THURSDAY JUNE 24, 2021 PM40050478 OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN! WE ARE CANADIAN MADE FOR E OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN!OPEN! ANADIAN MADE FOR EVERY ROOMVERY ROOM Support Local OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK | 30 BENJAMIN RD., WATERLOO | FURNITURE FOR EVERY BUDGET | 519.746.0060 |WWW.FURNITUREHOUSE.CA $1,099.00 IN STOCK Apart from all the testing, tur- moil and apprehension around getting a vaccine, the turning point for local pharmacist Pascal Niccoli during this pandemic was last summer, when he learned of two incidents of infanticide. "To me, that was a big turning point in terms of my perspective as a father of two young boys," he said. Because he works closely with a local women's shelter, Niccoli sometimes sees mental health is- sues stemming from human traf- ficking and domestic abuse, is- sues that have been amplified along with the deteriorating mental health of Canadians in general. As owner of the Shoppers Drug Mart at Conestoga Mall, he began to see mental health issues affecting some of his employees who went on stress leave -- peo- ple with loved ones at home such as children and seniors who were worried about their exposure to the virus. PHARMACIST'S CAMPAIGN TO AID MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY See 'NOT', page 7 CMHA 'RECOVERY COLLEGES' PROVIDE FREE LEARNING RESOURCES FOR ANYONE BILL JACKSON Waterloo pharmacist Pascal Niccoli at the Shoppers Drug Mart Conestoga Mall location. Bill Jackson/Metroland ONTARIO IS GRADUALLY REOPENING - JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER Browse our Summer Staycation Guide for activities in your area WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA