Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Feb 1891, p. 5

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·PenCI-L Miss Alice Fields, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. W. G. Walters this week. · Miss L. Willcox has gone to New York to visit her brother, wlio has been there about a year. Mr. w. G. Walters is laid up this· week with inflammation resulting from a cold contracted during a trip to Montreal lately. 1\fr. Leopold King, fifth son of Mr. Chas. King, has gone to New York to try his for- tune. He leaves hundreds of friends in this town who wish him well, the CHROIS· JCLE included. rn the American Art Journal we notice an extensive criticism of a benefit concert given Miss Ella Long in Steinway Hall. New York, the audience being all the hall would hold. Regarding Miss Long's sing- ing on the occasion the Journal says :- Miss Long followetl with Gustav Niehr's lovely song "Am Wachen, " which she sang with an artistic finish and smooth· ness of tone that surpassed what we have hitherto heard from her. Miss Long is winning her way in public favor, gaining " 'ith every appearance applause and ap· probation. Evidently she is a close student for her artistic strides are plainly visible. The exceptional beauty of her voice has long been acknowledged, but of late i~ has deVeloped and added a brilliancy and dra- matic feeling that enables her to heig hten the effectiveness ofher singing. She after- wards sang Delibes' arioso "The Sound· ing Sea," Massenet's quaint little "Mar- quis" and Ooro-like "Bonne Nuit," in all o~ which she sang exceedingly well, win· mng recalls and encores from her dt:light· ed hearers. Sportlllg Notes. The re is to be a strong International baseball league this season. The skating championship of the world has been won from Canada by a Norwe- gian in Sweden. ,.'('- Remember the skating camh·al this, Fri- day, evening. You rna}' never see an- other. Life is only worth living whilst you Jive. The Dominion Parliament cup, which entitles the holder to a seat in parliament for five years, is to be run on .March 5th. Each constituency will be allowed one seat to compete for, and each conspirator will have to pay an entrance fee of $200, which will be forfeited unless he makes a satisfactory race, even thoug h he be out- run. Entries for the scratch in South Ontario may be made with lllr. Jno. Ham Perry, the secretary and returning officer for the central club at Otta wa, on Thurs- day, Feb. 26th, at 1 p. m., at the town hall in \Vhitby town, when the full entrance fee must be deposited . The chances are the run will be good in many places, and that a little crooked work will be done by those who make political racing a business. Betting and pool-selling is already going on very briskly as to the result o f the races where new blood runs, or where an old winner has com.nenced to limp in his poli- tical legs. \Ve are precluded from e nter- ing by the high entrance fee, which is $199 more than we can raise. PoUttcal Notes. A man named Milne in Scarboro has put off his s.'lle a day in order to not interfere with the Dominion elections. So says tl~e Markham Economist. If Milne hadn't acted so decently about it of. course the e lections would have been redated. Thus one accommodating man saves the whole country from getting into a mess. We hope in return tlrat a grate ful people will turn out and assist in making :\lilne's sale a succt-ss whe n it dOL-s come off. Church Notea Rev. Mr. Scott, Oshawa, will prea ch in the Baptist church on Sunday morning, and Re v. ]no. l\fcL'lurin , \\'oodstock, secre- tary of Foreign Missions o f the church, in the nening. Cellectio ns in aid of fore ign missions at each service. Rev. llfr. Scolt will preach a t Brooklin in the afternoon. \Ve d esire to call the attention of our readers to the fact that t he :llissionary An- nivers.'lry of the :\fe thodist Tabernacle will be held un Sabbath next . T he Re v. Dr. Sutherland, missiunar}· secretary, is the preacher on both occasions, and will doubtk'SS be greeted by lar~:e congrega· tio ns morning and eve ning . Everybody wrll be made w<.>lcome. Collections will be taken in behalf of the Missionary Fund. Sale RegliRer. TUESDAY, Feb. 2\. t8<;1.-<..redit sale cf Horses, Cattle, $hccp and Implements, the propeny of John Russel, Lot 15, Con. 7, Pickenog.- L. FAJRIJANKs, Aucuooeer. W EDNESDAY, F•h. "'5· 1!!91.- C..Wit sale of Thoro-B...,d Draft Horse~. High Gr.1de Cat- tle, Cotswold Sheep, Implements, Etc. , the property of Roht. Douglas & Son, at their premises, Lots 15 and 16, Cor. uf 7th Con., East Whubv. Sale at 10 o'clock, a, m., sharp.- L. FAtRIJASKS, Auctioneer, TIIUI! SIJA\' , Ft•h. 26, 1891. - Credit sale of H.,-.ny-Draft HOJ,..,s, Grade C.mlc, Imple- ments, Etc ., the property of '.ie-orge Bur- gess, Lot 52, Con, 9. Whitby Township. - Tuos. Puucu~:R, Auctioneer. Extra hea•·r a ll wool Halifax tweed only 4oc. per yarrl . Androew M. Ross. New plaid tlrc::ss goods, new he nrietta cloaks, new lustre-s. Andrew M. Ros.~. 1, 9, s, t. 15. T he Canadian Firoeside \Vcckly is on wtth another grand p rize competitio n tu increase its circulation, in which 300 val- uable prizes arc oll'cn·d . This is no puzzle or trick, a nd roe<1uircs no searching in dicti<imario:s o r books of any kind . It is ing e nious, but simple, and has ne ver be · fore bo:cn o flc red by any paper. A child of e ight can win as easily as a collegoe pro- fessor., Amon)l the prizes arc bicycle-s. tricycles, $wo cas h, furniture , silve rwar.: jewelry, s ummer trips - prizL-s for men: women, boys and girls- Joo in all. Send at once sc. for sample COJ>Y, with full par- ticulars and lis t of prizes, to . 9 Addaide street west, Toronto, Ont.- Mcntion this Jmper. 1o-2m PATENTS. Ir auy of our readers have ruade an in von· tion for whicb they have tho~bte of taking a patent, they are invited to communicate with Meura. MUNN & Co., of the Scuu;Tlli'to AIIKJUOAN, who for a period of more than 43 yeara have conducted ·• 1\lllllt &uooe88ful bu- reau in this !toe. A pamphlet of instruction will be 181lt free, containing lull jiirec:tione how to obt.aio a patent coata, etc. In very muy oases, owing to thetr long experience, ldM~~ra. M UNN & Co can tell at nnce w bether a patent prohably oan be obtained; and ad· vi.011of 0!111 kind thoy are always happy to fumiah (roo of charge. Atldr688 MUNN & Co. · BciJli'I'TIPIO AIII&RICAN office, 861 Broadway, Ne,. York.- 7-ly. / CnrUDg. Four rinks of curlers went from here to • Oshawa on \Vednesday night and enjoyed The whole World wants to huy the/ Best. a well-fought game, in which the Whitby men gained the following laurels : Oshawa Whitby Luke Billings Wilcox Stanton Rowse Paxton Dingle skip ....... 13 Ray skip ........... 2<J Luke Mitchell Morphy Westlake F. Lambert Beith Punshon skip ... 23 Tweedie skip ..... r7 Reillv Lawler Hobbs Graham Rankin Hood Hal nan skip ..... q Sebert skip .... 21~ French Smith Southwell Snow A. Lambert Rice Sykes skip ........ . 26 Armstrong skip .. 18 76 85~ Majority for Whitby 9~ After the game the Oshawa men invited their \·isitors to the Hobbs House, where an oyster supper was enjoyed. ~ENHIE'S · ILLUSTRATED GUIDE, '& NOW READY. IIAILED FlEE UPON APPUCAnllll ~ennle'a Seeda ean Ollly be proc:nred direct fmt tiM. RENNIE, TORONTO, CAN C~EDIT SALE. - OF- He&vy Draft Horses, Grade Ca.ttle, Implements, &c. The Subscriber ho.s received instroctions from GEORGE BURGESS to sell by Public Auction, at his premises, Lot No. 32, in the 9th concession of the Township of Whitby, on . , THURSDAY, FEB. 26th, 1891 Tho following farm stock, implements, &c .. viz: Honsr:s.-1 Dmft Bay Team, Mare and ge diuz, 5 a nt! G years old, 1 Draft Team of ge diu~. S fUll! 4 yeal's old, 1 Bay ~are, 7 ye!U'S, 1 Marc, 8 years old, 1 Aged Mare, 2 Cults, 1 yMr old. GIU DE C.nTL<:.-2 Cows, in calf, 2 Heif· ers, 3 year old, in cn:f, 2 Heifers, ~years old in ca:f. :1 Heifers, 1 year old, :1 spring calve!!, G Fat Ste ('n;, Sn F.EP. - li Cotswold Sheep, in lamb. Pws.- 2 Broocl Sows, in pig. htPLE!>lESTS.-1 Binder. 1 Mower, 1 Seed Drill, I Sin,::!e ? low, 1 Twin Plow, 1 set of Iron Harrows, 1 Roller, 1 Cultivator, 1 Horse Rake , I Horse Fork, 1 Turnip Drill,· 1 Turnip Scnfllcr, 1 Fnmring Mill, I Speight \Vagon, nearly new, 2 Heavy Wagons, 1 Light Wagon, I Buggy, 1 Cutter, 1 Sleigh, 1 Sulky, 2 \\'a~on Hacks, 2 sets of Double Har~ess, 3 sets of Single HILrness, 1 Pet of Plow Hllrr>('Rs, I set of Double-trees, S Neck . Yokes, 1 Stcrtm WMhing Machine, n quan- tity of Turnips, F<>rks , Hoes, and a lot of other articles too numerou• to mention. Mr. BurgPss having rentecl h is farm for a term of years, will dispose of everything without resuve. Sale to commence at H! o'clock, noon. Sharp. Ttm:vs - AII sums of 810 and under. cash; over that amo:mt, eight menths credit will be given, by parties funriHh ing approved Joint Notes. Interest charged from day of sale if not paid when due: For fat cattle aud turnips, cru;h , THOS. POUCHER, Auctioneer. Whitby, Feb. 9th, 1891. USE , ~~l~ • • l•rSttl~ ·~ 1H-'I"" IIJ -- 111'1a-l 1 , ecc•uec ™" ••" , THE BEST. D. M. FuRv & Co' a lllustn.ted, Ikscriptive and Pr~ S~ED ANNUAL Foo 1891 will be mailed FREE to all applicants, and to luucasoa'a customa$. It is better th&A ever. Ewery person using GartU., Fl~n~Nr qr Fi,/d Suds, should send for iL Addrcsa D. M . FERRY & CO. l WINDSOR, ONT. , 1 ~..aria& SecdsmeD llllhc wodllt Off to Manitoba. GREAT CREDIT SALE - OF- Thorobred Draught Horses and Gra.de Cattle, Ootswold Sheep, Berkshire Pigs, Implements, &o. The Subacriber has r eceived instructions from ROUER'l' DOUGLAS & SON to soli by Public Auction at the premiaea, Lots 15 and lG, rear of the 7th con., •rownahip East Whitby, Oil Wednesday, Feb'y. 25th, 1891, The wholo of thoir T horobred and Grade Stock, Implements, e to. (See pos- ters lor complete list.) Collvflyances will boat the G. T . R., and C. P. R, Oil arrival of trains to couny par- ties to sale. T>!ttlf.s - All sums of 810 e.nd undor cash, over that amouut cr<.dit till 15th Oct., 11$91, by partie• furni•hing e.pproved joint notea. l•'or F'at C .. t tlo, Hay lllld Oe.ta cash. L. F' A.IRBANKS, Auctioneer. East Whitby, Feb. 4, 1891. w. G. WALTERS, The Best 1s our Bid foA Your Business. Our Fall and Winter buying has been with a v1ew of offering you the best qualities at the best figures. Supe1 .. ior Goo.ds. Prices that Surprise Will be found in each department and grade of our immens-e new line of ~---·~ STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Fany Goods, Ready - 1tlade Clothing, Hats, Caps, Furs, &c. · _r T11L riNI:Sf~/t:THr MRKfT Dress Goods, · san WUY B)'! · E. J. JOHNSON, Never before have we been able to offer so large and varied an assortment of fresh and pleasing styles. FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER, We have the stock that meets the expectation and gratifies this is your chance. • Brock Street, Whitby, Ont. - the taste. You want the best, B ULLS FOR SALE.-Two very choice yearling Shorthorn Bulls for sale. w Both of the Croickshank stock. Apply to e H. H. SPENCER, Brooklin. Feb. 5, JS91 are able -tl. STRAY STEER.-Came to the premisPs of the subscriber about three months ago, e. yearling steer, mostly red, with white spots. If not claimed within e. proper time the anim&l will be sold as the law directs. WM. BOWLES, Brooklin. Jan. 29, '91-8-3. w • G • DIRECTLY TO THE' SPOT. ISSTIUITRNEOUS IN ITS .ACTIOH For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLiC DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS; and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, 1'10 REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN-KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowe: Complaints Its effect I:> magica l. It cures In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REit'EDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 25C. A BOTTI-£, R. WOLFENDEN, Whitby Marble and Granite Worh. The anbscriber beRI to intimate to the pnblio tbd he baa again moved his baei.ness to the old stand, near the Dominion Bank. PaU'OD&gl' aolioitod. R . WOLFENDEN. W hUby, NoY. 26, 1890.- tf. Listen to plain facts about the B. & C. corset. You can't break the bones-for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your ptoney back. It fits like a glove. And hear how it's sold : il you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. FOR SALE BY ROSS BROS. TO THB DBA.F.- A penon oared of Deafneee and noises to the bead olliS years e&audlng by • eimple remedy, will aend • deaeriptloo of it r&Ka to uy pereon who appllea to NJcBOLBoll, 80 Si. John Street ,Montreal RBBIDBN08 TO RKNT. - 8eml-d&-htohed bonae un Byron Bl, ~~eno rocm-. Near all bni!DIIal plac .. IUld the poatofllce. Bllber for 1ale or to Jet. Apply to WM. NBWPOBT, Whitby. Oo&. 28, 1890.- 46 "· llr Bewan~ of Counterfeit& o.nd lmit.ationa. W. B. PRINGLE & CO. ARE PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR RED AND ALSIKE CLOVER. THEY ALSO SELL THE BEST BRANDS -OF- American and Canadian toal· Oil. SHOP TO. RENT. The shop recently occapied by Mr. John Bryan as a tinsbop. There is a residence up stai rs with five rooms. All other neces- saries. Apply to MRS. J . RICHARDSON. Whitby, Jan. 29, 1891.- 8 4in. B. MADILL, (Saaaeuor 10 Wm. Till.) Furniture and U udertaking. The bnalnesa ao long oondnctea by Meaars. Till baa been purchased by the aubscriber, who intende to j•ttoh the Uade, A Large Stock will be kept in Every Line. UNDERTAKING will be made a 1peoiaUy, ud a oomple&e uaorled nock of Undt~Jtalter's Furnishing• will ahray1 be kept on h11o11d . B. MADILL, Brook 8&., Whitby. Jaly 16, 1890. to sell CHEAP, and we WALTERS POWELL & CO'Y. -HAVE- R E """M" 0 v ED -TO- THE MARI{ET BLOCK \Vhere they will continue to Sacrifice Goods. All rroods sold at a Great Reduction t:> until the Whole Stock is sold. \Yc lm>e yet a L~nge Stock of Cloths, Dress Goods, Hosiery, GIO\·es, Q,·ercoats, Clothing, Yeh·ets, Silks, Satin!", Hats, F urs, Laces, Ribbons, a small stock of llillinery and a general assortment of small wares. Whilhy, Feb. 18, 1891. POWELL & CO. do. • --~----------------------------------------( ... Gre~t Slaughter S~le ar BOats J Shaes FOR THIRTY DAYS . --- --:ooo:----- All liues of Ladies' and Children's Tie Shoes and Slip- pers at and UNDER COST. Ladies' Dongola Kid Boots AT COST. Special Bargains in Girl's School Boots. Boys' and Youths' Laced Boots from 65c. up. Men's Laced Boots from $1.00 up. A. full assortment in all lines ot Felt Goods CHEAP FOR UASH. Men'!i Overshoes at $ 1 00. Rubbers at 25 cents. Trunks and Valises at Cost Our own make Kip Boots and Boys' and Men's L aced Boots, CHEAPEnT IN 'rOWN. Boots Made to Order. Repairing N eatly Done WM. BURNS & -CO. West Side of Brock Street, Whitby. BRAZILIAN WAREHOUSE. M • MURRAY, DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Pickles In bulk, &c. Cash jo1· all kinds o.f Fa1·m Produce. M. Ml)RRAY. Whitby, Sept. 11th, 1 890.

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