Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 20 Jun 1935, p. 6

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the acton free press thukaday junk 30th 18s6 quietsono quietly mil go to sleep you nd you udz fwhdle the flocka of marry abeep putin la the ay wkn your crook shepherd moon guard your aheep ouanf your aheep and blip dowp in nuver shoon where the children alecp whcn you oomo to pudding lone bins croon sing oroon sprinkling dreams luoo summer rain on night in june louise ayreo oarnott menu hints whw tar nnr an nml poembaias just can ox salmon salt and pepper too bread crumbs butter flour milk oh that will do nothing else te needed not cook ahould wish for tastier morael than this depression dish here xt ts largo can salmon tejaspoon salt teaspoon pepper cup buttered crumbs tubleupoons butter li tablespoons flour 14 cup milk salt and pepper in buttered casserole or baking dish put layer of buttered crumbs then layer of one half the flsh broken into flakes with fork salt and pepper to taste pour in one half of white sauce oooooooooooooooooooooooooo the girl from goshen by clare atkins oooooooooooooooooooooooooo pmhlt banchorx eurveyed tha iuul parly with critical uluo ayes utl ut last iiih good humored face crtnkkd into wide sinljo homo bunch dldu uny of them know tiila was picnic boating jurty that might turn into water fete at any momt rit if uny one should rock tho boat why those girls are dulled up for uhlndyl no one us toned to peter muttering and he grumbled still more ua one girl used ft lipstick aud unothcr dredged her pret ty nose with poudtr good night sighed the practical yoongmnn pont thoy wunt the aunshlno and fresh air to tt at their aklns there one howevor tho little girl from goshen got made by adding flour to melted butter then adding milk one third at time stirring to prevent lumping repeat and put layer at buttered crumbs on top bake in moderate oven until brown you ill and this the moot delicious ealmon loaf ou et tosud tho pretty girls and tho stalwart young men gathered on tho plar walt ing for ben hampton und bla motor boat had not paid much attention tp the girl from goshen who was the country couslu of adua pprks in lipstick girl adile was rather unnamed of mildred moore who worft substantial clotliea und rubbersoled canvas shoos everybody ready vsang out ben hampton as his boat shot up to tha pier tt all the lunch bankets sweat rs and cameras rile in trim ship thtrou cant nil bit on one el do evou tls more sociable all aboard tho good launch fcalry queen puffed her way out of the harbor und off toward tho lout buich in the outer buy ttcond ong beach was their goal for tho duy outing little gull maud ouug mrs tuy was chaperon lug them aud the picnic basket would weed seeds on fajuis tho seeds of most annual woods when embedded 4n the eou retain 4hjr vital ity for several ycais tho seeds of the mustsard family and others when plough ed down after ripening seldom germln otto tho following year and not until thoy ore brought near the surface by further cultivation ilght surface cultivation during the early autumn usually serves to stimulate germination in freshly rlp encti weed seeds thus considerable proportion of them may be destroyed while on tho other hand ty deep ploughing the difficulty to simply de ferred to succeeding yefcuu the germination of weeds as well as otiicr seeds is affected by hoot many kinds of weed aceds such as some graues and mustards will gcrmuvate in the late autumn or early spring when the soil is cold others such as buck wheat and lambs quarters require warmer soil and the seeds of foxtail and purslane continue dormant until stimulated by tho hoot of summer late autumn or early spring cultivation is not when you go to jour door and gutsis stand there don turn thm auuy with sigh willi ttclcoming smile and ntcr care prepare hasty nurprlse emehoency special ls lbs round suak cup una dry bread crumbs ctfg ucll beaten teaspoon onion juice teaspoon ealt pepptr milk to mokun put round hlcaic or some other cut of beef through tho meat chopper four or five times add jather ingredients and mho very fchajouglily add milk lo inako tho right consisuncy to mold into small cakes about inch thick svy in hot fat until u1 browned bacon or ham gives good flavor remove the meat cakes and moke gravy by adding flour to tho fat remaining in the pan and stir until the flour id well browned use enough flour to mako crcain sauco of medium consistency cup milk table spoons flour add milk until desired consistency return browned mtat cakeu to cream sauce und ilnlsh cooking caked over low fire this eorvea about eight persons gala dtssfcsit poll tilx swket oirii graduate when you glvo uut luncheon to cue brate your daughter graduation bo sure to make the durt the high bpot of the menu for academic honors have never let robbed aueet girl graduated of their apptvclatlon for such to noble dessert as pecan chocolate imouse it lsn difficult to make or unduly expjn iilve but its empliatlcally gala des uert pejcajo chooolal moustf soiums unjiwevuned chocolate 13 cups cold milk egg jolks slightly beaten packagt strawberry flavored gelatin teaspoon nalt tjspoon van ilia cup pecan meau coarsely cut cup cream whipped add chocolate to milk and heat double bolkr when chocolate ki melt ed bat wltli rotary ewt beater until mixture is umooui and blended com bine sugar and egg yollcs add amall ujuount of chocolate mixture fitlrrlng vigorously return to double boiler and cook until thickened stirring constantly add fttlatin and salt und rtlr owr hot uwter until uelatln is dluilved chill when slluhtly thickened add vanilla and fold hi tiuu und cream turn into individual moliin chill until firm un liioltl berveti igf lug john lo rimer wutchod the sufe cyed country girl uud wondered what she was thinking about as her flmurd wore bunted with iomo crocliotlng after ben hampton had landed them at tho island nntl i1i4 hont had chugged nvuiy uot to return until turndown tho picnickers kcuttord ailong tlie bench it whh mildred innos cta that ola covered tho losa of tho lunch buckets whore uro tho buikcta rho askod the other ten an tho thppod down the beach toward tho water clud in bath ing gnrinentn jon nod in tlie aholtcr of bome wcntlior beaten bathhousea whoro hao they gone mr ban croft why put them right there con feased potor guluui pointing to npot entirely covered by tho rlalug tldo xook cried mra jray wltb tragic geaturo they jookod and naw tho bx boa kota bobbing away rapidly onc tbey thought tho tide would return them on the crest of wave hut alns tho has kola were lost in umother of foam uud went manfully to tho bottom to ustonlfih the tnhott every last ono gono said potor id hollow tono wo might forget it all until bon comes tor us and then wo will nil dtno honrtlly of course at tho hotel remarked orlmer who wait longlug for swim who wer heard of picnic with out foodv asked ono of tho glrla tut ua muke this tho first on ho was adding when mildred tap pod forward blushing warmly under tho tire of ten pairs of cjtji walt moment plonso my couoln gregory brown has cabin in tho plnea buck hero he and his friends cotuo and camp for days ttmj and there ih usually good supply of food uomo canned thlngn and bo lloo he would not caro if wo helped ourwolvoii mine thoy all rood and for ttlng tho awlm thoy followed mil dred to tho cnhln in tho plnea potor forced window and entorod open ing door for tholr orjtrauco into coy lntorlo mildred investigated tho pantry effective in destroying the seeds of wecdx that will not germinate unless the soil is warm some of the worst weeds tuo go proli to in tho production of seeds that relative ly clean fields may become badly con taminated in two or thrco years if tho weeds are allowed to go to seed per instance slnglo plant of wild mustard stlnkweed foxtail pigweed or campion produocs from 10 000 to 20 000 seodtl wormsocd mustard about 25 000 shep herd purse about 60 000 and tumbling mustard about 1500 000 with bujh productiveness soils become quickly in fested with weed ueeds although on ac count of their mconiplcuotlsnecs their presence is not fully rtlulzed the whole cubject is dealt with bi an illus trated publication weeds and weed seedi huod by tlie dominion icpart ment of agriculture ottawa domdclolf weekly newsletter raeeybloocn crktepptas there have been originated at the central experiment tkrxn number of flowering crahapples with deep rose colored blooms and purplish roen stems and leavea they axe quite different from most of the flowering shrub found in canadian gardens they grow into small lreou or large shrubs and they are almost as interostingvwhen covered with fruit tts when in bloom the apples vary in also from small flattened very hard bitter crab to small bleed apple with fair flavor the fruit of some of the varieties is purplish red that of others bright red or yellow and red soma varieties bear fruit that can be made into jelly of fair flavor and beautiful color among the varieties that may now bo obtained from nurserymen are nlplsslng clilloo fcrfcr itouseeau and protect tlie child from uiu tuvaew of worm bv luuig motlier aravii worm lxtermlnator it luuidjird remedy und joarn of euo hao uuuuuxd 1u reputation oiugjiw ok ljklint lib at tiui euiuwu of lifting luits origlnaud durbig tlu age of chivalry at that time it wuj customary fur kulglit never to appear in publi unless full armor it become the custom of kanght when entertalng an assembly of friends to remove his helmet this am safe in tho presence of trtends tl ot sntt codrtsti potutoeg hour lard augur coffee aomo but tor egg but doubtful tinned milk and fruit and vikltablea gall for unitei ra in the kltehen alio hur vtitd tho cnjitfullen fucca of tho llrlh with merry tjea john lorlmor eaerli volunteered und adulu roluctantly followed hla iumplt llui othera tkaorttd haiuo it hhly for tho watt adulo utood awkwardly by vvhll mudrtd managed tho hint ihunu oil htoe with prac tlttd hand ahe dt ftly ttaned htsculta tolother and put tin into the ovi it wan thtt girl from gouhon wlw tiuidt 11 pl from dried peachea with 11 hihkevvnrk ttiv runt even baking pc crust putty for john lorlmor mi nuilht uku to do it thut uay lu lt il aj iiik until in ouh adole uuiil ut nf tin li nine and forgot her it nil hit lu the fn unit hath lliuhi houra of utlimu 1111 thoy pn pared tlu di llelmm meal of mm i1nli and niiiiuu tliilfy hlit nit li and eoft wtio uorth tlujn if mil aidnl fnttr mitrm to mlhlitil 1111 kruve jolm inrlnur lit unh nt fimin bin dignity ami and pttutim and humbly wult upn in tin lu 11 tho muil way ovtr he iltllwu tin tharliil up into tlie haudh or hi ut ii rid hiijpy phiiukera uhll it utid mlldnl walked to thu ulnt and took well earned ra mi mm miiikim and that auld adt tiaukally us alie druitsed mlldrt dlim tho wuy lost johu lcrl mr night llaslkalx popcjib night baseball made reiil hit wltli uio ontario babnu funi at tho fleet street stadium hi toronto hut tumimr and tlie toronto baseball club luu al reudy wt tirlde tuo datej for tlie noc turnal gamtt oj ton ar ike boone uarriori return from luielr three ucek trip tluough the outlum end of tli international league circuit ilocjie ter ucd wlnci and u10 tor onto maple leaf open tlielr night gamo ason on thur juno 27th at 00 city time with real rhow prom led for evvrybody tho lighting ujctem at the maple leaf suullum lr tho very liust in duiign and la void of all gutrc for both fan und players visiting ciub1 uho performed under tlie lights at tlio iloet street stadium lart yea vtere complimentary in their pralsca of uio local ystem oeneml manager arthur ii lemon boa planned an attraction for tlie do minion ray vtcck wltli ua becond night game ikted for tulay evening july 2nd and the heavy hitting buffalo blonjj will be tlie uttractlon on that occasion buffalo blons will also bo on hand for tlie double lioader staged in tho afternoon of dominion day july 1st tl maple loafr won both victoria day games from the blons at toronto but tho buffalo club raturned tho compli ment taking both gained from uic maple loafii on tlie memorial day holiday at buffalo ut the dominion day double header will ho tho rubber holiday doubleheader between the two clubs stestpufc method of couch grass control it has been found by the pvld tlus bandry division of tho dominion ex perimental inarms that the roots of couch grass can be killed in three or four days by exposing them to the sun and air during warm dry weather tho division uierefore rcoommendfl tlie following treatment plough tlie hifcuted area lour inches deep when it is in sod this may bo delayed until the middle of july and tlio und used until that time for liay or pasture after ploughing uso the disc to break down the furrows and induce rotting of the cod after discing cultivate every three or four days during dry weather hi ord to bring the couch roatri to tlio urface plough again in tlie fall and in tlu following spring now smouier crop or plant hoed crop this has proved to bo very satisrac lory way to control couch eross local ited clover sd tlad exuiu ive tcuui mada on tlie dominion ljfpcrimenui parms luivo clearly proven tho uperiorlty of red clover beed grown locally in ontario mid quebec and tlie ick of wlnur hardlncj in much of tlie imported ccd especially tliat from boutlurn europe generally spcakhig red clover jjeed from ttralnr uut have bten found to produce prolitably in particular locality for number of jean li the boed be ulted to that locality at uus iime time thl jed inter changeable over uide territory wliere climatic condition are and not ubjct to new inicu or plant uis cabes under provhon of th seed act imported rd clover id in required to be properlj trained before being altered for wile to escape from evil wo must bo made far pebble llko god and tbs resemblance consists in becoming jus and holy and wku plato xpjbax thcjiqtclcletk iclb yo he has no rooms and he sticks to his story and you have to start looking for something else dont blauie the cleric resolve instead always to ixng distance ahead for accommodation night rates on anyone stationtostation calls now begin at7pm cxiuysantidjjucum tlltultt for commercial work cuttings of chry ontliemums propigjted in march or april are suitable for planting into beds larly in tlie month of june tlie soil in the bed nhould he five or six inches deep tlie dltanco between plantu blx to eight inches for thoo who ore interested in or contemplate tho grow lng of chryonthemimu the dominion department of agriculture has issued pamphlet which covers nil tho impor tant points necaary to bo known ctirytain th munnrtirep ropngirtedhrour different wajn by cuttings division seed and grafting cutting is tho mot important bocaujj it tlie quickest wuy by which etock true to name can be raited cutting ti the method adopud by the florbt tho cutting are first potted in two and one half inch pou ithen into four inch jol and finally iutj lx or even inch poti tho plants requlro abundanoo of water with free drainage but the grower nuut bo guided by the follag an long ns tlie foliage remain dark und gliy it li ruro sign tliat too much uater luis not been lllven if too much tier given the foliiibo will turn yellow and sickly look ing alo if too little water is given the plants will how unmutakablo slgnj of requiring mol ture it lit very lm portunt thut the dralnue allovu the water to piu throtibh freely tlpu pre venting stagnation or oil tourney condition conducive to dlciuo vihlch re miiui hi failure douglu lgyptlan uniment tvpec illy recomnujuled for puier or infic thm of uu bivaluabh ul hi ra of pivln curb and ipllnu asa cereal qh in cooking couu bo ulrtlh luo women wert dbumsahig tlie weauurf lu lirnt iaid lji lhl4 liurrlble wuwr rtui ttocond pious ioul tvpllud tt provbigly bl is oodb wettthtac to which tho flrst oountered ywi but not lus best its fine either way ilu ho lumjy to have package of kelloggg allrhan in the kitchen servo it ai ccveal uko it alo as wholesome ingredient in your muffin breudfl ouielets wufllea etc kellokta all bban aupplioi tulk to aid rkular hablit all buan is also rich in vitamin ua well ua iron un element of tha blood two ulile spoonful daily will cor rect common coiutipuiiuu duo lo iiihuflicient bull in the dit hi sa ve ro casaa willi urli niful if not relieved ilila wuy eee your doctor le hulk of an buan do tig not break down during diy btloti ax doei that of leafy vtj tuhlea and lu thcr fore more ffective for funiulilug the needed it itf tlultuiou lukullvd food far hotter tlum patent niedjculqd cat the redttitj ktreetl package at your krocra mujo by kullukif in loii tluu onturiu keep on the sunny side of life drunken drivers receive no mercy the man who takes drink when he knows he is going to drive car is deliberately asking for trouble it is time for strict discipline on this onmadfleidvrqi all form se ness that lead to accidents persons convicted of being intoxicated while in charge ofa motor vejiicle willjreceivcjro mercy it is better to drive carefully than to lose your drivers license perhaps per manently in addition to receiving stvire court stultiice it is better to be safe than sorry motor vehicles branch ontario department of highways this must stop in ontario during 1934 ijhcre were nearly 10000 ttuto aiohlie accident 512 people were killed 8990 people were injured considerable increase over 1933 ic tuust be evident to all thinking people that thh muii ttop 11mm miqmoum mtmlxttf mj lugufi business directory medical dr mcniven phyilolia mud sarcon office nd rmldenoe corner bowidr avenue and elgin street dr nelson physlcaajd mud sarceea electro therapy phom ts legal phone no 33 box sm harold nash farmer derrtster baueuer ntury pablk ooateymnoer ete mux street aoton owt iloura 30 tn to 12 00 noon loop to 600 py baturdays 13 00 clock kenneth langdon turrlscer scueuer neury rvmw offices acton oeoxttetown over seynucka oaie mainbtrebta for appotntraenta phone acton georgetown 88 office hours acton tuesday u3 thursday 16 to 430 tcl hogs on request dental buchanan benial surgeon office in lehlunan ulock ijouw tj hi until pm ehvdni by appointment gas for extractions closed wodnesday afternoon phone 148 pearen intal snrfeon fcfucccjuior to iate bdl pbono 2a mu1 slroct acton vf ttlunaby dr bruyns velerurary surreco all calls receive prompt attention ttmut xleasonablo prfonk 135 aoton oktario office mill etrcet harrop bvsc phone day or kluht 83 residence bouer avenue acton all calls promptly anewcred rate reason ah le miictllantous francis nunan ttookblnder account boovd of all idnds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndlinm street guelph onl eagleson ontario and bomlnjeti land lloarbicred fi nfununnl encnecr surveys iteports hstlmatcd planj dltainagk wouk staclaltt tclttthoiie si oranxertoe ont general in we hlkctauuos in life ftns health and accident automobile antt all ftflfloful line of lnaurarieb also plate gam fttlelity bond annuities pension bondd eur leading companies kxchlxtnt yacoxtulm frederick wright miaae ims maun stuke aoion the door of opportunity the small adi will ojm door to whatever to araseeunc

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