rsrypr vt jii waok roxm thb acton free press thursday jahuart flit 1mi neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our headers are interested baixinafad lira ocorge mcmenemy returned home on saturday from ouelpb general hospital number of farmer arc busy putting to their supply of ice for tho summer use there axe great many people in the district laid up with bad cold mlai ethel swlndlchuratlji homo from orangerllle everton mr and mra stanley stewart and daughter muriel alxth line mr oeorko loree on sunday mrt and mrs elmer awrey and son iran of guerph visited mr and mrs usherwood on sunday mr and mrs will west and son hae fifth line spent saturday with mr and mrs mccutcheon mrs fred murray is visiting her aunt and uncle mr and mrs george gordon guelph township mr and mrs clarence hortojf of rockwood visited recently with mr hortop and family miss lois mccutcheon is visiting at the home of her grandmother mrs if mooutcheon oeprlnffe ool head attended the reunlon of the 34th battalion in ouclph lost friday at tho priory club several from here attended the sale on tuesday afr th farm of mr oawthra and report large crowd in spite of the cold spell ceewsons corners mrs mcintosh la visiting with mr and mrs ed crlpps for few weeks at acton mru john burllngham celebrated hr 78th birthday on january 22nd miss annie alrdrle visited in guelph mr charles tyler visited in toron to mr alex mcdonnld acton preached at the church on sunday quito largo crowd attended tho alo at mr planks service at the church on sunday at 1100 oclock sunday school at 10 00 campuellville eden mills the annual meeting orl eden mhu prebytcrlao church was liold on mon day evening january 31st in the church with good attendance jn the absence of mr mackay student mliilste in charge tho chair was occupied by mr ffiriumjy with mr win mc lean as secretary hcporu from tin different orgiulzauoiui were received und were all in excellent itandlntf mjj milne and win early were elected jut manager for liars mn gordon mclhull orjrunut mr william lowrle kunduy school superintendent and mr cameron scott secretarytreasurer during the inirmi new furnace lias been liu tailed and oliier improvements made to the church the managers are jubilant on the financial statement tl ro going to make every effort to further advance the good uorlc which ha been prcvlourly accomplished in the iood old chiuch at the corner the udlci of ths congregation then wirved lunch and th hicttlng closed with the lords prtyor in uukon lit jaa gllburtson last vuluiolu cow ut week quite number from hero utt ended thu funeral or tlie late mr calvert or guelph on wediudiy january 23rd erin mr james sanders has secured his old position with the northern electrlct co at to onto and commenced hki duties on wednesday mr bell attended the op to metrical association of onlorio conven tion in toronto last week mr scott is confined to his room mth severe cold ills many friends wlsli him speedy recovery mr ernest teeter who has not been well for quite time kt undergoing treatment in the guelph general hos pital jovial and cntlmslastlc meeting of returned men met last syiday evening at tho homo of mr george uoszcll to discuss uio advisability of forming club suitable to their needs and interacts gloom passed over the community on sunday morning when tho news spread that william hubert ortmn dearly be loved son ofmr andmn arthur jt griffin had passed away la the early hours of the morning from pneumonia from which he had been 111 for trt days dr henry gear and mrs gear jeft on sunday for slxwocks vucatlon nt imorldj wlnur resort and tlifclr many frleiuk with them pleasant tilp uml holiday it lj fortytwo years since dr cer opened hlii practice in erin and during nil tliut time luu never tiken nn extended holiday except for two weeka in 19m advocate the many friends of mv wheelman will aoxry to bemr thai he la not keeping so well mr wheell hand has been in the hoopltml for some time the young peoples society of st davids church accepted an invitation to visit nassagaweyn society on tues day evening the womens missionary society held their regular monthly meeting at the home of mr moore last thursday miss mttiguret mcmillan spent tho weekend in toronto there ore several children absent flom school duo to tho cold miss jean mcpholl of toronto npent tho weekend at her home hero mr crawford mohan of ki or spent the weekend at his home here the misses olive mahcm and jac queline bell visited mrs duncan camp bell on saturday mrs mitchej expects to lcavo for montreal on friday mr david mohon was able to resume hfci duties as school teacher at sand wich after being at home on month being laid up with mumps olowns his queen georgetown chief marshall reports fewer tronslmu visiting our town up to date than last year the park circle of kno prmbytcrlnn church held successful tea and ialo last saturday afternoon mr john williamson has had his barber shop completely renovated since tho recent ore and is now doing busi ness at the old stand our estccmcd citizens mr and mrs jamc4 hlekey celebrated their 5gth wedding anniversary on sunday last they were married at guelph on janu ary 20th 1870 both mr and mrs iic kcy ore enjoying good health burlington mr if young and mr john mc dermld of toronto spent tho weekend at mr john mcdcrmlds mks helen mcdonald of georgetown who was operated on for appendicitis nt st joseph hospital guelph on mon day is protfrcujlng nicely miss jcalie allen who it recover ing from an opt ration left few days aiiro for tour of the southern state after which rhe will remain in miami florida for it numhor of weeks herald mnrtdf hubby uiln her quwn hin hint the kind whod crown htr ulnn lit ujh hir home on and off sirst crltlti hear tlieym going to glvo serlbbjors conifdy preset ta tou second critic whtm is it coming off ptrrt critic apffutttwinitraftt canaoas famous qkaxti oanadas reputation as producer of high quality grains and the continuous success of canadian farmera in inter national and world gicdn shows calls attention to tho fact that among the various factors contributing to tho do minions dktunctlon as an agricultural country is tho availability of many varie ties of cereal groins of outstanding worth in tho early settlement days canadas farm pioneers were not so fortunate in this rwipect as the varieties of grajv uvu liable were largely imported and however wull adapted they may liavo been to tho eoii of their natlvp coun tries they were uusullablo to canadian conditions soon became evidentthai lr that vast tract of cuuniy now known as cinjwlas wheat belt wore ver to utlaln nosiuon of promlncnco in uia agricultural tvorld lttuust liavo variety of wheat capable of maturing earlier than lied lific which wiu the variety then commonly urown tlilb imperative heed for more duiiruhlu varieties was one of uic principal reasons for tlie creation of uic dominion experimental farms in 1880 under tho dlrootion of this im portant organization worldwide search vu5 made for the ideal variety which ending in failure led to the introduc tion of program of plant breeding with rciulu timt imve proved of incalculable value tho most famouti variety of any eiop produced hi canada so far by art ilclul tneimji undoubtedly is marquis king of canadian wheats other famous can adian varieties are howard garnet ijobs and huron today tho canadian farmer has the cliolce of outstanding varieties of spring wheat fall wheat oaui and barley tlia dominion experimental parins jiull purtue their important role and there are promising new varieties now under test such as ruitreslstunfc wheats and oats uti well as certain barleys possoja ing characterlthifi of immense practical put on guctiij not in talking oakvtlle lady urtinie mra aubrey biillllo ind mrs donald dcnson uqre ffueau last ucelc nt the barclay hotel nw yorl city prof gcorce gucu univertlty ct toonto delivered an interejinr nddr on lib trip around tlie uorld at the riuur rtititii of the roliry club on of montlu keith jiouu ton of mr nnd mr howre of oltcrvllle had narrow caj mr and mw wm lurly entcrtauied from serious injury while skating on the humtser of their young frlcndi to iociil icy roadi there he ilipp and fell rt evenhiif ut their home on the guelph the rear of car pujlng under tin mr walker had the misfortune to bruik unal bone in hu right nrm whvn he was cranking lilt cur and it ickflred lot wednesday afternoon arrancenipnu ae being made by the trafngar township council to tender banquet to exreeve morden who monu ttnlng ho retired after 21 years ttith the coun am0 ulc ollt ppte who ell 17 years of which ho wm ueee lul tha iuncrai of tha ul mrs lank halton und two ehuuren qeorkc ulilmlr on moiltlll flfternnnn accompinicd by mlw mary law mai jom liuic crown attorney chas stuart and mr jack damford dil of muton lloid dlngte kft dn siturday on motor trip to burtlncton beaumont glenuiuhims ilorlda uluro they ulll spend coup mr imd mr3 dl and mr whole family making eyes after survey ol ou england there has bepund only one family in which every member makes glass eyes it con slsts of mrsoustav taylor her soiu godfrey and her daughter molly who conduct factory in london tho bualncss has been hi tho taylor family for more than 150 years the members havo mado eyes for prince christian soninlaw of queen victoria prince itanjl singhl and general booth op recent day the son was making an optio for tho son of an arabia she ik and tho daughter was completing sot tor wealthy faridp thli consisted of ono for morning wear another with largo pupil for afternoon uilrd for evening wear having dieting pupil which responded to bright artificial light and fourth for sleeping use why botiiert tlie utile buebts at party were being arranged in group for floslihght photograph seeing one little fellow who appeared rather awed tho photographer poke to him kindly cheer up sonny hq said smllo at this jittle girl over hero why should he usked indignant ly shuu my slsuir importance and giving every indication of being destined to bo included in tho oar future among tlie now famous varieties of canadian grains doea your little daulitor tnko uftor your wlfo no why bihh uruly tlircc jfnrt old und iim cant iiij more than olbt or ten wordii and mrs jos bradbury toronto star con table barnes wai sltihtly in jured in ii fa on tue day but expect be back on duty in couple of dai lire saturday afternoon completely dutrojtd garage and partially du moad on vrldiy evening nnd out at the front but did not wciho tr st lule ownl jaay mr ken wallace spuit sunday at his scratch home in brookvllle mr and mrs nadbltt street quktly celebmtcd thu llftynrh annlveiiay of tlielr wedding on sunday uocktwood last januiry 20th they were ntarrdd at strathroy an january 20th 1880 and congratulations to nccce sims mc relded in burlington for the pat lean on his being elected to the warden 32 yl duip of weuhibtou county ikva jtaylor and john llttc tor driving at speed of co mil wate ol1 lcy roads micikili grarchnlo or st catharines ui3 fined s15 and coits by magistrate mcikeen on mond iy morning follow ing charr laid by tralflc oiricer jackon mr hall noted local chcuii fanr his jit recehed the shield wm showed honesty with miisra george gordon and georre iearen wao rtpre cntathv from hockwoad united church nt the guelpi prebyterlnl ijntctlng held in norfolk atreet church lost week mra mcnabb wu delegate at mu moethw of the guelph presbytrrlul ut hcd in central prciuitcian ohurcli glu list week skating party under the auspice of the continuation school was held but prlday evening dipite inclement mr hulls hens laid gns hecord lecord of 22tj word has beln received here of tfi hu pl wllltc ln th death of mrs campbell which copetitlum ocrurrell at montreal on saturday lot the deceased viu former resident of burlington and during her rejldcnc here took very active interest in thy animals imvadi villigls various actultlu or the town gaiette dfiven from the mountains by the im ii ii uiyh il and early uintcr wild unlmil invaded lliiea in part of in ii he cboolutely litneitv yd indeed iiu wouldnt even tnko linubor fromtlm new iioiiko timt ii being built next tluoi to hlin xfgkon kkcuet thouaand of british racing pigeons ajo liberated every weekend at dlstance7 ranging from 100 to 700 mlli fronr their lofts yet except jnthc case of severe clinnnel storms or attacks by plreurine falcons few full to find their way home tralntnu however thaouyh doci not entirely account for the hom ing lnstlnct one theory is that when bird is ilcen from the loft kind invdbc ela itic or ra ignctlc lntluence is set up which draws thu races irresistibly bick from wherever it is released plueons of the second rcneratlon brod in the uame loft appear to havo this power more highly developed than otlitr the most expert fancleri are ut lev to cpliin recent wellauth lihicated ctise uherc bood of plceoiu hatched out in tin engllbh lort flew trainht bad to that loft having never previously eje on britain what volume is iure to bring team to your eyes volumne of smoke this weekend specials sold with grocery order only at these low prices bulk soda biscuits luc pound quality no peas ioc tin iaitri tin pork and beans she anjbody uoultl think that was nothlnc but cook in thli lioujehold iiu not nfttr eating meal lierel 10c golden wax beans ioc tin old dutch cleanser ioc tin med spanish oranges luc docn favorite quality groceryj barrs phone 1g we deliver jrpliqinuh nnxfb sniteb bhutrh fflanaia aotom bonbto bar fu ftnonagv bower avcotw subject 1100 ft tbo mlnlitef bering ood in phrlat 12jq noon sundmy scnool aod stta oioss 700 tu minister subject arat service in traffic hour everybody welcome llrrubytrrlari knox cnilkch actoh uev ii bfnnie mlll miuuewulow blreet flundav pebboary 3rd 103 11 00 the mark of xucipl 230 sabbath school ulosion ary bunduy 7oo tuought and action monday night younjr peopled quud eductlomi committee debaj would war bring us prosperity always wzloolar snpllut cdiiurcrf acton heabtek putor pebruaiiy 3rd 1035 conditions of dlscipl sunday 1100 xhlp 11 ttl sunday scnool 700 unclassified small advertisements adverllxmctild under thl keliatf one cent pef word ulnimum chirgr jc pcf rtbcriltm five lnbrtlooa tot ijxi it jiaiil cali loc ailtlitumal churged where item have to be buaed xton creamery wo arc uaylnff 25c per lb for no cream dellvurcd 1xoo tilllltlna saturday is 25 and kradu ho truclclne fre ilotjjj delivered by farmer 40 noximfcs actoo wanted boirdur wanted in ijood comforfc nble homo wltli convenience apply box 143 iitta3 prlsd kkatis wanted pair of boot and skate for boy 12 apply bill 1iolme3 phnno 01r3 mad seen everything milton iturope arnildiuardx now uccomputiy ihe rv bund uui vlilur children to and from school in portucm at brio on sunday lut conducttnff tne to protict tlilin from uohia uhlch aro rlce at all silnt church jvnlln the eountry iiuntliib irtli mr ljm ontertilned hei tie trjinc to ltop the depredation of weather ood number re present st snlv firhml mln nnim uu if kn fccluwil wheru rcfrialitn ntji were sered ubtln4r of thd lljekwood huri ohipplnjf aiioelutlon tatm held in ohnl klono halt lxst week owln tho falling orf of uvcatock hlpjilnu by rh and roertliuf to motor trucklnir dricutston took ilac on the adviiihilty of dlpai lutf of the wvljh tciuu and the buhd ut uv miauiiui li able to arouud tin to hu recriit llliif4 and uli kfr oollu kit riling abo to eyt aruun klncfi bii lllnejoi with plellilsy tho knaify yountr friend of ml wum killne will rwet to learn of hi lemovjj to the hosnltil at guvlph li uondi afunioou un nult of the hrcakbitf of ulc upptiidlx ulod i61mt lvurui of dtnului wun homo tat uia wcekmd mr icd ay or the coll of imuci ttoq toronto wui lioinu fur tbj wij end owlo to the cold inap on sunday church attiiuiitucfi wi umiuwhtt if feoftea aaeetluc of the llomrd muiuuer of km pnsabjtcrliui chureli was held in tke fcatrmrnt monday ovinhu tlu minus cufurrctfutlonul uiceunif of uw uotted odurcb wju held tin monday 8atlafctor rcporu tocr frm the dlftorit dfiimrunciit of aettvttlm mod are lipui of lt clej at her beautiful home on mirtu street lust nlkllt we an pkiliid to kjmirt thu slow recowry of delli blchnrd on or unv uuc vxi huj been erlouly 111 wltli hiart trmble irovird griy town nllcltor of wtston win of htnri oiuy former princlpil of milton public school in line for tlie liberal nomination in th ivdeial rldlmr of stnith york ut tin comini cum ntlon im thomu mt nemo oun colli thit yi jtuut und jump live fnt hlirh whenlie come to fencu iio not iiu iikic for mi openlnt out jiet iv oir it ulthout the idlahtct dllflcultj ml until park duunhter of ljwih pa fornn rly of mlltnn vua the re cipient or wuutlful blblu and dlplomn from wi tmltulit suudiy school muiitw yiillt for rfrltlni the whole of the tlluittcr cutlchlm the umihul nuetln of the ml tan horticultural socuty wiu hild vruuy evtiihu lut in the council cluunvr the following officers fo 1035 were elect ivaldent mr sinclair lut vlteltviident maralmll while und vlccprideut victor kurru 3rd vleo phkljit lug manjiull utertury trcuburcr sjur tlw uvcrutury tv jwirtcd tuenibt ruilp of uti tut last yir and tluj trcasurera rvport allowed bdjluicd ou band of j02 37 chaiupiuu muiy he und cattle the uolvea lime eveu rilded hen coop and uhoep pen uhlh the ovuur loolid on bear hue bun fuvctri by luuulr from the cariiithum mtmntiln into huntiru vlllii pour ult iefted hereliinan uho tried to uteue cilf from them pui lnr hunter jhut thru of tliu bears and inud the mui hundricl of the beusl art ut lirie whin uohii attacked irl or ihi mt bctwcell blliateli mid vrlunlua in nortlilru uouiila the bciuti utre rrjihlemd by boy who hashed an tllihie irch in their eje hv arpitopitlfati ount mi lnow unit iiuoklnr will iliortcn tur life my hoyv aw dunt uie ie seen eery tllluu li chew it carefully he ah diriliur ue ilt togcthpr under the ipreidlnir bnuicluji of thct noble trte tleclire on my honor that jou ure the only kirl lever lovedl she you ulwajj do iv upprnprlutit uiii kail thu clutnut tree tjti 1ut kithryn jack llufubui jujt feu at myie the inointiit he iiw me klttye iunmbkil ovr ih up pu itiun no tie llu you arc ulwad wkjuiitf for what you havliit not she well larbttt vui ciui one wbui tot path lit 1ioiu wlmt you nuy doe iiii it neeuin it nt muutnt eut miy tlllll vol lor undee ubmiiiitlj yen nnd he aurtj you ciiom it thormiiflily lost 15inch bjaitle hound colori block white ind llrht tin plnder plcaw coiumunlcate with masters or prank jones acton card or tllvntts to the electors or acton wlio ullllnkly mipportcd me iu their candi date for the rteevcihlp on monday and alo for the kind reception accorded mu in my candltliture lvvtend tojou ray lncerit thanla wallace lasby caud op tiiankk appreciate ureatly the of thy elector then me lat monday and the honor conferred in electing me iteoe of acton ulll do my utmost to mcrli the confidence placed in me and deavor to servo the municipality faith fully ithuik you one and all hartley harrison tekiuj friday and saturday february and 25 auction sale irunetrlot 11 concession is lifltielnir one mle from normal will hold an aucton sile of hoi poultry implcinentr etc on tuesday rbruar 5th al nxxl 09acre parm ulth kqod bulldlnii will be otrercd sal at 00 oclock tlrm cah 1rank petcii auctjimr vvnil jersey mfilk cloverdalo dilry ls the only dairy in ctqjllupplilnii milk xrom an aujtrimy herd and goummcnt teited our table ure all government iivpecled delivery bi mule every night ipaeuin ulth moruintr delivery on request if intereited in thl quality of milk cull clovtjrdale dairy phone 0firl3 murray ii son fancy cushions large lukirtini nt pilled ulth kajkiek covuid uitli ilk oolj blue uoe und grcin aeh too the modi lumx mirrors mil oine mirrors in toiti to lutir sle llxlil window shadtfs earn 100 white hand yllid in opaque coth slu jtj7j table lamps shoului the new irthtnwaro beautiful lie lipiu hni ah illlm apd colai dili 1looit 1mis in itinuhird or bride ifiyjt com plete with hade und ft ft cord hade und choice duiliiri iamp shades pllndid rtnu nt lor lol tlioivini mid of liluli iiiallty irchmiiit iauol ki7i ur sloo mluium sizl lor si 00 iall sizi for s100 ikitoe mais heavy quality in variety uf colorfl 51eld by 3d lnchi for 100 toot stqoih btionly constructed cyveied ulth fanty jupp und aa mqluilr luli ciluit skats irforuud 4ply ir liult ab hht for4luu floou jil uexoellin ttunul lie inn quality dquar coveiuncs quality conven iluivy jn sard 40c johnstone rumley home iuknishings and funeral directors hone 30 acton ontnrio aulhoji atlf credit aucton sale of iirm stock implenu nts grain and tikils nt tho farm or lmvrle lot 32 s4cond concc ion iuau lueju adjoining eihn mill on tuesday imiriinry 12th at one oclock terma 10 00 iuij under ciuh over that amount tw month credit on furnlhlnir appro yl joint notii 312 kkrr aukhmiw caiariakeu wanted appllcilloiui for tho position of care taker or the murriv memorial im bulldlni in acton will be received by the um nlffned until lrlday prb ruary 8th nt tf in duun to com mence on or about lebiuury lltli yiu parttculhr an to dutteji may iwi hitiirod uponapnilcatinn to thu scretary caro tuke vulll be supplied wltli llvlnrf quir terii hiht hent and titer mf modonald sccrotary pro tvm axelrod auto parts complete sock of nkw und used auto pauts aa nnd at ah tlmca aim trial 29 tiordoa st queupq rluna uv subscripuoha fpt vu1 taken at th fma vnm hui