thursday atxjubt 20th ims the acton free press paoc 3hfr 3toe press ljnrt tory flames in the moonlight by avid howarth second semester waa half gone and the science claaa of tho junior year was assembling in boom barrio heaton prodded hl pen into the rtba of student tocaldo him heard something he sold they tell me the northup girls are holding their annual fireside week from prl day they are said philip hughes non committally ladles choice that night bcllcvo continued barrio his eyes on philip so so ald philip twinkle behind secretly they were keenly txcjuid the lecture on tho radio activity of the electron which followed divided interest with the dimpled vkuoa of helen shannon face late thu following morning helin fiharman sat at her desk in the small alcove office on the surgical floor of the general hospital tho telephone re ceiver was at her car and alio wus im patiently tapping tho hook her eyos alert to the incessant traffic of her nurses phil hughes burham college upoko pleasant baritone voice in her car hello phil sold helen her face hushing pleasantly 1m la very great hurry friday of this week is tho annual fireside at the church each tend to do ultimately with your hying my church is to open flying medical service along tho nshlng banks of npw found land if can qualify hope to fly there you ctlll have some years of college ahead then throe am glad of that rsbonld like to toll you what flying for walch mlncj would let you into you would be op pointed to spuclal patrol unfortun ately tho little prairie country has bom throu ii open to homesteaders mid thu tho two exchanged sober glances with trail in followi thu heaver hlver land or tn 1gtrl3ji5 to drag along amnn phil hugliut is my victim will you tp with me soy helen lm crajy to go but now now phil pltaso helen you con imagine how much want to go if possllbly could but phil have to take some out you of coumo oh helen wild philip dwiply dis tressed want to go but cuu my solo time prlduy is from eight to ten tills ytar lias been terribly crowded tliut two hours from live thirty to neven thlrty hi uiu dining room of the uun is thd main cog you sec helen vo got to fly off my pilots license ho that coii moke big money during vacation and nave next ytar open have ap piled for ilylng urth with watch mines iiwap that two houru wlui wme other flyer no couldn do that my contract forblda it burrie hcuton is flying too and ho seems to luive no troublo arranging any hour he wished surely if you want llekii wish you knew how uim to go with you just juit to be wltn iou very well phil pardon me linvj to go good by there was audden cold finality in the girl voice tiiat troubled piiillp ho waited with the receiver to his car for couple of minutes but the line woi dead helen luul never hung up llko that be fore at thu ntxt lecture barrio contrived to sit boiido philip ho whkpered tho pleasant information that ho hul tokan in the annual mreslde with helen slior man helen was simply well grand he declared tlie athletic dinner was but month ahead philip ucnt to the hospital helen appeared in the reception room fresh trim and more beautiful than ver but chillingly composed corner satlon limped and nt last philip made ills request am sorry to refuse phil but barrlc iujted hie tuo ueeku ago that nil right helen you uent with mo last year and rhouldn have counted on jou going ulth me like have you 11 have better time ulth barrle likely that viry nfternoon barrl cin on huntlrs will tiirong north and they arc the menace to tho valuable stand of npruco adjoining our mines tho beaver has three umall lakes which make perfect surfaces for our amphibian number seven we offer two hundred and eoventy nvo dollars month theru will be base mechanic on fisher lake ha tliu heart of tho stand on tho ro commendations of your president and your flying instructor cuptaln hern offer you the job thank you colonel walch 11 tnke it very well hughes hero is our con tract the summer was yone and thw dry windy days ox indian uummcr were pasfiinff when bharman rocetvedo shadowo wero closing he had heard the sound of motor boat climbing the utrcam and had struggled violently to reach tho shore ho was too alow the boat had gone by ho red cross visible on its prow ho had called but there was no reply he knew ho must build fire signal jio struggled through the bushes tho sweat of pain beading his face laborl ously ho built tiny tcpeo of dry twigs and lighted it night gathered and the moon came out roping about philip replenished tho fire keeping it small as he could not go far for fresh supplies tho faint warmth was welcome in un bitter cold he licard sound motor boat7 it might be ho threw hand ful of dry branches on tho lire and tho flumes blazed up helen had called at the northern camp attended her patlcntu and sit out upon tho return trip to tho liospltal slip knew tho river well and thu moon was shining she must hurry back to tho assistance of toctor manor bwa ping around ixnd aho saw lire below and slowed it was probabaly camp of homesteaders she saw tlgure stretch buddu tho fire bhi threw open the throttle and raced on till watching the lire the figure lifted waved hand peculiarly and fvll for ward upon ita face she rhut olf the ulouiiu imd her rudder churned tho water uwinnlng her in towards tho bank 4ho moored the boat quickly and hur ried up tho shore as ahc approached thu flro shu called but there was no reply dropping to her knees by the quiet figure she cried out plteously as hu recognized philip huifhcti phil alio cried you phil you urc hurt speak to mo xiilll nothing but silence and tho limp weight in her arms oniwerod her the turprlso tlie plight or philip sent giddineud to her head but she fought it and became in an install tho trained rat soon alio liad him resting upon messagu from burrie heaton family kavbig for year tour hawaii and pacific coast stop want you come along stop have arranged for nurse to take your place stop will fly her lu when come for you stop wire atr once barrio hen ton two dayu had paied since nho ceived tliat meu4igo and helen waj till seriously considering it slu woj about to btcp into her motor boat it humming bird when anotliur relay message was iionded her it waa econd and more urgent invitation she mut send out reply before midnight she hud looued the painter and step ped into thu boat when an aeroplane roared down in dive then zoomed holtn knew it waa philip ho jmd iiiver conio to the southern camp since she liad been there for the lire danger win utta ut tliat end during ifer voyuu on tlie beaver ho liad many times pass ed over sometimes very low but no signal had passed between them standing on tho wharf buido her wob doctor manor the camp phyaiciun ho looked up at tho aeroplane there goej hughes in number seven ho said tliat chap wonderful flyvr tho colonel figures he 11 have fight to keep him my boy harry knows him says he stood top in his year at college and picked up flying on tho side besides lie chronicles of ginger farm written specially far acton free prca gwkniolink cjattffte hb dma urwvz mnw hnthtno hfa waited on tahlui und uiuihed dkliea atther face her eyes ucre searching the the annex seems it took mou of whit ho made ut garage during tho summer to keep his mother and sister at lang don urn killed nearly hundred fire along the little prairie trail theros birdman for you as tlu humming bird roared 1u way up tlie river helen sluiniian cblild hear the doctor woreb mingling por sjitcntly with the whirr of tlio propeller tuent miles up tho ncavvr near tho moutli of mallard crelk aho thought she heard hout from trees along tlio bank slu looked carefully about but could se no one her thoughts returned to philip iio hud novbr told iilt about his rcjpon lblllty to his mother and ci tcr she ticidld tliat he liad not deserved thj confidence there urn an ache in her he irt lale tluit afternoon philip had been elrcllni over the hills ulun he had gen moke ri tng from the vicinity of fil lara nmklnft lib fhlh ht hnd in few mlnuteji his eyes opened helen why un helen ho whisper ed smiling phil you arc hurt tell mo about it hn better helen hu said wan fighting flro in along tho mallard tree fell through tho moke and got me roued the flro and crept litre what pity you poor boyt must get you to doctor manor your shoulder it out help me bv trying to lift in thli direction that it there you arc dull thud of hone returning to itn socket followed and mnglcnlly the moulder was right prcto helen ono complication smoothed out thank you now give me punch in the rlh1 no can touch them feel earler7 koiir why it gorteoeu what lucky ranger am but your ribs and tliat ankle phil wo must hurry there rib pressing your heart afraid there helen met beau tiful rib ever the girl smiled and cupped her lianda about his chceka listen phil 111 be your crutch wait till put out tills fire now 11 help you up slowly she got him into tho boat slioved it out and ctarted awiftly down tho river philip lay on the bottom of tlw boat his licad on pillow his eyes watclftng well tho threshers have been hem and gone again and all the work and worry is over once again but not for the year because wo still liave half day threshing in tho barn awaiting th threshers plcaturo thla week was not only the occasion of getting our grain threshed it was also tho occasion of proving onco more tho kindmsw or our nelghbora what should do without them don know mrs came down before hho threshing to do some baking mrl camo tlho next day to see that our twrtlvo hungry men were prooerly fed at upicr time on friday mri and mrs were both hero to look arter th dlnnrr and would have ben licre to supper but tho threshers moved out instead and what did do you will say no very much am afraid and shouldn wonder but what my rr lends would have been better plead if had not tried to do anything at all and oh have terriblu confession to makul frld iy morning got teirlbly tired doing noth jng con be awfully hard work and about half past eleven laid down on tho clilstcrileld for llttlo while just few minutes of course but oh dear drop ped off to sleep and the nexji thmg heard wai tho threshers pushing back tltelr clialrs after dinner was almost too cmburraicd to go out to tlie kitchen to moot my good frlcndj who had been working liarel doing my work while ileptl koi that hava member when was quite young my mother used to sew my coat pockets up so couldnt put my hands in to rcop them warm and thus be forced to wear gloves and don like them for work would rather when am gardening get my hands rough and full of thistles than wear gloves but then of course not typically english how could be when the half of mo ki irish and the whole of me canadian f6r tho last fifteen years slat8 ihaby bv liobs rakquhar acton fall fair september 1718 1935 river ahead btutlful moon helen ho sold she glanced at him her jlpu quiver lng ye phu stop tlie engine minute he said when it hid hushed he went on uant you to do something for nvi helen let hie humming t3lrd ilfdo quietly to the dock and meok mo into doos oirice he 11 fix my rllx in few minutes it mould be pity to ij my job becails pad tuty myself ticiptjutrurga uicm without so much as by your leave tliut was unpardonable of course daughter war helping all the time perhapei it was not quite bad as it might liave been partner and have come to the cou clu ion that figuring out the pos ible yield of seed or grain per aero lu more of finable than counting chickens fore they are hatched there was that sweet clover loaded with iced but tlie dry hot weather and tho coir brittle stalks caued about the half of it to be knocked olf ind trampled under foot so tliat that kuppoe wlhn such disappointment comes it uould only be reasonable to uorry little about it and wonder had wo done thfei or done that would the result liave been betur but we really don have time to because there is al uajs some tiling new to worry about li otead thl time it is water tirst tlie out udo pump uent dry at least wo couldn pump any more but partner was ntll ablo to bale water out for tlie cava to drink then tho other day daughter uas doing some wouilng and tlie oft uater pump went dry yesterday wanted uater for tlie table son gave two vigorous pumpj at tlie pump in the kitchen but tills pump also gave oie long shudderlnf sigh and expired or course the water runs in again and we can alwuyu get certain amount but tho supply is in no way equal to tho demand and don think waa ever thirsty before so now partnor luu got to haul wat and ue shall be praying for rain to fill up our well and creeks and dltchcti how thankful we should bo for adequate water supply and how llttlo ux think about it when vv have it to tint friday harvo grlmcscs wjh luut sow ed him for drvorco on thu qroundo of imbezzlcmlnt bee tut says lie has ben holding out about of hip pay on her evry satcddy nlte batcrday pa was in to bco harvo grimes and his wire tlibt noon ilarves wife told pa slic wtul bound 56 determined to go ahcudtwith the duvoreo and uliu wili going to add cruwelty to tlip oroutuli and if hu durid to rite the cmo sl uewni noek his head iooaj frum hu shoulder sunday will pa pent tho morn in reading hp on statu licb und etc mid hu sais it lf incurraging to heo that doorlng the munth of july they was more peoplu borilcd in the states tlian tliey wu killed by ottomobeeu mduy joe hix all ways drcert up in his wlfu flanneut whert ho goes out to mow luun thckc days been ho you cant nevr tell when pathey newj man mite turn along and tao hij pi toil er and inter vkw him up on um ques tion of vtli emportunlii teusduy like to of got slapped at the supper table tonlto ast ma whut hurry cone wai and he replyed and acd hurry can woj big hunch of wind witch wo low glttlng ntarted and just iu slow to top and sed wood you cill pa hurricane und even tho wis perottirtho11koto oroctreorelirtrnrtt cluir oiim times tliink mebby slu llkei him afur all winday ucnt to lawn porty tonlo and when va takelng jane into jupper pui steven jump on me and tiiren my umrt olf hie and bluddlcs my noo an bit me in the ear well peruonly if hi wants her that bad lie can ju havo her am threu thir daj sam clutu told pa today le jat remimbercd he uvnt bourhtcn book sum time durelng tafu admlnl trarhun he xd if bl nejj illddent pick up before long he blcavcd he wooj rtart reading it auiomouxu industry lmpuovt generally peaking don drink lot of uater not much ought but now if there is not drop of fresh water in the hout want drink more than anythlnt on earth then romc tiling queer in the thought of not being liblo to pet uater it doca something to our lmngliuitlon that immediately let loae desire to drink uouldn mind betting my next rioj of natures vintage lo ked intently into htr glowinrt tllllt everjone uho rtudj tlil will un ije iu tell you helen been doubted find him or herelf urprl fhtnkln nfvnit 11 mnmi rhnplnprnnrt lnily tlllrtvl of that spnlned ankl phil uglier here iam profcj alonnl nurc loitering on the river when tdiould be ruhhig jou to the ho pltol you do it for me won you helen smuti me to the doctor whi do you uant to ily the hmili badlj phil and iou knocked right tntr hcilectlng tlie improved purcliosuia power of the cinad an people sale of new motor vehicles in the first half of 1035 choued an incrcac of 33 per cent over the correponoing period of 1031 and 13b per ceht over 1033 dur ing the first nx montlva of 1035 sales numbered g7 737 units compared with 501159 in 1034 and 20 453 in hits cama period of 1033 the retail value of motor vehicles sold during tho first half of 1035 uaa s7 120 005 showing increases of per cent und 135 per cent over 1034 and 1033 respectively tho greatest gains were uhown in tho four wetern pro vinces in both manitoba and sojkatche uan the gain in tho number of motor vehicles cold woo 57 per cent and in alberta and britlli columbia 44 and 45 per cent re pectlvely of tho 07 7j7 units sold only ib 040 uai than one third uere financed and the balance of 40 701 unlln ucre paid for in cah hi dll itlnr the soundness of the canadian automobile market automobile production during tho flret lx months of 1035 alio g1iou3 sub stiinthi lain totilllnn 1112c0 motor vehicles the corre poidlng half year totals other lear being 0j 084 in 1034 mil 30 2c2 in 1033 of the preent nr production 7403 units were madh il in in ida and 37 150 for export as cereal or in cooking special prize list lioitsf specials no is uert high stepping horse in harness 1st 00 2nd oo 2s best slnglo turnout 1t u6 2nd 00 3s best span high steppers in harness by ilobert slmpnon co old lngllsh lllcproduction silv ilatud comport valuo 4s best span hcuvy draught by tlvw pioneer equipment com pany goods lo tlu value of 00 or olf larg purchows 5s ba lady itkh it 00 caji 2nd by acker furniture co cushion valuo os befc lady driver by acton creamery lit 00 2nd 00 73 bct span of agricultural owned liv tho township of esqueo ie by gllon manufacturing co plouglujiarcs to value oc bs best spring colt jrcd by prince of lvrndalo it 00 2nd 00 3rd 54 00 to be deducted olf 1030 donated by aiin os beit colt two yeari and under ilred by brilliant 1st 00 nd 5j00 jrd jj 00 to bo deducted olf ioj0 donated by wm brennuu 10s best saddle hor nil liable for hunter lut 00 2nd 00 113 best quick hitch to saddle and to rldo around track ono then hitch and drive around track oncu no snaps to bo tued lit 00 hd joo 3rd by slitclilo it agar gallons of oil valuo 50 all hlders and drivers must have family membership ticket 00 00 00 00 so 00 10 00 00 10 so 123 be group of thrr dairy cov con tit ting of uinturccuhl bred bull any family having won eaton co prizo at fair in 1935 not eligible to compete by tho eaton co limited silver plated sheffield reproduction entreo dlji vuluo 00 13s bet herd of pure bred hoi teini by guolph werton cako and bread co tlckts to value of 143 best herd of pure brid jcreys by ovorge cowlc whlitle trees value i5s bet beef steer or heifer pure bred radc or cwxi bred no age limit animal shown in any other claa not eligible donnted by the union stock yards of toronto limited 1gs buit dairy cou any age bj cha barber lba of bacon valuo sliffp spfcials 17s bet ilock of sheep consl of run owes and owo lambj any breed by deputy reeve mullln lt 00 2nd 00 ibs beet pair marketable wether lamhr lnt by pallant pair men greb bootn value 50 2nd by chos barber guelph pounds lard value 75c poultry sliiajls 103 bejt pen or 13 br lay pullets cwhlto leghorns or itocku ia 25 2nd 7gc 00 00 00 20s 21s 22s 23s 24s 25e gilun uoot an vlgitabu3 slficiaij best collection of farm produce including grain roots vegetables fruit and flowers gardenera not eligible by daymond motors goodi to valuo of best collection of mangold turnips pumpkins and cabbages la 00 2nd 00 best samples of grain conriting of uheat oats and barley half bushel of each enh 1t 00 2nd 100 best bag irish cobblers donor to recelvu camo by alex mclaac ciuji bct buhel of dooloy potatoes donor to reo lvc ramv by brown cash bet basket of yellow olobe danver3 onions donor to receive same by brown coh ikldit specials 20s be bushel mcintosh red apples donor to receive samo sample of five to be lhown deliver later by dills ca 273 bet bu hoi of icing apples donor to recelye name samplo of fhe to be slioun deliver later by dr nelson cash 203 be bu hel noruicm spi applci donor to receive same samplo of five to be rhown deliver later by dr mcnlvcn cajh 203 bet bilhel northern spi apple donor to receive uamo sample or nye to bo shown deliver later by wm ix cooper carh 303 bert bu hel mclnta red apple donor to receive same finmpu ru lriiv obei moorecroft by mr ii moore cah 31s best bu1il1 northf rn spy applen donor to receive samo samplo of jive to be ihoun deliver later by dr pe iron esi di 323 be barrel of northern spy applen donor to receive amc sample or flc to be rhown deliwr later by lalbot cilh 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 tho president or walch mine to solicit nn engagement as summer flyer have completed the coure colonel walch he said my ltctne li pend ing am taking special tr lining on tho tipo of amphibian which unde ttand jou intend to uee in your ranjitr brvlce this coming summer phe colonel studied the student witn hl piercing gra eye burton heu will nkj the application think jou have un even chance with tjoo already in much obllgid colonel walch nld barrie greatly phased liave heard umt ou wont on graduate nurws to visit your camps during tl summer know of ono uho will eicactly suit you she ki miss he fen shannon of tho oen oral and urc medal wit of the class very good haton aivo the details to burton barrk deported congratulating him teif that he had put in good after noon work wcrk latter philip was sitting gloomi ly in hu room when stranger was ud mitted by the preildnt of ua colh mcfct colonel walch hughes iaki th president ha ki ull old fdelld of mine he lias name thing to bay to yoct olud to mevt you huglteii said tho colonel wd recclvvd your upiillea tlon as upcctal ranger on our llmiu yea colonel walch id llko tlie job have atlli nvo hours of night dying hetwrsver bcfoito can receive my license so understand what do you hi headed for the moke and in fe minute had fuooptd over tlie fire he uould hive to luid on grout lake mile auay and ualk buck an hour pied before he had left tho hip and made liki ay through he foreit loaded with exthij uuher ix an1 ellmblng irons llu lire hnd been bla ing merrily in dmc windfall in crook of the creek he had hot arrived minute too toon with the during and skill of experience he hud made hl ua quickly through the thick growth to th lire standing in the smoke he hud begun to spray the flames alien then uo croihlng without warning bl leaning tree fell through the jmoke fog philip had leuped back but nbt toon inough to entirely cupe it had ciught him on the shoulder and side hurling him to tlu ground he luid rlen to find that hu left foot would not vork anil sank to tlie ground hu left ami was helpk jj and his lireath cunit in short painful geiwi he looked ut tho extlnguumer it was not utrnei ni puking it hi his right hand huiad pushed it uheud of him and bun to wrigl and craw for tlu hanui in un minutta ho had kllwd tlio bbiie ivxhaustwl ho had tried to ilgure way out of hb dilemma riw pain in hi breast and tlw labored breathing troubled him more tlutii the displaced hliouldcr or tlio crushed foot hu miut get to tlld liuik of the bouvor lilt fcoinebody might pick him up hielfwuy to tho river lnt had grown bund when he had recovered tho hoping that uon have to uouh dut es and ualt on table in the annex when vie ret bick to the city well have uonderful tlnuti together know by jour eyes well yen phil 111 do it you poor poor oh dear wove drirt into the biuhcl don uorrj helen lets lay drift ed whllt tluy did for verj little while then imtll ent the bott wifely downire un hat nllht menage llu lied throuah tho air sorry cannot go stop special patent under my care stop ihunlcj helen sharman peroan balm tho iierfect aid to biuuty iimintlul to real feminine dls unction re ulli alwuyj in tho hlglieti txprtlon of beauty its uso keeps the hindi alwajs joft and fliwleuly white indlpenible to the uholn family lm parts added charm to tho motlier serves he father hair tlxatlvo and cooling slmvlng lotion and protects the tendr skin of tlie child persian balm is tlio true tolht requisite uank txltavagancli iiuuranco auent but you sumy ugrtc to taking out an mnurun4 policy to cowr your burial cxpenacsf wily scot nu na mou mlcht be lost at bca of courj ue alvvajt have water in the liout are fore lithted enouali for that but who wants drink of water thnt hu been rltthig in the hou for tuo or three hour ihank goodm ue can till have ten lnce talo uater can be ed for it without anyone know lng the dlffen nee ah now wonder how many will qu tlnn th it item nt perhupt fhouldnt entrance perhap tllere ire uamo like partner father id to be he wiu mat pirtlctilar about hli tea the water for the tea muit always be frinhly drawn the tea jot warmed and the made immediately tlie water came to the boll if inudvurtently the water was allouehl to boll live minutes more cold uater mu added and tho water brought to boiling point again he would often make tho tea hlmujlf and lie certainly knew how to make it good but am thankful to siy thli wis an idloyncray lx did not hand down to his ton ut lea not to the ono married sneaking of liurlbh people and tlu lr way hud lady to me tho other day straner und singe ihe liad he ird tliat litfllsh people uirij very particular about wearing glovos tjio most pune tlllously dretised herself in glovei and other apparel of court and camo to vlsllui and walked out to meet thu be gloved lady minus my stockings it was really funny beeuusd if on onu asked mo wlmt dulikt moat in tills world should certainly say gloves and bubt just km the gloved re its fine either way ho handy liavo packngo of keliokii atxhuan ilia kitchen servo it uo cereal uso it also ai wlioleaomo iuffrodlent in your mufiuii lreads omelets wafiles etc kellogk0 all buan euppliea to aid regular lablta all ilitin la also rlrh in vitamin ii as well as iron an eliimciit of tlie blood two lalileapoonfula tlally will cor raft common coiullpatiou tluo to insufficient hulk in lite diet wa ve ra cases with eacli meal if not reluvail tlilij way saa your doctor ilia bulk of ali kuan joa not hrvak down during dilution ui doej lllltt tit leafy vrmetuhleg and li tilers foro more offocilva for funtuhln tbd needed ulk it id dpltelou imuttlvd food for letter thui utleut niedlelued get tlio radnd grceu puckugd ut your grocorv mud by kelloi lu lon don ontario r5bbsp keep on the itzl sunny side of life allbrah 30s 3ia 353 303 373 303 303 103 413 42b 433 kuttiii and nomi stic tuiwi siicials be lbr butur donor to receive rnull by dr nuon ciwh beit 10 lb crock of butter donor to recuvo rmme to bo kt nt brown drug store bj joiua cnji be draed ciilclan donor to reetlvo mini by it malnprla bi drered ciiiciilii donor to retxhe tame by mclean be drv chlcion donor to ncelvt ame by edwards cd ciuh bi quiirt mnplu byrui donor to rectlvo nuniu by dr buchnnan ciu bi 10 ibi clovir honiy donor to reccuo irao by iijll ard cliuli ut lhb comb homy donor to udlv iaule bv brt lllnton uwh lljit is lb clover jtonoy donor to ncivu uiub by ic dtmilmr wutclunukir bt louf craciud win at urad wlwut houu rrown donor to ivc ivt uiuut by dr nlidoii tash bit um bnca1 bavod by younif ludy undor 31 ywvm ltuvd at ucentaryu ottlw lot donor oholco ol clotru hor or ladder by maok vulun continued on 2mn au 0d 00 00 00 80 00 oo 00 oo 00 to