Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jul 1915, p. 5

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~ ·' ----'-----'-------... . , .-______ ' :....· --------- · - - - --- THURSDAY, JULY 22,1915 The Best Quality at Reasonable Price a Men'a leather bells, all colors; regu· lar value 35c to 50c, sale price 24c. Men's tailor-made tw~ suits, regu· Jar value $25.00; sale prlel! $14.90 at W. G. Walters'. BIR"Q:. H.ur..-At the KIDPton Road, Whitby, July 9, to Mr. _and Mrs. J. H. Hall a Promotion examlnatlone of S. S. No. ; 2, Whitby and Pickering. 1 ~ Bifocals Add to Summer Pleasure You use your eyes for far vision mu~h more when you arc out of doors than when you are Inside. That's why so many )leople complain about "hot weather being bard on the eyes." The .real reason for this distress Is tbat without realizing It, the eyes are being constantly strained. The sensible thing to do Is to wear Oplfex Bifocal glasses. The upper part of the lens Is for far vision and the low- er part for reading and close work, while the dividing line Is practically invisible. They are really two pairs ot glasses In one mounting, giving perfect 13ervlce for all vision. Opl!ex Blfocale will add much to your comfort and pleasure this sum- mer. Come In and let us demonstrate them. ~ Black colored silks, 36 to 40 Inches Wide, regular value $1.25, sale price ~8c at W. G. Walters'. -o- --o- Tbe many friends of 1\tr. Isaac Pa· quctte, Jr., wlll be pleased to know be has recovered sufficiently to be taken out In a wheeled chair. daughter. · · Mc.._LELL.I.N.-At 22 l.ynd avenue, To- ronto, on Mood!Q' July 12, 1915, to Mr. and Mn. Walter McClellan a Sr. III to Jr • . IV.-Lock McBrien, Vema Mackey. 1 Sr. 11. to Jr. III.--Gertrude Sulll-ran, 1 Elva Redman. New Perfection 011 Stoves at greatly r-educed )lrlces while they last at Me· IJntyrc's hard ware. -o- -o- l\lr. Mark Norman, of Wbltby, who The County W. C. T. U. Executive ~ Is now In France with the Canadian son. . ' DISNE\',-In Osbawa, on July 13th to Mr. and Mn. L. V. Disney a son: Recommended-Archie Mayne. Jr. II to Sr. H.-Laura 1\faekey, EJ. : wood Stevenson, Ralph Wells, Clarence II Redman. Recommended-Edgar Mayne. I D\et at "The Maples" recently to plan Exped itionary forces, has written sev- fC>r th l' convention to be held the third eral letters to lllrs. Thos. Hend·er~on, :r1111rsday In September In Uxbridge. with whom he boarded while In Whit· Delegates from throughout the county. by, telling hPr of some of his .f!J<perl· II' ere IJI'l'senL. 1 ences. He had not at the time of wrlt- McKP.r> ZI£.-On lot 5, ~on. 7, East Whit· -- by, on Monday, July 12th, 1915; to Mr. and M.rs. J~ A. McKenzle,Reeve of East Whl t!Jy. a eon. J\o\isceJianeous AdveTts. I --o- lng had a baptism of fire, but may have McLEOD-In Edmonton, Alta., on Thursday, July 15, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. McLeod, a daughter. (Mrs. McLeod WIUI Mlsa Ruby Steven· son.) FOR SALE. Frame bo11se, stone foundation elec- tric light, rumace and water. Apply bo~ 397, Wbltby, Ont. -3 I ~ A special meeting of the three com- I been In a battle before this. as the last rnHtees or the V.O.N. will be held on letter was written on July 7th. He F.-lday, July !!3, at 3 p.m. In the agrl·! asked to be remembered to all hie Cllltural rooms. Each member Is earn- Whitby friends, and enclosed a 11.ne estly des ired to be present, as buslnt'SB photograph taken In his uniform. of special Importance Is to be dIs- -o- cu ssed. Sec that you bring one of the 'The Tabernacle excursion· to Toron- DIED. NICOL.-At St. Marya, Ont., on July 16, Miss P. Nicol, eldest daughter of the late P • . ¥- Ntcol. BRICKS FOR SALE. I Good quality, low prlceL Also Instal· , ling an up.to-date tiling machine. In- spection Invited. Apply Whitby Brick Yard. COIIllmlttee, to !wid yestPrday was very largely &t· --o- tPnded, and the day was most propltl· 'The pos tponed . baseball game of the ous for an outing or the sort. Whitby Town League, between 1\Icln· --o- i\lr. John Knot!, of Port Perry re- WANTED. tyJ·e's Ironsides and the Blackfcct,wlll Tile Young People's Union of the cently celebrated Jlle 90th blrthd.;y, From 10 to 16 acrea of land, with be played nt Diamond Park on Friday Raptlst Church will hold their annual J. K. Norris, ~hn, baa resigned house, small barn, shade trees, and ev<ming at 6.30. Everybody come, as plc;,lc on Friday afterjloon of this the PostroastershJp of the town a.rt fruit trees preferred. Must be within this may ue the last game of the s ea- '"'"lc The hay racks 'lthlch wlll,gon- 59 years' service. er one mile of railway station. Box 676, SOJlt. vey lhP party will leave the school Durham Old Boys \viii hold a re- Whitby P. 0. -3 -o- ""'Ill at 1.30 o'clock sharp. . The Pte· i union In Bowmanvllle on elvlc boll- FOR SALE. fo l~o 1palrs of women's pumps and Oll· nlc will be held on Twin Strea~s farm. day. A big crowd Ia eltlM!cted. Sto~ and a half frame bouse, stone n,a n patent, tan, and gun metal lea- · · The Bowm 111 b ·' then, Regular price from U.60 to · .... . rloti Le anv e ra.nch of the ·Pat- foundation, electric light, furnace, and $4.Go. Sale price $1.78. Peel's Shoe p holld~y. ague wlll.llold tag day on civic w;nter; good barn, stable and driving sto_.e. ersonaJ Mention. . ~ shed. Apply Wro. Hoar, Whitby, ant. All SalntH Ch~ picnic held on llllss Ewers, of Toronto, Is visiting /I HELP WANTED. Weunesday afternoon last to Corbett's her aunt, lllrs. Jos. Heard: Exhibition Notes. Woman and &lrl for general work. l PAGJ!l J'IQ Flies Flies Flies WAR ON THE PEST · IS THE CRY EVERYWHERE I Flies carry pestilence wherever thev go, and they can't be stamped out too quickly. Get to work now and kill them off as fast a:s they appear. There's every aid you could want in our stock of Polson Papers, Sticky Papers, Insect Powders and Fly Swatters Everything so cheap that everyone can afford to enlist in swatting the fly. WHITFIELD'S Drug and Stationery Store WHITBY. 6NT11RI6 Bell Phone 37• Independent Phone 37 PoiJnt, was one of thP most successful 1\Ir. A. J. Fallon, of BufTalo, visited Apply Mrs. Wilson, Queen's Hotel, Plcr,tcs yet held. There were nearly hi~Islsters here this week. .. 1n 1913 over 1,00o,O(I() people visited Whitby. ~~;~~::~~::~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~ one hundred nnd seventy-five prest•nt. r. Leonard Ruttan spent Sunday the Canadian Nauooal Xllblbltlon. Last The. weath er was Ideal, and a most In Toronto with his brother. 80 I Messrs. W. J. Luke a.nd T. J . Homa. year over 0,000.,PeODleiPuaed through ~~ R. N. Bassett Jeweltr and 81'111uatln& Optlalan Whitby, Ontario P el\sant afternoon was spent In games, by motored to Lindsay on Monday. , the gates. Thla ywr It Is expected to A RTH U R L y N 0 E racE,s, etc. Mrs. Geo. Thompson visited her sis· ·show an lncreu.se. . TENOR W. C. T. U. -<>-- ter, 1\lrs. wm. Meeker, last week. The record for a dar's attendance at TE P~rtnts, muslins, ginghams, regular Miss Moffatt, of Raglan, bas been ·vts- the Canadian National Ellblbltlon Is ACH.ER OF SINGING. val~e 15c, 18c to 25c per yard; sale ltlng at the home of Mr. Jus. Gray. 154,000, reached In 1913. ONTARIO'S DUTY. price 10c, July 2! to 31 at W. G. Wal· Mrs. lllurra)· and Mrs. D. Archer, of Canadian National Ellblbltlon ters'. Port Perry, were In town last week. grounds coroprllle 254 84lre& and extend Is there less obllgatlmo on us to do -o-- Mrs. Foy, or Toronto, has been visit- for 1 ~ miles alone the water front. our abare, to do our duty because we ' THE TABERNACLE. tn~: her brother at the Whitby House. The llve-stoclr: dllll&rtlllent at theCa- bave not sent so many men to the Rev. A. H. Foster, Pastor. Mr. A. Gray, of Port Arthur Otn. nadlan National Ellhlblttlon provJdea front? Is that any reason why In this sunday, July 25. Is holidaying with his parents here. • stabling for 1,600 bonela. 1,200 catUe, matter over which we have direct and Pl1Jplt will be occupied morning and Mr. R. Barton and wife, of Winnipeg, 900 sheep and 600 awme.!. · Immediate control we should not do evening by the pastor. arc visiting the former's parents here. The Grand Stand at. the Canadian our whole duty? My. bon. friends the Mt>rnlng ·antbem, "0 be Joyful In the Miss Kathleen MacG tt 1 National ExblbltloQ. Ill '726 feet long other day appeared to take oltence Lord " moo th's holiday wltb frl~!l d Y 1 s Po~ a built of brick, steel and Clem crete, bas ~ when I suggested this province might E.f~nlng an them, "As Pants the boro. n s n e er- seating capacity of 16,8Q)O people. and do something to provide additional Hart ." lllr. and Mrs. G. M. Goodf""ow are !oat $262,000. • men for the front. They said this was S0:1o, "Let Us Have Peace." Mrs. A. enjoying a holiday on the..,.. Rideau · There are 10,000 lllllmal1 In the live- · a matter for tbe Dominion. Granted H. F•oster. Lakes stock exhibit at th!! .Canadian National for argument sake. Here Is a matter -o- Mrs: Robt. Nicholson has gone on a Exhibition each ye~~r, where this province controls the situ· th' 1 1 - The running trac:ll at the Canadian The weather of the past week has moo s v s t to her daughter In De- pa~~~~ o~rerpea::t!t~byw~e:; ac~: :: been so;> wet that haying operations trolt. · ~nat~~!a~o~~~~':~~~ ... ~.,?~ 0:2~e ::.,_w make a real contribution to the have bel'n practically suspended. There rfr, Hay, or Toronto, sang a beautiful course strnlgbtaw:;;-Many re~rd~ strengthening of our own defence, the Is milch bay yet to eut In this vicinity. 50 0 ~t the Baptist Church on Sunday bave been equalled·.9r broken on Atb- ·defence of our Empire, and the pro- Hay haa grown a good deal during the mom ng. Jette day In past ye&ra .gress of Canada. paat week or two, and crops that I llfls~ Gladys Johnston has returned The biggest list of ~en on record Now, Mr. Speaker, let roe ask again threatened to he short have developed ~ro~ a two-weeks' holiday with ·fy';e.!lds for a bicycle rllCe, 711 In all, were Bent why were these nations doing this• Into 'very fair averages. 0 Mort Perry. .. ... ·., -- away over th&-.C..aMian NaUonal Ex· In order to ensure the efficiency of -o- · r. and. Mn. John WJo,eliester and blbldon llOUI'M o~ lllle of lhe Alhletlc their citizenship-the men at the front Lacues' white blousPs, long and short children, of Toronto, are<'V~sltlng wtth ~L . : .. . · and the men who stay at home, who sleev~s. all the season's styles, regular Mrs. T. J. Holllda:r, - ·. "l'll11 ~ i'illiih 0111llllr i'rllllf~ work In shop or factory-and, In addl· value $1 .25 to $1.75 ~ sale price 98c. 'M\ae Luella MacCarl and her rrand· land to the Canadl•n Nauonal Exhibi- tion, to save the nation from the en· W. G. Walters. mother, Mn. Hopper, are vlaltlnlf reJ. tlon wlll be parded all the 'II'IQ' acroM ormous waste which the liquor trafllc -o- ntlvf'R In CannlnFton. · and ne17 mom&t ot the time they art entails. I submit that the same con· PRilsONERS REFUSED TO WORK., c llfr. Grant Linton Is takfmt a •ummer on exhlbltfon. slderat}ollB .apnly to us, ~d In order Nl"e prisoners brought bere from Tourv.. at the Muacbusetts Institute of This Is the thlrty-ieventh year of the to Increase lhe"em~ncy of our men, Guelp.h to work at lhe Hoapltal for U1e I ~t.nology at Boston, Mass. Canadian Na.tlonal Ellblbltlon. It the men who. go to ~e front as '!'eli aa lnsan_e .. Whllb:v. laat. "'l't't.'l.., 'rlltiiiil<f to Mn. Wm. Hodge and little daughter, came Into existence In 1879 and baa the men wbo atiQ' at home, an4.JII, or- wol:tk on Tburaday last. The result l-as or Llnd~~&:r, are vlaltlng with the form- ben run continuously ever since. Kember of The MeatlelaohD Chair of roronto and Ae-olfu Male- Q:nutet, Toronto. ' Dlndar of ~s: A.Dd All RAlnh' f!hnira. of Ca11nioat.on. 8olo••t a.nd Leader of St .. \nd ~··• Chnlr, \tbit.by. Votee 1irlala free by llppoint.ruent. For t.en1u Phoae Bellll8, or &<lolrea bo~ 11011, WHITBY ROYAL THEATRE EIITIRE CHANGE OF PROORAIIF Each Night. . ' II The TreJ o· Hurts It EwPr l.darnl&ht. Flm )llobJNihlldar. 111ft I 11 8atnrday IIIPt. 100. to aJL BAIN PERRIN, llanapr. Fred Squirrell . BENEUL BUCISIITH Blackam.ithiDC, Honeahoein& lllld Geaual JobbiA&. ARST-Cl.ISS TIRE SIDER. der to e&ve our ~~ tmm.- • ·tt\&t they were prompUf clapped In er'to mothl'r, llfrs. John Allln. The amount g1vep In prizes the first economic wute and. wastage of the ll· Jail, where they ba\16 been .fed on br1a4 Mr. and Mrlt. Fred 1\fcCnnn and child· tlon ~ $17,0Q() • .=Thfl year over $60,· quor tralllc It 1s IncUmbent uPOn Wl to and water, This will doubtleaa ll(on! ~n . of Toronto, visited last week wl~ year of the Can?.'illall National Ellblbl· All work D'llraDteed. Give me a nbll meet the situation In the same •plrlt bring the in to see that work With glod I r. Tbos. lllcCann and fam_ll:r. · 000 will be dls!ri'~t~ ., - ..., and In as vlcoroUII and druUc a -w,ay, food Ia not so bad after: all. Dr. Clan•nce Starr, of Toronto,. and -====· ~=======~~! · -o- Dr. Starr, of nrooklln, nttendE'd the = Hear · J . Wblte and Jules Brazil at the Brooklin garden party, Wednesday, .July -28. -o- Big reductions on all summer goods cat W. G. Walters'. --o- . The baseball schedule of the 'Tovn . r.4'emorlnl service to the late Miss Starr LPaguc has been practreally complet,d I biola! In the Bnptlst Church In Whitby The ·s.,rle6 of gameH were greatly llj,:. on .SundiU",~ . ·. · H-.."'t -J · .n. .. ... !oycd: ~olh b)" spectators an_d plaYer;j, 'Mr. S. P'armer, of Port Perry, was In e ervme S fhcr! Is loads Of lime Y"t IbiS BUmTI\er town yesterday arranging for the ,... 0 • ..-..e·a· e for another schedule with re-arrang·pd mor•flnl': of thl' library assoclatlnn to ~ u• drop so early In the season. It Ia to bP ~" hdd In 1 h•, llhrary board room here ceams. The sport Is too Interesting ro nn Frlrlny, .TiiiY 20. hoped the boys will not let their ardor · cool but will continue the sport for s Mr. nnd ~1rs. Lytle, three daughters oth~r month or two. n- and lady friend, or Beave rton, motored -o- A HEAVY STORM. On Friday afternoon last a very heavy storm of rain l>asscd over this BERLIN • • • OKT. Brock Street, Whitb71 Oat, WALL PAPER BARGAINS ., .. !,000 rolls of Wall Paper will Frult baskets delivered at 70c. -dozen. Mcintyre's Hardware. a neighborhood. In Whitby the street• were raging rivers for a short Um,. and the storm drains had more tb;1,; they could do to carry orr the 11.ood. The storm was much benvler, bowevl'r, a distance north, At Audley the ra1n seems to hav e been much heavier, ar1d evidences of Its rampage remained ff)r days. down nod spent the week with Mr. and Mrt T. DPsmond. Mr. Lytle Is a broth· l'r or Mrs. DPsmond. Mrs. Desmond and daught er, Eileen, returnl'd with them Sundny cvPnlng to spend a few days In Beaverton and Brecbln. New Baildia&• wlth late.t Hy~&ieaic Eqalpm.aat•. be sold at half price in the next -o- Take advantage of tbe bargains In warm weather goods at Mcintyre's Bard ware. -i)- Reserve July 28 for the Brooklin Baptist garden party at W. S. Scott's, Columbus. -o- Tbe death occurred In Toronto on ·Tuesdi\Y,JUiy 20, of Miss Sarah Starr. Funeral private on arrival of 3 p.m. train from Toronto on Thursday. -o- w. G. Walters' annual summer sale t~tarts Saturday, July 24, and wlll end Saturday, July 3!). --o- .J. R. Macpherson, M.D., physician and eurgeon, bas opened up an office over J . E . Willis' drug store. See his card In another column ot this paper. -o-- Men's straw hats, regular value $2 and $2.50, reduced to 98c. at W. G. Wal· ters' aale July 24 to 31. -()- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The meeting of the Women's Instl· tute which was to be held at l\trs. R. L. - Ruddy's, Pickering, on July 27th, has been postponed until Tuesday, Aug. Srd, on acount of the Illness of Mrs. Ambrose Small, of Toronto, who Is Cll· pected to address the meeting. F. Bateman, Secretary. What We Know AU Flour is not good flour, all Lard is not good lard, all Tea is not good tea. Our knowledge of the merit of the goods m~kes this atore nl ua ble to you. What you buy of us carries with it our personal guar- antee. S Cora Flaku, 8 Dutah CJeaaaar, Good Salmon, 6 Ban Soap 26o 2io 10. 26o and othtr cooda at city prices Your B~iness Friend, WM. MEEKER -<>-- A SWEET SINGER. Master George Branton, of Toronto delighted an ex tra large congregatt~,; In the Tnbernncle on Sunday evenll\g last by hIs wonderfully sweet render. log of two solos, "Fear ye not, 0 1 •. rae!," and 'God Will Take Care l)f You." lllastcr Branton's great rep\J. tatlon as a soprano singer Is rapldl y growing, and his performance here On Sunday certainly deserves the beijt that can be said of lt. George will ~e warmly welcomed upon any futur-e occasion when It may be possible fo.r him to favor a Whitby uudleuce. . ~ lllcn's and boys' print shirts, regll· lnr value 75c und $1.00; sale price 49>c at W. G. Walters' . -o-- ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH. Pastor, Rev. A. P . Menzies, M.A.,B.D. The pastor will preach at both ser- vices. 11 a.m.-Sermon, "Tho Doy Scout Movement." Anthero-"Whcn I Read lily Tltloe Clear." Solo by Mrs. Rowe. 7 J>.m.-Sorruon, '"Tho Dest that 111 1111 Jesus." Authem-"RcJolce In the Lord." Solo, "Take up Thy Cross," by Mr-. DouglllB Renwick -o- DOY SCOUTS TO DE ORGANIZED. On Monday evening next a mettlntJ will be held In the muslo hall, Wbltbr, Lindsav District Library Jnstitutc. The annnnl ml'etlng of the Lindsay District Puhllc Library Institute wlll be held In the Whitby Public Library on Friday, July 30. <i'he following Is the program : J 1.30-o-Address of Welcome by Chair- man Pnbllc Library Board, Whitby. 1.45-Annual Address of the Preal· dent., Samuel Farmer, Port Perry. 2.00-Annunl Address of the Beer• tary, P. A. Langley, Lakefield, · 2.16-AddreRs, "neadlng for Boys and Girls of High School Ag&-(a) What th ey arc rending ; (b) What they should rPad. J . F . Givens, Beaverton. 2.45-Discunslon. 3.15-Depnrtment Matters, W. R. Nuney, Inspector of Public Libraries, Toronto . 4.15-0pen Conference on Library work of tb" district, led by l\lrs.Jacobl, Oahnwa. 4.45-RPports or Nominating and RPsolutlons Committee. F.\'t~NJN'O AE~SlO:"l. 8.00-0pcnlng remarks, the Chair- roan. 8.15-Address, "The Country Boy and th e Small Public Library." 8.45-"Thc Functlons of the Sunday School Library and some nuggestlons ns to Co-operation with the Public Ll· brnry, E . A. Hardy, Toronto. The regulnr pollee force and ten ex- tra men were on duty In Oshnwa on Monday, July 12., but with the ten thousand vlslt.orR and eight thousand citizens not a single arrest W88 made. Nenr hns there been n more orderly or lnrgt>r crowd In Oshawa. The luveat c,..m.lam In Canada. RunninL'fh:ck. Swimmioc Pool. Shower ~bw. Fint .. aa.. Board Comfortable llns""& ~ Rata Moderate , REV. A. L ZDtCZR. c:.R. Plesideet WANTED A good salesman to represent, in Whitby district, a leading life assurance company. An excellen- opportunity for a bright young man posses~ing salesmau11hip abil- ity and a clean record to aecure a guaranteed contract. Applications in strictest confidence. "Manager for Oentral Ontario," Box 104.2 Peterboro, Ont. MISS E. HOLTRY of London, Ont. , will on August 16 open a new dresAmaking parlor over J. E. Waterhouse's store. Misa Holtby has had wide ex- perience, and assures her patron!! entire satisfaction. two weeks. . Paper for any room in the house. Room Mouldings at reduced pricea. Give ua a call at our new prem· ises, two block!! south of old stand. Levi Shepherd Pho11 No. 147 Broak St. South WHITBY TILE ! TILE ! Just Received ONE GAR FIELD TILE 2l in., 3 in., 4 in. On sale at my residence, Brock St Whitby, or at warehouse, G. T. R. up-town station. Also all kinds of building ma~rials- liiE. lATH, CEIENT, PLASTER OF PARIS 11d HARD WALl PLASTER. T. G. DEVERELL WHITBY presided over by Mr. H . G. Hammond, ======;========================================= assistant Commissioner for Ontario olf ~--------------------------------------------~ tbe Boy Scout movement (The Bora. Big Chief), tbo obJect being to orPD:· lzo under one local association the BeY'· era! ch urcb troops already In exlet.-· once In WbUby. The scouts, wiU, ott course, turn out In force, but It Ia 4e.- slred that all who are Interested IJil promoting this splendid movement shall be present. Let tbere be a large attendance, so that a strong local aa-- sociatlon may be formed. -()-- "CHINA JAPANNED." Those wbo were so fortunate aa to bear the wonderfully lntcrestlnc &cl~ dress at tbe Ontario Ladles' Collep o .. Sunday night by Dr. Beech, of Weet China, who Is home on furlough, -wUJ be deeply Interested to follow up that SUiqmer School discussion of million~ ary enterprise by reading Samuel 0. Blythe's article, "Chlnll Japanned," In last week's Batllrdllll \Evening Poet~ This gifted wrtler, sent speclal)7 bT bls paper to study tbe present POUi situation In the far East as It Ia Idly developing while the war eD.PC th11 attention of great EurOilCIUI pcnr• era, gives 11.rat hand Information about Japan's trytng to gobble Cblna, a movll, that Ia still fnrtber lnftamlng opinion In the Ulilted States against the "YaD· kees of the Pacltlc," as tbe Jape are not lnapproprtatel:r called. Monster Boot and Shoe Sale EVERYTi-llNG is bein~ slaughtered in our Two Shoe Stores, where we have ·a stock of over $1:z,ooo, We have purchased the stock at F. N. Burns' old stand, at a rate on the dollar, and will be able to sell to our customers cheaper boots and shoes than ever before. Watch for the Friday Bargains In the windows at Burns' 8ta11d. See our bargain tables and cut prices. We are determined to clear thia big stock at any price. Come in and take advantage of these auction prices. RepaiPing Neatly Done at Bargain PPices. The Red 5boe Store M. w. CO-LLINS ,. ~ PRIN.GLE'S HARDWARE Mr. Auto Owner We have -secured the agency for the celebrated .. White Rose" Motor Gasoline The pure, dry, carbon-free gasoline GREATER POWER INCREASED MlLAGE The efticient_resnlt~tmakes it cost less than other gasoline.. · TJlV IT AND SEE W. M. PIIINGLE, _Hardware. Whitby I SEMI-11SADY l The Cash Buyer ge~ full v·alue only when We a.-11 all- · cash and one-price .tor>.._ The Credit Tailor mutllt pol · on an extra profit for ~01111-­ he mu1t or bust. Y~u get all you pay lor in Semi-ready Tailoring .- for there are no pay~~-m.orrow customers who make yo#! earn your profit twice and pt:lt you to total loss often. Credit buying keepe a man'a nose to the grindstone. · The man who paya~ cub aave1 money every &i'me-- and 11oon he aaves enooJgh to be always ahead of •he pme. · He who has money alway• want!! to look lUI ~ u Semi-ready Clothee loo•k. . !115, $20, $25-and t10tter. MAURICE MURPHY ~:;:.r :~~.!:: WHITBY French Dry Cle••ninc." Steam Cleaning, llanrl Cleaning, Repairing, p,_,lillg and Dye~?g a' Very Cl~e Prieea. .-, . - WHITBY MARKETS -Wbeat, tall •••••••••••• $Uii to IUt Wheat, cooae • • • • • • • • • • UO to UO Barley ••• , • • • • • •••••• 0.76 to 0.'11 G.T.R. Bean• • • • • • • • ••• · • • • • • 3.00 to 3.00 R)'ll • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • •• LOO to LOO Peas • . • . . • • • • • • .•••••• 1.10 to UO Buckwheat • • • • • • • ••••• 0.76 to 0.10 Oats ••••• , • • • • • • • • • • 0.60 to O.U Red Clover • • • • • • • • • • • • 9.00 to 9.10 Alalke .cloTer, per buahel 8.00 to. l.ot WBJTBYJUM~· o..o--..-·--•.oo• ... .... T ;Ji'a.m. .. .. l:,as p,m • • .. ao. a.nl. • .• •• p.m FLOUR AND i'EBD • o ...... w •• , ... . t.,saa.m., .._.. u .. 't-55 a.m · .... 0.07 p.m. .. .. 6os! p.m .... 7-40 p.m. ~ . .... lop.m Flour, per ewt. •••••••• $S.76 to $f.ot Chopped feed. ewt. • • • • • 2.00 to 1.00 traiM '-" .. ..._to Cornmeal • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.00 to 1.50 a.I&J rl'f!'A ,._. Bran. per ton ••••••••• 18.00 to U.ot t.n a.a. ... l.lt =., .J_.. Sborta, per t.OD • , •••••• SO.OO to SO.OO =~ .-:; ~ ..... , .. f.& MEAT, POULTllY AND PRODUCll. · ~ Beef, GWt.. ~ •••• $1Ul5 to U3.00 1JP-T(JWM 8TATIUJ':' . C&tUe, lift wetcht ••••• '1.60 to 8.01 ,_ __ ,,. ... , .• , •·• • ·-"'- ---"' "00 to 1Lot Gola1 Nortlo ... l.lO •·•·1 Go._ .. I.IS P ·• ._... _ _.... • • • • • • • • • • .,. --4·" p.m. -US p.m Roll, dreaaecl • • • • • •••• 11.00 to ll.JI ... 6.40 p.m. 0011, lelect •• , • .. • , • • 8.%6 to 8.H C .P.R. -• .. ••·• Cblcksa, per lb. •••• •• 0.18 to G.K ol .... Ducka, per lb. • • • • • • • • 0.18 to o.JO oota1 weet-6.s• •·:· I 0 .. • '-ot P·• 0tet1e, ~ per lb. •• 0.16 to O.U ':ls•p . .A. ...,..... TurkQB. 4n11e4. per 111. 0.20 to o.J5 CJa Butter per lb. , , • • • • • • G.2S to 0.~ l!ft'A • d 11 EuB. naw, per dosea •• UO to Ut Ltaftl WMUIJ r. ~.ih. laud, per lb. .. .. .. .. .. 0.18 to o.JO a. a41 41 f.& w. _.,..-. ~ Potato-. per baa - •••• U6 to 0.80 a. , . : Applea, per barrel • • • • • L60 to S.OO ~· .,~1 ..._ Onlone, per baa • ••• • •• LOO to Ul Ltaftl ._ III:VII' • • • • HIQ', per ton •• .. ... .. ~u.oo to 16.00 Kr. lllnrtl. ............. . BJDJD8. IIAIL8 ca.- Wool. unwuhet .... ..-.tul to IO.lf I Calf Bk1u, per lb. -··- Ul .. Ul Por w.a- t.so e.a. U-30P·•· '-30 J>.lll . . .,...:-. JtorJCul-4.Joa.m. '-lO p.a. P • - ~ Lainb U1u. each ........ ,. .. ..,. ...... ........ " ' ... -.... ··-HI4-. per nt. • , •• • • • ....- ...- - Sheepattaa • • • • • • • • • •• t.TI tl Ul Por'OIIIil-·~··· n.oon. ............. &II .. 1..11 HolM Hlclee ••• , ••• , , , 1.11 .. Lll, . l'or l'ectta-f t8 ., •·

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