w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 13 ,2 01 8 | 6 CAMBRIDGE 90 Main Street cornerstonefurniture.ca 519.740.9991 /CornerstoneHome /cornerstonehomeinteriors We stock more sofas than any store in Ontario. Be amazed! OUR 'GET READY' SALE COMPANY IS COMING! Time to update that room! Turn the style heat up at Cornerstone. We have promotions going on everyday. 5'x 8' rugs on sale from $4500 December 10 - December 15, 2018 Fresh Meaty Pork Back riBs Reg. $6.99 lb.$4.99 lb. Fresh Boneless Beef BlaDe roasts Reg. $7.99 lb.$7.49 lb. Fresh cut stewing Beef Reg. $5.99 lb.$5.49 lb. NOW AVAILABLE! Original Recipe Harmony Lunch Burger meat ready for you to take home! Come in and get someWaterloo County Heritage! Store Made regular or Hot PePPerstix (24 Pc.) Reg. $8.99 ea.$7.99 ea. Store Made awarD winning DouBle sMokeD Bacon Reg. $7.99 lb.$6.99 lb. Store Made liver Pate' Reg. $6.99 lb.$6.49 lb. Store Made regular, HerB or JalaPeno liverwurst Reg. $4.49 lb.$3.99 lb. Store Made Deli sliceD roast Beef Reg. $8.99 lb.$7.99 lb. Store Made Deli sliceD roast turkey Reg. $8.99 lb.$7.99 lb. BrigHt's MarBle cHeDDar Reg. $9.99 lb.$7.99 lb. A high-intensity, class- based training network that boasts of helping peo- ple exceed their fitness goals in "friendly" 45-min- ute sessions is moving into Catalyst137, Kitchener's hardware innovation cam- pus on Glasgow Street. Designed by sports sci- entists with roots in Aus- tralia, F45 Training claims that it uses the best of strength and cardio train- ing in 45-minute sessions designed to burn more than 750 calories. The concept that's ex- panded worldwide was brought to Canada in 2015 by Jarrett Slaney, whose brother is good friends with Catalyst 137 founder Kurtis McBride. Along with various new corporate tenants, Cata- lyst137 has recently added a restaurant and café to its courtyard area and was looking for a fitness option to complement the inter- net-of-things-themed cam- pus. F45's experienced train- ers lead groups through limitless variations of high- intensity training circuits with the help of modern technology. TV monitors and exercise stations with clear instructional dia- grams help guide members through their workouts. "The other aspect is we have heart rate technology, so you wear these heart rate belts and we subtract the calories. And we also have a scoring system - you want to reach 45 points each exercise," said Slaney, who's opened three studios in Toronto since 2015. Kitchener is next on the list. F45 is designed to allow someone who hasn't worked out in five years the opportunity to reap the same benefits from a work- out as someone who hits the gym regularly, without any intimidating front desk staff or judgmental atti- tudes. Most tech guys are sit- ting at their desks all day, admits Slaney, who says F45 has a "no ego, no mir- rors, no treadmill policy." The company says its classes are designed to help people at all fitness levels, including newcomers, with trainers who get to know participants and cater exer- cises (there are more than 3,500) to suit their needs, in- juries and capabilities. NEWS F45 TRAINING COMING TO CATALYST137 HIGH-INTENSITY WORKOUT CIRCUITS TO BEGIN IN JANUARY ADDRESS 137 Glasglow St., Unit 590 (free parking outside with outdoor entrance for the public) WEBSITE: www.f45training.ca/waterloo INQUIRIES: waterloo@f45training.com BILL JACKSON bjackson@kitchenerpost.ca NEWBIZ LEARN ABOUT NEW BUSINESSES IN YOUR COMMUNITY. WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA