w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 13 ,2 01 8 | 18 Do you have a blocked sewer lateral? The City of Waterloo provides a 24-hour sewer lateral blockage clearing service. Residents requiring this service are asked to call 519-886-2310 should the need arise. An owner may use a plumber to clear the lateral; however, the City assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred. If it is determined that a chronic problem exists on the owner's section of the line, the City will direct the owner to correct it. Until repaired, further calls to that property will be at full costs to the owner. The City will endeavour to free all sewer blockages as soon as possible during normal working hours and at all other times if necessary, but does not guarantee a solution. The City assumes no responsibility for damages that occur from such blockages. The City of Waterloo is proud to provide this high level of service. If you have any questions or can provide additional information regarding your sanitary sewer lateral please call 519-886-2310. P. 519.886.1550 TTY. 1.866.786.3941 waterloo.ca/publicnotices We want to hear from you! February 11, 2019 is budget day. That's when City of Waterloo council approves the 2019 operating and capital budget. The budget supports many important services and projects, including snow removal, sewer maintenance, fire protection, bylaw enforcement, road maintenance and repairs, parks, recreation, culture and leisure services. We're interested in better understanding what information you would like to know about our budget and budget process and how to better communicate this information to you. Between now and February 15, 2019, please visit engagewr.ca/waterloo and tell us what you think! Help us do a better job informing you about the things that are important to you. For more information, visit waterloo.ca/budget or join staff and council at one of the following council meetings leading up to budget day on February 11, 2019. > January 14, 21, 28, 2019 Department business plans are presented to council > January 21, 2019 City utility rates for 2019 are approved by council and are effective February 1, 2019 > February 4, 2019 Capital budget is reviewed with council for their consideration on February 11, 2019 > February 11, 2019 2019 operating and capital budget approved and a nine-year capital forecast for 2020 to 2028 is approved in principle 2019 PROPOSED BUDGET waterloo.ca/budget My name is Felicite. I'm a three-year-old beauty queen who requires high standards, according to the staff here. Icame to the The Humane Society of Kitchener Water- loo as a stray in October and have finally cleared my health and behaviour evalua- tion. Due to the stressful change in my routine, I was having some inappropriate litter box habits and was treated for a urinary tract in- fection. The staff tried nu- merous alternatives and found I prefer to have a low sided area to do my business, like a boot tray, and that I like to have the feeling of cat at- tract litter between my toes. The other stuff is just too rough for my little beans (toes) and may ruin my ped- icure that I spend all day per- fecting. I enjoy handling when it's convenient for me. I would prefer a home with no other pets and older children, so I can be the centre of attention of course. I also need some- one who will understand my needs. If you have the palace I am looking for, please speak with an Adoption Counselor to- day. You will not be disap- pointed. To meet me, or the other pets available for adoption, visit the K-W Humane Soci- ety at 250 Riverbend Dr. in Kitchener, call 519-745-5615, or visit kwhumane.com. K-W PET OF THE WEEK: FELICITE Felicite the Cat. Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society/Photo CONTRIBUTED SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA