Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 16 May 1935, p. 4

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lc pacts romt the acton free press inn aggignbtaogbti twifmitmr thtjuhday matt 14tb 1035 mp neighborhood news inunstliur items concerning other centres and communities in wtilfli mny if ftnr rrlm am trfinnqtanil crewsons corners mrs sutherland of st thomas visit ed with mr and mrs john bennett mr and mrs totton and family of toronto visited with mr and mrs alex mcdonald iff jlr vlitlod oaulnwood and and mrs stayner over the wcekufa mr jack mcoaw of niagara falls la visiting with mr oeorge oraham mr and mrs albert wilding and family of london visited with mrs burlingham mr ooulier7 ojthamlltou fa vlltlng with mr and mrs coulter ji mra marsden visited with mr and mrs john bennett milton pickett druggist hati moved in thef house recently vacated by wheeter corner queen and charles streets leslie of the eighth line trafal gar has planted fine lot or evergreens on three aides of coynes school seventa line the many friends of brown druggist will regret to learn that he is under the care of specialist from toronto who has advised mr broun to take good rest for the next three months in order to regain his health silver jubilee tea under the aus pices of the ladles aid society of knc baixlnafad mr and mrs robert moody and family of schotnberg spent sunday at mrs moodys fathers home with mr wm harding miss myrtle allen of mono mills spent iho weekend at her home here mrs minnie coin and mr and mrs will shortul of georgetown were visit ors on sunday at the home of miss annie shortu we are pleased to say that mr ephrlam swlndlehurst is improving some but is still confined to his bed oakvillfi constable allle jackson who has been ofr duty slnco the first of april as the result of on accident on number highway cast of oakvllle resumed his ospringe pfeubyterian jnurch was held in tho sunday school room on saturday after noon the guests were received by mrs oowland president of the society very enjoyable evening was spent at tho home of mr and mrs charles readhead lowvilli on saturday may 4th the event being the 21st birthday of their son vernon mcarthur about 38 guests were invited champion mrs mclean ross end murray wero visitors on sunday wth mrs mclean mr and mrs mckenslc dorothy and nornrnn visited on sunday with mr and mrs stewart eramosa mr and mrs austin mccutchcon called on mr and mrs john sun be hockwood on sunday dr and mrs hamilton or revdstoke called an mr and nfrs oco robertson on saturday mr and mrs it mccutcheon visit ed on sunday with the formers brother james at fergus mr and mrs nell mcxlnnon and llla hlllsburg were sunday guests with mr and mrs brydon mr don dickfcson itaxi secured job at smiths factory at rockwood mr and mrs robertson doug lus and kenncui spent mouicrs day with tho farmers mother mrs robertson svcrton rockwood mothers day was observed hi the churches on sunday with appropriate nogrums for tho occasion holy communion was observed at st johns church on sunday tnornlng tho service was conducted by tho rector rev recent and weekend visitors were mr and mrs barry lough mr and mrs ted clough ofoahawa mr and mrs john pitzslmmons and daughter of newton mlsti doris koyoo and friend mr patterson of toronto mr and mrs ma milne spent sun day at eden mills congratulations to mv campbell mc arthur at the recent musical ftsuvul in stratford uko miss bell of ouelph ako mnj elsley in secmy ing gold and silver medals also at port credit mr mcaruiur won the gold medals in thobarltane con test open to uio province and in mixed duett contest boui miss bell and mr mcarthur won silver medals mr richard harris wheeled to nor wich on sunday afternoon to visit his aunt miss alice treitry who celebrated her 88th birthday soturday may llth ho enjoyed tho round trip of 12i miles and reports uie country along uie route looldng very promising for the season burlington jalin moodle sailed for fciigland last friday where he will bpend she wteks jolm page of tho ikmconherald staff stratford spent uie holiday ut his home here mr and mrs wm jardine turned home on thursday from lakeland flor ida where uiey ipent uio winter mrs donkki mua morton and mlu jackson attendod uie annual meeting of be tebbs left for cjutboc yts terday to meet ills tluughfaur 2jrs murdo mscdonaid wtu will arrive on tho duchess of richmond on priduy he will accompany her on the bout from quebec to mnnttvhl excavations are under way for fine new homo in the village for mrs suntor and mm altkcn mrs usherwood evcrton was sun day visitor with miss baldic and mrs altkcn mr clayton cooke spent monday in toronto hikxstiukg mr and mrs ross mcklnnon alex and jean accompanied by mr and mrs alex beacy ad erma wcttt at niagara palls lost sunday mr and mrs cluiync and robert spent sunday with mr and mrs choyne centre intl mr and mrs bert heron and little daughter of elora were weekend visit orswithmnwmil lar uirdline mr cox has returned home after spending few days with friends in toronto mr and mrs robert elgin and daugh ters misses dorothy and frances of toronto speufc sunday with mr und mm wm choymj and family mr and mrs alvin mjuar and chil dren master billy and mia marilyn of brampton were visitors with tho formers mother mr millar third luw mr jack hucrsy of ouelph spent the weekend wltli mr and mrs alex gray mrs robertson was ut grand valcy 1th her motlicr mm thompson on sunday mr and mrs rose and thompson of hespeler were weekend visitors with mrs robertson tlie various churched in town wero well 111 led last sunday it being mothers day tpeclal nuslc was rendered by the choirs of tlie different churciies stduiy is about finished hi tills local ity und goad many finished about ths name time as last year mr puoiioudon of llie national defence depurtiuant ottawa arrived in town on tuesday to begin survey of this dlutrlct ttie liut mrvcy for tho government was made in 1d05 william klllou torrance trct wellknown and cjiutiiud resident of uio turn us awarded jubllia silver niuduj by his majwtty uie khig far owr uilrty yurs of continuous tier vice in the kxcuo department of uiu dominion goveru tnoiit itie automobile itoltn from wll llatiuans garage on thu night of tucs day april so ui ww recovered bi tor onto oil monday word was received by tike local authorities and on tutduy chief mlth iirninhmiilij ty ijuy wtl llainson mude the trip to toronto and iden titled uc car tlie lrovluclal government has decid ed to cut uq grants to municipalities for acliool medical inspection dental services and public health nurses thereby waving annually by the curtailment of these aervloea 30000 two towns in haltcn county will be mltected by the change oakrsl and burlington who received 400 oh for public health nurses bannockbuitn the regular monthly meetinff of tlio bannockburn womens institute was held on wednesday may 15th at the home of mrs wiley the meeting woa opened by singing tho opening ode followed by all repeating uio lords prayir tho roll call was then answered by paying membership faiii after busl nesa matters were dlscusied reports of tllo girls conference in ouelph uore given tymufcttslsufamlharandmsr garet young the following offlcem were then elest ed for uie coming year prt sid cut miss crj ut vlc presidents mrs wiley 2rtd viajcvwdent ww hntdlng secretarytreasurer mlu browu pianitt mr colo asslsuuit pianist mun millar directors mrs morrison mra ruijuell mrs plorrldgc miss edna russell program committee mrs an thony mrs cole miss young mu miuur mrs harding mw swackhamer ml wiley lunch committee miss mcdonald mrs cook mrs mclean muu edna riufcell mrs ruuell dekgaui to district annual miss cree miss brown mrs pialier mr wiley dktrlct director miss orce vtowvr oommittef mias millar mrs kerr mlui brown miss clarrldge vlsithig cunuultue mrs olar rldge mrs morrison mrs harding mlas luura mulor mrs russell mkvf cree auditors mrs kerr mrt butler aur the election of uftlcera tils meet ing closed by singing the national an them arter which lunch was served and oocial half hour spent duties on sunday in the tcsults of the third year degree course at the ouelph howard stensson of sheridan passed with honors in class of 120 passing all uubjects mr stensson ranked th mr and mrs edmund shain sheridan announce the engagement nf tholr daughter dorothy idolcn to mr harry wilson son of mrs wilson oakville and tho late john wilson tho marriage to take place quietly may 34th star the many friends of mr james grlnham will be pleased to hear that he returned front the hamilton general hospital on monday following an opera tion for appendicitis james mcaaklll who has been visiting his mother mrs mcasklll principal of west wood school has won scholor the tuberunit seed potato fijot producers of certified seed potatoes are confronted with the problem of con trolllng such virus diseases as leaf roll eorlng at queens university mrs pish was uuoocssful in winning the silver medal in tho mcz soprano class at uio peel musical pes uval on friday last the test picas was habanera from blzctti carmen and tho adjudicator was dr fricknr record georgetown at mooting of the high school board last vvening thirteen application were received for tho position of principal made vacant by uio reslgnauon of mr itctjf mr and mrs watson and mm jcottmlcr arc homo again after spending the winter in florida and tho southern staus mv and mrs samuel walker nn nounce the opgag of thlf nlrtpnh daughter alice to mr derrick dodgson eldest son of mr and mrs dodgson mount dennfa tho wedding to take placo june 22nd mr and mrs mackenzie of montreal spent uio weekend with mr and mrs wm barber main street prior to their departure for two mantlis in the british islcs and franco at rcccjit special meeting of tho high school board at which all uio members were present the resignation of mr ralph roj as principal of tho georgetown high school to take effect at the end qf uio school year 1035 wus presented to uio board master joe wilcox 12ycarold cornot lst son of mr and mrs wilcox of georgetown added flfui medal to nw collection af uie stratford musical fe tlval on friday tlio you musician mosaic uid spindle tuber in an effort to maintain their stock at tho high quality demanded by the markets today tlio tuberunit acc plot offers simple and practical method of controlling thesu diseases at pracucally no extra expense tuberunu seed plot may be largo or small according to the needs of the individual grower it should be located as for as poaslblo from all other pota toes choose only good type tubers of from six to eight ounces from crop which lias passed inspection for several years prepare the soli in the usual way and mark ifc out with rows threo feet apart at depth of about three inches tlio tubora are cut and planted individually into units for four sots as follows cut tuber no into four equal nets und plant uicm each one foot apart thai is known aw tuber unitrrn next leave space unplanted of at least one set then take tuber no cut it into four sots and plant in unit ns buforc leave spade again and con tinue wlui all uie tubers until uio plot is anished tlio dbtanco between tho lout set of ono unit and tho ilrst set of the next unit will then be to feet this makes unit idcntlncauou much otlsier later in uio season the uot li cultivated and thoroughly sprayed in the usual manner except uiat extra caro must bo exercised in con trolling all insects before tho regular upraytng dates the plot should be cate ully inspected for virus and other dis eases tnts any possible foreign varieties if any unit has ono or mom diseased plants in it uie whole unit of four plants must bo removed care bebig taken to dig out uio old wfc and any now tubeia that may have formed repeat uils um mmklqji tile result will be crop of relauvely dlmoifrec pure seed for part of tho main crop uie succeeding year sufficient tubers or units should be cluxscn from tho tuburuiilt plot to form another wed plot for tho next year for ruruuy information write to or consult your nearest laboratory of plant pathology or seed inspection ser vice to protect snbttbs from dogs dog at liberty even in the exurber once of newlyfound freedom seldom misses an opportunity to explore every hole ftod in th oottr of hh ambulations and cat just goes and rights where it likes unfortunately this super abundant energy is accompanied by damage to garden and other property in the environs neither tho dog nor tho cat have the slightest respect for flower beds or for the chcrkthed ornamental palms by uie front porch and often these animals show distinct antipathy to shrubbery in their boisterous way they create lot of damage and it is not always poaslblo to drive them away in time however on enterprising ento mologist lias found way out of uie difficulty taking hint froip the methods of entomologists in dealing with insect pests on garden plants it won discovered that nicotine sulphate tha widelyused insecticide provided an ef fecuvo measure for keeping dogs and cats at bay tho odor of nlcotlnto la re ic to cats anaasj uielr suuse of smell la very much kefcn er than that of human beings it pos sible to use uie compound so diluted so that dowers all rubs buildings walls or walks are not damaged but cats and dog will avoid tho sprayed areas the spray evaporates in umo and will bo washed off by rain therefore it should bo renewed every two weeks and after heavy rains weak solution should bo uiid iuch as tablespoonful of nico tine sulphate to five gallons of water the solution is also good insecucldo nlcouno nulphulu is sold hi seed and feed ttorcs won uio gold medal premier award in elans of 10 for comeusts under 10 years of age herald can ukaveks climb trekst question foh naturalists the woes of uio telegraph linemen arc never over someuilng is happen ing all uio timo tlio latest cause for wire trouble has been announced from point on the canadian national rail ways right of way about 20 miles norui nlwajuuuooiithe main trttti scontui erin mr and mrs matthews ml evelyn and mr graham matthown spent tho holiday with friends nt st cauiarlnes qufeasrs griffin and son have purchased tlio farm lot 13 concession erin towrujilp from tho estate of the late agnes burt mr rosj miss mamlo hamilton mra if hamilton and jlaughter of toronto spent sunday wlui mr and mini hamilton mr croiby quietly celebrated his 85ui blruiday on may oth des pite hut years ho is about dally and is keen and alert mrs dave moicechnlo mrs dr lyons oc leamington mw andrew mc kechnlo and mr putdle of toronto wiro holiday visitors wlui dr and mra abbott mr and my wesloy gray and two sons of new hamburg mr and mr biitll johnston and turn and daughter of acton spent uio weekend and holi day with mr and mrs gray mr and mrs robert mcenery have returned to uielr homo liere after spend ing year at deep cove sidney on good authority we learn uiat tho consumer paysfrom 7bcto 00c per bag for ontario potatoes in toronto and in this district uie farmer receives an low as lie per bag it appeara that uier is much need of an invesugauon in this niflltflr artvnrarii singing on train leads to career many prima doima4uid radio star fcrted out rm then slnging caroerr through some chance happening in the case of cluirllo cham uer lain the singing lumbvjrjulk who has been heard over uio canadian radio commis sions network from saint john it wau while holding uii impromptu recital on canadian national rull uai train while travelling from bath urst in uie samo province to saint jolm another pusjnger on uio some train heard uie voice and being lm pivsid made his way into tho pason ger couch from whence tho vocal koundu wero proceeding on entering ho saw the vocalist wlui group of ouier pas engrs gauierud round him realising the tiled he luord had possibilities the pattseiigcr buwj uwt dinger his cord witn uiu rumlt unit uiu former lumberjack fci uow singing beforu the microphone ihrevlous to uils ho could not read note of hiuslr he is 2j years of ago trlde under kix feet and welglu 174 pounds and by tlio wuy lie is rojj lumberjuck litue over month ago he was logging in tlw woods around uie lower neplslgult river in new bruns wick at present he sings ballads and stuuity bongs but his teacher says ho tlua great poaslbluues ental lino of uio national system the report received by uie dcspatoiier of tho canadian national iviegraplis was thort one it read two juvenile hunts men chaied beaver on uie right of way about 20 miles north or wnshago which cllmcd tree ttw only way to get the beaver was to cut tho treo down tlio kulsdld so it foil across uio wired and crosrd them unul linemen reached uie spot to clfect clearance it was uhort notice of trouble but it started big argument naturalists claimed uiat beaver is in capable of climbing treo unless the tree on decided tlant or has plenty of low limbs up which it could scramble in any event if the beaver could get up uio tree an agile boy or man could ako do so uiuiout trouble therefore why bother to cut down uio tree but tho linemen who were on uie spot claim that uiey invesugated uio report and found it correct the main question is are beavcra hi noruiem ontario developing kangaroo lionus the home of comfort one of the ten plagues of egypt in old testament times was uio plaguo of files over and above tho discomfort guffered it lt more uian likely uiat much of uio disease vklted on ui egyptians was duo to uili sumo source files today wo still have files and mos qultoou with ua but wo know how to keep uiem out of our homes byccroftn ing our doors and windows tho on tario safety leaguo is issuin an uilssprlng throughout ontario to suro this necejjtdiry healui precauuon the burden of uio appeal is for health and comfort screen every door and window twbddle quality chicks at bargain prices lvghornti week oid h0 nit tier loo 1z and wk old dixit uy hixhv leghorn pullets wthk old uiul wck eld kufhtly falsber leohorn ooclgaekla day old week old eiicii each uxrrxj rook blvd white kock sluud cfelokm at cocpoodltiy low prices day oiiw aix uukkdh ukal bargains umiud numw white rock and barred rock puueu on4 week si special price all chicks strat qvwrn knrnt approved from tiioodiemlta breeder tweddle chick hatchery phone 232w fergus corrtxjt again teaclver if cut beefsteak in two und then cub uie halves in two what do get henry mht7raaartera teacher right and ulcil henry eighuis teacher good and uicn slxtecnuis correet now what atilrtysecands exactly once more hamburger cried henry impatient ly just some books book wife can read you like jolm husband why dont you uien you skip what you dont llko in book and linger over it in me announcement pays plumbing shop hilton has purchased complete new closed in pumping system for emptying sepue tonka oas pools cisterns and chemical toilets in rural schools and churches work done without mnsa fum phone 205w milton royal guelph now playing loves of j01ciaior1 clivk imook madeleine oarnoll extra friday night 1935 bathing costume parade starring irene pirie canadian woman champion swimmer irescnted by ryan co lid complete shows si if 9iieck orcirksxka sat mon toes the bride of frankenstftn next wed thoit fri shirley temple our little girl iiee latest hit make up your party thursday may 23rd at 1130 ip plieview op reckless william jean powell ilaklow seats now on sale one price rrj 35 heltghnui rrnlcrja snitrb ahjurrjj nf sanoda actow bflmmcr on rub pmraonaffo bower avcdim rev oufford pugh wfll the minister at both uio morning and ovenjng services 13011 noon sundmy bcnool a0 bflkte class evsryb0o7 welcoub ilnabytoriati knoz cduech surron eev bennie uslnse willow street sunday may lbtb 1936 deyllght saving tune 1030 the sabbath school 11 30 public worship 00 pubuo worship tlio ilev john waldie of wallccre ont will conduct servlotts ilwavh welojmk sajjltst clurtf acton easteb raster laylght saving time sunday scilooi 10 30 11 00 the minister 00 unclassified small advertisements cadesky optomktbist will he in acton on monday june 3rd anyone suffering from eyestrain defective vision or ileadache should not mus the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appointments may be made with ut oonaoltation witefi oitloe hours bi till tai come and hear the winners of the halton musical festival empire day concert tlic annual empire day concert will be lield in tide town hall thursday evg may 23rd at eight oclock the pup hi of uio pubic school will present patriotic exerlctai3 and tho winner of uie ilalton musical festival will givo tlio numbers for which tlio cups and medals were won pruoes will be awarded by tlio li to tlio students for patriotic iayfl andqeoubi tho concert li sponsored by the duke of devonshire chapter of uio und all proceeds from it are given for school worlc admission 25c children 10c advcrtucmrnt under th kesdiatf one cent per word minimum cbarve ajc per iubcrtlan 11 lnertiodi of tmo if paid cxhh toe ftdditloaal chnrccd wlivre item hive to uooltcd rrocrumipino hatuhbay a75 and bradc hog trucking free hogii delivered by farmer is 85 holmes acton kott sale 3pucc parlor suite and centre table apply mortoh wanted teen aae boy to give lull time in grocery store must have wheel box 87 fltee prb33 notice actan beauty parlor will bo closed monday may 20th and will bo open wednesday afternoon ley cahagu you ken centrally located rent reasonable apply kejm phono 30 acton apartment mb jtent newly decorated cosy apartment all convunlcnccji heat water and light supplied apply sta11kman pou salk clean gravel and sand for concrete work delivered vhere required il mown phono 0rl3 money wanted on wttst motttflage il 000 on llrit mortgage on well located town property al security box 1ftee pkes3 you sale approved dunlop strawberry plants apply wations phono 32r2j acton lost an iiflenfllon hoeo for got truck lost between acup and milton finder please notify jutciiix adail qas station you hunt houtji to rent all conveniences good location on lake ave ire possession on or before may 15ul apply mrs ilil wansbiioooii htf lako avenue uauy chicks bredtolay baby chlclai from onto of canadas oldest strains barred rock he leghorns 7o pree circular rtookwood cinck hatohehy 434 phono eo ilockwood opening dance at huttonville park friday may 17th dedicated to the alluring word mystery even the orchcwtra hi myslory myvtery prkitt will bu gliin the purson looatlug ute mysterious miss iluttonville iho mystery doner must bo addressed by tho words uuttonvuxk oe 1iuttonv1ixk rawc vaa are misn dancing fuosuo to 1j30 the elao iu uaderpuie hpevul treatment and you w1u uy it wu never better iadies 25c gentlemen 50c ekee marking it will be mystery to me if are not at our openlrur dance if moorkhxad safae by drilling some pertlllker in with corn will aiuro you of good crop seed drill can be had to sow tho same apply brown afieiit for national lvjrllhitra inuersoll auction sale wui anderson mill street aoton wu1 hold ckurlng sale of all hut houseliold fcrifects on katurday may ibul at two oclock ivrnw cash iceftu auctioneer 452 phone so actou agents wanted our lino of ladles madetomeasure icnltted wear will make you money increase your income with our caali commission plan write today for complete details of our money making proposition 443 box 208 free pltess vox meat wanted will buy horsed injured cattle etc or anything nuttablo for fox meat in jured animals must be secured immedi ately as meat must be hi perfect condi tion trullcr or trailer cbsuals wanted vannatteu fox farm 4otf phone ssni oeorgerfjn notice to oddveixowu all memben aoton ra urgently requested to attend toe moat ing on tuesday vmolat may 3tjt very important iwwlnw sr juuwy oaereury ilamdaborotxib

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