Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Jul 1935, p. 7

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jciyiiui 1035 consolation detr heart do you feel discouraged burdened with worry and care do everyday outles prove irksome fining thy eoul with despair and friend you lore oo dearly sy words which cause you pain ah do not think life to futile tl hxts little shower of rain remember too much bright sunshine would wilt the loveliest flower tor always wo and choice blocaoma after summers ehower and ood in his lnnnlto wisdom breaking your pleasure chain 80 really your troubles ro blessings tlfl oodft utue qhower of rain after the storm la over and the sunshine glimmers through making your cold doubtu vanish leaving your hopes bright nd dew kneel down and thank your maker for making his purpose plain but when jfour feet grow careless he will send shower of rain bertram nightingale the acton free press paob sieves chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the free press by gwendoline clattkk canadian women in agricul ture twenty teaks ago the imuo the prcaa of thmsday jry 15th 1915 oeorgetown claims population now of 1994 thats within hundred or so of acton now acton citizens band was engaged by erin orange lodge and played in the big demonstration there on the twelfth one hundred and sixtyeight excur sionlsta jwent to berlin under the aus pices of stalbanasundoy school yes terday another change has been tnade tat st josephs parish rev pather plahaveii has been moved to markdade vnd itcv vtether doyle of branuord comes to acton xfr victor coleman was presented with wrist wattih by the members of the epworth league before leaving to tr wltiiatfon toronto the garden phrtyatruichomepf mr decue by the ladles aid of knos church was very successful letter from pt orccn to tins fax pars say that the boys from actohwhoaro letiraxti golneon hna be said that pie t1 yvrlght was men tioned in general frenchs dcrpatclicjf also that ltc jack tjohll was wounded but la progrcixlng favorably born bellwood at cakary alto on thursday july 1st 1015 to mr and mrs sellwood dauhtr oolquboun in eden milk on satur day july 3rd 1015 mbw fcllzabed colquhoun aged 15 yeaw aonewr at the liome of mrs robert agncw xhirk avenue acton on thursday july stu 1015 julia sulli van widow of uu utc thomas aanuu in lier 82nd year ckol conditions cooo in wtst crops are making tiood proarejui throughout waitcm canada grain generally is ten days to two weeks be hind uiit year but the stand much better grasshoppers aro in evidence hi somo dktrlcu but very littje damaae reported warmer weather wi needed according to the weekly crop rort of the agricultural department canadian national hallways weather luis been favorable for growtll uuroughout mani toba wheat varies from ten to twelve inched in lielght uiul utoollnjf vail warmer weather will be of croat aiilst ance to all crops pastured are hi ex cellent sliapo and where grasshoppers arc evldcntcnbatlve meaturei are well in luuid in bifikatchewaircrops are allowing up well but uttlo late wheat hi stoollng with on average height of twelve inches grasshoppers re appearing but very little damuce reported ihuturtyr jind gardens are good alberta reports that general con dltionficouunuowiifaclory whcatji eight to twelve inches above the ground and same are hi allot blade blight damage is reported from liall and graiu hoptwrs at scattered points an average to better ulan average crop anticipated the ivace river dktrlcu liave experi enced cool weather with ram cropa are doing well no damage reported but back home at ginger farm again and oh is it good to bo home partner and one of our neighbors came to fetch me from the hospital and when wo got home there was another neighbor to gether with daughter and young bon who all seemed to come tumbling out of the house at xmce to meet me peter and patch barked loud welcoming barks and mitch to came to meet mo with his tall in the air nuttcd out to its full persian oufxincss the ride home had only tired mo little but the welcome home was the hardest thing had been called upon to face for long time the next day how lovely it was to wake up in my own bed and hi the early morning to hear the old familiar sounds the hen that lays in the drivlngshcd cackling her very loudest bo proud to be the first biddy to lay fresh egg that day and then the cows came dowa from the pasture and rccognlxed orphan annies highpitched bawl probably hi protest because she couldnt getnoarnougiltothcwauctnugh later in the morning heard the tound of galloping hooves and knew ihtv horses were out to water and were cut tlng oipcni round the yard making the most of their shortlived freedom and every little while during the day came the sound of car in thu lane neighbor to inquire if got home all right or one would come in for on hour or two and do whatever she could to an new motor vehicle sales in canada ki may amounted to 1g53g units of which 13b33 were pjosongcr cars and 2i04 were trucks and buses according to report looted by tho dominion bureau of slauttlcii sales for the livemonth period numbered 50100 which was 107gs more thru were sold during tho entire year 1033 for lhe njt time dur lng the tour years in which tho retail sales of motor vehicles have been com piled the dominion total for may is smaller than uic total for april on the other hand the increase in april this year over maxell was much larger than in any or tho preceding tlireo ycara retail uues of hew passenger cars in thu first live months of 1035 wcru 47127 an increase of 32 per cent over the corresponding period hi 1034 whllu the gain recorded in sales of trucks and buses was 75 per cent for the somu period gales in the lour western pro vinces uhow tlio greatest relative im provement over may 1034 both in the monthly and the fivemonth totals dur ing may 1035 saskatchewan recorded guln of 84 per cent in new passenger car sales over may 1034 while british columbia manitoba and alberta fol low closely with increase of 53 43 and 36 per cent respectively iroductian of uutomobllcs during may totalled 207g5 uuiltti drop of 14 per cent from tliepril output of 24123 cars but still threopcr cent above tlm 20161 made in may of last ytiar pr uut first flvem on tnorl 033 production amounted to 05584 cars compared with 68110 for the came period of last ycari exports amounted to 28705 against 18013 and imports were reported to 2269 com pared with 1519 in 1034 ready to be cooked for my dinner cry ani cry again dad say why all the racket nn xnlh fild if kcth on crying during the last half century women tuvir greatly extended their activities in thu business und industrial world and have demonstrated tlvcir ablhty to efilcleptly perform innumerable dutles that were formerly regarded oi mjua lniirxcut right keeping pace with her urban elster the canadian farm woman is not content restrict hecsclf to houscluild duties but applying her rlforu wltli marketj success in many different pluues of agriculture accord ing to report of the activities of farm women in quebec there are 212 wuaiun farmers clubs in that province with membership of 8877 and the agenda of thce clubs is not bridge or social ac tivities they axe farm membership in poultry clubs lricludiu 5w3 women who have 230534 birds und egg production by these birds amounted to nearly million and half dozens of which more than la 000 dozens were marketed almost 7000 of tho farm club women are engaged in horticulture over 5300 are spinners and near 5000 are weavers sheep raising included in the program of 3255 of the club members who kept 27717 sheep with on annual output of 137843 pounds of wool women formers growing flax numbered 1100 producing over 78000 pounds of flux seed and 31538 pounds of llax canning is also included in the multifarious duties of these farm women and clotui to 6000 of their num ber were engaged in this task producing canned good to the value of 18553 during the year ended june 30th 1031 pour hundred and fiftythree of thoi women are beekeepers attending 3uw hives linen work mode by these women farmers within year had value of 104003 in addition to their ordinary work 2740 kept accounts and it would uppear uiat these busy women spent their ipare time reading tho 4223 helped women arc better looking thai naturally no artmcally itlclics and prosperity either kill with care or surfeit with delight mason the reason why do you object to my becoming engaged daddy hi it because of my youth yis hrt hopeless rlsftm tua1nkd tourllthii yellowstone park thus indians dtvc bloodcurdling yell guide yes maa every one of em ln college groduatel thou shalt not kill drive carefully time tables at acton going east daily except sunday dally except sunday sunday only warmer wcatlier is nccdecc do not allow worms to sap uie vitality of your children if not uttended to worms may work irreparable liarm to uid constitution of uie infant the uttl fcuhtard cannot volc their ail ment but there are many signs by which mothers ore made aware uuu dose of mlllcri worm iviwder is necessary tliescr powderti quickly and will expel worms from tli sysutn without any in convenience to uie child other came hi about she oclock with brick of ice cream which uhe thought we might like for our supper rlndntiisoilcviry hnndandltind wliidi know to be so little deirrvcd was fcomcthlng whlcli hud never looked forward to hi any way und uie feeling came to me that must get better if only to show uinic dear people how uiclr klndnes 1ms been appreciated for uie first few hours at home uisie didnt seem to be cloud in uie sky upparenuy all hud to do wili get better oj oulckly as could and uien alont came uie doctor and took uie joy out ot life was ordered to stay hi bwd oh mercy after ten weeks of it und iust because ive ot temperature uiat knt cxacuy wliere it ought to be partner tellr not to worry that now am home can at least run the hoiauj from my bed and help him nut that way and how has ginger farm been oro gressintr in my ataciicc well to tell you uie truth havent teen much of it most of it seemed to be smouierod in liay partner is at hti wits ends to know what to do with it all apparently the alfalfa bloom not going to set for seed this year so uiere wont he much hay token up uiat way but still jiuppase it will get looked after some how it always ki unyway one saturday night whlu was away partner had one grand adventure about eleven oclock such lot of ilowers were brought in for him to bring to uie hos pital uie next day apparently lie loo cd around for uie biggest things he could find to putjlhe ilflweriiin including uii bedroom pltciier and tlwy were put in uie front hall for coolness tho lost to be carried in wo uie pitcher when away went uie handle and down come pitcher flowers water and all away went partner for uie floorcloth and pall front uie waodslied lie found thanoorclauiandpau all right but he tkhm found peter rolling frerutledly on the woodshed ctep he had successfully routed skunk and lul also caught and killed it just little piece down from tho woodpuel now really think we will tay good night to partner upon uils occasion he will probably be feellnfc on better rtrrrrsc rrm rr big dragon would appear spitting flm ive dono my best but it hasnt come yet arrow nigtit coach abd uie 7bpaanjllidtecjt xlan yiel to ciintoni he bows to fatt in all things ruled mlnd7body7 and estate crubbe hilnedin the 105 ubrarleti of uie various clubs carjnayacoulrewchlui when acquired care must guard and worry nbout quesnel anight to fare kitchener 75 stratford 140 london 245 windsor 545 detroit 545 chicago 805 leave acton at 1135 standard timo to fare toronto 05 oshawa 180 petfrboro 430 kingston 545 ottawa 745 montreal 020 leave acton at standard time oulmb 0j4 t1m9 chicago flier that paoaca tbrobaik here at 93s eaatbound atoa aa ocorffctown at 044 gallic west dolly except sundajr fta mnx dolly except sunday 33 pjm dolly except sunday 7jkpjb sunday onbr llu pjb 8tandaiid time rrt frequent service during the day central ontario bus lines limited fat you convcnkme arrow bus schedule effective may 5th 1055 leave westbound s4s jz1s bv xm bj 41s in 615 to 01 jijs jn standard ttmy leave eastbound js0 kn s10 110 kn z10 to 110 to 600 ma 900 kn 1tinkuauiks planned to atl joints in canada united states mexico consult local agnt wiles restaurant wiles phone 58 central ontario bus lines tobonto iduilul 3ut evcti no ttlj und othr alatynm yet deloro teriiui in uie 11s your printer he should be selected for continuous wt patterson ro specialist in kje xjuniaaikta ortkopuo trcaluenta 10b wynxlluan bl next to tottm wtone 3108 quidlly accuracy scrrl for sound sleep service wtlkn lliat huugry feeling teomed lute jw tliu evening ervo yourself big bowl of kellogg corn fluked in taill theate ajv canada gets swischs fuom tut uallmas ctltiiuli ucls conuleruble portion of her fcoonitea la natujv from uie iwliamils briuih wtut indies and alui during tlm uliiter talan larye quatitl tlyi of frili to ma toe canada in fact is uie hit cuklotijer of uiu liajiaiiioa uie tibuids fcjlbiif mare njaodd to canada tiuui ui uniud klnudom or the united btiitfjt llwlr ntkt bcit cuitoinera tho littliaitiaa have wide vjiruty of exports which luclutlc in addition to iiw to muuxi und iimmuti uch commodities ad lunibor rriuh un wilt itcl cuwar 111 baric murine curlew hldj und kln conch ihcllhi und uutne slu11 ucr producu form port of the cursor of tlur llady untjd und fivlkhurs of th cjuuulluh national ijteaiinddtki in tlulr iuirtlihouiul juunuyd to cunuda in thu ouuulaluhaiiulb jamaica ithtuli hoil duraiiacrvlcji canada tccuivd 1us per cvnu of the uahutnuti import for the ymtvr 1034 1ti united titauia ot 38 per cciil uiduxl khisduui 25 per cent other cuuntrlcai ib per cent went auiiy nujchboi luul sonie hens for me and brought oil quite nlca brood of chlclui iltey liad ben brought home and x3amihur was lookiruf afur them but cxt morning at feeding time tihe found uiere were very lew chickens lull to fed uie kunk lud mude iure of one uood meal before he died and ij now after three weeks we pick up uie threads of life again at ginger panu which is not quite so eay as you might suppose ylireo wecka in uie hospital out of sight and sound of anything to remind one of home bereft ol rttpon waited on luind and foot it is mirpxlilng howwon one los oncy grip or things hut still uie calf are ajiout evenly balanced one natur ally datrirtt uo to harpiul for ploasure but yej ou can alwuyi learn 1uu1cutn3 and pick out ue bright spots from dif ferent cxperleiioiis for one aliall treasure the memory uf my ujree weeks in hospital to my way of oilnklnir tbire is nothlnif uyly or terrifying ui hopltil life think of it more an place to whkh people come wtui uieir physical burdciiii and from whcuee by the grace of ood and the skill of ur lons and nurses they are able to come fotth once more to face again tbt buttle qt life and whatever it may yt hae in store for tlem tliere arw ux ceptloiui know but uiuik uiis true in uie vast mtjorlty of aiu tiling golden flakea will al isfy your hunger and theyll let you bleep soundly heeauipe they digest ho easily you cmi he certain that icdflogg ure alwityrt erihu and oveufrenh heeuube theyre jhctilsrxilfitv in tlie juntcd waxtite hug at rocerit everywhere quuluy guurautech mude ly kt1 log hi london onturio he sliould have permanently estab lished reputable business he may not quote the lowest prices but his estimates will be based on the xise of papers and materials that are the most reliable and are best suited to your pur poseplus reasonable rate for his ser vices iuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiituiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiift savaged co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario uiuultiiiiiaiiukiiaii4iiiiiiuaiiuiuiiiiikiaitiibiiji he is always willing to give you his advice on technical angles of your print ing problems and your close eooperation with him at all times ahd your confidence in his ability will be fully repaid by those many little extra services which he will cheerfully render you fiom time to time at bedtime there ui ah incleiit clilnw motlo which tranhitia hms under heuven one vahilly fcyf its such service that is rendered by the acton free press sixtieth anniversary year phone 174 or 131 acton ont 7readi ovenfresh flavorperfect yoljtt piint taiittc ta hs srouf yiil bot bo hdl ild put tins ioy ni your inlo ta3abl0 kduipal the acton free press subscrlplioiw for all mngttrtw taten at the free picas offlea

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