13 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,June 17,2021 w aterloochronicle.ca NOTICE OF AN INFORMAL PUBLIC MEETING AND COMPLETE APPLICATION DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 30T-21401 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 32 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Z-21-03 NORTHFIELD PROPERTIES (GP) INC. & NORTHFIELD PROPERTIES LP. 525 & 565 CONESTOGO ROAD WEST, WARD 4 (NORTHEAST) Monday, June 28, 2021, Electronically The Applicant is requesting approval to subdivide the lands to create 8 new blocks for development and a private internal road network. The Official Plan Amendmentproposes to re-designate the lands from Industrial (DeferredStatus) and Business Employment to Mixed Use High Density Residential, Business Employment, and Open Space with special land use and built form provisions. The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to rezone the lands from Future Determination (FD) to Residential Mixed Use (RMU), Business Employment Two (E2) and Parks & Recreation (OS1) with site specific regulations related to land uses and their location, building height and density, parking and access. The Applicant proposes to redevelop the blocks in phases,with implementation guided by a Master Plan. Tall buildings containing a mix of residential, commercial and employment uses are contemplated north of the hydro corridor, with low to mid-rise buildings containing employment and ancillary uses contemplated to the south. HOW TO GET INVOLVED: The purpose of the public meeting is to share information and to hear and consider public and stakeholder comments regarding the planning application as part of City Council's decision making process.The public is invited to watch and/or listen to the remote meeting onwww.youtube.com/citywaterloo/live and may participate by submitting written comments in advance of the public meeting and/or arranging to speak to the application. TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS Written comments received before 9:00am on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, will be included in the City Council Agenda. Written comments received after 9:00am on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, will be provided to City Council for consideration prior to the Informal Public Meeting, but will not be included in the Council Agenda.Written comments can be provided in the following ways: • Via email to Laura Dewar, laura.dewar@waterloo.ca • By dropping off a hardcopy at Waterloo City Hall, addressed to Laura Dewar, Planning Division, 2nd floor, 100 Regina St S, Waterloo, ON • By placing a hardcopy in the Waterloo City Hall after hours mail slot to the left of the side door entrance on William Street All written submissions should clearly state "Informal Public Meeting, Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-21401, OPA No.32 & Zoning By-law Amendment Z-21-03" at the top of the letter/correspondence. TO SPEAK TO THE APPLICATION If you wish to speak to the Application, please contact the Legislative Services Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 28, 2021, by any of the following ways: • By phone at 519-747-8705 • By email to clerkinfo@waterloo.ca When we receive your registration, we will send you a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the remote public meeting. Instructions will also be provided during the meeting to ensure that those watching the remote public meeting will be given the opportunity to speak. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo Integrated Planning and Public Works, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre,Waterloo, Ontario, by calling Laura Dewar at 519-747-6108 or email laura.dewar@waterloo.ca And/or The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Planning, Development and Legislative Services, 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener, by calling Sylvia Rafalski-Misch at 519-575-4500 ext. 3114 or by email at SRafalskiMisch@regionofwaterloo.ca We encourage the public to provide input into these important Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment applications. Individuals may submit written / electronic comments. The public is informed and notified that names, addresses and comments may be made public. Julie Scott, City Clerk, City of Waterloo. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo Integrated Planning and Public Works, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre,Waterloo, Ontario, by calling Laura Dewar at 519-747-6108 or email laura.dewar@waterloo.ca P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941waterloo.ca used to be, but these little steps towards it just lifts everybody's spirits." She added that her customers are doing their best to support local and the store plans on being be open with regular hours for the foreseeable future. Other stores like The Sock Factory in The Shops remain closed under provin- cial restrictions because it's located in a mall without direct street access. Such re- tailers hope to reopen in Step 2. With frontage off of King, House of Bamboo owner Dani Anderson said she was seeing steady traffic over the week- end with 15 per cent capacity. Despite maintaining steady online sales through- out the pandemic, Anderson said bricks and mortar is integral to her business that specializes in sustainable and ethically made clothing. She said most businesses still need a good marriage of both. "I'm just grateful that we're open," she said. For Kaetha Udayakumar, manager of the Piper Arms Pub, this past weekend was a grand opening of sorts. The pub, which took over the former Anchor Bar spot in Waterloo Town Square, had about 20 tables outdoors. "This weekend we had high traffic and hope that keeps going until we can open the inside," said Udayakumar. "So far it's been pretty good." Lunchtime was steady at other patios too, including at the adjacent Beertown and at McCabe's Irish Pub across the street. A peaceful Sunday was helped by city bylaw presence, who placed four of their new electric inspector vehicles "on dis- play" for the community. Police foot patrols could also be seen through the area, and there were no signs of an antimask protest as of late afternoon on Sunday. NEWS Continued from page 12 Patio-goers on King Street next to the parkade in the uptown. BIll Jackson/Metroland