Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 22 Aug 1935, p. 2

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mdl two the acton free press thursday atjqu8t mnd 1035 lje acton 3te priafl pomixlaad kvary 1buruy aa actan ontario eubsckifttoaf ratxstasa par jaar uajtad stalaa ik aovdiuonal slnla rrxalaa sc bala old ad ayr mr aboojd ba no ko tlw ol asxlraaa la raqaaaaad fed jet vauaaa wa ara doriaaa so tha istktiu ula tba aaralca contsaaaal easalttaataa aaaxakl ba axada by raaiatararl tetter asonay order or advestisnio batbs leal notloaa ire par uaa lor bat eaaertlea jar un he aaah aaaaqaat laaartloa baaoars loe per line lor rack isaartloss if la black laca type as par uaa additional motlcaa qaatlfrlaa aa coaa taa artractloaa eacb aa coaeerta eatartalatabrata corrreb aodety or oraaauaatioai asaattola ate toe per uae aalxj sxaaa charta asc reports of raeetaaaa beld gladly laaarted traa la meaaariasa notice joe aad lac per lias eatra lor poaaaa birth afarrlace aad death aotlcea free seaall adrertiseaaeata ic per word caialraura chares asc caah li ikvrkr jjci alio me extra when applications are addressed to thla osc display sdvcrtlsina rates vary sccordlaa so apace contracted lor ateboaab arery precsotloo will be taken to avoid error tba free press accepts advertising in its columns on tbo naderstsndiaa that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement pubtlsbed hereunder unless prool of such advertisement is requested in writing by tba advertiser and relumed to the free press business oesce duly slaned by the advertiser and wltb sucb error or corrections plainly noted io writing tbercon and that case if any error so noted is not corrected by tbe free press its liability shall not exceed such proportion of tba enure cost of sucb advertisement aa the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupleo by arlof dills editor telephones editorial and business omce he great loss the death of will rogers the past week has been more than tragedy rogers had the capacity ability or whatever it might bo termed of saying and doing things that required saying and doing it in way to causo laughter in his radio and screen activity ho had become internationally known and liked by all the neighboring republic that had the benefit of his droll wit to the greatest extent is heavy loser by his untimely death and everyone joins with them in condoling his loss just thought tho tax notices aro out and it is remarkable how few complaints ono hears of course it is only reasonable to assume that reduction of two mills and consequent lower bill would be very agreeable on these notices but one often worjders if those who complain most strenuously when tax rate is raised and dcrido thoso in offlco for reckless ex travagance are just as consistent when the rate is lowered and take the trouble to givo word of commendation to those in office the word of ap preciation is surely easier to give than the derision that so often comes at increased rates weve receiv ed our tax notice and right now wo want to publicly acknowledge our appreciation of the efforts of all those in public office who have by their concerted otforts made it lower than last year we pass the thought on to our readers and you can do as you see fit the word of appreciation doesnt cost half ns much as it helps helpintr the police we noticed an unusual coincidence in looking papcktrt5ftthcrdffy oil something lacking the rumors of war that have been hovering over europe tlireaten to develop into real conflict reading the news dispatches and the writings from erliopiu sympathy naturally goes with this smaller nation but the regrettable part of the whole affair seems to be that no matter what treaties or pacts are drawn up by the socalled civilied nations they seem only capable of holding until one of the nations feels test of military strength necessary the day of respect of agreements seems to have gone and with this example among leaders is it any wonder that the same contempt is often held by individuals for other agreements of perhaps smaller consequence one may rightly ask if no lasting peace agreement can be made following war what is the sense ofwagingor winning war the last war was often characterized as war to end wars as such it may have had some justification but in view of the present attitude of nations on those peace treaties what can be said to justify another slaughter there seems to be something decidedly lacking in our socalled civilization perhaps it is just tolerance little of the give and take spirit little view of the other fellows side of the question there are chips on the shoulders of the nations just now do we still hold to the idea of knocking them off regardless of conse quences one page of the paper appeared three stories of store and housebreaking and in each of them the burglars were arrested they were arrested be cause people living adjacent to the places enteied had noticed suspicious characters at work and had telephoned the police as result of this coopera tion the criminals were caught and put where they could no longer carry on their acts of banditry it is pleasing to note this attitude of cooperation wih the police on the part of private citizens if it were carried out to greater extent it is quite likely that more housebreakers and burglars would be caught people need to realize that they have re sponsibilities to themselves and to society generally in assisting the police whenever they con and the three instances in which this assistance resulted in the capture of lawbreakers form splendid object lesson bn the value of such cooperation may there be more of it cobourg sentinelstnr anything may happen with the election date now definitely settled the electorate can during the next two months settle or unsettle who they will have to guide the destinies of the dominion this question of gov ernmeltt is perhapstsitctifihe tnostserious and yet possibly the most lightly taken by the voters jn general judging from present indications the halton electorate will have the choice of at least three candidates two of them have already been chosen but the newer parties have not yet named their county standard bearer history in this county lias shown that while division may be made occa sionally from the liberal or conservative parties the return has always been to either of these parties for years regarded as strong conservative con stituency halton has during tho last two provincial elections returned liberal member during the height of the movement member of tlmt party represented hulton and it was considered safe enough seat to offer the leader hon drury when one was required in the last provincial election the liberal majority jilthe couiit was 1300 and the tot vote polled by the candidate was 1287 in the dominion election mii 1930 the conservative majority in straight twoparty contest was 1107 it is ulso to bo noted that in 1030 the conservative majority in acton was 110 while lust year the liberul mujority was 161 judging from past performances it would seem that we have had ull sorts of things happen in elections in halton and there is no absolute cer tainty of saying which one will be tire repeater just next door on fndny tomorrow the great canadian na tional exhibition opens its door to sightseeing public practically all our lifts we have lived next door to this annual attraction and there seems to be freshness about it that continues to lure one to attending in spite of its years this great annual fair has never been allowed to grow stale always something new seems to have been its slogan and so we anticipate trip or two again this year with almost the same pleasurable anticipation of other days when the means of reaching it were not so convenient it seems to fill considerable place in the canadian life it attracts visitors from wide area who one and all acclaim it as the biggest value to be had we are not advertising the can adian national exhibition in our editorial columns but an event like this that plays such an important part in the life of so many people is worthy of some comment these exhibitions and fairs locally as well as nationally are of an importance hard to calculate in terms of finance their growth attests to their worth the days of summer are on the wane but now enters the days of fall and evliihitions nnrl fnirc nnr tin prentrst of them the sunday school lesson to sunday august 25th baiinabas consbcitated man op means goldentcxt ho was good mall and full of tlio holy spirit and of faith acta 11 letoon text acta 30 31 11 10 study tiloo chia 13 115 cul 13 time 43 43 riocca jeru salem and anuoch exposition barnabas gives of ills substance 3a 37 somo ibno has passed nlnco pentecost year or more but still tho unity and lovo of the early ohurch abide it was doepscatcd and permanent its source kt found in 31 they wcro nil nlled with tho holy ahast unity and lovb are seen in genuine christianity in tjvery aec but tho forms of tbtelr ex pression may differ oven as they did in tho early church for wo fmd no com munity of goods ouuudo jerusalem but ho true christian regards ought of tho tilings which ho possesses as his own 33 john 14 17 18 tho reason why great grace was upon them all was because love and selfsacrlnco abounded ko matt looked upon hit own interests but cvrry man on the tilings of olhcri cor mill 15 19 the principle upon which they made distri bution was christian principle unto tuch uccordlng as any ono had need not according to distinguished abuitkfl noutbh service but according to need every true christian will con sider hut property not as his own but an belonrclint to thi uhnlr fihiirrh anil experimental letter ou omiauison of locomoitve8 othfil hkillsrhkd machines sormi interesting comparison of power mid speed have recently been worked out with regard to the cheltenham flyer of the great wistem railway in england which recently established world speed record for trains com paring tho locomotlvo on this train with other speed machinal it is developed that tho locomotlvo lias rating of 3070 horso powor again from 3500 to over 0000 for other typos while tho minimum weight of tho locomotlvo and train normally 300 tons is 110 limes that of art aeroplane 60 limes that of an automobile and 37 times that of speedboat tho 01o0 typo loco motive of tho canadian national rail ways w4lch weighs 334 tons itself is rated at 3900 wul go get him ipor whole year llarnabas and saul worked together la anlloch and their work was greatly blessed their ministry conshitcd large ly in teaching systematic inculca tion of revealed truth tho disciples got at tills time the name by which thoy are best known since christians tho name woo given to them by others per haps in contempt cf ch 20 28 potcr 10 it was glorlouit name and they clung to it tho real prophetic gift was manifested in tho church vs 27 20 cf ch 31 10 11 tho self aicrlilclng lovo of this young but rapidly growing gentuo church in anuoch tl their jewish brethren in judaea is very touching no wjoner did they hear cf the hard times coming ulan tlwy deter mined to tend relief unto tho breth icn that dwelt in judaea they re garded hard times not as times for tv tynrlnrinnt lint fo rxnaniilnn in the opens tomorrow just next door in toronto jmitohialnotes holiday times are about over with its chang ing seasons canadian life can scarcely ever be come monotonous increased water rates and taxes are faced by burlington us result of the extension to the water works plant there it was always thus somebody must pay when one reads that northern town had relief expenditure for july of 0000 it is only natural that thanks are given that industrial conditions in acton have absorbed practically all of the physically lit unemployed it is said that the new plan of printing the dominion voters lists all at ottawa did not work us successfully lis expected ii nd if will cost hfe country more which seems quite characteristic of public ownership schemes with factory building expunsion being made in acton and all the industries running full lime acton can be still said to be in splendid industrial condition in spile of the fact that one factory build ing is unoccupied temporarily to no used fu tim 19 john 1710 tho preeminent illus tration or christian love in the brother hood in jerlurfilem and ijarniibas inn ing field he told it and brought the money and laid at the apostles feet ii revival in anuoch 11 1921 the flrt missionaries to tile heathen utre just ordinary cveryday christians who had rotten so full of the truth as it is in jcsui tlmt they could no long follow tho maw lead of the authorities in the church but uere farced to break the bonds of jevvuh prejudice and narroiv ncj and speak out to the perishing gentiles the movement wan of god and soon carried the hole church with it tho word for preaching in 20 not the saim ar in 19 it means tell ing good tiding thoie good tldlnos ahlch they told are slimmed up in three uords the lord jeulls tiny did nt expend their strength in attacking heathen uporstltlons and immoral prac tice nor in trying to reform politics they told the good new of ralvatlon in jeui christ there is no proof th it thee men had the hand of bidiop prtsbjtery or council upon tlijm but thl had the hand of the lord ulth them the great necret of success in christian vork is here indicated the outcome of tlvj hand of the lord bclnc ultli them uus great number be liend and turned unto the lord state ments similar tn tills abound in the act 24 47 14 11 35 12 12 21 etc etc we would do uell to ask vhy this gospel docs not make the same uniform headway todai the unsucr in part at lcist li suggestej in act 42 the faith of thorc converts in anuoch proved its genulnncss by its effect they tinn ed unto the lord whnfe is moant by turning unto tile lord is indicated by thcs acts 20 10 20 we have in these verses very clear wjtting forth of oods part the uorkers part olid the convertu part in ropentanco and con version the workers preached the uord the lord jerus 19 20 the lod blessed tho word thus preached ills hand was with them 21 those con verted believed the message and turned unto the lord iii barnabas rollous up tile work 2234 as soon an tidings of the acntilc ic vlvnl nt anlloch re jerusalem uiere rotk uwclmi4ftn many mothers can testify to the virtue of mother graves worm exterminator bccallw they know from experience how useful it is always ready wife dont know why ever mar ried you no work and you lie in bsl all day iayy husband weil im ready in coso thry olfir ini night work tlaire is nothing to do with men but to lovo them to oontcmplato tholr vlrlues ulth odmlrauoni their faults with pity und forbearance and their injuries with forgiveness dowcy some consolatin ivjct you thmk uiere la any cluinco or my getting this poem in your magazine editor them may be im not goms to llvo always jesus was full of grace and truth and it was the combination which gavo him auuiorlty like tho autliorlty with whloll the sun come to the llowcr rhond da williams cadesky oktometkjst well he in acton ok monday aug 26th vxiyone btuttesriiitf from kyestxnin defective vision of headache nlould not nu tho opportunity aaada fr mr brown druaslit consultation yrzs ofttc iloait to tul bl uaa erent interest there they rent one of their best men to investigate and co operate jio was eood man it la tor more important that man be eood than that iwj bo brilliant if he is to cslfy young converts 31c was alco lull of tho holy alioat he was qieo full of faith and no man that ti not need undertake the work of inatructlntf and developing young oonverti eipoclally converts from lieathvinuim lo dark mi that in antloch ho waii free from the love of fcold ch 30 37 he waa free from penumal ambition and jealoimy in hi work 30 ho was very uharpywl to sxso the rinccrtty and promise of young convert ch 37 when ib was comfe and had sliutn the aracu oi god was lad barnabu wai in sympathy wlrh ooil and hlt work li nad to nay that not few who nee tho grace of aotl wrought through other hand than their own are mad and try ui belli tlo it note tlw churacuir of tho workhk of ami kraoe in aituuh it woh krace tlmt could bo luicn we need more of thw vltilblc grac in our churchcj totluy uarnuliaii kntw juiit what to do lumruiiioil wi narimhun forte eh mi ii hli fxhorullon wiui pn cliely that which whoiiui be ulvim to all young lonvtrbi it hi not tnouull to turn unto tlm lord thoy miut cleave unto the iord or continue in the iord thli imttl iiuanj be done with full pur ponl of iwiirt iv lainublt and html ut antloch lfao llarnabii hhowvd hbi hivw itjui of uplrlt in mill another way 1v iuld to hlm hef thl jitst the iiiaee for haul ji at carrolls ftlpr fresh cookies ii mushroom soup catellis cooked spaghetti as 15c frenchs prepared salad cream mustard 11c libbys holiday olives tst jr 29c new clover honey n5p 39 aylmer sieve new peas na he wagstaffej raspberry or strawberry jam hr 320 jar red or white jar rubbers dozen 14c brown label salada tea ria 31e crown or corona fruit jars doicti 99s113153 old dutch cleanser cam serateb 27 oroai fuhfcar uk u0ui amtilno orroalukiv to ucu6e wat aofuat al hus quuitv utvcswaxi dated castile vaorrec kirks by soap af 3rakm x4 to chase sanborn carrolls limited ilomctfirowii cooklnj fa aa apples 5ki3 lemons sw staked tomatoes ontario ctmkiuj milium onions 10 oranges 3d dotten mill street phone 158 acton ontario

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