w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 24 ,2 02 1 | 18 105 Oak Park Dr #4, Waterloo • 519.885.5555 Visit us at www.pharmasave.com Patty Vamvakitis Pharmacist/Owner Carriage Crossing Pharmacy Email: ccps@bellnet.ca Open 6 days a week with services such as: • New Patients Welcome • Easy Prescription Transfer • Medication Reviews • Blister Packaging • Blood Pressure Monitoring • Local Delivery* • Curbside pick-up *See store for details SCAN THESE CODES WITH YOUR PHONE TO DISCOVER GREAT DINING AND FOOD DESTINATIONS Let's Eat Homestyle Diner PATIOS, MENUS, TAKEOUT, DELIVERY, BREWERIES & SPECIALTY GROCERY A GUIDE TO EATING LOCAL 2O21CanadaCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebratingCelebrating There are mountains of books for children and youth that feature our country and its stories. Here are a few for kids of all ages to explore this summer. Canadian Animals ABC By Geraldo Valério Darting, dipping drag- on flies, beaver build- ing branch by branch, the loon laughing on the lake, and the pow- erful, playful polar bear, Canada's animals are showcased in this engaging board book. Our country's diverse wildlife is represented alongside each letter of the alphabet portray- ing creatures that hail from coast to coast to coast. Ages 1 to 4 - Publisher, Owlkids Books - $11.95 board book An Inuksuk Means Welcome By Mary Wallace, illustrator This picture book connects seven words from the Inuktitut language, one to each letter that spell the word "inuksuk". Each word is presented in English and in Inuktitut characters, with phonetic pronun- ciation guides provided. The words and their definitions give a sense of the traditions and customs of Inuit life in the Arctic as do Wallace's colourful and vivid paintings. Ages 3 to 6 - Publisher, Owlkids - 11.95 paperback My Canada: An Illustrated Atlas By Katherine Dearlove, illustrator Lori Joy Smith Travel across Canada with this picture book atlas that presents a whimsical and informative introduction to every province and territory with maps that feature major cities, key lakes and rivers, iconic landmarks, animals, and plants, significant national and provincial parks, and more. It includes introductory information about the country and shows respect for the land's Indigenous history. Ages 4 to 8 - Publisher, Owlkids - $9.95 paperback 100 Things You Don't Know About Atlantic Canada For Kids By Sarah Sawler Ideal for kids who are heading to the east coast this summer but still an interesting read about some fascinat- ing facts. The content includes a selection of related recipes that could inspire an Atlantic Canada themed meal or snack. The information is presented in nice small bites, making it an easy, casual read to dip into over the summer holidays. Ages 8 to 12 - Publisher Nimbus Publishing - $14.95 paperback Borders By Thomas King, illustrator Natasha Donovan A powerful graphic novel adaptation of the Thomas King short story, Borders explores themes of iden- tity, belonging, and is a poignant depiction of the significance of a nation's physical borders from an Indigenous perspec- tive. Bookmark the release date of September 7, 2021. Age 8 to 12 - Publisher, HarperCollins Canada - $21.99 paperback Once upon a country, books for kids to every province and territory with maps that feature major cities, key lakes and rivers, iconic landmarks, animals, and plants, significant the country and shows respect for the land's Indigenous history. Ages 4 to 8 - Publisher, 100 Things You Don't Know About Atlantic from all of us at