w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 14 ,2 02 1 | 4 ABOUT US This newspaper, published every Thursday, is a division of the Metroland Media Group Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Torstar Corporation. The Metroland family of newspapers is comprised of more than 70 community publications across Ontario. This newspaper is a member of the National NewsMedia Council. Complainants are urged to bring their concerns to the attention of the news- paper and, if not satisfied, write The National NewsMedia Council, Suite 200, 890 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4W 2H2. Phone: 416-340-1981 Web: www.mediacouncil.ca editorial@waterloochronicle.ca facebook.com/waterloochronicle @wlchronicle WHO WE ARE VP, Regional Publisher Kelly Montague Regional General Manager Nelson Parreira nparreira@metroland.com Regional Director of Media Heather Dunbar hdunbar@starmetrolandmedia.com Advertising Representatives Cassandra Dellow, Jan Bodanka, Matt Miller, Lisa Humphreys, Sheri-Lyn Blair, Chris Rego Managing Editor Robyn Wilkinson Online Editor Adam Jackson Reporters Bill Jackson CONTACT US Waterloo Chronicle 475 Thompson Dr., Units 1-4 Cambridge, ON N1T 2K7 Phone: 519-886-2830 Fax: 519-623-9155 Web: www.waterloochronicle.ca Letters to the editor All letters must be fewer than 320 words and include your name and telephone number for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject letters. Published letters will appear in print and/or online at waterloochronicle.ca Delivery For all delivery inquiries, e-mail customerservice@metroland.com or call 519-894-3000 OPINION TO LEARN HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR OWN CONTENT VISIT WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA EDITORIAL LETTERS & COMMENTARY CHURCH SHOULD STICK WITH ITS CONVICTIONS Kudos to the leadership of Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo (see waterloo- chronicle.ca) for following their conscience and bibli- cal principles to keep their church open in defiance of the provincial shutdown order that restricts church gatherings to 10 people in- side or outside. What is dangerous about any number of cars parked in a lot listening to a service? Is the virus going to somehow mysteriously travel from car to car? That is pure idiocy. Common sense has apparently been thrown out in favour of draconian dictatorship rule. Most churches have a large enough capacity in- side to safely socially-dis- tance and yet they are only permitted to have 10 people inside? Apparently, the vi- rus doesn't circulate in big box stores -- only in churches. Cannabis and li- quor stores are essential and churches are not? If you call it a protest you can congregate any time, in any place, in unlimited numbers. I thought better of Cana- da than this! Where is our freedom of worship? A freedom fought for by our ancestors. We pride our- selves on being a free coun- try but this is not freedom. God help us all if this is the direction in which our country is headed. MIRIAM MCKINNON, CAMBRIDGE NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW Regarding the goings- on at Trinity Bible Chapel (see waterloochronicle.ca), I felt the need to write. No one is above the law. Not even a church. If the pastor feels he and his pa- rishioners are having their charter rights infringed upon, then they should hire a lawyer and get on with it. Otherwise, he is show- ing quite obviously that it's the collection plate he is worried about and not the safety of his flock. In the world of Donald Trump, where everything and anything is up for grabs, this is just another example of a spoiled few breaking the law and gar- nering headlines whilst the rest of us try to keep our- selves and others safe. JOHN MCCARTHY, WATERLOO Apparently, former Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phil- lips isn't the only tone deaf politician who thought it was OK to take an international trip at the same time as Canadians are being repeatedly reminded to avoid non-essential travel. Phillips, as we know, "resigned" from his cabinet job after being caught taking a luxury Caribbean vacation over Christmas. His website featured a pre-recorded video of him offering sage advice and urging patience among his Ajax constituents, at the same time as he was enjoying luxury accommodation in the exclusive trop- ical getaway of St. Barts. Some say Phillips got what he deserved when he was forced to return to being a lowly MPP. Maybe, maybe not, but it's clear he is in good company. Liberal MP Kamal Khera attended a private memori- al service for relatives in Seattle. Her trip was deemed by officials to be essential, but she has stepped down from her parliamentary secretary role. MP Sameer Zub- eri visited a sick relative in Delaware. His trip was also approved, but he has also stepped down from parliamen- tary committees. Veteran Flamborough-Dundas MP David Sweet spent leisure time in the U.S. without telling his party and lost his chair of the ethics committee. Alberta Conservative MP Ron Liepert travelled to California twice since March. NDP MP Niki Ashton was stripped of her critic roles after sharing that she visited her sick grandmother in Greece. Also in Alberta, Premier Jason Kenney has had a change of heart after originally just slapping the wrists of several MLAs who travelled over the holidays, in- cluding his Municipal Affairs Minister Tracy Allard who vacationed in Hawaii. The politicians who asked and received permission to travel to visit sick relatives seem to us guilty of a lesser sin. They were attending to family matters, not frolick- ing on the beach. Still, thousands of Canadians would have liked the same opportunities, but chose to stay home based on public health and government advice. The politicians like Phillips are in a class by them- selves -- as in no class at all. Phillips didn't "resign" out of guilt or conscience. He was "resigned" for embarrass- ing his government and premier. Also, does anyone really believe no one else in gov- ernment -- not Phillips' staff or anyone in the premier's office -- knew about him jetting off to the Caribbean? All the politicians who admitted travelling, or who just got caught, like Phillips, exhibited bad judgment, with the possible exception of those who got official permission to visit sick relatives. The others have clear- ly shown they don't know wrong from right, and don't really get that being a leader means being in service to the people you represent. WHEN POLITICAL LEADERS DON'T KNOW WRONG FROM RIGHT SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA