5 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,June 18,2020 w aterloochronicle.ca Crossword & SudokuAnswers 85 BRIDGEPORT RD. E. WATERLOO (Across from the Bridgeport Rd. Plaza) SINCE 1971 519-893-8118 FURNITURE & MATTRESSES SINCE 1971 Comfort Plus SINCE 1971 FURNITURE & MATTRESSES Comfort Plus SINCE 1971 FURNITURE & MATTRESSES 85 WE HAVE RE-OPENED By Appointment Only WE HAVE RE-OPENED BY APPOINTMENT ONLY PLEASE CALL 519-893-8118 FOR DETAILS MON.,TUES.,WED. 10AM - 6 PM THURS.& FRI. 10AM - 6 PM SATURDAY 9AM - 5 PM SUNDAY 12 PM - 4 PM Options. Savings. Guidance. You pick. We Plan. Pre-Plan with us today! 205 Nebo Rd., # 1, Hamilton | affordableburialandcremation.ca Call 905-389-2998 SimPliCiTY - VAlUe - exPerieNCe Funeral Directors Available 24 Hours a Day Pre-Arrangements and Time Of Death Arrangements Call today to discuss some of the options available for you or your loved ones bourhood with the help of the city was crucial to gar- nering attention. Block connectors can reside in any neighbour- hood or area in Waterloo, both inside and outside of existing neighbourhood and homes association boundaries, as well as multi-residential housing such as apartment build- ings, condos or other clus- tered homes. Interested block con- nectors will need to have three to four hours per month to contribute and value diversity and rela- tionship building, the city says. They will participate in a virtual orientation session to discuss pro- gram limitations under the pandemic and will work with staff to coordi- nate connection opportu- nities that are appropriate for their area. The first round of appli- cations will be accepted until June 25 at midnight. Program organizers are especially interested in hearing from appli- cants in the following ar- eas: • Beaver Creek Mead- ows (Erbsville Road/Con- servation Drive/Beaver Creek Road) • Carriage Crossing (Country Squire Road/ Millenium Drive/Univer- sity Avenue) • Conservation Mead- ows (Conservation Drive/ Erbsville Road/Benjamin Road/Westmount Road North) • Dearborn (Lexingtion Road/King Street/Con- nestoga Parkway) • Erb West (Fischer- Hallman Road/Erb Street West/Keats Way/Univer- sity Avenue West) • Lincoln Heights (Lin- coln Road/Weber Street South/University Avenue East/ East/Bluevale Street North) • Moses Springer (area surrounding Moses Springer Community Cen- tre) • Northdale (Columbia Street/Albert Street/Uni- versity Avenue/King Street) • University Downs (University Avenue East/ Bridge Street West/Wool- wich St.) • Bridgeport Road/We- ber Street/Erb Street/ Conestoga Parkway • Erb Street/West- mount Road/University Avenue • Lexington Road/ Bridge Street/University Avenue/Conestoga Park- way To apply to be a block connector, visit water- loo.ca/neighbourhoods. STORY BEHIND THE STORY: With physical distancing measures in place due to COVID-19 leading to social isolation, the City of Waterloo is developing programming to help people connect. The Chronicle caught up with a group of neighbours participating in a new block connector program. NEWS Continued from page 4