Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 16 May 1935, p. 8

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jv paob miuav th acton freb press thursday may 10th ims hotlco el buths mmvi aaa dasths an iaxrtnl la this cslana wlejnat eaarn la wwotli nation no sad no asr usa lattitloaal far mm bout at rtn on monday mar lata 193s tna lambert grant beloved wife of alfred bunt in bar 02nd oordop at bis naldcnce 410 dorer court road toronto on ifbndaj hay uth ims aiiii oordon be vma rather of iran nnrdflaattti 79 otjbbjqb eaddjcnlr in toronto on monday rooming may 13th ims donald cuxzto beloved lmn of nellie bicbn in lu 70th year the fmieral was neld from his late naldcnce zyrda mill near aopeler on wednesday llay lbtfa with interment in vfelrvtew oamstery acton in mkkobiam xaasb7 in lormiff mernocy of my dear moberrhrattomrill jjulyrwtooto tered into rest may uth 1934 rar on maml snoh lrws as thine have not been lived in vain sot bold an influence iwro divine on lives that here remain mrs sv7ackhamer and family boy scout notes xkldiportatlaa to lbs toronto rally an may 11th was provided for st albons troop through the iclndnena ol mr ritchie mr wm rairisdcn rev ib brllunger and mr maooit the outoftown scouts were assem bled in the stock building at the biwaaioaxyfa to move about in such crowd but our local boys located neighboring troeps from ouelph georgetown and oejtvlua the 1st acton troop headed the long procession from the stock building into the couseum this was possibly due to the fact that they came first alphabetically the toronto scouts provided splen did program including bridgebuilding lgnalllngj rope spinning and gymnas tics the most impressive incident how ever woe the tremendous cheer with victoria day to week from to morrow ouhph adopted daylight saving time on saturday the trlcounty baseball league opens on saturday mr oeorge havlll is having the fence at his residence rebuilt yesterday was the list dajtiothfi dags to run at large in town the garden parties and outdoor attractions will aeon be popular repairs orb being mode on the williams block on mill street rockwood will observe daylight sav ing time during the months of july and auguat acton boyscouts took in the sooufc even in the collsc unt in toronto on saturday if youve overlooked your far pkxs3 subscription wou bo glad to have you attend to it now new enrage is in the course of erection at th residen of the cdltor af pre passu keeping well informed on shopping news ii done by following the adver tisements every week tho temperature dropped below the freezing point on tuesday night but little damage is reported tho installation of electric rangea seems quite popular following tho on bouiicumeiit of tho new hydro plan edward johnson noted tenor of ouelpli has been appointed head of the metropolitan opera assblcatlan the economy of cooking by chc trlcity is thu subject of tho hydro an notincement this week on page thrie work in improving and beautifying tho cemetery is now under way the ruts in the roadway have been xilled and levelled wellington singular ouelpli had bis permit to bell beer suspended for period of two days addition to tine and cos la letter from friend in brace bridge says tliat tho trout fishing hi the northern country is also backward seems to be general couple of cars were derailed on the bcardmore elding last week that required trip of tlio wrecking crew to place tlam in position again this la life insurance week and the investors in this security of the past can review tlielr ufo insurance hold inj jfcry iivanibly lncowrjarliioilwltll mony otlieru two cascj for violation of the high way traffic act comprised the court proceedings hi police court hi acton fryiiny cin epy fr which 16000 husky canadian scouts greeted their chief lord badenpowell the local troops good turn for this week was to provide waiters for the 0t albans young peoples banquet the boys whotoojc part in this bit of service were jack vanoocsen dick vanooozon bob pootitt prank holmes and tom watson good news for tourists banquet continued from pago ona kipling and gave the present financial standing dttfta thtro community singing yas iouowed few words from mr brilllger who duced tho guest speaker of the evenbig rev mr wright curate of christs church hamilton mr wright gave an inspiring talk on bon voyage in which he likened rthe church to ship balling from one port to another its last port being the end of the qreat war re compared the members to crew and passengers on board the good ship and warned against the strife and misunderstanding which go to befog the ship and retard its passage vote of thanks was extended to the speaker by olive rookes and seconded by lillian perry rev mr brllnnger then pronounced tho benediction and one of the most j6y6iwmcetmgbfthfayeariattrrj at came to an end in keeping with the policy of thu canadian government to make the movement of bona ndo tourists crossing the border into canada just as free of red tape and restriction as passible another important change in tourlsu automobile regulations which will ad vantageously affect those tourists who enter canada for protracted stay has been made heretofore tourtstn coming by auto mobile whose proposed visit extended aver period of ninety days and up to she were required to obtain the bond of guarantee company at tho frontier port of arrival and others who had flint ptahned to stay sixty or ninety days and subsequently decided to remain longer were required to visit uw nearest collector of customs and furnish bond in order to obtain an extension up to six montlis the new regulations pro vide that neither bond nor dcpoult will bo required hereafter in respect 6f tourists automobiles without regard to tho duration of tday up to period of six months tills provision eliminate delay at tli frontier hi obtaining the necessary bond and rellovm the tourist of tlie expense of procuring security jxhls change will also prove of osslst once to tlioae touruibi who obtain islxty or ninetyday permit on their hrst ar rival and who later oh decide to extend their stay under tho old regulations they were often required to drive mnny miles to the nearest customs collector to obtain the neceisary extenulon and sometlms found difficulty in securing proper bonding facilities duo to tlwlr location another change previously unnouncej is tho extension of the short stay period for many years the regulation have authorised tho admhlon without the formality of oie usuanco of permit of temporary vlsltori wlioso duration of stay lid not exceed twentyfour hours und whoso travel in canada did not extend beyond the jurisdiction of the frontier port of arrival thki period has now been changed to fortytight haunt to include weekends and public holidays watch window for display cuts in all meats large sausage lbs oxj lard 26c butter per tb jo fisk meat market acton 1935 dlhectolly capitol juelph wedncsdny thursday george whites scandals alice payb james dunn ned spahk3 kek the now dunce keiucuon uunkawola irkail its hit songs friday saturday florentine dagger and our gang cpny colfairc70ttoon slohtnovkltv capitol nkws pridays itkvival katharine hepburn spitfire monday maltlene dietrich may 20 devil in woman wed thunder in the east may 22 merle oberon montreal may tlic 1035 mcklmv xlrectoryof canadian publlcutlonji jut off tho prais luits tangible evidence of improved btmhiesj conditions alio whiff an increase of 02 new publlcatlonu tus against an increase of only 20 tho pre vious year failures hi tlio publication field decreased proportionately tliia 1035 edition or the directory tho tuvnty eighth the irles having begun several yearn after tho founding of the mcklm limited advertising agency in 1880 recognliid as an autlientlc kaetteer of advertising media through out canada the directory gives exhaus tive iuxormauau about luwjtpapars magaxlnes trade jwipers and mlscellan cous publications provincejj cltl und towns whjrc publications operate are nil listed tngvuier with populations indus tries and oubiuuidlni chnracterlstjco rrlret sonicwliat larger than iu predeca sow this edition will replace lout yoars directory on the daaka or manufactur ers publliliertt and all flrnw dealing in advertising in canada inquiries con cerning the publication should be ad dresied to any one of the nix mcklm advertising agency offices at montreal toronto winnipeg vancouver halifax or london lingland bray chick hatchery announces lower prices at the new low prices for may and juno brays early maturing chicks again offer you one of tho beiit chicle values you can get after tho llrat of may it costs much less to produco juiby chicles uian it doi earlier in the spring naturally tliey can be sold for mucli lesjj the bray chicles you buy in may and june are exnetly tho same as those youd lmvejottjm two inbnlhs ugo they are tialched from wgtfit drawnirom the namo breeding floclts tlio chicks are graded according to egg nlzo bo fore the eyga go into tlio incu bators and they are hatched hi yjlff mm tnutmiy letters to the editor tha ur fr auonmt tm to thia column on matieri of fmicrnj iotersat to readers but iloc not necetajsrily endore tho opbdot exprcaaetl all letter must be signed but mar be ubuthed tywc pen name desired nd pcl ed in the letter communication abould out over 500 worda in length and muat be received nut later tha tuesday at noon to ehaufe pubttciiron tn ikal wttlt iaaue montreal letter dear fuet preos aa ahowlng the changes following altered conditions in the onward march of the years notice the demolition of the largo stoho building known as tho dominion square church thio hi the iatler part of tho last century wasmln utoridfok llff who wanon acton pastor the last two yvarb of nlnlafry pinnntfithls hurch as well as another in tho down town bualncsn region douglas church are merged in tho new dominion douglas on the side of the mountain in weotmount and its pastor now is rev lloyd smith well re membered as an acton boy another large stono buildings congregation am erican wesbyterlan is merged with the ersklno united on may 4th an event of historical significance occurred in front of splen did now post oiflco building erected during the fall and winter months at tlio intersection of thja wilson avenue and shcrbrooxo street tho great east and west artery toward quebec and toronto respectively tree which had been planted by sir arthur furrle on road to remembrance having be come destroyed fionie time ago some ladies associations in tht notre darao do orucl diitrlct decided to plant an other hi front of tlio now post oitlcr and for tlio occasion selected lady currle to do tho official planting re preventatives of ladles associations and gentlemen of municipal prominence toofe part as well nif archdeacon almond of the anglican church neartt tlw chief address was by alderman bigger of the ward who head of tlio mctroplltau commission and coming mayoralty probability as in thoutiiuidd of centres through out tho lmplre king aedrges quarter century wtui lionored here and lrj mas sive stylo following sunday adclresscs in houses of wortihlp great regional re ligious gatherings were held on monday uotahlyr one at clirlst church catlied ral add reused by bishop farthing and 0110 nt ersklnu church united ad dressed by rev mclennan of liiian uol united formerly congregational in lletcheru field an immense public park under the east end of mount royal on both sldus of park avenue some 100000 were congregated where mayor iloudo delivered an address and bandtr played and scores of troops of various military lind youthful organ laitlont marched the crowds standing for two or three liours thu location was admirably adapted for the occa sion the rising slope toward the moun tain giving fair vantage groqiid for slght ueers anotlrer feature uas tlio unveil ing by mrs iloude of tablet com memorative of tho occasion around which were planted suitable flowers in soil on one side from tlio original home grounds of general wolfe in england yid on the other eoil from general montcalms homo in franco all sur rounded by good canadian iioll not far off utands tho large monument erected many years ago to sir georgo cartler who uled lrj 1873 nearly nix years aftor the confederation which lie as enchcanadlan took so eadlng part thli great creation has not only lifeshaj figure of sir oeorge in speaking attitude but at its base are four attendant llgxircs and on top one of an angel on tlptae with expanded wlngu and outstretched hand tho whole scone la just under the mountain brow on which stands tho st jean baptlstc cross 100 feet high and whlsn when lighted at night is vlslbui not only from large section of the city but akajll irtv mlln rlmim hm luni respectfully coleman montreal selection of news items opening dance pavilion tho dance loving public of acton and vicinity wul ho interested in the an nouncement in this paper by buttau villo park of the opening of that popu la da pavulon on friday vy i7rh tim opening night tar quite novel in that they are presenting mystery night further dclaila are to be seen in the ad and good time is oooured to all scarlet flinpcrnel outstanding paeictrei scarlet pimpernel showing at tho gregory theatre on monday is spectacular and romantlo drama of ad venture adapted from baroness orcrya ture is tho magnificent acting of lacalte howard ybo gives by far hl flneat screen portrayal and invests the splendid entertainment with quality without dimlnlshidg tho general appeal of tho picture he is aided in his task by merle oberon the lovely anne boleyn of henry vdx and by the splendid direction of alexander korda leslie howard is great sir percy ulakency his performance being subtle combin ation of tlio romantic the fatuous and tho adventurous supreme delight merle oberon is revelation as lady blakcncy alie has charm and unbound ed talcn jtaymond mosscy the can adian actor is excellent as the traitor chauvelln and tho many supporting players ore perfectly cost canadian farm block canadian farmers ore well supplied with cjtumtlal grams and fodders accord ing to report of stocks on farms issued by tho d6minirhurettu ofslaustlcsr out of total crop of 27389d00 btnihels of wheat hi 1934 co go 000 bushels or 23 per cent remained on forms at march 1st 1035 these lurures include heed for tho following cr6p other slocks on farms hi eluded 07500000 buahcls of oatu 1300g00 bushels of barky 747300 bushels of buckwheat 1292000 bushels of corn for husking 10740400 cwt of potatoes 4843400 cwt of turnips and 2291000 tons of hay and clover total utockr of wheat in canada on march 31st last amounted to 282074700 buuhols and showed reduction of 210 million bushels compared with revised estim ate of 304272741 on march 31st 1034 uvcjrcane is also chown in barley stocks which amounted to 22702007 bushels compared with 24224788 year ug stocks of rye showed slight increase and amounted to 4r02383 bushels com pared with 510 050 oats also in creased slightly totalling 11318irh0 bushels ns against 107520 g08 bufdiels year ago at the end of march flax seed blocks amounted to lwo839 bushels compared with g03g0fl lost year life insurance week the lire underwriter when h6 comes to your door is your lfticnd he is willing todiscusawitbyouyourjnsuxflnco needs fhe protection and investment which is offered you by the company he represents and the best way of making use 6f your financial resources to obtain the coverage and tho in vestment features which you need tho lifo underwriter comes to you as your friond and counsellor has special qualifications to help you long years have shown that in times of stress the life insurance under writer has been one of the best friends the policyholder has tmd he has broug he has bro he has also on many occasions brought tangible assistance in thn interests of you fa mak use of his experience and information even if you feel you are noton the market to buy now he can be of assistance fl wright life underwriter acton ontario theatre mysttikty slmpklns was one of those plttypotty people who when they sec piece of cotton or thread on persons clothes cannot retilst the temptation to pick jt off he war in the theatre ono night saw piece of wool on glrlv collar ho cached out and picked it off and kept on pulling until ho found that ho had largo ball of wool hi his hands quickly he dropped it on the floor and vanished from the theatre the next morning the victim of simp kins attentions said td her sister funny thing happened at the thcatiu last night lost my vett not that way political speaker im pleased to seo such dense crowd her tonight voice from the crowd dont be too pleased we aint all dense values words that is why we simply say compare ladies silk crete dresses just arrived the newest shades and styles all sizes these dresses are made to sell for 395 and 150 special price 298 ladies house dresses nlcly mudo sljuy 3jta 4i ilciruliirly hoc co spoclnl price jc ladies sujk hose all shies newest summer shades special price ot per pair jvc ladies shoes tic strapji and pumps slz3 to 7j nrrulorly qo 215 special prlca jlo boys golf hose slam to 10 special price per pulr ijc mens sport oxfords your choice of black and white or crown nnd hlk slayj to 10 regular 350 special price pair tpiltop mens and hoys baseball caps special price each 15c childrens sockeks sizcrf gi to 0a atuorted colors good value at 25c special price per pair 3c mews suits most desirable shades and this seasons newest styles reg values scres 3g to 14 1050 to 2l50 special 1495 1795 pallants clothing vnd footwear mill street acton ontario klhelinhhmillihhismahlmammaaamaailimiiihii edgewood park family reunions etc no drlvhig llccibie hie regular mvethitc of acton coun cil was transferred from monday until thursday evening thbt week whuii it fa expected lecve harrison will have re turned from hu trip to vancouver little marjorie norton daughter of mr wm norton lmd tlio misfortune to fall while roller skating and fructure her left arm ubove tlie elbow vrloinltj tare glad to learn that she is making favorable progres but regret tier mu fortune iieiuuniam anl thk jaoon tho furnir unot tlio only pnin to pbui his work hi keeping with tlie phases of tlie moon pructice which is ttlll carried on hi many forms or to it would wem in tho odvtcu tendered to cape breton herrlnif thdiertnen ttcoordlntf to the navtlonal ilcaourcort department of the canadian national railways town councillor of north sydney has apparently been checckhitf up on the fierw and according to his lunar ob guftainn the run of herring coincides with th moona phaaec may is movie mon1if ay uoyal gueulf llio itoyul theatre auelph otfors unlimited enjoyment for those teeklng respite from tho cures of llftf on prlday night may i7th bathing cod tuine parade hiaturtis the latest 1035 battling sulu next iiuturdays feature whlph will run for the usual three day needs no introduction it the bride of prankcilituln shirley temple tho darlhig of ui movks lit hr latest hit our lihjo airl hj scheduled for wudiusday tliurluy and thu 24th oil thurduy may ard comimmchur at 113u pm the royal tfieatre will liold gala preview of reckless tho new muulcal comedy atarrlng william powell and jviui llrlow it standi to reason that they will perform in the same way as early hatched chicks and tlioy have tho advantage of warmer weather right at the start with ordinary good management and feeding our xtraproflt pnunr will begin laying at live montlis old and the cockerels will make heavlerthanaverago market chic kens in the pall the new prices apply to all nink breeds and to sexed pullets as well come into tho hatchery and get copy of our new price iast we believe you will he pleasantly surprised when you it littie rthluctloiiii ifvod are interested hi start ed chicks we have limited supply of 10dayold and weelm old chicks available they aro nicely started uid the prices are reason bk bray chick hatchery lhone 7h brampton ontario aldoi chili week the hulton tuul peel chlldrenn aid societies are very glad to join in the provincial department of public wel fare adopt child week program in what better way among others could ills majestys jublkio be more fittingly celebrated than in tho laudable under taking or maktngprovlslon for tlie boyu mid girls who need homes care and protection thin special week set apart by tlie department of public welfare olfers such an opportunity are there not in two counties many childless home that would feel it privilege to receive into their keep ing uomu roriy el looked child possibly no greater contribution could be made social welftu than tlio witabl killing of pure and wholesome homo surround hlbvc for tho less fortunate ehildkn in the childrens hoinu at mlilun ovl number ty girls und boys who would welcome kind foster parent and brljtg uuiuiiine ui any home tho children aid sociotirs hivltu the people of our counties to consldvr tlipughtfully tlie opportunity now offered tliem the superintendent mv thompson mllum will be very ulud to furnlsli pur tlculars to any interested ekctric ranges moffait gurney hot point three of the most popular electric uiinjies in finy of the new models uro mviiiliiblethetirice rutie is froin85 up take udvuntuue now of free instul lution and low time payments we can service and supply paris for all makes of ranges reids electric specializing in eleilrkal woxjev ihones 30 and u0 acton ont

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