w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 1, 20 21 | 18 Check out the answers on page 12 Like puzzles? Then you'll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here's How ItWorks: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Cr oss wo rd & Su do ku CLUES ACROSS 1. Soft lump 5. Pretends 9. Burst 12. Overhanging roof part 13. Mall division 14. Breeze 15. Always 16. In truth 18. It takes two to ____ 20. Track down 21. Valuable dirt 23. Channels 27. Little rascal 30. Metallic element 32. Folk legends 33. Unlock again 35. Empty inside 37. Leg hinge 38. Depicted 40. Consumer lures 41. Poison ____ 43. Fleecy one 44. Phooey's kin 46. One who loves too much 51. Train's highway 55. Gent 56. Have title to 57. Game on horseback 58. Sicknesses 59. Reader's retreat 60. Arise 61. Trial CLUES dOWn 1. Garden produce 2. Fluid rock 3. Kiln 4. Ice mass, for short 5. Bat wood 6. Elected 7. Sound quality 8. Swiftness 9. Strike lightly 10. Vinegar's mate 11. Intrude 17. ____ and crossbones 19. Slime 22. Orange skin 24. Soda type 25. Marched 26. Darns 27. Pesters 28. List of dishes 29. Verse composition 31. Nibble 34. Oyster find 36. Unpaid 39. Secondhand 42. Complains 45. Honk 47. Forget 48. Fish story 49. House annexes 50. Relax 51. Curtain holder 52. Dumbfound 53. Lodging 54. Comic DeLuise Level: Beginner Simple marketing solutions for small businesses. marketing360.ca learn more at are rare. Rare but serious side effects might be some- thing like an allergic reac- tion. It's always a great idea to speak with a health pro- fessional about any serious allergies or other health conditions or concerns you may have before you re- ceive any vaccine. ARE VACCINES DEVELOPED WITH CONSIDERATIONS GIVEN TO HOW THEY MIGHT AFFECT BLACK PEOPLE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER RACES? Yes, around 10 per cent of the Pfizer and Moderna trial populations identified as Black. The studies demonstrat- ed that there were no dif- ferences in efficacy or safe- ty in any racialized or eth- nic group. It is also important to note that there is no known evidence that would sug- gest that vaccines affect people differently based on racial differences. In the past, Black and Indigenous communities were used to test vaccines in what has widely been criticized and categorized as unethical to- day. The Moderna vaccine was co-developed by a Black immunologist named Dr. Kizzmekia Cor- bett. IS THE WAIT-AND-SEE AP- PROACH ADOPTED BY SOME MEMBERS OF THE BLACK COM- MUNITY BEFORE RECEIVING THEIR FIRST DOSE PUTTING THEM AT GREATER RISK? Yes, vaccination is the best protection against se- vere disease arising from COVID-19 infection. Sys- temic racism means Black communities are more likely to live in crowded housing conditions or to work in higher-risk envi- ronments. When some members of the Black community de- cide to "wait and see" it can further increase the risk of COVID within the commu- nity. Often, people use a wait- and-see approach when they have certain ques- tions or concerns about the vaccines. A better approach would be to discuss those concerns with a trusted health-care provider or community leader. It's important to note that the wait-and-see ap- proach could have a simi- lar risk for any racial or ethnic group depending on their risk of exposure. OPINION Continued from page 3 MODERNA VACCINE CO-DEVELOPED BY BLACK IMMUNOLOGIST