Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 20 Jun 1935, p. 2

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mmmm pw the acton free press he artan 3vtt flrebjs fumlhod imr tbnraday at acta ootorfoj subscription raxes per yr liice uaimd statu yc additional sdic cople boh old sad 44r tettld who chanc of aajrttw rwpmsted cancellations find tb nwt oiw mb crowr prefer sot to their ubrlpuoo uterrtipud ti tkr to rttsut befor expiration wbpe aab enptions wut not wried in arrears an vtandod prtoi1 yet nalu wt axa wt to cancel utwm aerrlf by reitted utter money order or cheque advertising rates i1 notice inc per line for flrat taacrtkm se per use for each nbacqnent laaeruon bandera nc per line lor each insertion tf in black caca type per una additional notices ualifylnr com inc attractions soch aa concerts enter church society or orcanuatlon meeting at tec per line nmlni stun cham reports of meet in held udijr inserted free in mrwtorism notices and ioc per line extra for poems birth maniac and death notices free small advert semen ta ic per word minimum charrr age cash if booked 35c also ioc extra when applications are addressed to this offic display advertising rates vary according space contracted for altnoagti every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the pree press its liability shsll not exceed such proportion of the entire coat of aucb advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears the whole space occupied by such advertisement aklof dilxjs editor telephones editorial and business office 174 thurbday june 20tfc lgjft whose fault graduation time in the colleges is at hand and after securing years of training many young folks are noy ready to set out in the world and endeavor to find place to apply rhc learning they are ready for jobs but there are no jobs for them the gradu ates of last year and others years have not even been absorbed in the world of activity the condition of affairs however shows some improvement over other years along with the improvement noted in business activity generally possibly change in the training of the colleges would help these students to fit in better to the world of activity we have always felt fhat the training has not been practical enough to be realservicc the students arc not to blame for this condition the prescribed years have been jric votcd to acquiring training sold to them as gooa the sooner places are available for them and other young folks with tho desire to take place in the world of activity the more opportunity there will be for this rising generation to iit itself into the tasks that will in few years bo their burden yesterday you cannot get away from yesterday what you did what you said what you were is interwoven with every experience of today just because there is no escape from yesterday you should give it very little deliberate attention sometimes the recollection of yesterdays mistakes fairly paralyzes your initiative you brood upon them until you get the feeling thut everybody else must be thinking of them too and come to the conclusion that it is no use to try perhaps ycstcrdayslittle triumphs loom so large that you feel you deserve day off trying to relive ye ti may make todays task seem hopelessly dull and dreary brooding on yesterdays sorrow may keep you from seeing the little joys that today has waiting for you yesterday is not done with you but you are done with yesterday deuired extension it is interesting to note that the public utilities commission and the council are giving some consid eration to the extension of the water mains to main street west ror the past fifteen years while other sections of acton have been enjoying the privileges and comforts provided by the waterworks this sec tion has been denied that convenience their fire protection has also been inadequate yet in spite of this these properties have been paying the general levy necessary to meet the waterworks debentures councils and commissions in the past have been ap proached on thnnntterbut it hasbeen shelved owing to an abnormal frontage tax on one or two properties this objection can surely be overcome when at the present time speeiul consideration is givon those who occupy corner lot properties it is to be hoped that the present proposals will extend to the rciiient ortnt district ol vvesttvourpsl recttke service to which they are entitled an unaltered position about two years ago we took up the cudgels on t5etfatfs rtrnrrctutri cctnldrnn dthestecurm go ap pointments in the civil service while ours seemed voice in thewilderness ut that time and there was little or no joining in the chorus from where the after fifteen years service the fire of last week demonstrated rather forcibly that actons arrangement of fire pressure is not in the best interests there was no lack of equipment capable of providing water for the elevator fire but the boosting of the water pressure on the mains and in the homes and business places caused damage thnt was bothersome and costly citizens protested several years ago when the expenditure was made and an additional pump installed at the reservoir many ways were suggested as preferable to this equip ment tho council of that time however saw tho matter differently it would appear that now the plan suggested at that time of booster pumper for use at the fire will yet be necessary to really give the most satisfactory fire fighting equipment the mains and plumbing fixtures in homes and business places have now had about fifteen years of service and are not as strong as when first installed unless con sumers take the precaution to partially turn off the supply at the entrance to the building when the fire pressure is on breakages will occur whenever tho pressure is boosted on the mains we are not advo cating the purchase of booster pump for the mun icipality at the present time but it is just question able if ires occur aften if saving would not be made in the long run by this installation which really means the scrapping of much of the equipment now in use at the pump house it is to be hoped that actons splendid record of small fire losses will con tinue and the need for the increased pressure at times of ire be called upon as seldom as has been the case in the past jhe sunday school lesson fob sunday june i3rt editobiaii notes it is estimated the new income tax provisions will boost thejmvenues by 14 million dollars most fall fair boards will hope that the dominion elections wont be held during the month of septem ber any date that month is likely to interfere with several annual exhibitions the council has shown cornmendible initiative in an endeavor to find an occupant for the shoe factory that will soon be vacant whether they meet with success or not their aggressiveness should meet with the approval of all huron county council suggests that the provin cial governments be done nway with as an economy measure and we supose every county council will concur and forward similar resolution to the pro vincial government chorusthould seem to come loudest it would seem that now two years later the legion is taking up that matter and being champion of the rights of fie soldier this statement is amply justified by the open meeting of the local brunch inst week and by the public notices this week 5f protest meetings the cause is just and has our sympathy in its general purpose in this instance however the case would seem specific by the change in halton consider able saving has been made one returned man has been replaced by another returned man iii the com bined posts so that no ground has been lost al though likewise lione has been gained we said the pfse seamed speqfie wehuve made some inquiry in the present instance and it would seem to us after this presentation of facts that the change was justi fled we do not desire to say more becuuie to do so would be an attack on mi individual just as two years ago we favored the preferment of returned soldiers in government appointment and retention in service wo do so toduy the principle is right so must the individual conduct be to reruin and hold the dignity of the office the ontario financial upset seems to be causing quite diversity of opinions the average man seems to favor the premiers move whle it appears the financial cir are on the side ltflll seems quite the natural course of events if one can believe part of what isaolilof the pro ceedings at ottawa these days it would nppear that mr bennett is in rnthur troubled state of mind even with members of his own party the breaks are bit too regular to suggest the closest of harmony the attorneygenerals department is to be con gratultited on its conduct of executions within the province jtoo long the stories of tie gruesome hangings have been written up in the sensational press not even the curious tree climber will get chance to see the hanging in st thomas on june 27th editqr mucluren hus completed forty yeais in the editoriul chair or the burrie examiner those years have seen the examiner keep pace with the growth of barne und mr maclureii may look buck with pride to the work of the past four decudes the xu ier is one of the finest weekly nevspupeis in the province und has eurucd the place it and its editor hold christian missions golden text go yo into toll tho world and preach the gospel to tho wholo crea tion mark 10 lesson text acta 0a 13 112 study also acn 13 13 is 45 32 40 jpnah 110 matt 28 id 20 time 30 4s places jeru salctn anllooh salami paphas exposition tho purpose of the lit tile mention of tho promise of the father for which tho disciples were told by jcbus to wait cccma to havo suggested to tho disciples tho re storation of israel so they ask jesus if ho is about to restore tho kingdom to israel llkl answer implies that tho kingdom is omo tlmo to bo restored to ismi tet 23 jei 33 1620 be 30 2328 37 2428 hos joel lc21 am il ls but in tho most emphatic way lie tells them that ood has reserved the knowledge of times and seauons to him self cf matt 24 30 mark 13 22 when they should receive tho kingdom he does not disclose when they shpuld receive power ho does disclose tjlkt power would bo theirs when tho holy ghatt had come upon them they would not have power until then how foolish then tor us to try to work for christ until we liuvo sought and obtained tho baptism with the holy ghost tile power of the holy ohast was not merely for tho purpose of mak ing them luppy but for the ptorposo of making thorn witnesses cf 813 31 33 32 17 30 they wcro to begin their witnessing right whero they were when the holy ahost was received in jerusalem they wcro then to go on and on unto tho utter most part of tho earth true recep tion of tile holy spirit by tho church means worldwlda missions this was cluktu parting messago to us how we ought to ponder itl hunuibjs and saul sent forth 15 tho church ut antloch had uvu prophet and teachers worthy of men tion by name this early dcntllo church became fountain of light and life to many other places the holy ghost opoko to them as they minis tered to tile lord and fasted it is not uald how tile spirit spoke whether in an uudlblc voice or silently in the in ner reevsscs of the heart but he spoke in an unmistakable way it was no vjgue uncertain impulse uuch as men sometime call tlu voice of tho spirit he is ready to lpeak today if ue will upply tile proper conditions and listen it was tile holy spirits work to call it uos mans work to recognize tile call and set tho call apart for the work but it waa for tile work whereunto the spirit called that tliey were to ttc set apart too often we set men apart for work whereunto the spirit never called them bplrjtcallcd men are great need of our day we have far too many men whom men have called or worse yet wlio have called tlienuclvcs every step in that curly church was taken in prayer and it was no mere formal prayer it was prayer to which men gave themselves so heartily that they withdrew themselves even from their necessary food to pursue it the promptnciji with which this church obeyed the spirits command is worthy of note he had demanded the best they had for tile foreign mission field and they gave them up without murmur they would have liked to have kept jharnaba3 and suul but the spirit called them elewherc and they sent thpm oway butwlilletheysentthciit back of it all they were really sent forth by the holy ghost no directions seem to have been given au to whero they were to go so they mjde straight for the nearest port and thence for the old home of barnabas ch 3g iii triumph of saul over elymos ria t11e bees sting beea con sting ndrct live thta contrary belief has now been aaattered by dr myers ol the imperuu col lege of trortcal agriculture trinidad my scepticism regarding the frequent statement that worker bees cannot with draw their barbed sting dr myers states was llnt aroused by observing raid by wacpa on hive in essex in ono cose wasp made bold entrance by the doorway waa met by bee arid vigorously repulsed it entered again and emerged at once btruggllng with bee which eventually succeeded in throwing it to the ground tho bee seemed some what exhausted but quickly recovered tho wasp lell helnlcss and died lew minutes later ttlw curiosity aroused by tho survival of tho boo dr myers proceeoed to experiment for himself he found that on one out of every three occasions when beo was induced to sting handkerchief would tho bee gt its sting lnio position from which it could not extricate it there seems little gtounus ho sums up in nature for tho belief that worker bees sacrlnco themselves or that they aro mare handi capped than wasps in defending their neets slats diary by roes jtaqohar friday mr hetty bloom met hwry the uther nlte when harry went to cull on susie blooms dawter and mm bloom scd to harry under stand you wont to bo my aan sc fciw and harry rcplyed and ujd no dont want to bo yurc son ac law jiiat want to marry yuro dawter sum occms co think it did dent picojbo her so very mutch satcrday am arvelng tho peace to the nooau paper where it prlnto peace about my singing it woo ut the last day of alcool and says the lntlre audience rase and sunff the national anthem was in tlu audience sunday ant emmy dusscnt got mutch jjluzuro out of reading tho noooo papor bucus they aro so mcnny wirdu one dus unt utidtv stand this morning he was reading and she ilhot buttress was woman who mode butter wonder wluxl it rilly is monday woo tasting juv thl ovnlng whut was morlolog and he acd it cutl iv onhwr 11 mnvrnjihiin hy yt tir an oil that bf kamotu though can ada was not tho birth place of lr thomas eclcotrlc oil it fc tho ftiomc that famous compound ifrom hex its good ham was spread to central and south america tho west indies aus tralia and icviw ziland tliut la far afield enough to attest its exoelhmoo for in all thceo couniru it hi on bulo and in demand tile dopihd of tlw iiifamy of elymos plainness and boldness of speech te character title of splrlbfllled man acts 31 eph 10 ood endorsed pauls words therb had already fallen mist and darlcncai upon hid boul und now the judgment also touches the body wo have here glimpse of how god will deal with men who choose turkmsis rather than light and oppose his truth thcs 11 13 opposi tion to ood fct dangerous butlnfcss gods judgments aro not always as swift us this but however slow they are always true umoiig pooplo uk 3iusbcnd and his wife tcusduy ez bcrger says the ileprtf shun lias irked grate hardship on him lie not only aint maltemg cnry munny but itod ink cosia mom blade ink does lie soys wcnsday adda urunk told pa today uuit sho thot uwp most intrusting 10 yrs of womans ltfo was between tucnty and tthcrcty ys of ago thlrrdny well red hi tlio paper aguil taduy thnt man over in jackson county liad died wilo takelng both and yet after all tliat but ma muyca mo take batki wlven satcrday nlto cunu around nigen found out today whut allamony was pa told mo it wan whut tlic judge made man pay for mis take witch people made oase if isltnssed hascoc poiui colored of atlan go tellj uu court liow jt cam that the policeman tliought roeooo was stealing an automobile ah gets tired walking dow tha ritrobt und all uar down in an automobile to rest ad mall foot hiaj tlio starter and alls too tired to take it off woman eqt have cigar tom no ive given up smoking well tell mo about her when youre feel ing low try bowl of kclloggs rice krispies in milk or cream their crisp crackle will cheer yon rich in energy easy to digest children like rico krispies hccaurtc they eiinp cracldov and pop in milk or cream fiiicf for thctnurscry supper hecmihc they promote rcatful nlecp at all grocerfl in tho mother goolu story package afadd hy kellogg in london ont quality guaranteed bsglls they were true to their commission they prenchud tlio word of god many mnn has been cent forth by the holy ghoib who his aftcruard forgotten what he was sent to preach and io mission tliat was divine in its origin has come to nothing in its execution if tliore uos ever day hi which thulr exatfplo needed imitation it today uluin mwi are preaching any tiling and everything but the word of godjcomp t1im 13 tim the proconsul serglus puulus rave good proof tliat he uai indeed man of undimtandlng he called unto him barnabas and sahl and nought to hear the word of ood whatever claims to prudence and wis dom and common mmi uniiuiniiynmk he lh not man of iindentimllng if jie not de irons to hear the word nf god lljmas did not glw up altljout fight vivj devil novvr doej tim ills chief bit incus is turning men oiddr from the futth tf cor luke 12 but the opposition of limymu fcjr all his marvellous powers ulii for he hid run up agulnu sulrujukdinuii paul huilhn jillod with thv holy spirit uion after his con ion ch 17 hut now new meruocy urkxi and ilr new dninu for the new need we ought not to be content bicauh we huve once or lifly times known wlut it was to have the spirit of god come rushing upon us and taking notulon of our minds anil giving ua words of wisdom uoldiuj and power to utur as meh new emer gency arises uiouu east oimlves upon llhn anew puul words are very severe und very searching they expose raisins lbs 25c blueberries via bnon of st lwtti cornstarch 11c evpofuj apricots lb 23c 25c stl dates with stonl pound di mils corn gcjra slyu 17 23c imwmwmmmmwmmaiwwmammmtmawwwwmwwwwwwwwwwiiwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwb ib 12 ti domestic or easifirst shortening blue cross cohoe red salmon freshbiscuits cocoanut bars 25 aylmer tomato catsup 21 ml arfhs fruit pectin oft kkova jelly maker red or white good quality jarllubbers mvwmvwwmvmwvwwmvwwmaaavwwwvmwvmvwlaaaaammaaammvwmwwvww corn flakes pugf 23c gn glint peas 17o tin 17c milk lv golden syrup 13cd23c piitu swtt mjxitj picwes s7oiiu 3c stf ocemij ol furllu educo cheese thins wj imn ct kuult pl3 25c ricth flow th g4im salada tea k16 bown wi 31 llbbyi holldy olives eo ruim ua4 uow 17o btl 31c gn kd nd blu rubb fly swats id 10c t4rtgtfool fly spray st 25c fu fill molu flit bu 33c carrolls leaions lunc and lull of juice do 21cl oranges vulcnciiis dozen 19c lettuce haftl heads grown oc new iotntoc no is ibs 25c each new cubbaue honic rown lurce heudb eu 1uc ioloen ttlle bananas toz mill street phone 158 actoni ontario

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