Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 20 Jun 1935, p. 3

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totogpay juki 30th 115 the acton fkee press paok 3fnrifab0 i0rt torg out of the past auoe ooopkft bailey siren sounded shrill blast in another hour tbo great trans paolno vtcht race would etart already the harbor was thronged with spectators and the yachte were jockey luff back and forth to the starting line lighting for the bert berth hve eoftrfaa wtore elated for the race this year the pride or the western yacht club the flying plan the new seventyone foot ketch xnxn 6aota barbara two otxtyfootocs this jackanapearad the klwt hall bd fr lug ban ftamdro uia maim wt staunch seagoing schooner re preeentlng the royal hawaiian yacht otub it was the manuwai that austin feint cub reporter for the dally record found himself assigned tor the trip to honolulu with instructions to get every thing of any importance he was tall lean chap with cleancut unsmiling fea tures and weatherbronzed akin two deep lines between his grtoyblue eyes gave him at first glance the appearance ol being years older than he actually wasjusttwenty when ho bad nrss applied for job on the bally record derwent nowell the chief had looked askance at him but recommendation from professor of ta wellknown uni versity and certain something in the eyes of austin hunt he was known then to noweu as austin wayne coupled with kudden vacancy on the stair con austin an unexpected blow he half stumbled over cleat in the deck caught hto balance and stood etaring in sort of daaa at the jacktanapes as she pulled up abeam of the manuwai john heard him repeat the word dead and daw him rub his hand across his eyes as though to clear his vision john however had no mercy yen hes dead and everyone cays its be cause you disgraced shut up said austin sharply sudden shift in the wind quick fooling brother it was wit tremeodous relief that on the morn ing of their last day at sea austin sujw thenountalnfl of molokal over tho port ralt like rape horoo returning to its stable the januwal sheered ihrough the waters of the channel between molo kal and oahu nosing her w9ff around diamond head that tawny volcanic crater that guards tho entrance to honolulu harbor full eight hours ahead of the tlytng fifth the other throe yachts did not put in their appear ance until cbrly tthe nojt day for th third time commodore holmes had prov ed himself master sailor honolulu received him wkth enthusiasm the water front woo lined with cheering people and the band was there too to play ho and his victorious crow cajno ashore there was one however who took no part in tho festivities that followed he was austin hunt he evaded the crowds having skipped away from them that first day by turning into narrow back street that skirted the city proper this street kvflkf ki noo boarding house that was almost hidden from vjew by thick grove of bread fruit and mango trees here austin rented room th constellation on which ho wus scheduled lb return to the mainland would not leave until sunday it was but matter of hours tor austin hunt to get his photographs developed and printed and his copy off to his chief as ho was coming out of the post office then he caught gllmpee of his aunt kdyuia bloke iortunatoly she did not see hdm how ho despised her if just onoe she had shown the slightest sign of sympathy tor him 4n hjs plight ho would have forgiven her perhaps it was tho trigiit of aunt edytlio or maybe it was only tlw whitf of ragraivt ylangyfcuigd wluch asf milled austins hostrlta ono day that illlod the young man with fiudden over desire to ruvulb old homo however it was lie loundjilmself orio night hurrying along utoet thai led him up into manoa volley before an iron unto ho utopped fumbling at tho hitch in his haste to open it tlw gut opened into path hedged with flaming hltikcua and austin lialf ran through it lie caught tho pungent odor of yhuu jlangi like one in dream hu fol lowed tlie windings of tho path to find himself standing at lost before low rambling white houw it uon unlijjhtoi empty and it itemed envelope in utrungo silence austin tiptoed past it hideous uiiv of liomcalclcncifl clutch ing ut him cutting across corner or tho burden which was abloom with oleanders ha came to another hou larger und of much more formal dejjgn aunt udyth blakes home light streamed from tho wlndowu and austin peering tlirough one of tlieni caught his breath his fouuy couiin lois was tit the piano playing and tinging omo puintivo old hawaiian love ijong at tablo near lier sat ills own footer brother jolin reading book across tho room boated in lovely old carved clialr was lilytha blake herself austin looked at her again yea her ikiul was bowed in hjr handii vaguely lie wondered why for ho had never seen that proud head held other than high suddenly as aultin stood tlierc lois arose from the piano und walked utralght out into the moon lit garden ho stopped back into tlu sluulows of lowspreading imu tree but lio was not quick enough wluvit tlierc cried lois and auetln knew from her voice tlial slio was frlgh toned although lila llrst lninulaa was to flee lie found himuiir oaylng dont be afraid lois there was moment of utter silence then whuperod cry from tlio girl austin austin youve como at laiit tiie young man took one or two ctens toward girl lou youmiianit youre glad to see me after uhat ivap pened oh austin there was note of hlnwffo exultation in tho glrlo voice jaluu toltl us that you were here in honolulu and wove been cearcliutg everywhere for you john and mother ure both hero now do como in ofrjwho embenled the money that you were accused of taking austin broke in it doeant matter hurriedly please you must hoar me out he tcud me how terrified ho woo at tho ttiougbt of being fiannd out and of how in tho end when he couldnt stand it any longer he went to you and you insisted upon taking tho blame for his crime it was cowardly of him of couree to havo billowed it she told her story haltingly as though evory word was an effort hated you for til dfagraoo thought you on adopted son had brought on tho family noma am toftaid now as look back that showed you no mercy beg you to night austin to forgive mo its all right aunt edytha tho young man found himself strangely at loss for wards havent finished yet austin aunt edytha continued you see kept my brothers confession secret couldnt bear to have the public gloat over it was determined that unless how to treat poison ivt various treatments for ivy poisoning are given in the free pamphlet on poison ivy issued by the dominion department of agriculture the treatment most widely recommended at the present time is to dcmib the affected parts with three per cent solution of potassium permanganate tho stain left by this solution soon disappear or may bo re moved slowly by soap and water iodine tlnoture will also bo found useful onco the blisters have appeared all rubbing should bo avoided and care taken to prevent infection spreading by painting iodine taround tlie edges of tho oorcs and by using compresses eoaked in two per cant nolution of aluminium acetate alcoholic solution of sugar of lead 50 to go per cent rubbing alcohol or any other cooling subsumcc baking hoda boracloacld solution etc in pcrakitcnt cases tho treatment may bo varied by the use of ointments which may bo removed again by sponging with hot soupy water avoid dusting dry baking powdor or boraclc acid powder on oozing sores as tho latter will be how to make iced tea lafm six die bwpbf ol budc tali plat of framb bofflaa vfi surwa mm om com wfr oowwim liqaid wiu tcoi doady sn cupmd kz salam safe keeping are you fond of toffee miked the lfcotle rellow of lady who wjs assisting ut party no thank you my dear then will you look after uicso cara mcu tdy mc innocentt the prisons judge to you and guilty or not guilty fureman kot guilty with tb mcndatinii tlut he should bo told not to do it again vuiced the chief thtotho could not go far wrong in enlisting the services of this young man for his paper for moment however ho hod doubted his own judgment when aust had at ilrip curtly refused the chiefs offur to cover the yacht races scared of being scadck eh nowdll bad bellowed surprised and half angry that strange disclosure hod followed which explained certain aloofness thnt the chief had noticed about the young man youve known me bs austin wayne sir my name is not wayne its hunt austin hunt ho hod upoken the name almost fiercely like an arrow piercing thtt heart of target tho name itad rouued lato per fect consciousness sleeping memory in the chiefs mind so thats the way the wind blows nowcll had muttered under his breath his bushy brows arch ed into semicircles of surprise you still want me to go austin had questioned leaning little towuxd his chief an odd expression on his face ipar moment nowcll had hesfctated focusing his forrotltlaj eyes on the young man then he had replied seldom make mistakes luimon nature your past life is no concern of mine iat trusting you to go straight now ho had held out ills liond it was this luuidclosp that ktpt austin from batting at the eleventh ivour ho had very definite jrcixsons for not want ing to sail on the manuwai it was too late to ask for transfer however and ho had given his word to his chief all of tile yachts rnudo splendid gut away tlie brcexm hod freshened veering around into the southwest little clouds like wisps of white cotton streamed across the blue uky ttiero was spas modic burst of applause us tlie manu wai under full sail tore through tho water toward tho starting line and cross ed it first cloae upon her heels came tho flying fish challenge hi the very act of hr uiila juejlngrovur io that lier lee rail was under water aha threw off shower of foam from her bous austin turned his camera on hor standing at tlw bow of tho manuwai he adjusted the focus tlun with sure firm flngurs iw prsaed tlw bulb at the game instant dark shadow blurred he find gi amimn found hhnelf face to fuoe with his foster brotlier jolui hunt he had known that this mooting must occur sooner or laui for he had read of johns enlistment ud member of tho manuwaiar yoltmteercrew 3or moment the two stared hi utter ullence at each otlier tlum wwcrlng wtiile crept over johns face john was per haps yair or two austins junior blgtjroodshoulderrdchaprtwlldjybuiltt witli irfjuare jaw tliat botrayed at once marked degree of uubbomei in htu cliaruoter austin spoke iirt tliouylit tliixt jou cpolkml tliat picture purpoaiely id oh yeah whatd you do join broke hi llckyou like used to continued austin slowly just try itl scohvd jolui in an undertone udvancing iion uie otlier ulo uirutnlng roour wltli ttgljt lhi autln turned flercilv on john oout push me too fnr youve liad our lnnhigs but ive paid my debt hi rulland warn you to kdup outoir my wuy johji gave an hisultlng rauclous laugh but austin did not spoak again shoving his camera bock into its cuse he turn ed on his hel suddenly johns face went uvid with an neon trol labia rug and the young man rluiig ids word kit austin youve no business to go back to honolulu you promised aunt bdytha and now just because duds dead you think you it was as though john hod struck imperative order from cctntnaooto holmes and the ship was put on the starboard tack for moment all per sonal enmtttew were forgotten os the manuwai logging eighteen land fairly flying drew well ahead of all other yachts if this breeze continued by nightfall the other yatchts would bo left far astern not until supper time did it become generally known who austin hunt was up until this time he had been refer red to simply as reporter from the dally record gathered at the mca table commodoroholmes inquired his name austin hesitated moment bo foro replying all these men were lskuiders ho might as well explode bombshell in their midst as to utter his own name there was nothing for him to do however bub face matters square ly perhaps because commodore holmes when ho was atthomc lived more or kss isolated life on one of tluj big sugar plantations some forty miles or so out side of tlie city of honolulu the tiomo conveyed hotlihig of any importance to him quick eurprited glance from silas todd however tliti gentleman on his right who was acting huic capacity of ilrst mate caused lilm to look quvs tloningly from one io tho otlier todd oitered no comment at tho tlmo but austin laid caught his accusing glance sensing the older trims antagonism he excused hlmuif at tlie first opportunity leaving tho others to sit over their cotteo silas todd was not the sort of man to remain fjknt long an soon as austins fooutepd liad died away lie tuwted commodoreo hoimj itoalize who ho is commodore holmes blow clrck of smoke into the air cant cay uwt do suas todd grunted george hunts adopted son tlie one who nearly got cent up on charge of cmbcasduiumt got off scotfree though because hunts slater kdytlw blake mado good every dollar lw hod stolen the boy wait told however to get out and stay out of honolulu the fellows got his nerve continu ed todd going back now tliat tlie old manh dead suppose ho thinks maybo lie can force edytha ulako to buy 1dm on again tho commodore stroked ins closo clipped vandyke beard thoughtfully somehow this young hunt doesnt look like rotter lie mused mufc liave been bod strain ha tlie family some where sum todd tnorted knew tho boys mother and fatlier nevtr know two more improvident people but lionet uj tlie day is long hunt feat lilmseir eternally indebted to austins fatlier becaubo he saved him from being gorm to dentil by un angry hull up at aikens jelouch thoboy bdiso of gnttitudif toward his faster fatlier took rather different form of exprvislont they say old man hunt died of tlie dlsgiuce further discussion of austin hunt was cut short by report tliat onu of the yachts as jet unldentuwd was appear ing astern on tlie horizon tills caused oi flurry of excitement going an deck ee has sh gote the gravo with me at least give mo credit for having tried to und you have had detectives searching eyryr where lot you yesterday lcarncdj that you were here in hbnoluau lose night told lola and john the whole story at tho bound of his name john bounded suddenly forward and caught ait austins hand he was too overcome with emotion to speak austin deeply atfooted by tills dlsplav of feeling found himself fumbling for words porgot it ho staid bit rough ly ho then laughed and tliat relieved the toaton of the situation if you donv ho went on ill take you out side and lick you like uod to when wo wore youngsters turning to them alevh ad say ltvj great to backv long befone aumin hunts ausigimiont coverhlg fw yiiht ytir hfld u3ldld tho daily hocord anouior story teem ing wltli heart interest was being llasli ed over tlio cable to derwcnit toowoli lti chief gratitude leadd adopted son to asioimo guilt of footer fatlier sealed over by hard crust thus ag grtvatlng condltlono while frequent cx posuro to air rcllovcc them in slight cases wlierc tho oil of tlie ivy has not as yet penetrated tho skin scrubbing with laundry soap in running water will rcmovo the danger roor circulation nevek wrong hauesmanki1h lie cat the dance dunclng is in my blood you know shu then your circulation must be poor it hasnt readied your foct yet tlie children were arguing it is it isnt tell you it cos mummy and if mummy says it is it if it isnt says at customer are those eggs strictly fresh grocer to his clerk feel of tliooo tggs george and txo if uioyre cool enough to doll yet wormi in clilldren work havoc these pesbi attack tlie tender llnhig of tiio inteithiea und if loft to pursue thclr nwagics undisturbed will ultimately pr forato itlio willi becsnu ilieso worms are of tlu hook variety that cluig to and fted upon interior surfooat millers worm powder will not only exterminate tlu worms of wliauiyer vurity but will serve to repair the injury tliey have done trying to get tlie most out of tha fitful shifting wind iii the lute afternoon it had decrearrfd considerably and urn manuual was uujlowlng in lieavy sea auiitln eprawled full lengtli on tlie deck far aft watched with mingled emotions tlie betting sun lay an undulat ing golden truck ucroj tlie lieavy oca it wat easy to divam in tho imif light rfnd ns helaylhuro appirently inunt on the happenings of tlie moment sulft succelan of incideniij racvl uirough his mind he saw hlmwlf bellig carried doun tlw gungway of om of tlie big mils ton lliicri on tlu idiouldnj or some of his colkge mate1 tliero were jellii and cluers und tlun tlie native band on ithe dock liad pbyed har varw that was only little more than iar ugo then like tlie bufttlng or nkyrorket hu life iwd been sluittered ho shuddered at tlie thought ofuia liut ttfrlble dayt and resolutely put them from his mind klovtn dua it took tlw manuwai to make uie voyage from california ti honolulu cleviti days of oil kinds or weather finally theiij came high srne daun brhiglng with it tlw long looked for trod uiat it the manu wai fccuddlng on liar way during all uicikj days ausihi was conscious of tlw fact tliat wiurewr lie went conwrsu tlutu were halted only to be reauined after lie wuti out of liourbig ho came soon to feel like un outcast he kept liwre and more td idniaelf particularly ct al youll haie to excuu me jilui and dont exaotly agree dont be too hard on jolui austin he wants to ibid you now as much as mother land jt do why now asked austin come hi with me and let motlier tell you someliow knew all the time austin tliat you couldnt do anv thins wrong uald lolt goodfyem goodyears yes sir ill put them on right now auitln followed lmr and ijjon found iuimxir in tlio great living room filled ulth prlceleii trcuurus of ait lou led him dirtily to lier mother with out ceremony of any wrt rc introduc ed him lfu autln motlur dont jou know him tjioro wua 110 coji etnllnk uie joyful nou in lur voice at tlw wnind of tho young majiu name ulytlui lluike roj to hor loot aiutln could mo tluit her lunula wiro flluiklnir hlo loavci hi violent ltorm he had uhuijt thouuht of her aa iui iron uanian to lit uniaaiimnt llu nov lunril her half crylnir and moaning out lib name something caught nt i1l1 llilh oeiitly hctithlarm nroalld her tjiouldora und ltd luir back to hor clialr lvir moment tlie uomuji lint tlierc trying ito rxguhi lur coninaurv then ulth ainietlihig of her old allow of uplrlt ilui utui qod forglvo 1110 ive ixvn cruel woman auatln iliaok hk luxul dumbly isdytlilu lllako wii 111 ovcj mouth ago my urotw cloorgo died just beforv li died iu uuule conft oldlilg all coiituct with lus foster sioil to uie ila tuld txvo tliat it was ho buy from mo and you get choice of nix different tires but theyre nil goodyears and theyre at all prices kf ii fj yjin cpnlitnjr niwl zf know that im supplying the lilggeat moneysworth in the lowprice field if your ideas run along moderate lines have path finders in my ifaokthntrmrjllglvtf you keen centretraction and long mileage without trouhle but if you want tho very host lets put set of g3 allweather tr nds on vouk wliccls youll go away with smile that will last for years these tires are all mado in regular and in hruvy duty 6ply which means six different goodyeurs for you to pick from yes sir no mutter what you want to pay can give you goodyear and youllliave the higgest value for your money protected hy goodyears guarantee againstdefect 4uid ordinary road hazards thutu the way do husiuess and thats the kind of tins sell and it all adds up to the reason why mora ptioplv liidd on goodyear tiros than on any other kind selected dealer more people ride oh goodyear tires thau oh any other kind

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