w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 11 ,2 01 8 | 10 Why should the public vote for you? Over the last eight years, I have delivered on my prom- ise to build a more inclusive and sustainable city with stronger neighbourhoods, safer rental housing, better infrastructure and real choices in transportation. We have made this prog- ress together, because I know from experience that involving residents in the work makes everything we do at city hall better. Together, we restored Clair Lake and built a new playground. We developed a plan that transformed Northdale into a better de- signed, mixed-use commu- nity. We implemented a rent- al bylaw that found and fixed hundreds of fire, electrical, and zoning violations. And we expanded our trail and cycling network to provide sustainable travel choices to more people. At the same time, I have focused on improving effec- tiveness and efficiency at city hall. I worked with city staff to create an award-win- ning asset management sys- tem that makes our infra- structure gap clear and will ensure every new dollar will be well spent. I also advocat- ed for retrofitting city build- ings and switching to LED street lights, which is saving us nearly $1 million every year. I am committed to mak- ing even more progress in the next four years because too many people can't find an affordable place to live. Too many people don't have a safe way to walk to school or cycle to work. And too many of our roads, side- walks, recreation facilities, and parks are deteriorating. These challenges are not unique to Waterloo, but I know we can find made-in- Waterloo solutions to solve them. My detailed plan can build more affordably priced housing by using new inclusionary zoning powers. It can save money, protect our environment, and fight climate change by investing in energy efficiency and a protected cycling network. And it can fix our infrastruc- ture by funding a responsi- ble and affordable plan to close the gap, because we can't wait for Justin Tru- deau or Doug Ford to fix it for us. I'm ready to roll up my sleeves again over the next four years and I have the ex- perience to get the job done. I would be honoured to have your support on Oct. 22. CONTRIBUTED WATERLOO WARD 6 CANDIDATE: JEFF HENRY Ward 6 candidate Jeff Henry Why should the public vote for you? My name is Oliver Camp- bell and I am attending the University of Waterloo for political science. I believe that despite my youth, what- ever experience I may lack in years is more than made up for by my passion and com- mitment to the city and peo- ple of Waterloo. It's time for a fresh perspective on city council and I am well situat- ed to deliver that. I am able to offer new ideas and perspec- tives, while still making sure that my community engage- ment is strong. Though young, I have experience in community leadership roles: I am a member of the student council of the Feder- ation of Students for the Uni- versity of Waterloo, as well as being on three student committees. I am vice presi- dent academic for the Uni- versity of St. Jerome's stu- dents' union, I have umpired minor baseball for almost 10 years in the region of Water- loo, and I have been elected as an advisory board mem- ber of the University Catho- lic Community. A vote for me is a vote for someone who will make sure your concerns are both heard and addressed. Some of the issues that are impor- tant to me are the inclusion of more affordable housing for students and low-income earners, and more invest- ment in our recreation spac- es and infrastructure. As a student, I have seen first- hand the state of housing outside of residences -- of- ten run down, unaffordable, and in some cases, even un- livable. I will strive to pro- vide better quality housing for students and make more options available, while still preserving our established communities in the city and maintaining property val- ues. Having been born and raised in Waterloo, I feel that living here has been both my privilege and good fortune. There is nowhere else I would rather be. I believe it is now time for me to give back to this amazing community that has given me so much and afforded me the oppor- tunities that I have had to date. I have a record of seeing things through and working hard to accomplish my goals. I completed high school in three years with a 95 per cent academic aver- age and have maintained an A average as a university student. As a member of city council, I will bring not only these qualities to the table, but also the energy and en- thusiasm of youth. As your representative for Ward 6, I would bring the same dedi- cation and work habits that I bring to all my endeavours. WATERLOO WARD 6 CANDIDATE: OLIVER CAMPBELL Ward 6 candidate Oliver Campbell Why should the public vote for you? In one word, accessibili- ty. A vote for William Hod- gins is a vote for accessibility of city hall, accessible mobil- ity, access to affordable housing, and access to the simple enjoyments in life. The content of my plat- form is built around this con- cept of accessibility. When elected to Waterloo city council I would be acces- sible to anyone with a ques- tion regarding city matters, no matter how small. I would also advocate for the upload- ing of sidewalk clearing to the city. It is time we took this initiative to improve the lives of those with mobility challenges whether it be an individual in a wheelchair or motorized scooter or a young parent or caregiver pushing a stroller. I will push for the rede- sign of Columbia Street from Lexington to Fischer Hall- man as well improve access to cycling and transit op- tions along that particular stretch of roadway. Far too long have we favoured one mode of transportation above another and I believe the time has come to balance the demands of all methods of transportation whether it be walking, cycling, transit, or the personal motor vehi- cle. Affordable housing is al- so something we must im- prove on. Far too long has the City of Waterloo stepped aside from its responsibility to encourage the develop- ment of affordable housing stock in numbers large enough to make a difference. This must also be extended to the suburbs. Not in my backyard is not a reasonable refrain to be considered. If it fits within the city wide de- velopment plan there is no good reason we cannot spread these developments all throughout the city. When elected I would be honoured to make the neces- sary connections and bring aCWHL exhibition games or several to the Rec Complex. Access to and promotion of affordable events within this city must be encouraged if we wish to improve our citi- zens' quality of life. To quote the motto of St. Davids Catholic High School, Success for Each and a Place for All. Couldn't have stated it better myself. WATERLOO WARD 6 CANDIDATE: WILLIAM HODGINS Ward 6 candidate William Hodgins Why should the pub- lic vote for you? I have been proud to call Waterloo home since I graduated from Laurier University in 1989. After raising our family, my husband and I settled in uptown and are enjoying all the vibrancy it has to offer. I have a long track re- cord of community build- ing. I think my leadership roles in support of non- profits have prepared me well to be a very effective voice on council. I am on the board of the United Way Waterloo Region Communities. I have chaired and planned large-scale fundraisers for organizations like Hospice of Waterloo Re- gion and K-W Counselling Services, and I volunteer my time regularly to char- ities such as KidsAbility and Habitat for Humani- ty. Professionally, I have spent nearly three de- cades in the insurance in- dustry, currently at Co- wan as a principal consul- tant focusing on the non- profit sector and working closely with community organizations like House of Friendship and Luther- wood. I am passionate about creating a more open and engaged government. Too often, residents feel they have not been sufficiently informed or consulted on important decisions. As a councillor, I will create an advisory group of commu- nity leaders that I will meet with regularly so that we can strengthen the relationship between council and constituents. It is really important that all the neighbour- hoods of Ward 7 get proper attention. A lot of focus has been on the LRT and the uptown core, but we need to reach all the cor- ners of the ward - from the historic family neigh- bourhoods of Mary Allen and Old Westmount to communities like the Bar- rel Yards, Luther Village and the universities. I will bring all my ener- gy, enthusiasm and hard work to city council and would be honoured to have your vote on Oct. 22. WATERLOO WARD 7 CANDIDATE: CAROL PARSONS Ward 7 candidate: Carol Parsons