w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 24 ,2 02 1 | 8 NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #1 BRIGHTON STREET RECONSTRUCTION (NOECKER STREET TO MARSHALL STREET) The City of Waterloo is proceeding with reconstruction works on Brighton Street from Noecker Street to Marshall Street. The scheduled work includes the replacement of sanitary sewers, storm sewers and watermains, as well as road reconstruction for the full extent of the project, including sidewalk. The award of the construction tender is subject to City of Waterloo Council approval. Weather permitting and pending Council approval, constructionwill commence in the Spring of 2022,with substantial completion expected by late 2022. Due to COVID-19, a formal in person Public Information Centre (PIC) will not be held. In absence of the PIC, the City has prepared an information package detailing general project information and frequently asked questions. In addition to the material contained in the information package, documents that would typically be presented at the PIC will be posted on June 30th on the Engage Waterloo project website at www. engagewr.ca/brighton-street 1. Plan views drawings of Brighton Street and a proposed road cross section 2. Description of the proposed works 3. General construction information 4. Comment Sheet - to be returned byWednesday, July 14, 2021 For anyone without internet access the city will arrange to have a hard copy of the digital information delivered. For hard copy requests, please contact either project team member identified below by phone or e-mail and provide your name and address. We appreciate your time, interest and cooperation in this project. Please contact the undersigned should you have any further questions, comments or concerns. Mr. Mike Lupsa, P.Eng. Senior Project Engineer - Design and Construction Engineering Services Integrated Planning & Public Works Waterloo City Centre 100 Regina Street South P.O. Box 337, Station Waterloo Phone: 519-866-1550 Ext. 78248 E-mail: mike.lupsa@waterloo.ca Mr. Glenn Anderson, C.E.T. GM BluePlan Engineering Limited 330 Trillium Drive, Unit D Kitchener, ON N2E 3J2 Phone: 519-748-1440 Fax: 519-748-1445 E-mail: glenn.anderson@gmblueplan.ca Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8 P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941waterloo.ca Between September and December 2020, 117 patients ages 18 and under were re- ferred to McMaster Chil- dren's Hospital's eating dis- order program. In the June 10 article, "Doctors say eat- ing disorders on the rise amid pandemic," the num- ber of referrals was misat- tributed to the Children's Hospital of Eastern Onta- rio. CORRECTION With a delay in the ship- ment of Pfizer vaccines, the Cambridge Pinebush and Waterloo Boardwalk loca- tions will be using the Mo- derna vaccine for its adults aged 18-plus appointments this week. On June 19, according to a news release, the prov- ince informed public health units across the province that the Pfizer shipment that was to arrive early this week is delayed by a number of days. Guidance from the Na- tional Advisory Committee on Immunization indicates anyone who received an mRNA vaccine for their first dose can safely receive Mo- derna or Pfizer for their sec- ond dose, the release stated. At the Cambridge and Waterloo clinics, the limit- ed supply of Pfizer vaccine will be reserved for youth aged 12 to 17 who can only receive this vaccine. There will not be an opportunity for anyone outside of this age group to request the Pfizer vaccine at clinics that are offering Moderna to adults aged 18-plus. "If you have an appoint- ment to get a first or second dose of the vaccine in the coming days, please keep it," said Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, medical officer of health for the Region of Waterloo, in the release. "These mRNA vaccines are from different manufac- turers, but they are essen- tially identical twins. We want everyone to be protect- ed from COVID-19 as soon as possible, and we need to halt the spread of the Delta vari- ant in Waterloo Region." Vaccination clinics will continue to provide mRNA vaccines in a timely man- ner based on the availabili- ty of Pfizer and Moderna, the release stated. The current Pfizer sup- ply in Waterloo Region is also being reserved for up- coming school-based vacci- nation clinics. PAIR OF CLINICS OFFERING ONLY MODERNA VACCINE FOR ADULTS NEWS Let your community know you're open for business. ommunity c ourt yeL To help our communitieswe have created an online business directory that features local businesses that are open, hours of operation and how customers can safelymake purchases from your store. Our business directory can be accessed from anyone of our 25 Community sites in Ontario. Visit metroland.com to find the community site in your area. Signing up is easy and free. 1 Visit our community website in your area and click on the banner at the bottom of the page 2 Click the "Add Business" link 3 Complete and submit the formSubmit www.metroland.com