modem and oidtmc dancinp with uptotheminute orchestra jackson president jos cooncy secytreas watr drtnyej coach ion iiiallh in the iitago coaeh da ti twnx irti ennui by rlhlng ati iiu bit pt vt nt tl tho couchun fiuin finillitl all the tlruor eould do in tueh nuu una itlt anilvnlt until th hul in tin rlwr lower aabkatua wovu aiitu mi ii inlniiul that la woven into ltli or mbteu mid put to vurl huh iiki hi hmi it ih litfromhuutlhle in lutlt for nn ly uei ua tiinoml rir ih lid liodlia why should llsliermaii grow rich lli cause his li all liet profit ii tttii ni nn iiimjiiiijiiiiiiihiii nmniuini iiniin wmww wmn school opening specials hintons be to store headquarters for all school supplies we offer you complete stockof all school supplies und text rooks authorised by the board of education for use in public and high schools let us fill your complete list for school supplies and you will find the savings and convenience our hugh stock oltcri will more than repay your confidence in ua dollar bills given away free buy your school supplies here and win one of these free dollars every text book mld by hintons 5c to 100 store contains lucky inimilxir inside the front cover three numbers will be drawn and holder of the lucky numbers will be given free brand new dollar bill the idea is that every public or high school text book that you can purchase here ill give you one more chance to win one of these free new dollar bills contest closes september lltli winners will be announced in the aclou free press the same week jo school supplies blue bird ink lj oz bottle 2j0pne plain and ruled scridnilr3 each 00 patte ink exercise xlookti each lack pencil lloxoa each school dictionaries each colored fountain pens 25c kverjinrp penclh each i5c tvou ptvmubj id fo zc and no dniwhm book each 5n 5c 5c 10c uia5krs each lc and 5c pencil sharpeners 5e and 10c tlryt ilooks public school prlmem hrrt second third and pourtli read ers canadian iiltoru luitorus of england conporltion orani marr spellers health books geocraphy text books high school illstorkrof cai udian people botany phyic text book manual physical geo graphy rngllsh grammar latin tett book laun reader french reader lvetich grammar short btorlt and sa sliorur pcenis brltkh history ancient iiltory lnullji grammar geom etry algebra chcmuitry text book chemltry manual iioolouy alo public and high school paints and art supplleei aksorted exercise itoolm 10 and scribbler 25 exercise books sjuclill far 10c school paint boxes colors spfclnl 1c loose 1af nte books 15c clothes for school hoys print shirt yuists siuivo to 12 yuirj tjq asstd colois special ofc chilihent cotton lloic fuuu lolor sues to 10 ort splcuil pir ptur iuc chililrliis cotton golf hos sils to 10 fk spoliul per pan cajq boys tweedcaps an extra splcuil value for tjo school optnuiis eucli otfc childrens coloutcd metal lunch bocb with 20c rmimu und alum ilium orinkini cups 29c h0s wool mixture golf hose assorted clors sieb to 10 special per ur boys cuthcr bells each 20c vontlis shirts tor sehool sies i2j to assorted patterns und colors tl4 special euch 7c hintons sc to store