23 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,June 17,2021 w aterloochronicle.ca Display their achievements in print! Visit www.metrolanddirect.com today to place your listing or call 1-800-263-6480 and speak to one of our live operators who can place it for you. Call centre open M-F until 5pm. You can tell your graduate how proud you are of their milestone in the pages of their community newspaper. On June 24th we will be publishing a special Graduation feature carrying pictures and your notes of pride of their monumental achievement. Visitmetrolanddirect.com for more info CELEBRATE YOURGRADUATE! https://www.metrolanddirect.com/grad SHOUT IT OUT WITH A LAWN SIGN! From as little as $24.99 (prices vary by newspaper) you can give your graduate the special recognition they deserve. For an extra special touch you can add a lawn sign for as little as $29.99! Don't worry if your graduate lives in a different community - with over 60 community newspapers across Ontario, there's a good chance we can help share your message! Orders must be in byMidnight Thursday, June 17th, 2021 isit V ting or call lis e entrCall c ou.or yfit e placors who can tae operlivour until 5pm.open M-F Keep up th e hard wor k! We are so proud of a ll your achie vements! Love Mom my, Daddy & all your f amily! Single-sided full colour customizable 24" x 24" lawn sign including delivery to anywhere in Ontario for $29.99 including shipping & handling plus applicable taxes. Order up to June 17th (7 business days prior our special section) for delivery by June 24th!