vjatinmuiidttegsji wbtwo thb acton frbb phbtto thprbpay jajt published eyry tfcuredajr at actocwuo subscription katesuo pet aj to dn uaiied state 90c addition smalt euoicaw bottr old mmd aaw eddraaaes should be riven wheu ctunii lyurtm la requaated cancellations wc hmi that ot fib mflyn prefer not to he thetr uberriptioe imerrupetl la case tbey tail 10 remit before expiration while iub bcrtplioaa will sot be carried rri4 over eatyaj period yet nhlaa are notified rwl are jla ike subscriber wiabee the service coaiatj retlfeca should be bade by registered letter pmv order at cheqoe advertising ratet noee lac per hoe for first taaartioa tc per lwe tbr each auhsequeat iaeertioe fiaadera mc per line for ath insertion if ia black face type sc per line additional notices qualityta co as attractions uch ks cieerta rater tain neat churfh society or oeaaaisatioe raeetbiga etc oc per liae aaial aaaas ckaen sc report ol ncetiaa held cladty iaaceted free la meeaannsanot icea oc aad oc per itneeatre or yrrmr birth marri aad death noocea tree seaall ajleettiaeaaemta per word mini cheese jrjc caah if booked jjej aleo toe extra whta application are addraaaod aa this osece display advertising mti vary according apac coatiaetod foe alboah trtrr precaution will be taken to avoid error the free prca aharcepte advertiaia ia it coluaana tba aadeeataodiac that ti will oot he liable for any error ia aa adverttaeeaeot jpubtiahed hereunder ualeaa pejaol of aucb advertiaeaieot ia reiioeeted in writing by tbw adverfiaer aad returned to the free picas buiinti oaace dole aimed by the advertise aad with auch error or corractiooa plainly noted in writing thereon sod id lht case if say error noted ia sot corrected by the frve preen tta ueoility aba 11 not exceed aucb proportion of the entice coat of aucb advrrtiacaami aa the apace occupied by the noted error beara to hj whole apace occtipied by aacbadacrtiaement aklqf dills editor kditorial nod ft amohlcipelbecor couple of weeks ago we referred to ejtreoyo thetfords brief tenure of tho 1035 rccvcsnip it is only fair to also state that mr thctford has alao an outstanding record for jong tchuro of municipal office if was back in 1022 that mr thetforumlrst took his seat on acton council he held olllco on on the council continuously until the close of ilkij when the jntc reeve barber died in may of tu mrththctford thenvwas accorded wn acclamation in the rcovcship willi the exception of few muntlu then he has held municipal olllco in acton con tinuously fo years many limes ho has tontcstod his position and occasionally been accord ed an acclamation but always he has won tho favor ofthc electorate in securing the post he sought and another year might have also been added if mr thotfofd had so chosen in speaking of records in municipal life wo doubt if any other individual than exreeve thctford can lay cjalilf to such an out standing one and reeve thctford can also claim tho distinction of never in all these years of boing defeated at the polls such an achievement is worthy at least of comment and while wtsyhaye often differed with the formcrrccvo on many points wc take off our hat to oric who has made record we never could attempt to equal edflorlap too much governing according to press reports premier hepburn is giving so mo consideration toithe abolition of county or township councils and is of the belief that wc arc much overgoverned undoubtedly before any change is made careful consideration will be given wo have always advocated that county councils were ah unnecessary part of our government and that its functions could be performed by local and provincial bodies we arc of the opinion that the county body could be much more easily dispensed with thari the township body many local problems are better dealt with by tliorc who have firsthand knowledge of the circuntstanc ship body fills an important that we are greatly overmat bodies and the cost is unrteces ary move to light en tho load will be welcomcc but any change will need careful consideration beore adoption cs and here the town ace there is no doubt ned in our governing ation before committee room lofis actons success in the hva committee rooms was this year the same as always it really shouldnt be necessary to have lawyers atfadavits and legal entanglements to win at hockey but such seems the case and locally there is no sport seen in such winning of games here hockey is gnme to be playcdon the ice according to the rules and we prefer to win tltnt way consequently when elorn secured the assistance of guelph sports lawyer an affidavit and other documents acton was not so stocked in fact all the available funds had gone into hockey equrphient aitdnntdf group games to dateractoitllntls itself income sort ofttmijruprbecnuse oldwammillkenieoth7at changed its mind when under the deluge of legut exhibits and the barrage of courtroom pleader acton tins mooncv was pnvcd miller thf another community effort with the placing of tho leaded glass and the general finishing touches actons new building takes on form wher in tho community the sermon in the united church by rev mr poole on sunday overling stressed its advantages but wc hesitate to comment on such splendid discourse not from fear of adverse cri but fear rather of trampling and spoiling the splenotdtthouglit given ibthat tchal lenge to the community and directors for commun ity service as editor of trie fmil pkess we find ourselves in very difficulty position to comment editorially we have had some little association with the building and details from its inception the editor was secretary of the memorial committee for time attended the council and listened to tl deliberations from that angle and now finds himseir or ourselves whichever it should be on the provi sional board of directors and now the rest test of responsibility comes to all in the conduct of the build ing young and old are needed in spirit of co operation for community advancement we do not yet regret atiy small part it has failed our duty to perform nor do we shirk now our joint responsible ity with others in the immediate task confronting the community but need for unity of purpose in this community service is urgent on thlsor any other effort acton or any other community may undertake and we trust acton will live up to its reputation in this connection tbi sunday bchool lesson roa htiniiav nttmtivipr ir ikljatn umuliollatton ooiuch 1v1 uinl thou fcnowml nil lliliii tlwu knowral llll ljv ti juhnai 11 juasull tvxl jollli 111 h10 utility clmm 1011 lumuui tia ivirr 3la ttllica i30 intteot ot jll l00 xpotltimri tho iuin ij0idul ttu of claulro ill4 llic tluctltlm uilu kuuo into oallloa txoulkml jcauil llat ulddoll ululli go uloro mall ia mar iaryi tltprv oro aoven uio rpustolto cum iwuiy prvmiil at uua luipoarcuvco ot otirtst tv lliounui wwi one of tho numbtir icur was tho lewdor louir uagoxtcd uial utuy goaluhina soma liava tnought umt thai waa uinipurary doacrtlon lib call on pilcrb part tlila puro fancy secular occupatlatu are not in caiulbumt wlui uio work of prophot apoauoormlnlster2 kings 17 acts la 3o34 it is welt to bo honesuy busy white awaiting great vmbi god often mokes ills especial rovelauond to tliose who are at the post of secular duty iul mutt 1830 31 jojui seemingly approvod of tills flshhig excur sion at olleventtlllo took lumd in it jesuo dcctaredhtmsolf to uio du them by miraculous draught of flshns lake 511 jesus did not come to their help uutll they find come to tile end uf uicmselvcu olid their own re sources ulter tolling long and wearily und fruitlessly as day broke thoy saw jesus standing on tile beach in jesus card issued by the and it appeared his case had received due consideration this however ought to be splendid example ror local boys to have absolutely no truck or trade with sports olthe royal city all for one cauiie actons second election ia over forli35 and the vote proved it to he ittqrc keenly contested than the regulur event held early in december both candidates conducted intensive and cleanlyfought campaigns and both made sure that ihvoters exer cised their franchise the vote was larger than at the previous election there were many issues and contentious points raised during the beat of the campaign some of them werepurely fictitious atil the rosultof growth from repetition such things re bound to occur in any contest the best of reeling prevailed and all enjoyvd the keen rivalry now it is all over and it is to be hoped that niunicipul affairs can now settle down in the routine of conduct for the best interests of the community at large there must be winners and losers in every event and after all wc as citizens must work for tho common welfare and advancement of actoii each mtyhavc hi or her own peculiar way of furthering thatwelfaro butwe sincerely believe all are zealous protection better buildingyear construction contracts awarded in canada during 1934 topped the total of the previous year for the lirst time since 1020 according to macleans building report contracts during 1034 amounted to 3125811500 which compared with 97280800 in 19m is an increase of 28521700 or 203 per cent the better construction year was general each pro vince enjoying an increase over one half of all construction was undertaken in ontario where awards to the value of 03358300 were made which accounted for 504 per cent of the dominion figure contracts in this province increased 488 per cent over 033 the greatest percentage of increase was in saskatchewan whore gain of lb per certt was recorded manitoba runked next with an 82 per cent increase on the average construction as between strictly building work and engineering undertakings was djvided co per cent tor building andjio perjcejitt for engineering beiti jnucliithc same ratio as in io33 both divisions increased over he precious year buildingsty 283 per cent and engineering by 308pexccnt hospital office build ings public buildings and marine works are the llfltllliirllts ill tll3t prnprnm hnvinf inrrncc 105 per cent 204 per cent 152 per cent nnd 307 per cent respectively the outlay on homes und apartments shows an increase over 1033 of 278 per cent or 30588100 building increased in the cities the elevenmonths total for permits to build as issued by 51 municipalities across canada amount ing to 21 280000 this is an increase of 243 per cent over the corresponding period of 1033 th total for which was 10528000 thetotul for alf or v033 was 21504000 standing on the beach waiting for ills weary tiktcljilcs out on uid sea to bilng tholr fish ashore we inay see picture of jtxsus standing on tho beach beyond tile sea of life waltlnjf for us to bring ashore the fish we have caught alas that so few of us are go heavily freight ed at were those disciple ore jesus came to their help lie drev out of them confession their own utter failure vs everything about the story bears the marks of its genuineness and truth the actions ascribed to peter and john are exceedingly natural and highly cluaactcristlc the story if fictitious would novcr have mentioned that the dkxlples for name lime were not clear that it was jesus ucxe us in other places we ibid an unanswerable proof that our jcortl rase again with real material body and proof seen by seven men with their own eyes at one and tho same time they ore alone on the shore of the galluieori lake far away from tho crowd and note oi jerusalem they oud not be deceived will any ono uav that stronger proof could be ulvcn tlint jesus rose from tho dead can any one imoglno better evidence of oct that peter was satlslled und convuiccd vp know full well later acts 10 41 he himself says to cornelius we did eat and drink with 111m afuir ho rou from the dead thoa who in modern tlmec cays they ore not convinced may as well say that they are determined not to be lieve any evidence at au petei liestored to puvor 1410 after breakfatr jesus especially ad dresses hunlf to peter ho wan the one who especially needed hist to be searched and then encouraged and then commissioned he calls peter by his weak natural name slinon for he li about to recall lili failure in wuch lie lind not appeared at all us peter ihan of rock the nnit question brings up peters selfconfidence and boasting ond liad fall peter had boasted that thoutin all tile rest were otfended he would nol be that ho would stand by hlu lord even unto death matt 20 3335 so jesus says lovlst thou njemore than these peter had thought that hti 4oveovcrtoppeduiatatall uio rcut oi tllclllicllill5 jcsuaaiikccllum uhesull thinks so alter hl cad denial there maybe reference to the iniiirumenu or ilkolu buihul to which peter hud been 10 devotld and jesiw luikeit ptter was ready to put 111m before these jisus dmanibi the sujireme alfectlon ol doubt by thi 8vlour of hla ion and ht burau out with all his aoul lord thou kjiowmt oil thing thou knowwt that lovi lhm jmiu is satunod td my thcopv marvaloua oondeacanulon that gives tho una who denied 111m uulc throefold opportunity for aitlrmatlan of hla luvo in iet4ra aiuwer thoi an other uacrlptlun of uolty to josus ttiou itnowrst all ihliign he duc uldeod prophroy of totera cruclnxlon followi lell will liavo tigaln an opportunity uf irnvlng tliat he ki ronlly to tllo for christ luldtlus time he will not fall tills might avelli like painful utfomiailou to peler but under urn circumstances it must hayo been highly gratifying 1is iltutli should giorlfyood tlieu comrs the ilnul and best oatnmlaalim of nil follow mo tllo following wua to bo very literal right to tho erosa of matt lo 34 3tbii 13 peter novtr for got tills event peter 34 pjjtcr 14 through many long years of service and trial tho cnhcartenlng tluiught of ids musters injunction fail ed nut to draw from him implicit obea toticc never ngan was ho to bo ashamed to ovn his lrd never again would he play tllo coward or the craven fear lessly fultluully hcauillowcd closely in hlrl matitcrs foolstcps until his earthly pilgrimage ended he entered again into tho presence of his ascended and glorl ned lord enjoy the best tea tea canadian hvoak ofet pboduc tion lowerfui medicine tlio healing pro perties in six ciiujiillal olli arc concun dtud hi ovcry boitlc of dr thomai eclectrlc oil formlna one of tho ment bciivilcial llnlmtuitu over offered to iia uao of truth many can testify tt to its power hi alluyhur jioln and many more cair cortify tliat owe tlich health to it xlu wonderful power is not crpmked by uio iimall price at wlilch it sells ulwivtrwojtk twoh jrscd rawn vr htclcstipproachin from different dlrcctlona hail come face to factt in onfj of londons niunrow btreerj mi argument folowed as ta which was to back out to lt the otlicr das one lvcr tlilnkliig to clinch the araument pulltd newspaper from his pocket settled lintel down comfortably in hla drlv iijscatand bsan to reoti alter nlputc or to of this awl hearing ho sound of hla opponent back ing out he loaked up and tuild well what ubaht it aint yer go in to back aht came the answer me talnt likti ly im waitintf tcr ave look at tliad paper when yeivo nnlshcd with it noteworthy feature of tho sutfar beet production in canada haa been tp incrcuao lii acreage in ontario tho num ber of acmi rcpoitcd in tlila province in 1034 uchitf 37000 compared widi 31000 in 1033 the esumaud production in 1034 vfilso lpcroastkl to 370000 toi3 from 310000 toni produced lri1033 for canada according to the provisional estimate there was juught lncreasera the yield per tacro in 1034 uiocslimntfjd production bolntf b3300d tona compared with 457000 tons in 1033 tie five year average amounted uf 440000 tons from 48800 acres or 013 tons peracr lhe acreage in alberta was tstlmated at 14500 in 1034 compared with 14100 hi 1033 since sugar beets aid grouii under contracui betwen growers and manufac turers uiq matter of price and acreage adjustment urranged wltliln tlic in dustry prices of juw sugar decreased steadily during uio year 1034 factoc wlilch mutit be considered in making plans for 1035 since uio price paid for sugar beets obviously based oipon tlic price obtained fur sufar keep on the sunny ksde havenv yon taolie3 that yor bappleat hoori oceni on daya wbaai jon feel your beat have more of these luppy day you and all your family caanl bnaltb whila you have it keep on tlic kunny aide of life tli grenteet onotay of besltb common constipation il tnay rnlur load of appctilty anj energy ccriiimy it killa enlblulatml yet il rati he ianiahed1 by eating at jflicjoua cereal laboratory tcbh thoyf kellogg altlkakuppiic ulk ancl vita min to relieve common coaati palion alto iron for tboblood wmat7 pvhs jean fanhlons may como nnd go but therevi always demand for cosmetics juno yes women cunfc go wan for over tcachkat shoujo ik alt jt mummy isnt it wrong to strike any ont smamerthan yourself yes dear would you mind telling teacher dont think she knows the bulk in a4ban is mad lice thai in leafy vegetables how much plcaaanter to eat this deli tiotia kealytocat cereal than to take patent rnejicincs two table spoonfuls daily are aioally auie cient chronle cases rih eadu tacal if lieved this vy see yoqr doctor made by kellogg in ilonilon onl edjtokial notes with junuiiry ovor the uiost or the winter seuson would seem to be behind rather than ahead of us the funeral level of wholesale prices of canadian farm products iiverufied approximately is per cent higher in imi tliuu in llw with both candidutch for the tiucveship backed with years of council experience it wus only reason able to expect an experienced and well conducted canipuijjn canadas customs and excise revenue for the llrst nine months of the present ilscul year show kuin of 22531017 over the same period in th previous year ills ulsclplii everyone itttn everythlllj 111uu be put after 111m matt 10 37 with all the memory of his all before him peter dulnot hesitate to realflim llli love he dos not uie aj stiong word for love as jems did but more tender one see it margin peler did liit iayhe loved jesus more than the others did he had learned humility llut or hli love he luul no doubt anil ii alilliu to appeal to jeslh owii knvwllklge ofhtin are we lo conndeilt of our love to jesus can we say to jiius lliou iguwest that love thee true love tu chit li shaan by obedllmiee john 14 lii 31 33 jsus acoiipled peuiri pro fivilon of lave and on tllli bali cm mumlld him ieed my lambs he wl ul only llu ono wlio laves hliu ui fiid lnu the lambs and the any to show that 1u that we really do live ilhn li by feedlht lia lulnlki lambs lire the youig of the hock mhilitert llrst duty and chrutlanji llrst duly is to feed tlicni wliutwondroiui forglveneiis and comiuis man on jesus part to set the fulthless leter at llusniorltau woli he repeated the quotlon ond got the name reply then lvea nliotber coinuiluilon tend my sheep to tend more ulan tied it li tho work ot shepherding now jesus alters ills question and usw tile ame wurtl fur lovev tliat iuter had used iilunm son of julio do you have auction lur luo ti thrlcoaskud guostlon is uuch manifest though lefcrunce lo lhc tlireefold donlal utet peter fcl grieved at uio suggestion of of all things of adl things bougk by jvo homemaker nothing coincs under such scrutiny foods and nothing runs into so much money quality first economy sjwaya what you demand of first class grocer today as for 41 yeaus our quality slauidards ale as rigidly held up aa out price are doggedly held down customers appreciate this happy union of high quality and low prices carrolls carrcjla freeh rolled cut 5lb 2k iluwlpkl white 3lb 11c lima bcitij lb 23c green peal ibl ssc bluv or cferrj corr syrup 2lb un 18c im clavr honey 21tt hn 29e cstroui pur peanut butter lb 15c heltrtlsnil uhkf ribbocj dreising 8hoj jar 24 tv hlld ci dogfood 1lt tin 15e dog ovu spratti slb bag 59c llruca ulacil bird seed lb 17c eixct cocoa rowntrees old english stvut 19 aunt jemima pancake flour peerless pickles sweet mixed 3sojar 25 ayur fc no tin tender peas vfax beans qun tomatoes choij sweet corn frank fort tun no tin 11 blueberries solid pacm no squat tins avlmer pie pumpkin choice qualitv 19 choice peaches australian 16oitlri 15 mu huui cabin brand maple syrup dried peaches fancy prunes pure lard ginger snaps pork beans ivory 16oi bll lb ib 19 19 19 currou famu lit tea lb65fc mpl export quality ulg volu tu canoui own blend lb 50c carroll bargain tea dandee blend lb 39c claaae sanhoirnt tender leaf tea pit 2e mmihy 4a jurftmumf ol yoo oup tyf tea hawes laommtoll rohtnltuke collsii uiov tut dull bottle 14 23 guait cik old dutch cleanser in lettuce crbip heads for 17c tomatoes lbs for locr onions iood cooklnf ft ibm for 10c tiliet of hadoik lbs for 23c finnan hadftib vkg leiiveuy phone 158 lbs for 25e mill street phone 158 acton ontario