Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Jul 1935, p. 3

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it juiit tllh ims the acton free press ottfr 3toe fursa lmrt slnru the philosophers club russell gordon oatttdl dough wood seated crossleg fcj ed with his three companions wla under tbo big oak in the grove tho wood house looted gravely xrom ijtnky jenks to custard peyser to chilly north never was fhilosophr cre club at school iv as know ours will be the first and maybe the last suggested obiljy say why not make it liter ary club or hikers club or eotnethln useful fjure added custard dont know much about philosophy what good is it neither do jlnky admitted hlnh baboo junior lsnlb supposed to know things outside the course of tuay george looked grieved if you dont know anything about it thats all the more reason wby you ought to learn bow so inquired jinky pake my kid brother splinter bow he laifreshest kid in dobbsville always dohv something to get fellow sore thinks the world is bis watermelon you know just uto my kid brother custard interrupted him sympathetically tiles sv mean little egg yes and like mine too added jlnky chilly had no small brother but he own fox terrier named bobo and bobo oonaldemd the world ma bone that dog of mine is worse than any kid brother chilly declared well there you are said george custard and jlnky and all have fresh kid brothers and chilly has fresh dog and we all complain about cm now if we were real philosophers wo wouldnt let kids or dogs or anything worry us we take cm philosophically huh said jlnky in some doubt ive tried thai lout of times bub it udnt work thatts because youre not phil osopher george pointed out didnt you admit you didnt know beans about philosophy ive got book on it and what propose is that every week wo meet here under this friendly spread ing oak and read together its great idea fellows iiomathlng uiatu affect your whole life youll see what big difference itll make well all be hap pier and george paused impressively well know just how to handle kid brothers and fox terriers the others made no immediate reply but it was clear uuit tlw remark about kid brothers and fox terriers had im pressed them in the end they agreed to form the club jlnky and citourd said they didnt care much about phil osophy for its own sake all right said ocorge enthusiastic ally we meet hero toniorrov after noon at three oclock that evening auvr supper george encountered splinter hi tho livingroom the small boy had hmii chrkiuued hd 3od but few persons beuldcs his mother seemed to know it what greut things have you been doing today kid oeorge inq ho have totell you rctortedthe boy wlui lift of his nose and flash of hfa bluo eyts you get frtsher an fresher every day ficcttw to mot said george mitid my own business though thats more uian some people do george bit ills up young splinter certainly vos umrn in his side well the kid wad due for jolt few hours spent with plato aristotle co would teach george juut how to handle him without pricking ills uiumb and before loin the splinter uould be eating out of his liand george intentions were better uian hu metaphora frvr ltntr nf nhltflsnnh kid ha close to the brook that meandered through the meadow at the foot of the slope behind the house no deepse diver ever wore more interesting or inexpensive helmet than the one ispllnter was laboring on it was made of square box that would fit nicely over the head the box bad once been ob long and had held tools belonging to george for want of something better splinter had used georges saw and georges hammer to make oeorges tool chest uquare then he had cut square hole in one end and by dint of much labor had fitted sheet of plain win dow glass into it and puttied it all round after that he had cut the skirt from georges old raincoat and tacked it around the open end of the box so that it hung down perhaps two tfect the small boy felt no pangs of conscience why should ho7 his brother had dis carded the coat two winters before and ho had as good as told him he might havm th inn inquired stowasticrulcd with th subject that he was willing to dkcus it evai with his uuilgnlilcant brother mo told splinter again george bit ills lips he never could get used to his brotlir sliort uwwers oil well fow hours spent with slato aristotle fc co spllnur drw from lil pocket wida rubber band and with quick move ment jtrkcd it ovtr his head and let it snap around his heck vor moment lils eyes bulged then as lie got utwd to the pressure they popped back wliere they belong splinter took uie band off and put it into hkv pocket again gcorgtf rtgarded him curiously won der big wliat uio boy meruit to utw the band for splinter always had some cruxy plan or ouicr and george was surtj that the rubbtr band was part of the next one but he lauw better uian to ask wluit it was by kid dont you wont me to tell you somotliing about uie old philosoph ers he continued splinter grinned ihlloaophy 1hll caophersl hull what did he care about things like that wtuit ha cared about was deepsea diving that old rubber band was just the thhlg he needed ids last piece of apparatus little more work on the diving helmet and iks mould be able to walk along the bottom of the river and see ashes and maybe sponges and coral and everything asarly the next morning young splin ter dcepaeu dlwr continued work on hls helmet ills workshop was thicket mow splinter was engaged in the hardest part of his work plugging up all leaks in the box with paraffin in order to make the helmet safe for deep ea diving and while he was working the phil osophers club rnet at the appointed hour beneath the friendly spreading oak george opened the meeting by opening the book its great stuff fe what in this bookl ho said tve been reading the chapter on diogenes what did he do that he shouldnt inquired jlnky who was he tell us about him george suggested custard george cleared his throat consid er him the greatest bf all tho philoso phers jinky and custard and chilly leaned little forward as ocorge full of en thusiasm for his subject began to tell about tho llttlo man of atliena who preferred tub to steamheated upartmcut diogenes was grcatl 11a just dldnt core at ull no matter how unpleasant things were he laughed at them and got along nne when trohblo pursued him he crawled into that old tub of his and left it shivering outside sort of like him jlnky admitted george nodded eagerly and told how uie littte cynic would crawl forth from his tub at night light lantern and be fin itlll hunt for honest man how ho met alexander thbqrcat and the rukr said if he werent alexander lie should like to be dlotnui and how once when aonubody came and stood in front of him diogenes tald iley you btt out of my uinjightl no the little tub phllouophetfvjuit dldnt coro at au the world wai hu watermelon and ho alwufs managed to l1 on top of it but george tald chilly doubtfully maybe diogenes cohld act like that hut wliat wont lo know is can wo courmj we caul george lowered his gaze to tho book and began to read mianwhllo splinter luul flnuhcd work on uie helmet uie small boy wan iaua ikd wlui it of coursoltwasnfc so watertight as he itfiould imve liked hut he dldn hitend to stay under very long five or ten minutes perliaps he luui put on lils bathing suit and pair or intaktrs now lie lifted the helmet wlui boui hands lnd lowered it ecnuy till it rested on top of ills head and uie skirt of georges raincoat came down round his shoulders an splinter peered uuougli uia glau at tho dim world ouuldo dim 9jecaic uie glaa was dim lie feit as lie uiought deep sea diver mifcit feci when ho geu into his apparatus for the first ume splin ter waa uirllled iio flslied his rubber band fromj pockhwiid inauvkauy to iapit rounds his neck tliat of course would prevent uutcr from seeping up between hki neck and ue skirt of uio raincoat tho band was too unall uid boy uiought to ad vance upon ids neck from uw ground up bo titting down lie ttrotclied 1c round both ftt and worked it up to his hips uiu band considered uiat uie limit and parted wlui snap doggone md uie boy ruefully more iislilng in his pockets produced piece of twlno uiat liad held many string of fiunflsli splinter didnt uilnk uie fuji spoiled it for ills purpose on the contrary perliaps uiey mode it moro suitable in few minutes lie liad uie twine ued round ills neck it was pretty tight and uncomfortable but dnpua diving necessitated certain dlscomforu fw yards downstream uie brook deepened into and of tliose oanvnlent pools that teem to titlst mainly to pleaw small boyii in uie middle it wau almost six ietit doep and splinter who stood uiree feet ten wluiout htrrtelilng liad deoldod uiat it would bo just right lluachlng uie pool lie cluwj two heavy stonu for ballast und strodd boldly lu ttw water caane to lus kite to hlt walslto his chejit anouier stride and the boy could fel it round his neck thereupon 1m reached upward tugged twice oil an hnagbttery lhie waved lus liand at group of imaginary onlookers and wlui little juiup submerged liliu self tiw first tovf beoondtt wore delicious darkimui ull round hlmtkoept for llttlu patchi of trecn in front the next in stant the light went out and he was strangling poor splinter was id panic ho dropped all of tho stones and clawing at the helmet came orut tering and gurgling to tho eurfooe he turned blindly and started for the shore water cascaded down his shoulders and flew from him hi sparkling shower lie stumbled up the bank and dropping to the ground made all sorts of otrange choking noises that sounded all uie more strange because they were coming from inside uie box he tried to loosen the twine but he oouldn do it tho water had tightened the knot for while he picked at it then at lost ho started back toward uie place where he had left his penknife it was at that important moment uiat the philosophers club concluded its first meeting george closed ths book and stood up eager and triumphant oreat staff what tell oou diogenes liad the right ideal now remember what said if anything bothersome comes up keep cool and george dropped tile book happening to glance down towards tho brook ho bod seen to his amazement strange looking box floating among tho willows that fringed uie stream he dldn realise uiat it was his tool cheat he dldnt realise anything he was dumb founded for the lower part of splin ters body was hidden by uie bank and as far as george was concerned the box was just simply bobbing along as if it were filled with some strangely buoyant gasl whc george cried jlnky starting up the others got hastily to their feet said ocorge in weak voice splinter had stepped upward and now george could see what made the box float hkt amazement changed swiftly to anger imy kid brother he cried my tool cheat jiey ooprgo but ocorge was already halfway down the bank tho tool chest had stopped and was staring out of its square elnghteyo at tho indignant onrushlng brother as ho drew clooo it said in hollow voice george cut this hunk string around my nock will youv george stopped short his eyes were blazing mid lus hands clenched tool chest ruined tools all scattered about and if ho wcrcn mkitaken that looked llko part of his raincoat gone now was all thought of diogenes tjnablo to speak george seized tho deepsea diver by uio arm gave him pull and uicn push uiat sent him reeling to ward uio wator as aplintcr went to his knocs up catne both hands and eight fingoru closed round uio stubborn twine tho small boy gave yank thai certainly would avo guillotined him if uie twine for tunately had not broken splinter bent over and scraped uio helment from his head whats uio idea pushln me like that he demanded ocorge simply glared at him words could not express his thoughts fphnwr ctlarm hirk at nw hrouirr uicn whisuing hi an cstcntaioosly caus ual manner lie started slowly up the hill he had had enough thrills for one day jlnky and custard and chuly who liad been silent onlookers tried hard not to grin it was especially bard be cause jlnky anl custard each could see in splinter his own brother and chilly thought ho could see in htm his fox terrier only when tho savage glint had gone from georges eyes and ho was beginning to look nu if he realized that lie hodn acted quite as philosopher should have did ono of them venture to speak then 6ay ocorge would old xmogcnes have acted uio way you did toward splinter just now jlnky inquired slyly no replied george diogenes would havo banged him over uie head wlui uiat tub of hist anyway diog enes didnt havo kid brother guess thuts why ho was so happy tmbuior graves worm exterminator wjjl drive worms from uio system with out injury to uio chud because its action whllo ftuly cffecuvc is mild iieup youbjf arthur aged seven had carefully bit ten out all uie soft pieces of his slice of toast neatly piling uie crusts on uio edgv of his plate whcn was little boy said father reprovingly ahvayu ato my crusts did you llko uiem asked arthur of course did hcd uio father glibly buy the best tea salada aid to ueakuno then you may havo uieee replied hki son graciously teacher jack why are you scratch ing your car so hard jock because uie only one who knows where it itches fokxow1ng ii1s lead uncle and what tare you going to wium you grow up john an insulting engineer dttv goo tfvefc newlow priceajim the whole line fafiswl now size 440 21 4so zo 4so 21 475 19 475 20 soopx 19 500 20 525 18 525 21 speedway ipxthrindeb xxxweatiieh 785 os5 t80 70 995 10 10 ll 12 950 io ft 12 12 12 bo 14 is goodyecuttiies grades erf you to ckooso from c53 allweather tread the finest tire ever mctdej pathfinder great centre traction tire at low price speedway very lowpriced goodyear unquestionably tho biggest value for the money you cian have any of the three irt either 4ply or 6jply you get also the written goodyear guarantee against roadhazards as well as defects immediate delivery free expert application by the goodyear dealer buy now get tho higgest moneysaving deal goodyear dealers ever have been able to offer you all sizes 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