in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 29 ,2 02 1 | 4 Notice of a Proposal to Amend the Parkway BeltWest Plan and Minister's Zoning Order, Ontario Regulation 481/73 Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994, Clause 6(7)(a) Planning Act, Subsection 47(9) Take notice that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has received two privately initiated applications requesting an amendment to the Parkway Belt West Plan (PBWP); and the Plan's associated Minister's Zoning Order, filed as Ontario Regulation 481/73. The application details are as follows: Location: 1354 Bronte Road in the Town of Oakville, Halton Region; legally described as PIN 249260033, Part of Lot 31, Concession 2, South of Dundas Street, Trafalgar. APPLICATION #1 - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PBWP Proposal: An amendment to remove the subject lands from Map 6 - Burlington-Oakville Mini Belt of the PBWP. The subject lands are currently designated as 'General Complementary Use' within the 'Complementary Use Area' of the PBWP. The applicant is proposing to remove the lands from the PBWP in order to facilitate future residential development which would require further approvals. File No.: 24-PBW-211316 APPLICATION #2 - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ONTARIO REGULATION 481/73 Proposal: An amendment to remove the subject lands from a Minister's Zoning Order, filed as Ontario Regulation 481/73 in order to facilitate future residential development which would require further approvals. File No.: 24-MZOA-215896 To receive a copy of the proposed PBWP amendment and/or if you have any questions regarding the applications, please email us at Submissions on the proposed amendments may be made in writing to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing untilMay 29, 2021 by mail to the above noted address, or by email to parkwaybeltwestplan@ontario. ca. Please refer to the application file numbers indicated above. The options available to the Minister for the proposed PBWP amendment, depending on whether submissions are made, are set out in sections 7 & 8 of the Ontario Planning and Development Act, 1994. Generally, if no submissions are received within the time specified, then the Minister may approve or modify and approve all or part of a requested amendment. If the Minister proposed to refuse all or part of a requested amendment, the Minister shall allow the applicant to make written submissions. If submissions are received within the specified time, then the Minister may approve, modify and approve or propose to refuse all or part of the amendment, or refer the amendment to a hearing officer of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to conduct a hearing and to make a recommendation. Halton Region has extended the manda- tory mask bylaw until Dec. 31. The bylaw was initially due to expire at the end of May, but regional councillors voted at a recent meeting to keep the reg- ulation in place for the rest of the year. "I think it's really important for folks to recognize that even as we continue to vac- cinate our population, it's going to take some time, and other health measures are absolutely critical," Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward said at the meeting. Ward pointed to the continued need for mask-wearing and physical distancing un- til more people are inoculated, and experts gain a better understanding on how the vaccines will fare against the COVID-19 variants. As for the weekly COVID-19 cases, the region's website shows that from April 16 to 22 there were 992 more cases of the dead- ly disease, down from 1,105 the previous week. The virus had also claimed three more lives. As of April 23, the number of active CO- VID-19 cases stood at 901 -- with 277 cases in Oakville, 274 in Milton, 259 in Burling- ton and 91 in Halton Hills. To date, there have been 14,092 cases of COVID-19 during the pandemic, with 12,982 marked as re- solved and 209 deaths. With files from Melanie Hennessey Here's a weekly roundup of COVID-19 cases and news. Jason Liebregts/Metroland WEEKLY ROUNDUP: MANDATORY MASK BYLAW EXTENDED BAMBANG SADEWO NEWS SCAN FOR MORE Scan this code to view COVID cases tracker.