w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 27 ,2 01 8 | 14 $6,000 CASH CUSTOMER INCENTIVE ON REMAINING 2018 TUNDRA MODELS 2018 TUNDRA SAVE ∆ 4X4 Platinum Crewmax model shown. 2018 TUNDRA THETOYOT AYOUWAN T. THEOFFER YOU'VEBE EN WAITINGFO R. $6, 000 C SHA ERMSTOUC EVENTICNI O S LEDOA MRDNU8 T10G 2NINIAMEN R ARUNDT 8120 EAVS ∆ .nwsho odelm xamweCr minutalP X44 ARDNU8 T102 . TNAW UOY ATOYOT EHT N EEB EV'UOY REFFO EHT .ROF GNITIAW ∇Limited time offer available on a new 2018 Tundra $6,000 Cash Customer Incentive is available on all new 2018 Tundra and valid to retail customers (excluding fleet sales) except customers who lease, finance or purchase from an Ontario Toyota dealership through Toyota Financial Services at a special rate of interest, offered by Toyota as part of a low rate interest program. All advertised lease and finance rates are special rates. Offer will take place at time of delivery, include tax and will apply after taxes have been charged on the full amount of the negotiated price. Vehicles receiving offer must be purchased, registered and delivered from September 1 to October 1, 2018. Offers are valid from September 1 to October 1, 2018, and is subject to change without notice. All rights are reserved. Dealer may lease or sell for less. Dealer order/trade may be required, but may not be available in all circumstances. Please see your participating Ontario Toyota Dealer for full details. LUMEN WHERE LIGHT, ART AND TECH MEET; showcasing new media, media art and projection-based installations; in uptown Water- loo; for schedule and venues, visit https://www.waterloo.ca/en/living/lumen.aspLoca- tion and Venue: 75 King St. S., Waterloo, ON, N2J 1P2 (Waterloo Public Square) Event date and time: Saturday, September 29, 2018 6:00PM - 11:00PM Audience: All Ages Price: Free ARDUINO CODE FOR TEENS 6 SESSIONS: Weekly on Sundays 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Arduino Code for Teens 6 Sessions Weekly on Sundays 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boardscan read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online.In our classes, we will build different projects and objects, using different platforms likeArduino starter kits,mBot Robotics, Edu-Shield, Sparkfun and Micro-bit to combine your electronicscreations with different materials. Our projects will help students to understand electronics and microcontrol- lers,and programming and roboticsconcepts in a fun and easy way. Here the key learning values for them: 1. Program the Arduino prototyping platform 2. Understand the principles of programming microcontrollers 3. Understand and use of sensors and components 4. Understanding concepts related to electronics, soldering, and engineering design process 5. Project management and team-work 6. Understand the basics of microcontroller pro- grammingLocation and Venue: 600 Laurelwood Drive, Waterloo, ON (Unit 205) Event date and time: Sunday, September 30, 2018 10:00AM - 11:00AM Audience: Youth Price: Price is not specified FITNESS FEEDS THE COMMUNITY: Fitness Feeds the Community is a unique, FREE exercise event that runs from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm on the turf field, track and tennis courts at St. David Catholic Secondary School in Waterloo, ON. Volunteers will be on site accepting donations. Location and Venue: 4 High St., Waterloo, ON, N2L 3X5 (St. David Catholic Secondary School) Event date and time: Sunday, September 30, 2018 1:00PM - 4:00PM Audience: All Ages Price: Free GOOD GREEN DEATH PROJECT: Thinking Outside of the Casket! Good Green Death Project - Thinking Outside of the Casket!Please join us over some light refreshments to share your ideas on how to make the Good Green Death Project a reality. Our goal is to create more environmentally and family friendly options to our current death and dying practices in Waterloo Region ... and beyond. For their generous support, our thanks go to the City of Waterloo and Coun- cillor Mark Whaleyfor providing the space and refreshments, and to Kate Pearce from the Waterloo Global Science Initiative www.wgsi.org for guiding the discussion.Location and Venue: 101 Father David Bauer Dr, Waterloo, ON (Waterloo Memorial Recreation Com- plex)Event date and time: Sunday, September 30, 2018 1:30PM - 3:30PM Price: Price is not specified DROP-IN FAMILY SATURDAYS: Creative fun for the whole family; all projects appropriate for tots to seniors; no registra- tion required; Sept. 29: Eco-Art, Recycled Bird Feeders; Oct. 27: Spooky Fabric Figures; Nov. 24: Pop-up Holiday CardsLocation and Venue: 25 Regina St. S., Waterloo, ON, N2J 1R8 (Button Factory Arts)Event date and time: Saturday, September 29, 2018 10:30AM - 12:30PMAudience: All AgesPrice: $5 child, parent admitted freeMore detailsAlthough we endeavour to provide the most accurate description of events listing and venues, we are not responsible or liable for errors and omissions in the event description, location or intended audience. If necessary, please contact the event organizer for additional in- formation. We dig deeper on the issues that matter to you. VISIT WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA TO READ CURRENT AND PAST INVESTIGATIONS Laurelwood Plaza 450 Columbia Street West, Wat. www.wavelenthhairandskin.com 519.746.8764 PROMO CODE: OCT2018 RECEIVE 20% OFF Any Service Must mention at time of booking Exp. Oct 31, 2018