Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 16 May 1935, p. 6

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wipifpf ww rrv the acton free press thpltgpay ltay latip 1913 it in town utla garden ret theres zoom war every lovely kind of bloom thai oldremembered gardcna hold pawf t4nlr and ma orjjrojdx lette heubtrope and mignooetti in gentle cweetaea here are met while larkspur andjorgetmenot bring heaven aanre to the plot kavtortmm riots oer the wall tbe hollyhocks and foxgloves tall are sentinels to guard the sweet and tiny comrades at their feet there is no turf for trees no room no paths to wander just perfume and color color everywhere like jewelled windows call to prayer think that souls do pause to prey caught unaware upon their way by virginia strong avoid trite cooking by barbara brooks combinations of foods are very much like apt phrases which ate so good that they are overworked when we find tbe same phrase cropping up again and again in talking or writing we should take warning and express ourselvm with more variety or wo shall be uninterest ing and boring to our friends this is true about menus as well meals be come monotonous if some of our favor ite foods are always teammates such as lamb and peas frankfurters and sauerkraut pear and cream cheese ealad and so on of course there ore always exceptions to any rule certain things go together so well that we think of them almost as one and have no with to do any thing about separating them for most of us combinations like biscuits and boncy ham and eggs liver and bacon apple pie and aheese are good even though served very oftenl sometimes variety to keep meals interesting can be secured by the recipe for one of the foods in the combination for instance you may tt fpy hlh pt fmhnw1 presented with framed portrait of queen victoria of course there were jubilee stamps and fancy many still have some of that tasue stored away as souvenirs of the tomatoes whenever there is oh for dinner we all and cooking more in teresting if we can vary our recipes occasionally and the following one for scolloped tomatoes gives variety with timesaving the family will like the subtle flavor which the toasted and seasoned corn flakes furnish fjnmxnpedtommxwft 1v4 cups com flakes tablespoons butter melted no can tomatoes small onion sliced 1v4 teaspoons salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon sugar put layer of com flakes in tho bot tom of baking pan add onehalf the butter add tomatoes seasoned with the other ingredients cover with com fukesandaddthareit of ths bulier boke lh moderate oven 400 degrees for about 20 minutes yield servings when man cooks if ho is unfamiliar with the usual combinations he often produces something which is as good as it is different it was man who decid ed that frankfurters and buked beans made an appetising and hearty meal the woman of the house repeated tho combination but mode sure that the meal was balanced by adding brail mucins both agreed that mixed green salad or cola slaw was perfect and that if there wad fenough of tho sahut no other vegetable was hoces oary nearly everyone has favorite bran muffin recipe the following is basic recipe which has been popular in thou sand of homes 1uian muffins tablespooiw shortening cup sugar egg well beaten cup sour milk cup prepared bran cup flour teaspoon baking powder uuspoon soda li teaspoon audt cream the shortening and sugar add egg and ttour ml lie add bran and let soak until most of the moisture taken up sift hour with baking powder soda and salt and udd to first mixture stir ring only until iiour disappears fill greased tnurrln this twothirds full and bake in moderate oven 400 dogrcaa for 20 to 25 minutes note if hweet mllkls used histoid orsburmlikoiilt urovuupoonbr soda and ue teaupoons bakhig pow der jiaisuis or daus iiiuy be ailded if desired small slice of apple sprink led with clniuunon uaid augur placed on top tho muffin butter boforu bukbig yield large or 13 tunall mutfhis when it comes to cream or cottage cheese in salad there are so many pos slbultks that it is difficult to mention them all some pioplj forget entirely uiat tomatoes and creum chcctui nuidu perfect combination the cheum can be odtkd to fronch drejihigund served with any kind of grttcn or vegetable fcalad tills drixsbuf is auo good with fruit salads and gives them piquant flavor that is some dines lacking tho subject of food combination big one and discussion might oil and on our uuggestloji to tho tnoail maker who is seeking hew ideas and varluty is to keep notebook for combinations if thk is done it is easy io break down aild rebuild to give sort of lie deal f9r butur menus joyin simpeetiiinub 14 baa afony qoalltiea the hum who possesses bottle of xr thomas scloo trio oh is armed against many ills jt will relieve cough break up cold prevent sore throat it will reduce the nmlunc from sprain relieve the most taecas and will apoeduy heat ad oontaimtorta it is nwrfhn fa itaalf have found such joy in ahnple things plain clean room nutbrown loaf of bread cup of milk kettle as it sings the ahelter of roof above my head and hi leaf faced square upon the floor where yellow sunlight glimmers thru door have found such joy in things that fill my quiet days curtains blowing grace growing plant upon window sill rose freshcut and placed within vase table cleared lamp beside me there oh have found euch joy wish might tell every woman who goes seeking far for some elusive feverish delight that very close to home the great joys are ytet nev through tho ages common placc7 grace noll crowcll the silver jubilee of king george woe quite on event and enjoyed the parade and service hi tho park even if tho morning was bit chilly for may it recalled to mind the diamond jubilee of tho reign of good queen victoria ihaifeven tho young men can well re member why they tell mo thatmich young men as murray mcdonald were wearing ties art the silver jubilee that lie had bought and kept since the diamond jubilee of queen victoria in yt so just to recall events of dale not so for back decided this week to dwell about the jubilee of 1b07 rtnd perhaps make comparison or two with the event of 1035 bless me you know murray was on tho baseball nine back in those dayii playing flrst base uid of course hod all the popular kinds of ties that tho young fellows wore jubilee day was june 18th 1807 and acton played ball against the argyll of toronto tlio batteries for acton wao steiber clark and ryder and jeans was tho umpire it was ten innings uifalr feature of tho jubilee then was the parado of school children from the school to the town hall brunt sr was the standardbearer and acton cornet band lieaded the procession my but actfoiiv luul band for kood many years and it seems to mn its always been on hand to take ltd share in the community etforu back in 07 and before und now hi 1035 and wwhcetntme got hold of the old flies of that day and it gave list of the scliolimt in the parade id be glad to repuby llsli that list for you all mentioned it to mary and olio wild dont you ulai wouldnt plcase alio ladles and know that the men wouldnt care ill com promise and just give you the teachers mlu mcneoly of fourth depart ment wua ihittemon of the third de partment mlsii mcplmll of second de partment and thomas moore or hrst department tmrtj would love to tell you of the youngsters of those days but mary ubems to inuig by her decision and wont oven agree to letting me tell of the list of boys the diamond jubilee service of 1807 was held tht town hall on the platform on that occasion were oeoruv hyiidfl james mcxmju ii ilordinir itaburfcwujiacetm moore keevo nioklln councillor smith ltevs it cooki ifowidl ood dvil if mttcprutaon byora col allen xr xfren dr mckeaguw mctijan kw alex orant esq arch campbell icbq and misses mo puttcrson and mcneely teueliers the hd white and blue and the maple leaf forever were the boiujb that marked themuslcal part of the program and there were speeches by the prominent cltlaens of the day kaob department of the public school was juullw new nag floated from the mast head on the town hah and the own wan gay with decoration much more than was visible on may 8th of this year seems to me we are falling away just little in displaying flags and decorations oil holidays in this present day there wasnt any radio or means of rapid communication at the tune we werent able to hear the jubilee service in england but we were none tho less loyal here is the message sent by queen victoria to canada buckingham palaoe london juno 22nd the oovernoroeneral of canada ottawa canada from my heart thank my be loved people may ood bkss them and there have been great changes in methods and celebrations since the diamond jubuce but wlul the change loyalyto tho king or queen has not been lessened there now tve overrun my space again and must quit for this week tve enjoyed the silver jubilee celebrations just as much as did the diamond jubilee of 07 but couldnt and my tie to wear tho same an murray mcdonald the queens pattst aena by the watchman toronto may 15th since announce bicnt was made in tho press two weeks ago that the department of welfare would endeavor to and jobs for unem ployed men on farms of the province literally hundreds of letters have been pouring into the offices of honorable david croll from men seeking farm work and from formerd seeking men realizing thatfarmers are oftenfaced with the problem of finding suitable help the department has set up an agency for the handling 6f such matters and considerable success lias attended us etforu approximately 05 per cent of the re quests from farmers have been satlsfac torily looked after and many men to day are working for the flrst time hi years instead of being on the relief nets welfnw tvpiirtmpnt bim ju4 ihn xhs minbnum wago at 2000 per month and surprisingly large number of farmers appear willing to pay this sum to tho proper kbid of help relief inspectors play an important part hi the arrangements when letter from farmer is received ho informa tion is sent to the relief officer in tho town nearest tho form and he la asked to und suitable man very little trouble is experienced hi this regard if man who lias had farm experience refusal to accept job an the land lie is told tlmt he runct the risk of being cut off the relief rolls the walfaro department is determined to give the unemployed fair dcal but shirkers are not going to bo allowed to live on pubho bounty when there is work available especially wlum unit work is the klad they havo done before tho majority of unemployed men however do not hesitate when there io chance to work many jobless men have wrltum to tho department asking for farm jobs and every effort has been mada to get thein placed in this way the department of welfare is working steadily towards the important objective of getting men off relief and making them wageearners again troubled with constipation for past 25 years then aiolbkan brought welcome relief koad thn voluntary letter from mr lucour liuvo loon troubled with constipation for tho past 2ft years tried practically every cathartic without reaulu recently determined to civo kellogtfa allblun fair trial kuuotrv ausuuan has not only helped me but believe it in un actual relief for chronic coustipu tion mr henry locour ad dress upon request ue huufftciant in nttfdfs kelloev arxhiun provides bulk to aldi uliminution also furnishes vitamin and iron the bulkmn autbuam labon tie ahd safe for normal individ uals often mora effective than bulk in fruits and vegetables as it does not break down within the body lent this natural food pleasantet than patent medicines just eat two tables poo nfuls daily chronic cases with each meal if not re lieved sea your doctor get the redandfrreen package at your grocers mad by kellogg in london ontario kmp mi tha sunny nfto ufa piubatttvk wooden wovqu used by bcaetsbi pakaoft in malta ploughing of the land is complicated by the atonowall boun dartea tf fte under cultivation is dnly 43000 acres dkitrlbuted among 11000 holding ac cording to the agricultural departmont of the canadian national railways the smaller farms are run by th farmer and his family on the larger farms hired help is utluced and tractors ore used to limited extent there are only six tractors in malta the smaller farmers uue primitive wooden plough which is light hi weight and can be readily carried by the farmer to his homestead or luted as frequently is tho case across the stonewall boun daries no mechanical thrcshcre ore used they not being favored by tho farmer who desires his straw thoroughly bruised so it may bo the more readily appreciated by the stock when fed to them complete in itself mother graves worm exterminator docs not require tho aeuistance of any other medicine to make effective it does not fall to do its work anp tot teackeb paid north battle ford flask and blacks harbor new brunswick are consider able distance apart hut each entered in w4 nut of school lesson on sordines sar dines explained the teacher have their heads cut off before they are canned to make the lesson more emphatic the teacher offered to take the entire class to the movies if any one could produce can of sardlneu with the heads on two future captains of lnduatry immedi ately aaw an opening for som6 strategy so they wrote to the sardine canning factory at blacka harbor and asked for can of sardines with the heads on explaining the circumstances well con of sardines head and all arrived and the teacher took the entire class to the movies tho sardine cannery at blacks harboi the largest in tbe world according to the industrial de partment of tho canadian national hallways lame back lumdaclo respond qulddr to aumartr brown drny 8ton rumacaps pkbfkgtivjtbiib order roofing now jean fashions may come and go but theres always demand for cosmetics june yes women cant go wan for modern oticl ent banking sen wce he office montreal the outcome of 117 years of successful banking operation the jknk of montreal places at the disposal of its clieots modern efficient service in every department of doraesticand foreignbankings bank of montreal established 1817 total assets jn excess of 750000000 acton branch fraser manager whatever you intend to paint thre kpccisl mirtioscnour product for the purpose 1lvc of the moit popular are muijtmls enamel io all enamelling outside or in outside porch paint lor porch jioora teps etc marble itc voralsh for hardwood floors neutone neuglos fui swll3low for washable interior walls ant celling for the most durable paint job at the lowest cost when choosing paint the question is not flow wif it look when it first uocs on hut liow will it look after vcurs of service lly this us by every otlter test martin scnour paint products ure tlus greatest value obtainable they have the all bodied quality tliat ensures job that will not only jook well hut lust well too martinsenour 100 pure paint covers more surface ttiveniltjjetierj andptectshesurfacehouerhchue of the buarantecd purity of its ingredients tnere arc no adulterations or substitutions weaken the film and shorten die life of the paint martin5en0ur i0ox pure mint varnishes enamels wd acton business directory dr mcniven physician add sargtan offlco and reaidnc corner bowtx avenue and elln street dr ej nelson phjaselan and surgeon electro therapy phone 88 leoak phone no 22 box 318 harold nash farmer barrister solicitor notary rnblle convermaeer te mtulstbeet actov omt ilouro 030 to 1200 noon 100 to 500 hntjtrrtny ff vlfwst kenneth langdon batriater solicitor notary publfa offices acton oeorsetovn over aeynuejc cafe main street for appointments phono acton 15 or georgetown 88 ooflce hours acton tuesday and thursday 115 in to 430 mj even inga on request buchanan lental sarceon qtttcc in letshman block lioum until fl evenbi by appolntinept oas for extractions closed wednesday afternoon phone 14b pearen tniaji sucocsot to lata rr bell phono 29 mill street acton vexebjnabv dr bruyns veierinary bnrreon all calls ttecelvc prompt attention rmi reason able pironb 135 aotok ontajzxo office mill street harrop sc pliono ay or nlghb 83 kcsldcnoc bower avenue xcxon all calls promptly answered hatea reasonable m1scfxjlankous francis nunan bookblndei account hooka of all kinds made to order periodicals of tavery description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street auelph ont general in wk sreclauze in life fire health and accident automobile and all general lines of insurance also plate glass fidelity bonds annuities pension bonds etc lkaduttl companies txckixjcnt hcarram frederick wright rboo m3 main btuket aotom the sx

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