rc4b the acton frefi press thursday axjoustt 1st 1935 jean of the turta the wind ema buw dearly like the west for there the foonnlo lassie uvea the usale icve best there wild woods grow and rivers flow and monle hill between but day and night my fancys flight la ever wl my jean ace her in the dewy flowcra see her sweet and talr hear her in the tuncfu birds hear her charm the air there not bonnle flower that springs by fountain uhaw or green there not bonnle bird that ulnff but minds mc my jean robert bun why am how we usfc soda in iiaking barbara biiooks wha cr questions on cookery nrv aslvd thtru or tun lo be omu oboist wing soda in bulcinff veil cjulto ex perienced cookj trnu uondi uhy sod needed uhen there is no sour mlhc in the recipe or uhy both soda baking pouder arc indicated many cooks feel less sure of results when mia rather than baklnff powder is tho lead ening agmt ectpt li mixtures uhcro air li in corporated by be tin or by udduui bci en egs the learning agent lor qucl breads and calcs is alftai somt form of soda and acid true arc the prliici al ingredients of baking lxd itself the presence of mblsturc soda and a1 react aid give oil carbon dioxide this gas escaping into dough or batter imkts it light heat spved up the process and expands the volume of gas so uuit mix tures become still llghur uhen bajted in general ihcrc arc three ways of using oda in baking the only dliivr encc among them li the source and the amount of acid in the mixture non oitho uigrftdlcnis lnthrr fe arid bajnn and acid is used biscuits or bran mujiins made with sweet mlllc are examples of this type when sour milk buttermilk or other ingredients supply the acid noda la uw thi nlnir ufcent the recipofor bran brow bread which given below la rood illustration of the second use of soda there arc many ingredient which ire weak acids or mixtures in which only small amount of uti acid ingredient is used because the quantity of gas de pends upon the amount of soda that wld react with acid in the third typo of mixture it necessary to use both soda and baking powder to get light pro duct recipes ut lng molasses honey dak syrups brown sugar apple sauce or banana pulp nbed little soda to react with whatever acid these ingredients yield and some baking powder for addi tional leavening it takes skillful bal ancing of such recipes for the beat results very experienced cooks soon learn what changes are necessary when bubstitu uons are made such as molasses for sugar or apple saiioe for milk how ever it is best to rely upon recipes from standard cook books and experimental kitchens for satisfactory results the following recipes liave been tripta facsted and illustrate several of the principles of baking with soda bttan wtfwu bread cup bran cup sour milk cup rat ins tablespoon molasses vt cup sugar cup flour teaspoon soda teaspoon tuut hjox together tjie bran sour milk and raisins then add the molasses sugir and flour which lues been ulfted with the soda and salt put the mixture into greased can cov tightly and ttcom for hours 13 ounce baking powder an is suitable size yield 12ounce cans soda in the next recipe reacts with the brown sugar and helps develop mlu but rich chocolate flavor iqevhvs loox cake cup butter cup uifted broun sugar firmly packed tug ad egg yolks well beaten canad ol polk prince edward isuod has greatest per centage of octogenarians prince ldwnrd island aereneat of prov inces beiutiful and untroubled while the smallest province his the largest percent age of old folk with 80 per cenl of its tot il popujation over clumy ihls fict demonsir ites not only the heilthfulncss of tlil ixl tnd hut the socll tragedy of the movement of the more eiqer younge uioii sieltlnu their fortune in ihcr irts of ik pominlon is ii ts in oihcr tads tlie hiil ict ipplii lo nov scotia with per cent ovtr eighty and nt hruiuwlek uitlt 01 ontirio which hit llkrwltetiontrihiitcd tlioiimiult of omn utirktra to the np hmldlna of the wm his per cmf ocihh cxeikliny qti with iti t5 pr cuit hi iet nqulri mc ex ut tilon hut it is found in lit iium bir of children pt iijilly in wrilh cm id thus lowrln7 the lvero lu visitor to qui is imprim by the pr nee of old iui ph loy ty kept in th mlly uronp hut eh rc far out nulul nd hy tin young chili vtlrll provmcos irry the vigor of youth iiul the love of id li hir uiei li ird work perciiitigi of those oer ilijhly 49 in mmltohi 33 in iikat chewin 32 in alberta md 53 in hrilid cohtiuhl hie suntt province mis title in uiore iys thin oiw itn loc itlon on rli7 iclflc coast yivt rise to the it mie but it ippi ils to host tir ir the suntct of lib bic nisc of its salubrious coett cllm ite its nunjiliii uul its irdcns among the 10 000 000 people in cm da s3i per cent hir pissed tlil ge of sixty but no fvcr thin 7i ich li ive raclitd eighty or over oronto globe located spanish gold oacnnon weekly newa letter cups slfted liatry hollr ttaipoon baking soda uaspoon ult cup milk teaspoon vanilla extract cwjuars ounces unsweetenci chocolate melted and coaled cream butter and add uugar gradually beating after each addltlou until hht and aurfy add tgg add cliocalate mud blend well add sifted dry ingred ients alternately with milk small amount at time beating until amootn after each addition add vanilla turn into two greased lnch layer paus uako hi moderate oven 325 degrees 30 minutes soda is needed to ne wi mcldoi bananastiils reaction does no give uufficlent gas for leavening so bal ing powder is added cup uior tilling cup huttax egg well tau cup bran iv cups flour teaspoon soda cup chopped nut nuuti lj cups biashed bananas tabhijikooila wuter teaspoon vaidlla extract oream uhortenlng und sugar well add egg and bran sift dour with baking powder salt and boda jdu nuts with flour and add alternately with mashcj rmnanag to which the water has bem added 6tlr in vanilla tour into greas ed loaf tm baku at 315 for adnutq annlsh baking 30 tnhiut s7 dm yield louf 8tj by 4v snmw divining sprlny functioned when used over bpanlh galleoil bind of british idvenlurera seeking sp mlsh treasure mide contact with gailcon on the bed of che mm max near port of sp iln rmidjd which they hope is crammed with gold ingots and jewel hie oper itlons were directed by dl wutj pr uik cooper of thr ed the atl mtic in the vigil mt tiny ves sel in the hope of nuking oreat fortune as the vigil mt wis circling the iy the divining spring held in cooper clenched hind leiped from his ornsp ghemuaramas iy has long been look ed upon pkce wlure irr isure might be found it unj there tint the spinisli were defeated by the british in dccislv ivil eiifl igcmcnt neir the end of tlis 18th century the legend is that the sp mish fleet contained one vessel loaded to the rills with gold md gems dared awpul fate kapancse descended into croict oj hawaiian volcano man his descended into the fuming crater of halemaunnti house of evr lastlng flre and rcchhncd from pele dreaded flaw dlan fire goddess the bodies of despairing lover ind his sweetheart he slew before leaping into he volcano with her body daring japanese contractor rikam kunlslii gambled with death as he was lowered into the fire pit of kulauea vol cano returning eight hours later with th bodies of sylvester nuncs 20 and mar oaret eivos 17 the descent was awde in tiny caoa suspended periloeuly from cable stretch ed across the pit into which kunlahl would have plunged to boiling death in the lava 1200 feet below had the cable broken nunes kidnapped and sliot the qui be cause she refused to mirry him and then leaped into the volcano elasping bis swevtlicart body bird vs snake grain flou ai the central experimental farm tim grain plots at the central exporl mental farm promise to yield results of pedal interest this year lu view of an unusually vigorous growth resulting from the hcuvy prcclpltatloii which has clxarucu rlrod uie growing season thus fur hi durvrt nets between vievltlus und hybrid lln under teat lmofar as concerns strciiktlt of ktraw and ivsu tance to dui us are purtlcuuirly stril lng and as result it expected tleit trv subs tan tlul proyress will bo made in tho isolating of types whuh jo in uu particulars conlroi of txlerqai iaraaite of ioullry lice and mltit uro often tho causa po eig production during hot wvathcr uotlj lice cun be controlled by the of blue ointment tppllcd btiieath tlu whihi and around tho vent mlte fold ing otf uie birds at night and living in cracki and civvlces during tllo day luxo to be treuted differently ordinary coil oil will kill the mites but as it evapor ates quickly tiie ctfecta uro not 1uitlni an excellent paint to apply to mi rot und iiejt boxes is composed of one pirt crudu carbolic or liowlbly bet ter utill nicotine ruljhate to three or four lmrts of coal oil or mixture of coal oil und crank cue oil jroduoinjf new queen bees metliod of producing new quccii bees recommended by uie xtotnlnlon apiarist is to place full sheet of foun dation or ikw comb hi uie centre of the broodnch of desirable qiicen aid to tch this comb dally as soon as ett are found in it bruali tlto betj from fhm mid uicm in colony tlml was ntsetj on hour previously ucvcn or twelve days lutcr ripe oucui cells will bo found on this comb thlt method ensures tliat larvae of uw right age are us und that the resultant queens are fro good clock ileal tli cannot bo looked for in tl child that subjected to worms bsi iu4 worms de troy health by creatine internal dvturbunc unit retard de velopment and cause serious weakness millers worm powdera expel worms and are co beneficial in their action that tho systems of uie little sufferers are re stored to heal tli fulness all the disco mv foru and dangers of worm infection iro removed and satisfactory growth is assured dedjy cou ouimafcbcd by tbe wily sccrciary bird of africa graphic eyewitness account of th bit tie to the death by six foot golden cobra one of south africas most deadly snakes and secretary bird that old patrolman of the veldt was brought to capetown from the mount ilns he secretary bird rigorously protected by south african iw cime fice to face with the cobra on flat topped earth covered rock ten yards from the sne the bird halt ed and seemed to tike stock of the si tui tion it knew vry well tint the mountain cobris are game fighters and the bird was iking no chinces suddenly the bird slipped its left wing bird down on th ground and uie startled snike sliot its gleiming body two feet intothe air the bird made no ntteinjt to move neirer instead it si lrtettto circle iround and iround the an ke griduilly increis ing its pice until the reptile with ieid in whirl fr ee bird movements was ge then with swift spring inwird tlie huge bird gave si lpplnn sweep with its head it missed by wing at the snak inches the bird shifted its tictlcs it came on prariclnnly and performed nimble ince within the snake reich the golden co bra became maddened it ive utartllng hlu tolsed itself and struck out straight and true for the vulnerable spot beneath the tall bird wing it was fatal hmge tlicre wai slap ping thud it seemed is if uie snake liad been scooped up in the air and as it crashed to the ground the horny claws of the secretary bird were upon its body and the powerful beak slashed in behind the reptile head lite bird tore and tugged at the head and traiupud and kicked thecoppery length of body the snake made one final effort to free its held from the repe ited onslaughts but thyty ra only feeble hiss md tft theilght soon feeding tlrd ailcpopts in alhettta tlie province of alberta has four flrt hiha ilrports each of 160 teres lu are and with modern icilitlea tliese tre lo tied it ldniontoii oily try lrthbrldge md medlclae it in ulditiou there ir ten rmergrncy hiding fletela ut various points in the province sua ioodblhuvint goi1 uu goitre is rare wlure luh foods from tlie sta ire ilen regul trly the re isoy is ui it tins foodi ir the greatest knbwn diet source of loditu the goitre prevctita tlv which travels raster liet or co id heat becauao you catt catch cold wiiv ttlbscltwtlons xn llatfn why does doctor wrltd his prescrip tions in latin instead of english tiiere are several reasons one is that latin is more exact language uian nglldi and being dead language it doe not change as uie case with living lan guages then again large part of the drugs in use are botanical and they luiv in medicine the same scientific names that they have in botany two uurds of such drugs havtt no english names and so could not be written in english then prescription in latin is much safer from uie pduents point of view suppose doctor writes prcs crlpuon in english for an uneducatu person the person reads it and might try to get it from memory uie second time tills might of course easily lead to disastrous results if iodide of potas sium were mentioned uie ijcrson might carelessly otic for cyanide of potassium the man could aafely take ten graliu of uie former but one grain of ths latter uould be fatal finally latin is j0i0d all over the world by scientific mei und no language is more universal whetw uiere is chemists shop you can get latin prescription made up in any part of the earth loves to eat this her constipation kellogga alivbkan helped miss kcstcrko wo quote from hor loiter throa yearn vgx becumo constipated tried many laxatives butua uoon ah cot usod to each kind began to get tho humu trouble laiit hu tunic iprh on my vaca tion they nerved kellogh all bilan just loved it eut kel loicjra aixuttatt uvory morning and ever ttlnco iiuve not hud to tuko any more laxative mihs margaret kcsttrko addresn on ryqili 4t dud to xiiaufiicttint bulk in tetila hhow killofu aixi1lan provhlih bulk to uid tlumnullon aiu ltiun ia also rich in vitumin und iron thu bulk in at lbuan iw run tie it reiiihth du eiition luitter than thu ilia in fruity und vit tublta ho it ta ofttti more etfeetive isnt thla food bafr tliun flaking intent niedieiuei wo tubleapoon ula at aijliiuln daily uro uttuully huillcktlt if uerlouuly eollutiputed utuj with euth meal ifj your doc tor if you do not ett relief xjao us eureal or in cook lng ttold by ull jjrtcurrt made by kel logg in london ontario kp on um sunny side of life laju3est b4udoe the worlds largest bridge which is to span ban francisco bay and connect tho great cities of son francisco and oakland is beginning to take shape ubovo the water it will cost 77 oo0 000 ad ki expected to bo completed early in 1037 tho bridge will be eight and quarter miles long from tho endf tho western approach to tho end of the ttutcjn approach tllo brldtiu propci including tho island crossing will bo joo0 feet uii or approximately 4v mlli it v111 duublo deck utiuc tuu 6u feet wide sprajn4 und itrultes iliero it nothing tu ft sprulns tuuf contusion than or limine telcctrlc oil it will rduei tin ikililng tluit follout jpniln will tool tin inilamid and drnw uir jiiln it v111 take urn ucho out of bruii by coimti ractlng uid lntlam nmtlon trial will comince any who doubt il pouer why is fender like westminster abbey because it contains uie ashes of tho ureal grate wtiat lias tongue but cannot tau boot 1us turn barber your head is sadly lu need of shampoo sir ilardwaro dealer yes and your house needs painting but don wony about it cadesky oitomktalst wiutljl in actom om monday aug 26th anyone sum ring in eyestrain dofcctlvu vision or headache should not mbui the opportunity of consulting uus eyesight speclojl appo utntiiilt may twi mode with mr brown druslt conbulta1ion ntee office uoun till to business directory dr mcniven phyalelan and burgeon offlca and residence corner boww avenue and elgin street dk nelson physician and sargeon ltctro trjcrapy phon 89 phono no 22 bccc 1x8 hakold nash tarmer lurruter holleltor notary tubus conveyancer tie whatever be your pleasure cavalcade of educational and recreational attractions qwjiu you at the worlds lartct annual exhibition rudy valine and his captivating band and floor how every afternoon and evening zodla gorgcou grand btanel bpcctaclc the pageant of the century with 1500 coatumecl actors on the tvorlda iargett stage his majestys irish guards band from britain and forty other bands national motor show and horse show international dotf and cat shows marathon swlms powerboat racca international track meet and other thrill packed sports competitions ort land and water tmtr europe andjlmcrlca in two art gahcttes vtsgrtc13lt fara jpt largest show building milelong mujway booming crashing iridescent pyrotcchnlcsthe show window of the nations is designed for every member of every family im canadian national aggggp mihl toronto aug23 siptr invitations count it will pay some retailers to use un classified advertisements and small spaces of and inches these little advertise ments will surely get seen and read by newspaper readers make small adver tisements offer special merchandise change them frequently quick suc cession of little advertisements everyone of which is alive will of certainty effect saleswill attract new customers the thins to be frightened of is dumbness retail store whih docs not talk to the public by means of newspaper advertise ments misses lot of business the public goes where it is invited to go many nonadvertising retailer keeps hack from advertising just because he feels that it is necesary to advertise in big way and because he is not ready to advertise in big way to keep back from our newspaper until you are ready to use big space is just as foolish as woumrr keeping child out of school until it had the ability lo pass its matriculation exam ination beginners in every form of enterprise need to go warily until experi ence and practice and growing ability warrant them to attempt larger things they should proceed cautiously mllr rtkfll actov oir hour 3q in to 1200 noon 00 in to 00 fcxiturdwys 13 00 oclocfc kenneth langdon iuriliter holbjur volar fnhbe ontets acton georgetown over scynuclcidafo llaln streets vat appointment phono acton cs off gcorgutown 63 olfico hours acton tuesday and niuraday 115p to4 30p rn erea lnyrj on request dentali buchanan tental sorgwti ofliee in leuhman block ilouin oam until opm vtning by appointment gas for extractions fclfwmf vycdnrsdnv attcrncohpnogg ict pearen ipcntol strrzeon sucocor to late dr si bel phone mill street jtiston vjttelnabv dr bruyns veiehnary surtor all calls receive prompt attentlcn ivrms ilcasouablo phone 135 aoton ontahlo ofllco mu1 street harrop sc hono oay or nights fij residene bower avenue acton all calls promptly answered ltstes reasonahld mlolxlaneooa francis nunan booxeblndw account boolu of all kinds made to order periodicals of tovery description carefully bound ruling neatly nd promptly done wyndham street quclou out eagleson oniarltfancl pominlon xjuus ktetfalred ivofmsl nnal kngineer surveys reports estimates plans lltawagu wouk bttlctaltt telephoud si orwnxvriue oni general we bpfccmjuzk xn life fire health and accident automobile wiiidatoini plato glass jboiler fidelity bonds annuities raid au linea of insurance also ocean steaiuahip tickets ucabino comtanwa fcxceulent yacdltraa fredl wright acton the door of opportunity these saudi ads will qp tfc door to wbatevar to an 8eemac