9 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,A ugust 19,2021 w aterloochronicle.ca SAVE THE DATE AND JOIN US! SAVE THE DATE AND JOIN US! Sunday September 12, 5pm-9pm Rogers TV Channel 20 & Live Streamed Sunday September 12, 5pm-9pm Rogers TV Channel 20 & Live Streamed An evening of entertainment, fundraising, and storytelling - all in support of the important care Lisaard & Innisfree Hospice provides to our community Thank you to our generous sponsors - we couldn't do it without you! An evening of entertainment, fundraising, and storytelling - all in support of the important care Lisaard & Innisfree Hospice provides to our community Thank you to our generous sponsors - we couldn't do it without you! Visit lisaardandinnisfree.com for more information Visit lisaarVisit lisaarVisit lisaardandinnisfrdandinnisfrdandinnisfrdandinnisfreeeeee.com.com.com for morfor morfor more infore infore informationmationmation75 Lodge Street, Waterloo Licenced Technicians • Call Lony, Tony or Brian Thanks for votingus forAutomotive ServiceCentre, Mechanic Shop&forAutomotive MechanicalTechnicians "By Name . . . By Reputation" • Complete Car Care Canadian Owned & Operated Since 1996 519.885.1321 YDAER MOOR MROD TEG !elbaliava sevaworcim dna segdirf inim fo noitceles ediW FFO %04 OT PU !GNICIRP TCUDORP WEN !raelc ot decuder rehtruf era stinu dehsimelB 9Z6 H1N NO ,hpleuG ,dR waletihW 0705 and some items celebrate local landmarks. Of course, browsing the shelves at Gifted was one of the many simple pleasures that vanished, practically overnight, when the lock- downs hit. I asked Horn how her small, independent busi- ness survived through pan- demic lockdowns and re- strictions. "We did OK!" she said with a smile. "We wouldn't be here still if it weren't for this ex- ceptionally supportive community. When we first had to close and realized it wasn't going to be a short- term situation, the support came pouring in, with peo- ple wanting to buy gift cards. I don't think my busi- ness is alone in saying this sustained us not just mone- tarily but emotionally as well. To know that people cared so much about want- ing to keep small indepen- dent businesses open still has me in tears just think- ing back on it." The new location is at 740 Belmont Ave., Kitche- ner. For more information, visit giftedwaterloo.com. Marshall Ward is a freelance writer and artist. Check out his award-win- ning podcast "Bonn Park" with Sara Geidlinger on Apple Podcasts, In- stagram and Twit- ter @bonnparkpodcast and Facebook: Bonn Park Pod- cast. OPINION Continued from page 8 Sylvia Horn, owner of Gifted, at her soon-to-be-open new location in Belmont Village. Marshall Ward photo SCAN FOR MORE Scan this code for more columns, and letters.