Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Jul 1935, p. 2

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raob two the acton free press thursday july 11th 1b3s ffiljp kctan 3frw press fububi kt tturu acton onurlo cnlud su 4dluol sl c1u both old camcmxationswe fiiw mo1 rf oar cub riber prefer not to tlwdr ubchpttoo fet fatcau tby ud to remit bclore expiration wblu wb errptioai wiu ul be carried in inwi over extended faihad et uimt notiied to csaccl we unnw ss5ctfler wuba lb mcnlem cavtlmmmd kmuumom boold be de by reentered letter moot order or advertising rat3lee4 mocicee iec per un far il kiertlao pee ue each eobeequeat insertion esutttlur ls tor cji 1ertloo il blk uce type per to ddltiool notice qaaufyln coc injrattrmcuoo concert uulnji chnrcb society or orreltloo meeting etc toe per line mini wmmlhvm 3c report ol atn held udlr huvtad free itutnorun notice eoc rfnd mk per use emlre lor poem birth kfarruee end delh aouce ire sll idttttuemeota le per ocd mlaumjw charb sc eb if to thu oficl diepujedertuui thu oft diepley apace contracted cor alcboucb every precaution error tbe fro press accept ivcrtuuif rataa vary according that it rill be taken to avoid advertlsia tn lt colamne will not be liable for any ml advertisement published hereunder unlet proof such adrertlaement requested in writing by tbe advertiser and returned to the free preaa btmneae oam duly alcned by the edvertuer and with aucb error or correction plainly noted in vritus tbereoo and in that case il any error so noted is not corrected by the free frcaa its liability shell not exceed such proportion ol the entire cost ol such advertise men tbe space occupied by the noted error bears the whole space occupied by nictr id aulof dills editor telephones editorial and business office slestflence nothing happens here whilo the heavy rains have been causing consid erable damage in many quarters and nearby crops have suffered from the deluge the district immedi ately about acton has been happily missed in conversation the other evening with friend and talking of the new york state hood and loss of life and damage tho remark was made that apparently acton was happily situated so as to miss many of these hoods and storms that are the misfortune or many centres acton and this district does seem to bo favored in this regard in nothing of this nature happening hero thcro arc no rivers of any extent to break their bounds and while storm do come here the same as other places they do not leave the same damage apparently or arc not as severe the district seems fortunate in missing tho headlines jthe blowout the checking up by police on motor car equip ment is bound to prove factor in making ontarios highways more safe brakes lights and other equip ment arc important and thonext move will bo tho old worn tire blowouts with cars travelling at the speeds of today can soon make havoc on the high ways one car out of control from such cause for moment can do lot of damage the worn tire that has no traction on slippery pavements 01 liable at any time for blowout is menace equal to defective brakes police have been given author ity to clean up on poor car equipment and tho next step should be toward checkup on tire equipment it is better by far to remove tho chance of an accident than to check up after the accident has ocurred and repair the damage tire companies have gone long way toward improventenrofthcr value but the motorist must do his pait if the safety program is to be effective the sunday school lesson kr sunday july 14th naomi womajd of faith and couiiaoe ooldcn text wonuui that fearcul thq lord ijui ithull bo praised prov 31 30 uaon text ituth u3j 14 17 verses printed 1421 study uuw ex 110 kama 25211 matt 15 2128 tim 18 tbne uncertain puco ljetlllc hcm at last bookjoecpcr wliate the tjosa lego son bo qwcllcd up about7 uleuugruiriicr life uuiuraooo doc tor juat examined him and fuund him bookkeeper wllal ilt stcnokraphcr it the only oxamlna tlonsw ever pafied col jtar simple and sure jotf tlxomoa ecleo trlo oil la almpltt ui application that sclilld can understand tho lnatructlonu utrfxl aa liniment the only direction la to rub and wlveu used ox drcfloultf to apply tho directions arc bo plain and unmistakable llmt theyru readily exposition llulh and naomi 14 understood by youn or old while uulh uaually is rcgardod as tho hcxolno of thla olory tliero la in it mucll that reelects to tho credit ot tho elder woman caoml ol course the underly ing purpose of tills story in tho history ot israel kt to show how ood oven under tho old dispensation was no re specter ot persons ct acts 10 34 35 in somo respects uuth wat very jlko mary tlui mollier ot jouus luke 2630 this story bclorujs to the time ot tho judaea from it wo get more pleasant view of tho llmo of tho judges than uiat which wo get from tho book of judges tho boole of judges pri th rlor ilme of tho edpbral plenty of choice if the election date is jiot soon announced the parties and platforms facing the electors will soon to so numerous and confusing that the electorate vill scarcely know how to vote in the best interests of the country us whole the announcement this week that hon stevens will lead new party follows on last weeks rumors of national party and in the meantime wc still have both old parties with their followers and of course there is still the in the field somewhere troublesome times surely bring wide selection of individual corrective remedies some of them may be good not all of them can be it is time for serious thought and n6t for grasping at curealls that promise immediate relief the causes of present conditions are brought on by no immediate illness it will take time to effect cure with any degree of permanency the electbrate will be offered wide variety when the election date is announced and no doubt after period of analysis will choose well facilities of the day allow for plenty of opportunity of enlightcn ment at least times huth tho jatttoral kuio the wiirrw fiklc of any age tho worst awc naomi is returning to her people and they luive reached the dividing lino be tween moub and judiiii three tlmca did naomi ure her daughter bilaw to return to their home vs 11 12 it was not tliat sho dfd not desire their company bat ulie sought their gain there acemtd to bo nothing for them to goin nr th one daughter inlaw rvluclanuy fonjjolc her the otlur clave to her 14 it lllust rates that place in our experience when ve have to decide wliethcr to leave naomi liad on out full and camo back enuty ttie one who noc uito moah is quite likely to come back cmply the people could hardly bcucvo it was naomt atul il is hard to recognize hi tho aplrlt ually cmply and utarvlng baclulldcr tho naomi wo ounce knew nuoml waa qulto right hi attributing hcr present empu deal to jrchovoh vs 20 31 cf sam 83 yet naomi waw to blame for alio never uiould liave yonc into iioab ulcsfied wajt tliat mufortune bitter uiough it woo uiat brought iter buck out of moab into oaalian cf lleb 12 4u parmino on tiie prairies rraxiixe hanufactures rmlng in lho iralrlo province cum prbtea four more or ttn diatlnct tyca first wheal growing eecond mixed farming utlrd dairying uuuully ajuo clatld wlui mixed fanning aiul fourth rutichlng occordbig to information given in recently isjiutd dominion oovern meiil publication tho iralrlo pro vlyceji in their ltelallon to uie national loconoiny of canada wheat growing iredoinlmi4ji ht aoutltwestern and cen tral altxrta uiroughout tho whole of sajduitcliowun exoent xxxo nortiicm and cobtern fringe aful the dry belt ana in uoulhcm manitoba in uie latter urea however uie proportion of ouier cereuln aail foragv cropa growing rapidly mixed farming kt found in noruicni and wcatcm alberta and in uie noruiern mid eoatcrn parts of boti sasica telle wan and manitoba in ouier wortts over practically uio whole of uie park belt mixed farming ako uie dominant typo in the irrigated dlatxlcta tlie greatest development in dairying luii occurred in catcrn juanitobi ii nuoml comforted liut naomi was not an empty us wlio hilglit be for jjie had ruui ch 15 and hi uie cvuning of lier days she wan voucliiufed uio great prlvllcgrof nurs ing ilutlis child destined to bcoomo uie fauier of avld uus king in ntudylnk the concluiuon of uils lesson uus fact should nob be overlooked uiat of uio house and lineage of tavld liundreds ot ycari lalerr which chrut uie lord luke 11 gods purpotes arc not always apparent and we are but uio creatures of day jehovah is everlasting and uoisand home and friends iuid everything and go ytjlrj u1 jy ht ore us one day tliec on wltli chrut or to turn our backs on chrkt und to back to uie world and loved ones uuuis attitude of love that leftull to go wlui naomi illustrates whit our ntutude toward jeius fihould be 3vom the worldly standpoint orpoli seemed to make uie wiser choice but uuui gilned uie most when we be come christians wo inay suifer uie loss of nil uilngs but we gnin more than we loie phil llomann 18 further gain in employment employment in canada showed considerable ex pansion at the beginning of june in which most in dustrial groups shared according to bulletin released by the dominion bureau of statistics the payrolls of 0270 employers wcre from 893 038 on may 1st to0i5792 at the beginning otjune or by 22703 persons although the advance provid ed work for many persons it was smaller than theornah uent back reluctantly but ihe average increase indicated between may and june iiremiiack by doing so she not only uirv 11 forsook nnoml urjd uuth liic forsook the years sinco1020 so that the ndex after adjust jchovah ptohmy au piu cd jruui aa slic uent back to the de lights and ambitious of moab but ituth needed no pity iluui had one more chance to go back naomi bjted her final appeal to uuth to so back upjn ruthi love for orpnh fl one of uie strangest moues for lovlnu natures in forsaking uie lord is loe for ultimo uho ire in uie world but uhue uuui loved orpah slie loved naomi more cf muti 10 37 no love or any human belna will draw away from jdu4j uie one who really loves him cor 14 orpah wis not far from uie kingdom cf two ruuier lonely women in uwj little town of bethlehem had no vision of be coming klory but wc who are ablo to uike uie backuard clunce are able to see how lit purpous were iulfllled to day uip word beuuehem is one of uie sweeutt uiat fall upon our cars but it is not of xomt or uuui uutt we mostly uiink when ue hear it but of the blrui of christ uie lord while canada xraliio provlncea manitoba saskatchewan and alberta nrr famous tho world over for uielr grl cultura1 accompluihmcnta manufacture lug auo uu important industry and pruirlo manufacturer provldo largo field for employment and investment of capltul prulrla province manufacturing cstab ljjhmcntk in 1033 numbered 2b60 wlui capital invcfttment of 343015920 acr cording to report usucd by uie do minion bureau of statutlcs theja plants furnlulied employment to 37307 workers ll received 3740701 in iidlarlcs and wages and produced goods wlui celling value at the factory of 182250755 the amount they pajt out for materials totalled 39307340 and tho 4lue added by manufacture amounted to 83383415 from tho standpoint of value of production slaughtering and meat packing led all industries with on output valued at 25408444 flour and feed mllfe were next hi importance wlui an output noruieaolern saskatchewan and north valued at 24446073 together the western alberta ranching is pructic tuio industries accounted for over per uy conflned to the dry area in aouua western saskatchewan and southeast ern alberta and to strip of land ex tending from the international boundary noruiward along uie foothill to beyond calgary wheat was first grown in the ivulrw provinces 120 yeartj ago by 4hc selkirk sotucrs hi manitoba alltetlv veteltan cent of the total production of tho prairie maiiulacturlng cstabuahmento ouier leading industries were butter and clittcsc wuii an output valued at 17207988 central electric station 14910b73 petroleum product llw 134 railway rblling stock 904420 printing and pubuslilng 823104 dttski andouw bakery proi 308277 breweries 5470150 printing ojld bookkeeping 3928765 and so your daughter is about to marry lio you milly feel uiat eho ready jor uie battle of life she uhould be tjic been in four tnitagemeuts already you tkjteo to rougkt xlrs mjlaprop uiat famous charac ter rejiiembered for lier ludicrous mitt use of kngllsli uttered wise saying netruicls when slie suld uiat nouiin is so easy to forget if you clioso to set about it tlie reason your memory holds so tenaciously to every unkind ness you liave received uio reason your gruduer arc uio lout uilng you forget is that you wish to remember them if you should replace rescnunent by love bitterness byyinpauiy ilie memories that now help to spoil your peace of mind would melt away like blocks of ice hi summer sun leaving no trace on iiu toilce nune loci sight of uie chltl maam miulam good graclousl wliy didnt you spcjk to policeman nurief was speaking to ozio at the time maam it ww rcueve cold colds are tho commonest ailmenui of mankind und it neglected may lead to serious condiuons rr thomas ecletrlc oil will rcucve tho bronchial passagu of inflamniauon speedily and uioroughly and will streng then uium against subimvjuent attack and aa it eases uie inflammation it will usually stop the cough bocauie ttllayi uie irrltauon in the uiroat try it and proe sharing there has been quite hood of protest regarding the increase in the tax on amusements to be used for relief purposes most of the protest has come from amusement institutions organizations etc who are undoubtedly being affected some in the at tendance we do not like it now nor never were we enthusiastic over it neither do we like the excise stamp or any other of the bothersome taxes we are called upon to pay these days the call for contri btrr butionstociuxyoiicvciili ment for seasonal variation declined from 074 on may 1st to 051 at the latest date pronounced ad vances were reported in manufacturing the additions to staffs considerably exceeding the average seasonal gain noted on june 1st in the last fourteen years the favorable movement extended practically all classes of factory employment in thdionmanufac turing industries there were important increases in logging mining communications local and railway transportation building and railway construction and maintenance services and trade on the other hand shipping and stevedoring were slacker nnil 12 but ulic dui not enter it it iii naomi uould not luvo uiem bo with there were temporary losses in highway construction 17 ft ji nnt eoantlnk the coft luku owing to the closing of certain unemployment relief 2533 camps itutlia reply to naomi was improvement was indicated in all of the five lone of the most beautiful that ever jeu economic areas except ontario where there was minor contraction finns in quebec and the prairie provinces employed the greatest number of extra workers editorial notes bicycles manufactured in canada during 1931 umbered 32g74 worth 051020 at factory prices there were 40000 sold during the year which in cluded about 7400 importations densome to many that the past year the only re course was to pay the amount from the municipal reasury amusements are not life neccesity and it would seem more sensible to levy the tax here than on sugar and other commodities if we can afford our amusements we can surely afford to make con tributiou toward the cost of helping the chap who down and out and in need of relief the biggest protest seems to have come because of the tax on churoh entertainments although special concession habcen made in their behalf the bowmanville statesman puts the situation pretty plainly and gives some real food for thought when it says it would seem only fair that if the church wants to enter the amusement business it should abide by the rules that goveruttiat industry we have decried the fact on numerous occasions that the church has entered the amusement lield and by amusement we include concerts shows garden parties suppers and the like that type of thing belongs legitimately to the man who is making his living from that business the churchs business primarily is to preach the gospel and set an example if in the course of this work it does not impress upon its members and ad herents the necessity of supporting the church by freewill offerings with no strings uttatclicd then tbero must be something wrong with the work judging by the number of escapes from jails tliroughouttheimyilcs it lmx institutions are far from escapeproof proposed merger of county jails make better in this respect would the them any parliament seemed loath to prorogue the gov ernorgeneral wab kept waiting four hours in vice regal costume while the senate and house of com mons debuted clause in one of the many bills exports of newsprint paper from canada in may totalled 4707010 cwt valued at 8224031 compar ed with 4141410 swt at 7018407 year ago twentyeight countries took canadian newsprint paper during the month firemen in smaller centres may find some con solation in the fact that the city fire brigades with all their extensive equiplnent were unableho stop fire in the freight sheds in the city until the build ings were reduced to ruins from human lips vil lfl iv it shows wluit pure love exited in those rude days it ulutrateu wonderfully what our uttltude should he towkttl him wlioui ue love supremely jluth meant every word of it und lived up to it do wc when we say it to jesus it was prob ably in uieflrst place love for naomi uiat made ruth love naomis cod if wc live as we ought and manifest tlie life of our god we will drew men to the love of him tile proverbial rela tion between motlierlnlaw and dautfh terinlaw anything but tliat pictured here but it was loyalty to jeliovah that made tlie relation so tender and beau tiful in tills cose in many ease to day uio professed christianity of motlr crlnlaw and daaubterlnlaw doesnt tmi iwiim acton school has again passed every one of the entrance pupils maintaining its rather unique record of the past twenty year without single failure teachers and pupils have reason for pride in this record uild the community congratulateslthem headers of till fin pin ss will be glad to note that mrs clarke who contributes chronicles of ginger faun each week is home again no doubt readers will also appreciate as well as the editor that mis clarke has not missed during her illness in hav ing her column appear each week although no doubt it was quite tusk the profisea clffiiuiuilltswot mil ituth was really nulcmgva choice of jeliovah ch 12 quite likely the life of malilan her husband had had much to do with it more real lieroum of faith was shown in tlie action of ituui than hi tlie during exploits recorded in judges the truest heroism today lr displayed by the selfaocrtnclng ucts of tender women hi home life uud not by the warriors ituui did not stop to est where caoml was doing whluiersoever it might be she would go also we should uo with jesus john 13 2g it luikl ituui and it will pay the humblest hut in bethlehem would be uweeler to uuth than the finest palace in mojb because naomi was tliere cf phil 23 christs lieoplc luiouldbu our people christs clod our god where christ dies mc should lie iou 20 we should be burled too with him ue love 17 cf itomuns hilt euii go beyond huth in her uorcv to naomi for ue not only dlr uud are burwi with illlu but also rise with him bph col hull uould think of nothing as separutuig them but deitli even death will tutl sepaiuu us fiotu christ hoiuuiui 3u cor ii ii ilill 23i niu ml mlwtlle ulioleluartedlless of uulhs love unci uecepud it und laild no more bout her uotng back then they cum to hetlllehem the house of brvul uood pluce for liuugi wanderers ui come we will find our luthers house hou of bread whim we come out lit moab the fur country iuke 16yf2 niiml wus weltxinlw luiiue uie tuu who corn no tins 25c avouch choice tomatoes no 25c mustard 9oz jar vc mclarens sy0ffeb olives 4o2 jar ioc chocolate biscuits 25c tomato juice ribbo tm peerless sweet mixed pickles 2702 jar 23c mmlarens peanut butter 24oz jar 23c brunswick sardines tin ac de luxe rowoered jellies 5c corn flakes 20c sliced pineapple spor no 9c iioutguown new potatoes 7v2 19c camiack llukiw growti tomatokri 21 lb golden uime bananas 23c no lvcsh watermelon lemons oraniccd and other fruits and vervublem rxr thk wkekend carrolls limited il ill llllii irltrtnjssr mill street phone 158 acton oi isjctlfyfjia ifjt ui vktts

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