21| W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,O ctober 18,2018 w aterloochronicle.ca ONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commonONE thing in commoncommon • Walt Disney • H. Ross Perot • Bob Hope • Ed Sullivan • Danny Thomas • John Wayne • Bing Crosby • Jimmy Durante • Dwight D. Eisenhower • Herbert Hoover • Martin Luther King Jr. • Harry S. Truman • Isaac Asimov • Carl Sandburg • Tom Brokaw • Wayne Gretzky • Dr. Norman Vincent Peale • Warren Buffett • Jackie Robinson These famous personalities all started their careers DELIVERING NEWSPAPERS ROUTES NOW AVAILABLE! Join the list! 519-895-5690 61 47 -0 01 DOGOWNERS! Purchase your annual dog licence online today at mypermits.waterloo.ca and enjoy a $25 voucher from Ren's Pets Depot! waterloo.ca/doglicence$25 FREE * CITY OF WATERLOO 2019 CASH GRANTS PROGRAM The City of Waterloo wants to hear from Volunteer/Not-For-Profit Community Organizations wishing to make an application for a cash grant. The intent of the program is to provide cash grants to support grass root organizations and community projects that encourage participation in any of the following funding categories: Recreation and Sports, Arts & Culture, Festivals, Neighbourhoods The maximum amount of funding available for either an operating or a project grant is $5000. Requests in access of $5000 for either an operating or a project grant will not be considered. Organizations may apply for both an operating and a project grant for a total maximum amount of $10,000. (Professionally reviewed financial statements are required for requests over $7500) The community cash grants policy, which includes the eligibility guidelines, and the cash grant application are now available at waterloo.ca/communitygrants For further information, please contact Lynn DicksEgley, Community Support Administrator at 519-747-8512 or TTY 1-866-786-3941 or email lynn.dicksegley@waterloo.ca Submission of an application does not guarantee an organization will receive funding. Deadline for grant application submissions: 2:00 pm on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 Late applications will not be accepted The following are NOT eligible for the cash grants program: capital expenditures, charitable events, conferences, educational institutions, commercial businesses, for profits, or individuals If you require this or any grant information in an alternate format, please contact Lynn DicksEgley. P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941 waterloo.ca/publicnotices As part of a partner- ship with the Waterloo Re- gion Down Syndrome So- ciety, Hilary Camilleri is in the midst of another photo series and creation of a calendar that aims to help create awareness and erase negative percep- tions about the genetic disorder. This year, the "Who do you love" theme is focused on capturing those that have down syndrome with their "favourite people." In the past, the project has focused on capturing those with down syn- drome and their families, but this year's project in- cluded coaches, personal support workers and ex- tended family. "I think this year we de- cided it would be nice to go into the community next, to see who surround who support these children and adults in the commu- nity, so I asked them all to bring their favourite per- son," said Camilleri. "Each year, we're add- ing another layer onto the project to show people in the community that their lives are very productive very full of support from not just family, but from friends and all kinds of other people." The 44-year-old mother of two was inspired to start the project four years ago after a friend of hers had a baby who had down syndrome. This is the fourth year Camilleri and the compa- ny she founded, One for the Wall, has partnered with the WRDSS to pro- duce photographs in hopes of creating aware- ness and a higher under- standing for people that have down syndrome. Her previous three projects were "31 days 31 faces," "See Me" and "Better With You." "Lots of people certain- ly have a proper under- standing and good percep- tion of what it's like for people to have down syn- drome, but I think there's some perception and be- liefs out there we can still work on, so I think my big thing is keeping the integ- rity of who all these people are," said Camilleri. She also says those that participate in the photog- raphy series "exude hap- piness" and joy. Camilleri, founded One for the Wall ten years ago, was also bestowed with an honour last week at the Rogers Oktoberfest Wom- en of the Years awards, taking home the arts & culture category. "It just really means a lot knowing that a panel of judges saw some value in the projects I've been do- ing and the people I've been trying to speak for," said Camilleri. This year's photo series includes 47 photos, which are released on the One for the Wall Facebook and In- stagram page daily. The pictures are accompanied by quotes from those in- volved. Camilleri, who studied journalism at Sheraton College, is able to use her educational background to tell strong stories through the photos. "Awareness and accep- tance and also to to break down perceptions people may have, especially if they don't know anyone who also had down syn- drome," said Camilleri in terms of motivation for the project. "It's really important to see these families, and to show their children in a light they see not the light the world is putting on them." October is Down Syn- drome awareness month in the U.S. while Canada's Down Syndrome aware- ness week is the first week of November. COMMUNITY Best friends Ryan Hellyer and Ethan Lavigne participated in the photo series. One for the Wall Photography LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER PARTNERS UP WITH WATERLOO REGION DOWN SYNDROME SOCIETY FOR PHOTO SERIES TITLED 'WHO DO YOU LOVE' NAMISH MODI nmodi@ waterloochronicle.ca