Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 16 May 1935, p. 5

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~------Bank~debits-" {to individual ---PAGE- FIVE --~ = == . " The 'Community's : - Social Si Side of Life Mr. H. 6. Nicklin, of Guelph, was bome on Mother's Day. . Mrs. Delsy Orr, df Toronto, is visit- ing Ber, and Mrs. J. B. Gamble. The many - 'friends of 'Mr. Sustin . Swackhamer will. be scrry to know. -his health, is not improving. ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mann aiid Mr, and Mrs, G. W. Murray and Miss Velma spent. « day with } Irlends at Richmond wm." : om Mr: And irs. HH. LeRoy Brown, of Toronto, apent Gunday evening at the home of his parents, My. and Mrs. G. #1. 'Brown. _ Rev.-and Mrs. J, R. Waldte and bab2. of Walkers, Ontario, are visiting at the home of hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Donald Waldie: - Misses Annie Black, Marion Anderson and Evelyn Storey spent last week at- tending the Giris' Conference at the O A. C., Guelph... Mr. R. BE Garvin, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with his mother and elster, Mre.. Robert Garvin, and Miss Margaret Garvin. - Mr, and Mrs. Cecil T. Brown, of Tor~ . onto, and also Miss D. Tracey, spent Sunday evening with his parents, Mr, . end Mrs..G. H. Brown, Mr, 'and 'Mrs. R. .O.- Eakins" and Torimy, Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Gwen- dolin, of Tororo, visited Mr, and Mrs. -aL_EGamble on Sunday, 7 TAKE XOUR PICK Grandma wag helping Peggy make ous a lst of littl guests for her holiday party, "How about the Morton twins?" grand- ma_askod. POTATOES -AS HIOCK-FEED When the true value of potatoes as feed for live stock and poultry is realized, much larger quantities than at~present employed will be used. With high prices nativo of Caneda, but had lived in the United States for 47 years, and 14 years of this time 'in Geattle. She was a member of . the West ~ Side Baptist Church, where her husband was " pastor for over 8 years, Mire. Cook is survived by three children,. Cectl- A. Cook, Mrs. ©. K..Bowen and Gordon L. Cook, all residing in Seattle. Five grandchildren liye_in Seattle and 'three jn Spokane; "Well, there's no need to ask them both," Peggy answered; "they are 'actly alike. ° a: . , WHAT WOULD you THINK? | A fond father went to a college to ceo What progress his son - wag making, response to his Jnqfiiry the principal sald; "Your son will probably a down in history--" "That's good. news," "glowed tbe proud parent, 'Tho principal Lifted his 'eyebrows, and continued: "But ho' might do better in geography and thd other subjects: ' +] toes, Other countries make much use for stock and poultry feeds and 9 surnlus| of rpotatocs in Eastern Canada, stock raisers near the plentiful supplies of potatoes have a good opportunity to reduce their fced bills by feeding pota- of potatots as stock-feod, In Germany, for instance, only. 30 per cent. of . tho 'total potato crop ls used for table pur- poses, and approximately 40 per cent. for stock feeding. On .the other hand. in Canada 64.5 per-cent, of the crop finds ita way to the table and only about 11 per cent. for stock: feeding. 'Stock. rals- ers, says-tho Agricultural Situation and Outlook, recently issued by the Domin- jon Department of Agriculture and tho Department of Trade and Commerce, would be well advised to inform then- sclves on the Proper methods "or feeding potatoes in the rations to 'ensure the beat resulta. In brief, potatocs are in fact Meroe gt bohydrat |. NEW UNIFORMS FOR. BALL TEAM (Continusd from Page Ons) and promises to develop into o fair itcher with a ¢ricky ball. Tyler, Waterhouse and "Flint" Terry will cover the outfield, while the in- fidid has Walters, 'Pred 'Waterhouse, Huffman, Mooney, Jack 'Waterhouse, Holloway, and the Morton brothers and Telfer, of the pitching staff, can all take a placc-on the infield. That's about oll, and the fans who journey to Guelph can alze up tho aitua~ tion after Saturday. In the meantime tickets for the opening game in ActoriJ the following week ore nqw going well and carry with them o guess on the attendanco, with tho closest register duo to win 25 ths. of sugar. There'll be keen rivalry 'in' the batting In.the League this 'year, H. W, Elston, of Brampton, has offered a wrist watch as a prize for the player in the. League with the best batting average. and. most any of the boys will be glad to have FYURE BRED CATTLE -- The tétal number of pedigree certifi- cated reglatered by the Canadian Na- tional Live Stock Records approved by: the. Dominion Minister of Agriculture, | Moving f EVANS' MEAT SHOP 2,354 +1,596 5,906. Of these 255 were horses; cattle; 343 sheep; 462 swine; foals; 671 dogs; and 226 poultry. A HAS-BEEN Gtruggling Artist (bcing- dunned - for rent and trying to put a bold front on things): "Let mo tell you this--in a few yoars'-timo people will look up.at this miserable studio and say, 'Cobalt, the artist, used to work thero'l" Q@andlord: "If you don't pay your rent by to-night, they'll be able to any it to-morrow!" ON Bnd KY VEAMERAGY, BE 32nd, Evans' Meat Shop will be located tn the STORE NEXT 'McLEAN'S _ BARBER SHOP' (The Old Hydro Shop) We hope to bo able to serve you well in 'the New Stand and * sOlicite@: shave of your patronage. and a brother in Oanada, The funeral services were conducted on Wednesday. May Ist, by Dr. J. F. Watson and Rev. Ivan ©. ElUs, Burial was in . Acacia 'Cemetery. . 1 ALEXANDER 0, GORDON It was at noon on Monday, May 13th. after an iiiness that. cantinued for two years and confined him 'to his room for several weeks, that ae well-known and esteemed citizen, Alexander O, Gordon, died at his home, Dovercourt . Apart- ments, Toronto. The deceased was bom on January Ist, 1859,-on the. formey Gordon homestead, lot 28, fifth conces~ slon, Township of Exsquesing, near Acton. Ho was ono of twelve--four sons acd elght daughters -- whose father and mother, John Gordon and Mrs, Gordon, were honored ploneers of the district, having como'to Canada from Invernes- Hanging Pots Window Boxes PRICES REASONABLE | "We are now booking orders for Hanging Pots. Window Boxes called for and delivered at no extra charge. You almply pay for stock used -In same. Give your Ddoxes "an"carly start by having them filled by us and' kept in our Greenhouses for a couple, of weeks. Cholco assortment of 'Bedding Plants -- Zinning, Asters, Salvia, Alyssium, Petunia, Rosy Morn, Ruffled Glants, Snapdragons, ctc, Tomatoes, Peppers, Early. Cah- bage. Over 4,000 boxes to chouse from, all up to our regular standard. | Getaniumy, in as- sorted colarg, wan 15e; 20c . '] Dominion during 10934 {4 estimated av They may be used, therefore, ad a sub- stitute for barley and corn, as in tho rations of pigs, in which case ib ts tm- portant to bear In mind that four pounds of potatoes are equal to one pound of cereal meal, - v : CANADA'S NATIONAL INCOME HIGHER . Reflocting delinite economic {mprove- ment, Canadas national Incomy increas~ ed 18.0 per cent. in 1934, uccording to the estimate made by the Financia] Post Busincas Year Book. _Average per..caplia -Income- in. - the $353) compared with $323) fn 1033. Onturlo-held first place among the pro- vincey with on uvernge per capita in- come of $510, and incomes in all pro- Rev. ©. L Poole underwent an opera- «-tion-son--Tuesday for the removal of tonsils. Friends are glad to learn that Mr. Poole is now making favorable re- covery. und hopes to be able to return _home from the otty shortly. Priends regret to learn that Mrd, Norman McLeod was removed to the hospital in Guelph last week for treat- ment on her foot, Myr, Mcleod has been in the haspital for several w, All will wish them both a speedy covery, Mr, and Mra, H. Roy 'Wansbrough and -fanilly, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrré. Frank Day and family, of Rockwood, and Mr. Herold Wansbrough, and Mrs. Gordon MacKay, of Toronto; Mr. and Mra. n--Smith nef hile were at home 'with thelr mother, Mrs. RR. H, Wanshrough, on Sunday., ' _ CANADIANS PAY BY CHEQUE Judging by the amount of cheques chargdd agninst Individual bank auc- . counts, Canadians are great, cheque writ- Were, and have explich falth in the sound~ ness, of Canadian banking institutions. 'The confidence which Canndian banks "enjoy has been augmented by the fact that -no. -bank-fallures--ooourred--in -the Dominion during the recent world-wide depression, and 'as a result the pay-by- cheque method of remitting. payment ts - used almost. universally, Over 00 per 'oent. of the total payments of accounts in Canada during i034 were muady by _ cheque. Reflecting revival in business and in- 'dustrial operations and a higher level of commodity and . spdéculative. prices, the amount of chéques charged ugainst bank accounts ut thirty-two" clearing house oentres in' Canada during 1034 showed a gain of 9.6 per cent, over 1993, uccounts 'totalled $32,867,000,000 compared with $29,981,000,000 in 1933, a guln of no less than $3,885,000,000. In view of the fact that trading on the Montreal and Tor- onto utock exchanges showed a doeciina of about one-third from the levels of 1933, tho groater volume of. cheques cashed represents a Very stuble gain and reflects Increased activities in Canadian business. Hank cléuringsy, ut $15,604,- 000,000 tn 1934' compared with $14,721,- shire, Scotland, in the year 1830, The family all grew to manhood or woman- hood, and: the passing of | Alexander leaves Just two: Miss Ellen Gordon, of Toronto, wha enjoys very good health at 86; and Rev. "Malcolm Gordon,' of Edmonton, Alberta; now rotired, and {0 his soth year. Tho subject of thid brief skdtch toft homo over fifty years ago, "After spend- ing some time in tho Prairle Provinces, where he was assoclated with his old "schoolmate, Slr Donald Mann, tn the ~| construction of a nusnber of Manitoba railroad ines, he returned to Ontarlo, and. went into the lumber business In Dutton. Hero he set up his home, hav- ing married Bella McMillan, © whose family had come from Ayrshire, Scot- land. From here, thoy moved to Tor~ onto about o quarter century ago, where Mr, Cordon BSCaniy conniseisd Win tne | 'Sond of Scotland. Benevolent Soclety as Supremv - Organizer. After dovollng some years succehsfully to this work, he returned to the Jumber bualness, in which he éentinued until his death. - My. and Mrs. Gordon had two chil- dren: John, & fine type of manhood, who lost h& Hfe in the War (Frarice, April 4th, 1918); and Jean, who was her Yather'a mainstay and cheer slice the mother pussed away two yours azo. My. Gordon was an honorable and al- together estimable cltizen. Wo was a }dovout--and-notlve-menibur- of-the-Dras-- byterlan Church at Avenuc Road, and later at Calvin, Toronto. Ye was one of the fow who In theso days speak tha Guellc, the lungunge of his father, and this he-did with ease and fluency, For Hity years he hod been mianager of the annual games of the Guellc Soclety. My. Gordon was u strong tempéerunos man and always on the right side of mova- ments that were for the welfare of the People. Yn polities, he was w Mfe-long Ulberal, .Tho burial took place on' Wed- nesduy, Muy 15th, in the famtly plot, Mit. Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, The service, which way held tn. Calvin Church, was, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Josoph Wamwen. There were mony who canto to pay" thelr lant respects, regard in beautiful toral tributes. < -- CHILD 'THAYNING We. have deen greatly mprossed of late by thy newer psychological methods 'eo0,000 In tho pr g-year, increase of 8.5 per cent. Cheques cashed gt banka oulside of the thirty-two clearlng: house centres are callmated to be 14.6 per cent, of the debiis in clearing centres, 4o tt follows thal, as nearly as cin be "Gatlmatod, cheque payments in the Dominion os whole were about $37,684,000,000 in 1034 contpared swith $34,339,000,000 i: 1033. -Ourrency' ii circulation averaged ubout €189,000,600 compared With $183,000,009 in the preceding yeur, and it Ls caleu- lated that the total payments by: chequa and' casht were about $41,744,000,000 in 19H' compured 'with $97,094,000,000 in 1933. at et ATE LEFT HANDED ADVICE A young nian who wished to get mar- riled wrote to his father asking his ad- "--~2---- yloe.-- He- received - the-following. advice: "My Dear Son: Your mother and 1 would lke to mo you happily married. Bhe tells 'me to point out the many ad- vantages--cosy fireside, chair, slippers, pipe, and so on, with your 'darling witg sitting bealde you. -Y am proud to know, my boy, that you have decided to settle down at last.' "P, 8.--Your- mother has just left the oom. Keep siriglo, you darned idiot-- Large Assortment of Porns, Iris. | 'Coleous, Dusty Millers, etc., for filling your 'own Pols and Boxes. Our stock will bo handled local- ly through J. W. Jones, Wood's Grocery and ourselves. Wo thank you for your patronage and ask ngain for the pleasure of serving you. A. H. Bishop. & Son PHONE &4 - WE DELIVER numerous frlends showlng thelr apeatal | Denigns a Specialty _ GREGORY vinces showed guins. Waller prices for | almost all kinds of farm produce, par- tleularly grains, rulsed income in they Prairie Provinces, British Columbla bencftted considerably from marked lu- provement "In lumberlng, fishing . and mining, although prices showed only ulight chanyo from 1033. Recovery of the pulp and paper Industry, contlnucd actlvity in textiles and expansion. In electric power consumption combined' to make Quebec the leading provinces tn polnt of improvement over 1933. ° On- tarlo, as usual, showed a guin almost commensurate with that of Canidae pa ao whole, Manufacturing, mining, and agriculture ull showed increases. Now Brunawick" showed tho largest gain for the Maritimes, lurgely as a resul of 'increased pulp and paper and lumbering operations, An advance took pluco in FFHEATRE FRIDAY, MAY ith +THE BAND PLAYS ON" A gay arid exciting -picture of. the laughs and loves nd foot- ball thrills of callege Mle, star- ring Robert Young. Cartoon, "Toyland Broadcast." Chapter 9 of "Young' Eagles." SATURDAY, MAY 18th Matines at ¥. "UPPERWORLD" Drama, ttarring Warren Wil- ams, Ghliger" Rogera and Mary » "Yom, 'om the Piper's, Snapshots, Fox Nows. MONDAY, MAY 20th - "THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL" Story by Baroness Orezy. 'The story of tho gallint English noble- man who risked his Hie time and aguin to-save Prench aristocrats. Starring Leslly Howard and Merle Oberon. Scenic, "Medbury in" Wonders of the World." Song Ht story, "Guy Old Days." COMING , "KTD MILLIONS" | With Eddis Cantor "ONE MORE SPRING" With Janet Gaynor and Warner Mayter "THE IRON DUKE" With' George Arliss {drato, 18 per cent. ; nilnerals, 0 per cent ; _{ seven potatoes allow one tablespoon of wove Scotin ay --w_resutt ofr yreater We= tivity in lumbering und mining, offset to some extent by low prices for upples --one of Nova Scotia's Lnportant crops. The improvement in agriculture in Prince Edward Yeland, in common with the rest of the Dominion, was the prime cause of' a small gain in that province. BOTATOES AS FOOD fs ao furnace, the food as the fucl, and tthe heat given off ay tho -onergy.- Of the three elements in that-fuel, namely, proteln, fat, nnd carbohydrate, tho last named {s referred' to as the energy giver, Potatocs supply energy. As re- wards thelr general compasition, thoy are slightly acld and contain a quan- tity of starch, a trace of sugar, a small amount of minerals and proiwins and « large amount of water. The percentage of these component parts Ls; Curbahy- proteln, 2.1 por sent.; fut, .1 per cent; water, 70.0 per cent. The following are reclpcs for the everyday use of potatoes: BOILED POTATOES Select potatoes af uniform sia," wash, Pare, and drop-at once in cold water to prevent discoloratian. Cook in boiling water until soft, which ts easily deter- mined by plercing with a akawer, Hor silt, and bolling water to cover. Drain from tho water and kowp uncovered In a warm place until yorving time. Avold sending to 'the table in a covered vege- f-ohild-. ~dreinlig-und-educatlon---'con, ditfoning the chtld to his environment," and "adjusting neuroses" seemed Im- Pressive phrases to use Indieating « Pproper sclentific approuch to the problem of Sringing up children. "eo TNs adit Ayre table" din --In"botling "Inrge potatoes, i often happens that the outside ts soft, whiks the centre Js underdona, To fino cooking without breaking potatoes apart, add ono pint of cold water which drives heat to centre, thus acoomplbh- 'The human body fs often referred .to |} my Wate . SWARMS OF LOCUSTS STOP AFRIC. TRAINS In South Africa, rallwaye have to contend with locusts; In Canada they have snowstorms, <A recent visitor to Saint John, N. B., who arrived in that city over Canadian Natlonal Railways from Yallfax, N. 6., and who has re~ presented his company for the past two years in South Africa, states he was once on a train which was held up by locusts which covered the tracks to u depth of three 'or more feet In places. The wheels of the locomotive could | make no headway, slipping on the ralls,| which were covered with the locusts. At times. he remaoyked, the sun ts dlot- ted out by tho clouds of locusts in fight 'Wood's 5 Grocery "Our Aim' "Good. Werchandise -- Low Prices ~ Good Service Telephones--Store 37; Residence 130 KELLOGG'S CEREALS 2 Pkts, CORN FLAKES ...... 2 Pkts, RICH KRISPIES ., 2 Pkt, BRAN FLAKES lnnd they do. great .damage to ngrictil- ture, stripping every bit of vegetation for miles. .The locust fights camo from the general direction of the Red Gea, crossing from Arabla, where they were belloved to take thelr origin in deep valleys, Methods ndopted to combat the locust Inchided digging great trenches, as in Ribilea] days, whon the locusts werd 'in ths younger or Jumper 'stage, |miitions of the locusts hopping into the huge ditches, where they: were burled by crews of men. Locusts in the fying stuge nre sprayed with a atrong arsenical Preparation from peroplanesy The natives, however, have no objectian to the locust, ny they ure very fond of them na an article of food.. For our part, we'd wooner have thé snowstorms. x Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Pure Lard and Shortening "1 tb, edch: for' sre ntses: de eensseseonee Aevavs Bo PINEAPPLES--Sizé 24. Each 230 "y z for 4X0" i BeLuxe Jelly Powders----} 3 for Wo "| ~~ 6-for 280 - 'Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 3 Packets for- SEEDLESS RAISINS ZOUDS. LOK" sscsssescsrseerssserseneentaees 2Se Tip Top Strawberry Jam 1 Bottle, 33 oz. SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 Tins for » 200 BEST SOAP CHIPS SIDS. LO vreccsserrecseenenrnneeere sepeeeese 280 MANY FLOWERS SOAP 4 Cakes, with Faco Cloth. "Yor CREAM buen Neilson's = DUTCH SETS ' SEEDS Certified Seed. Potatoes~ Open House ! at Norton Motors Acton Monday Evening, May 20 . e- e . @ J OV ing ictures - Vancing We are pleased to announce that in co- operation with the Ford Motor Co, of Canada Limited, we will present their sound Moving Pictures "FORD AT. THE FAIR". op ORWARD WITH FORD" These Pictures have drawn, huge, crowds wherever shown. teresting as well as educational. _They, are_ 5 intensely ine .. After the Picture Show there will be Old Time and Modern Dancing. ~ Amongst our own nieces und nephews we had frequently noted defects jn 'the educative-efforts of thelr parents. We had long wihed to offer advices to our relatives, but a shyness not unconnect- ed with our own single blumedness re- stralned our natural desire to be of wualstance. ut an opportunity recently offered 'Itself to obtain the low-down on what sclenow has been able to accom- plish in education. Walking to the office one tlhe Spring Morning, wa encountared a distinguished psychologist on hid way to the Univer- alty. Yo him we mentloned the, appall- ing problem of our niscey und nephews, polnted out they contradicted -- thelr elders, refused to go to bed When asked Wwdo 80," and generally behaved us If they had not benerted by belny born In & scluntific age, him how he obtained results tron: bis own youngsters who Were paragons of Virtus compured with the objectlonablo brats of our relatives, 'The pyschologist secmed non- plunsed for au instant, "As » matior of fuct,"' he aald' "I always get my best results After telling all our Worsley, Wo asked , regs ya An aoa in quatity of work and: lownoss in priea wa knock the spots out of 'em all. We 'clean and dye * anything from a-rug to a woman's mast delicate garments, "Nover 'a dissatiefled customer, - OUR PRICES Comforters und Blunkots 'OURTAINS per palr . Portleres unlined. PILLOWS, per palr . _ OUSHIONGE, eta, BEDGPREADS, plain Lae S86 square yurd- LACH TABLDOLOTHS fa to $1 + RUNNERS _ Spotless Cleaners R. SURETTE, Mgr. TREEX: WE CALL: AND. "DELIVER with chocolates." 'tf allowed to stand, unless the akin Ls Tig the cooking. BAKED POTATOES Select smooth; medium slzed potatoes. Wash, using w vegetable brush, and place in a dripping pan. Bake in a hot oven forty minutes or until oft; re move from the oven and serve ut once. ruptured for cucape of steam, thoy be- come soggy. Properly baked potatoes ipo more cuilly digauited than potatoes cooked in any other way, a4 some of tho Starch iy olmnyed to dextrin by the intense heat. FRENQGI FRIED POTATOES 'Wush and pury small potatoes; cut in vlghthy, lengthwise, 'und soak one hour in cold water to cover. Drain and pur, boll In bolling walled water to cover, two nilnules; ayaln drain; plunge into cold Walter, dry between towels, try. in deep fat until dolleately browned, u few' at uo Ume, und drain on brown paper. Heat fut to u higher temperuture, return ull polatoes to fut, using a frying basket, und fry Until erlsp and brown, keeplng the basket in motion. Again drain on brgwn paper and sprinkle with 'salt. Good Time "THE DATE J Monday, May 20th, 1935 THE TIME THE PLACE ' __..Nine-thirty, Daylight Saving Time~.. 4 N ORTON MOTORS, Acton. ' Watch the Fords Go By ~ ie

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