Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 11 Jul 1935, p. 8

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facw ekjht the acton free press notice oi birth urruge and dib ar inserted in tjala column without charse ja ifemoruoi notice soc nod 100 per un aaolllnnnl id poetry bobn chbynat erin on friday july bth 193s to mr and mrs ortcyne non hahjoino at oueljib gtalcral hos pital on saturday july etb 1035 to mr and mrs harding aon nodwkll at erin maternity homo on tuesday july 2nd 1035 to mr and mrs jjanroy nodwdl aon died swackhaush at tno homo lot concession erin township on wednesday july loth 1035 thomas austin swaekhamcr husband of the sate pranceo johnston in his slat year the funeral u1 bo held with prtrato bcarlce at the home on friday july 12tb at 230 clock service at churchill ttnl churcfi at 00 oclock standard time interment at churchill ccmo tery focals qh yes itfc been hotl july ha been real summer month oftkvule bh team defeated milton on saturday hy 13 new potatoes from the homo garden should be ready now plan bo to spend the big time in acton on august and optoundation are in lor the new ad clitian jallanti store on mill street the glorious twelfth tomorrow acton oruitjemcn 1u celebrate in osk news of jctonind the district picnics and holiday time seem to be the order of the diversions of tlua ilonor memory of ocorxe lullmer in memory of ocorgo lullmer former for hal ton mayor of ookvllle and ot tho tlnio of hiu death county registrar manorial window won un veiled in st judovs anglican church in oukvlllo on sunday momma by tho right rev brougholl ol jlamilton bishop of niagara bearing uid text lovo the brotherhood tlio ulndow represents tho oood samarttan it has been erected by mr illllmcrs family it la placed bcaido similar window memory of his wife paullnn for years lay delegate to tho diooco and holder of numerous church offices mr hulmor was fittingly remembered on sunday by tho overflow congregation uhlch attended tho un veiling ceremony and by members of tho loyal true bluo association tho loyal omttgo lodg3 throughout tho county and tho oddfrl lows all of which wcr well repreocntd shirley temple in the utile colonel ultle shirley temple unusual inter est in her latest picture the little colonel in which slio sliares otarrlng lionors with lionel barrymorc mas duo to combination of circumstances that did not obtain hi her previous alms tho btory opens with tremendous baptismal scene of colored people singing spirituals up ulnding ier still another scene tliat roused tlio wonder was that in uhich the entire army post corps goes on parade to honor shirley iu the llttlo colonel of tlie regiment hie little colonel bobed on the acclaimed booc of the utne name will be at the gregory theatre here on priday to morrow hlghltija the gnxt yanvnn township fencc viewerh appointed accounts passed and routine huhincsu irannactcd by etuiucsing council tlu euetitng council held thnr regular monthly meeting on monday evening deputy reeve mullh councillors murray robin son und wibveui wero present iuhvo george currlu presiding at tho meeting tile mhiutco uf tlio last me lug uere read and confirmed communication were reud from uio bell telephone company fred morr bon malcolm mcnahb letter shop and supply company and george nott moved by mullln seconded by vlkon umt tho treasurer pay tlu rtuef accounts as presented by tl jtellcf offlcei 203 lf carried otlicr accounts sanctioned by motions for payment ifcero as follows banrord bole of receipts hb acton ihibllo utilities oommis ion lights ib 00 jlydro feloctric power commls slon brampton lights 10 88 board of hydro commlsslonens light georgetown g4 col duo moson jiootlng dog in act of worrying nheep 00 george tlllott advertising in gazette 17 uo vf willlanir board of health account goo rhc treasurer wu1 uutliorhted to pay tlie road sheeu or presented by tho road superintendent umountliijf to s17g 17 by law uppoirttlnk 1vnco vlowerri for tho township wtti given tho required readinu and pnucd by council tho this season of green poas and frcdi atruttijerrks rp total time an extra deught any day haven heard any oompluiatis tliv past weeic tha tills uummer wasn old iashiaucd enough the stores with fitoro nous giethctr ineaace in tlit adi it payi to ke irp uilh the nttts rune to iorc out tile dtcorutions ui tueparjuon for tlio bltf cclthratlon in acton aext rnonui when toing on hollduji liave tiil ptx patii tent to joit and keep up wiui tlie local luus acton voters 3uiti for 1035 jiae beee printed see that our name ls ci if jou are entitled to 0te shoutr in thi lnmiediate dirict quite eutli and not of the iol ut ipe viperncvd in other centres the toronto globe on monday hia cnd coaxmtnt on the fatk prv iittth unnleniy it uj ap predated tii fouiauta are comleud and tjbs brccltj ers hjre cqiltntnoed uo on tae wols of tlie ctw siiiion iocjc on mill streel liatintf kentucky colonel and shirley tlie cliarming tot who proves pcact makep in tlie notable cat bf tills dv yria production whoso clolng nequ ence is in leclinlcolor are eveljii veil uble jolui lodge sidney blackmcr and the ace of tap dancers bill uoblnson ttn uiiilee wnni utt eft box present vflon to mka rvacrl oakky by tho vcllow tl ploycerf tho storey glove co with motorists fairly numerous on the rods ojid burjcliu rldlna tile fcoit vmj the jdttrion given cry luilt ed priyucea 1eliou tmployet of tlie storey glovo companj held rnlcelluncous sliowcr for mfcs pearl oakley prior to her mar age rurlng the evening tlie follow ing addrtjl as read by mtes lillian bj rnc con eylnc the bet wfcliis or thee friend to mu ooxley and pre sentation of mlxellancous gifts made ix ar peirl at this time when jour wedding dav approaclu our friends liau gathered here to remind you of tlie tbucm in uhich ue have olwaea jiud jou iti mot of eu jiae knoun jou ucll durinfr the time that jou have uorled lilre and ue lune found in jou gj1 that ue uill alujy be tlad to call fr end so nt thl time ue ulh jou to jcctpt tlilie tifj and ue hope that jou uill fird in them omttliine of eue end beauty in jour home in cljiz ue ulh jou and jour uture liuband tlie bebt of health ord liapp rcf in the many long jean of jour married life your friends of stqriy glove factory alexander lau on ward robert cunningham ward henry wilson ward john uoblrtson ward il cook ward clarence ander uon nic following cheep claim were also uinctioned for pijnint col mason g1 00 irtteed 45 00 grlffcn son 23 00 ired broun 21 00 lind aj valuator 12 00 slork valuator 00 moved hj robin on reconded by murray that uil council do nov adjourn to meet monday auni 12th at 30 or at the call of the reev carried the caldwell reunion gathering from many centred at hockley for the tenth annual ifvent lrlxrti for ah youiic am old georgetoun and ntuinaricit baiidi ud tii lciht at acuin par for rtrki rehearsal on tle trioxnlna of the band conttix at waterloo ktf bloxxjoc ion of mr thos biakelock ml for jlaiton county won second prize for trombone ulo at the waterloo miuical hcuval on satur day tile 1030 auto marker will whita letter on black background andy iiiiuiy uiouaneu of them have ol wai himn miit if hip rhitiirlo ti fnnn bansockiilrn ins1uut aud srlflilorid molui lrriiutloi to mu uorouiy currldw md hld mcul kvcultif tory in firdcr to rvpalr leak in the water main this week it was neoeiary tot tho workmen to cut liold in the pavement an tlie wutli noctlon of main btret ethel proiiklln to be congratulate on her high standing in ur recent examhiation at uvo lvironlo conserva tory of music lthel pupil of mrs word en saturday night crowds in acton bee ni to be getting bigger each we apparently tlioountryhule oijoy filiop pbig and vuutlng acton in numbers un tiw week end at tlie piano ivcital of mrs oowdy last week tlio tuaclvor was pye bented by her pupils wlh in and pencil wit hi appreciation of her work miis meryl grhidell presided mtethig or tlie board of rflri tors of tlie won held on tutoday evening und the board will kneet fortnightly to luive all hi readi ness for the opening in tho fall sixty new subscribers for rutc lvet puts durbtflt this mantli and tuxty re newafa would to say tlie uua be ntiu wy of marking ue slxtletli annlvn ary pardon our tudoelty for making the jmg cmtlan mr john lilac jr waif rath eriouatt injured jivhen lui was struck 4m bt in the abdomen during tlw hall fam at the io picnic lost jt all wilt hope ijj may aoon be on monday evening of last ueek the neulibors and mlmbers of bannockburn lrutttitt gatiiered to honor miss dor othy clarrldge prior to her marriage hie program that preceded tlie prucn tatlon included ivadlng by miss icatli lttii beckett hutrumtntal numbers by lawrence lamb and miss murgatcc broun wilo by mrs arch kerr tlio presentation was made by mcjuire stan ley morrison and ived anthony accom panied by tlie following addruis read by mrs pn anthony acton out june 24th 1035 to mus dorotliy clarldgo dear dorothy it is with much pleiiiuro that we jour neighbors and mcmlxro of the binnockbum women institute join here to night to wtiji you much happlne on your new road through life having lived among un ince child hood our fu unga tfor you cannot be exprted an member of tho bannocklumi women im tltuto you haw nlwaj been faithful and willing worker for ub we cannot lmttlila opportunity paia with nit houing our love and ui uem for you txt ue ask you to accept tin little marlci of appreciation with thf we ulh you much joy and pumurtty in tlio jearo tliat are to ctmu filgmtl on behalf of uui instltuto and nt lghbors annil crla xfaltgartn brown cltltti ina molutlon lusal in1inih again he terrlblri child watehed tlie visiter tipping his ua for few uilnuus an ulell proulivl mr sjultli drbiks just hjte anybody else lie buwled not like fish at aui on june 20th 103j at wood idt park ho klej the tenth cilduell re unl uil held ulth finl ueithcr and in celient attend nice thl itherlpe rt pre tnti tuo north of irelmi caldutll fam lln chirk citducll tyrone and snnu cilduell of kllkter ihey ueie clqalj coniilcted by inter marriage and in the flnt hilt of the lu century the duceiidanu came to penn ylvanla new brunjulck ottuua and group jcttltd in york peel and slmcoc counties uhle branch uent to australia hie ncint gatliering had represent tin from the mat of the branched comlntf from all uicvj point tuo kt teri of mure than uuul lnterct were read from members in wet china ajid australia tley came from michigan usa uxbrldg toronto bolton ballycroy tottenham rnernount ton brad ford athlonc durham acton aeorro tawn mono mllli varey and merrltton mliw margaret caldwell jit bolton ni uual provided prlzea foiwiie contealj tocil were given to the oldct lady und gentleman prcint mlji modougill of albion and sam caldwell of allla ton receiving thote the youngest member of the clan present was james caldwell buck or george town montlifl old and lie was honored with prbx the largi family prcent was tie between the prtt ldcnt ii maw bolton and kerr varnejf alic membera of each family were present the family travelling ortlift and by the way uere there ftn woj mr und mni robert hunter ind daughter bet joe or orindtone city michigan and ulth them mr hunters sister mm spalding iclndc mlchlgvn rev caldwell former prelldcit woj urprled by tho presentation of lovely comforter iu token of good will olflccra for the coming year elect tl uere an follous prtjldentw ii maw bolton vlte iru ldentollver pettit lotten ham secretarj cilduell it allln ton iremrtr lu ttlt btillycroy it was tleeldetl to nuet iguln the same plaee on julj utli 1030 aeton july 0th iujj mr ltllu wo understand uiut with tlio muggy wjtlur we are cxp rlinelng tliero ki qiiiu lot of tough huy going into the barns ihli counsu mo men daligi of apon uefeiut inibuhllun with its aftermath if bam rins it might be interesting fop jour reach rri to tikt note of very imp meth xl to pi vi nt the henttng up of mow of huy an old foshluiied method not mating anything whleh mhiiu unkilown in ontario hro is thi recipe spread about 00 pounds of old traw in squurn of about 10x10 feet hi the middle of the tnow on terp of every load of liny as soon as it ltt muttonnd out and keep on doing this till the mow is full it goet without saying that tho ordin ary application of halt must not bo dis conllnutd rhc heatbig up process in the huy ulvuiys secnul most severe hi tho mlddh of tho mow and tho idea li that tlie element of dead btraw mixed wiui the toilgh hay ubrbs curtain amount of molsttiro and prevent th6 rpreadlng of tlie dangcroiuj fermenta tion brttn iock in tlie handiest vehicle to carry the tniw into uie hay mow ti brhyks retrospective jinrnosi iivl dear 1hke put tins an puta ilrat uue of its jijc fln year coiitaliu many items of spec lu and in come cive touching inter est iho le he scliool re union had to do with xene very familiar ulth tho period of three yearj from november iiiu2to ib35 during tliat ttmtrashclp for mr li he tho surroundings uere very familiar rho gettbig out of the timber for tlie line barn on tlio farm now held by hl ion in law mr poarcn secretary of tlie rcunlon waa from the oods behind and thocc over beyond tho flrt line tlie field cast and south the cliool uar broken up ivom both tract of forct large quantities of maple uueetne uere txcured and mar keted the name of thtvu attending brought special interest in come cose notably mr jamc gamble who well remember thckj pirtlclpatlng in tlie event arc too joung to be rcmem btred tlie preint writer lut umong tlie pupll ending regrets the regret uere genuine but not the clu mr iren epeaker recall line pupil of tlioc dajt dr jolin murchy reipembercd one of pair of lovely tuln over on the third lln and later urlter for advanced ex imln ition at acton hu li school it nilul have been lie to be there another matter tin riilt par own cthhjijtlon it lj hiupj taoiigl and nice il act for tin editor to thu iu emble hl contributon hi roclul jthertnl the portrait of pa editor ill up tht uh have helped to male uh it rev dr iimuuln remarked to the rlter mentioned recently al uaja uell conducted paper clean and uhoje unit the little boj who it lttueui hli pirenui in the pew behind our hti develop tl intttht hie coun tmmci ulth lot or head obovo the eji while hl chief helper mr vln cent hai hkeule developed the other are too reclnt to recall but tiiey cer ilniy look well rev mr poole reuell occasion uas ulro touching the pruanco of the brother pit tors exemplified ye are brethren hit prtjntitlon to mn poole prevloilly raiiorud wiu very ap proprlatcly carried ouj in bio reading of thu address by miss tierght os tho berltea hud lm en to long and so in tlmutcly asoelated hi tin chulr lo day tltiduy 6th is great dy ill the lives of some ninety two high seh nil aluduilfi of cumuli who sailed on tho liner duclieas of bed ford fr montreal under thu guld aneu of dr hiu of loronto tour tlio british les wlthig on luted supply xitmun mado it so elosu to time tliat enti ring tin hurbor yaj the ihilieuruiui ild cany hiuiuto nor on reaihlng tlio wharf etigu tlio lm meuse limr sluwd its thn ngs of pia itngtn ib nit olio on tills calling und the wharf with in huudrodd of well wblnrfl ilin unuul lored pupr rlbbt nn iking and lu tax mlnuus the nd pullud the veasjl ilhterii while uil thur hltelied lo tho bow was ready to nwlug into the ur rellt how often thn siuiulngiy lnnlgnl ucatit an in to hi lp urn might huiidkrehu fs wuvhig and wiping uyos kljwjt tlurown familiar calls hurh lek and forth showed tliat although every face was entirely atrutigu yut human nature xprejeti itself whuiever and wherever oiiu hour later 11 two guitar while star linejs were iiwung out fro 11 neighboring llpi the auranlu and antonia with their own farewtulng illo iho total of tlio tlireo vcsseu viil about 000 while many of your readert have of coime itharccl hi similar evetili there will bo uiany of uio young peclully to wliom tuch wemj arc very interesting ai it li to me who has been an all life lundjiuui liutu vmuals wil croa in about ilx ty whllu our folks coming over ubout 1u40 took eight weeks on ailing vcjat belfa to new yor there ufe ually twenty or more alt water ships hi port youn in hurry and respectfully weekend speci summer candies lvcd jelly ritigb crispy snowilakes english lirorire allsorts heavy ony oranlto dlslipan reg 3ac for on knuim sauce aim nhji cmjjvanrkd pailjh sjwrlsl iuli mt ct ttin wrk ivckj twir pair z9c 20 vl 29 19c 15c ioules white ilirwa earh for ioc or 25c 98c 49c white cups each sc for lie tar 25c 25c iarge wlillo dinntr ilalr rrg 15c uu rt ih5aixiiaittkk for faints and wal ijafers dison mada itulbs hour kculjr 2dc special 20c hintons sc to store naaaaaahaii july colkman 40j1 wllitl avchul monuxul july 6th 10os be lin boy scout notes ix for the rwnaindtr of ihw month we will have number of lines on displaj at special inceb it will pa 1ou to simp here toot ailmcnis ltcatcd ees very riaajnabk for botli lodlei and gentlemen ihfteen years cxperleuco mbeh allan ktlaiued chlrotwdut 27 aitlliur si cltflif tlie crow patrol came off tlie ulnncr in the patrol competition uhlch ended hit week the crou uill be banquet ed by the re of the troop to morro nkjit membcn of the crow patrol are jack vangooxn tom waton bev arnold harold harrii gordon gibbliu the troop committees financial cam pill gplng over quit uell the nun anticipate tliit ulej uill be abk to reach tluir 100 00 cbjecthe some opinio of scout in it ire id to thai co lee tint for the cam vlgn at the nit imp held huttonwlk about je ato it re il lre it to me mil would like help line ti jour camp thl jeir mj in the out tmci don think it did him mu li good lie scout movement rod thine un tl lo help it iuiik don thank me he scoute iiul irned mj olipport seout are milltirltic surt 111 help lhc scout ide ui nr hllh and wl the boy thl ajrt of thing adiotild bo ineouraged hie scout cmip at alton did mj boy lot or good don th ml me am giving thl because of ulmt tlu scout did for my boy uhen he uu in wlnuipeu one lot cttepjes vnd voiles ew latutiri rev vnlii to in ftoc yard for tjc one lot spout hats and tams to clear at 49c ok lac chodrevs play slais cunr 69 0fc lot silk panties ulll sptclll ztijc ctc ove lot silk kmt sups uhil wth lx ttmi to oic one lot girls summer swcitcrsi silk knll seril slladrt to ck ir it ujc ona lot rigured voills jd ooe lot lvdies blotses vt ctiafelsg 1lmcts true rlue lodge syimiu hirdware ure now ielllig aiiurlean waur whitu coal oil no carbon on your lump glauti bunut to tin la drt ik1 is ulwuytt tint aiuiio quality don lm fooled with ch ap gradt oil when you con purchase tlie ik ut tlie low prlci copelandchutunan co held their plcnk ut ldgewood iork lat saturday ihere were over lifty curs ui uw groui und they ut re twarud by highway lrurfle off leers lodgewood has been tlu spot ie lee ted by number of large pleillcj tills year cooled royal guelph now til tr1day llisainlii bergner cscaik ml nivllt sai alon nuns no mcfke ladies joan cuavroiu 1hanciioi tone llollutl montgomlry next wed tluirs becky stiarpe 1hb aijcolouli slnsation ilonoru eltow member on her mjirrmgc by gatheilug and ivefcentitlon on tuesday evening the members of the prue blue lodge held party at tlio home of mr wm llall in honor of mrs acorgo holmes formerly mlu pearl oakley whac uvddlng took pi ice at tlio end of june an climax to ev pwwlujli to mm holmea mra babcock gave hot china ipot et of cliinauare and cutlery from tlie membera of the lodgro were presented by mrs wlldcropln und mra bob joliru on read jw following mjiage dear pvarl we the members of maplo leaf lodie no 300 take tills opportun ity to extend to you our he tie congratulation olid be wlilici for jour future happlnt in your recent marrl mv slncl joining our lodge you iuwl in en ry willing uorker when evtr tlie opiwrtunlty permitted and uhili forming mw ties hi life we ih jou uill not be mverlng the old tun will atcipt tlu gifti ulth all ood wli lu from your rl ter numb ri uul an ua tin may they brim to ur mind the good llni ue huvt ill had togetlur igut on bvhilf of tlu lode john am sil wilder pin mfrii cotton bathittfr suits to ckar at mrll coiton solelw grey vvi black ckar jqc each 50c jut vrrul anolhir shlpt sun helmets onlj 39c vnklc socfc 39c pair ow lot mens ties itirulur 00 valuci for onli 69c shirt svle 139 iin rant of ci lar jij shir rtirujr mlu to si to cl iit tr osl lot fine shirts iirati collira not jll rial wvlal lih 89c jua wliat ou lue kiorn look for viim lurht weifiht wool sock itli il lor sunuufr cti iwiru sliatu pr rvalr ouc many other laneq of summer gootl on ilspla at pricti that will please you grocery departmen pastry tlolr 24 lb uac mi kehattfti or quakri corn tlakes packages 23c ib 19c ca1sup quart mttii 1c jtuh shorlenlng zii27c citiisiin p1nevppijg 2s durham corn starch pks in pumpkin large tin for corrlt rrcsli ground tkr post bran pkes 23c oxydol lnrgt pnckare 99 washing soda rcg 5c pkrs tn un nt man win man ipetl ftom jill in null louu th ehu of pullet ut in pkturt of tin fugltlvi tuch taken in dllfertnt im to the pollei uikf of iu irby ilty white tlie mini uai tu tohl to liav xukuii refuui fi urs later ho got wire from tlio chit who itad received tlio pictured lluvu urtisud live of the lileii xpeet to leave uui slxtii witiihi few inxirs sugar 10 rm 55 phone j8 free deltvkbv free pres ads will sell your let us convince

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