Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 6 Apr 1933, p. 4

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LOCAL ITEMS | _COMING--F. E. Luke, Eyesight! * Specialist at Lawrence's' drug store, Port Perry, on Thursday, April 27th. On Easter Tuesday, April 18th, an Easter Pageant will be given by the Sunday School, assisted by the choir, in the Anglican' Church, at 8 p.m. An invitation to be present is extended to all, There is no charge for admission. Mr. and Mrs. David Cherrie and daughter Viola, of Oshawa, were in town on Thursday last. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Jno. W. Crozier is progressing nicely after her operation. LADIES' RINGS, A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Owen, on Friday evening of last week, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells, who were recently married. The evening was spent in card playing, and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Wells, were the recipients of many useful gifts. Mrs. Geo. Woods, and son Terry, were in Toronto on Saturday. Miss Mary Cherrie and Mr. Claire Henry, of Oshawa, were visiting in town one day last week. Mr. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Reesor and family, of Toronto, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor. Miss Dorothea Nasmith and Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Toronto, were in town visiting. Mrs. W. A. Boyce and Miss Helen Boyce, of Caledon East, Ontario, former resident of Port Perry, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. MacGregor. Miss Boyce is remaining for a two week's vaca- tion. Wm. Nesbitt and fa Mr. Murrel Goode Street, which has r Mrs. Arthur Gordon, Goode. community. is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heusler and Mar- | from her injuries jorie, Mrs. Whitewood, of Toronto, were in town on Sunday, guests at the | ronto, WATCHES $6.75 with metal Bracelets. at the extra special price of $1.65. Alarm Clocks If you are obliged to rise early get one of our clocks. We carry the famous Westclox Line, noted for their extra value. I. RR. BENTLEY JEWELLER and OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs. Winnett Nesbitt and family, of Dixie, and Mr, and Mrs. were recent visitors at the home of their father, Mr. Wm. Nesbitt. moved to their new home on Perry ished. We understand that Mr. and oecupy the vacated house of Mr. We welcome them to this We are glad to learn that Mrs. Geo. Coates, who has been ill for sometime, Miss Laura Ingram has recovered able to return to her position in To- their many friends and neigh bours for the kindness and sympathy ment, in the death of Mr, Butt, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH. Sunday, April 9th-- 11 am.--Annual W. M, S. Service. Mrs. R. 8. Longley, of Toronto, will speak. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--The Prophet and the Dry . Brook. The Sunday School Or- chestra will assist in this service. Prince Albert 1.46 p.m.--Sunday School. 8 p.m.--Worship Service. assorted stones, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION | 8 a.m--Holy Communion 7 p.m.--~Evening service. Thursday--Lenten service at 7.46 p.m. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister. 7 p.m~Evening Service. vol mily, of Toronto, Barter advts. are Free in the Star. and family have ecently been fin- of Saintfield, will DIED CURTS--At Port Perry, on Friday, March 81st, 1988, Melinda A. Abbott, widow of the late Joshua W. Curts, in her 67th year. BUTT--In Reach Township, Lot 22, Concession 12, on Friday, March 31st, 1933, Cephas Butt, in his 80th year. sufficiently to be home of Mr. J. C. Cockburn. Miss Marjorie Real, of Toronto, and Church will hold Miss Hazel Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Blight and Mr. T. A. Blight, were in Toronto, the basement of the chu lection will be take The Mission Band of the United an afternoon tea Mr. Merlyn Statton, St. Catharines)! and sale of home-made candy, on Fri- were in town on Sunday, the guests of day, April 7th, from 4 to 6 in the CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during our recent bereave- ment in the death of Mrs. Curts. The Family. rch. A silver col- mn. guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. Milton and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rose, recently. Mrs. Wm. Real, of Toronto, is! spending a few days in town, visiting relatives and friends. @y Miss Isobel Cawker, of Bei] was in town over the week end. Mr. Dawson Kaufman was at home | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PATRICIA BEAUTY SHOPPE Marcelling,. Finger Waving, "Cutting, Ladies! spring is here and now is the time to think about getting a new Permanent Wave to go with your new Easter Hat, PERMANENT WAVES The Patricia Beauty Shoppe will be Mrs. C. Putt. and. temily 'wish, to] shown during their recent bereave- | Phone 36, at McCLINTOCK'S Still Going On If you need a pair of Boots or Shoes at less than wholesale cost, come in and choose from * the wide variety we are offering J. F. McCLINTOCK viivian...For $3.25 Just a few items to give you an idea of the real bargains which we are offering. 15 inch Leather Top Rubbers, reg $3.60 ..... +. For $2.95 Knee Rubbers, reg. $4.50 .$3.76 Men's Work: Boots solid leather) $3. and $3. 50, For $2.26 Men's Best Hockey Boots, reg. $4.50 Women's Rubber Goloshes ash ea eases» Per pair $1.00 We also haxe af ull line ef FARM and GARDEN SEEDS at prices that will inturcst you- Come in and see us. PORT PERRY. ONT. 4 ND-HAN D DOORS, Would exchange one year Cot Top. Notch magazine for some other of lass, with consecutive numbers. Jno. . Gerrow, Port Perry. tique 'Pewter Tea Pot, Rock Fowl, or '12' Perennial Flower roots. Enquire at Star Office, ¢ . " L. A KOCH Bigelow Street Contracting and Building Alterations and Repairs New Hardwood Floors Laid and Old Hardwood Floors ESTIMATES GIVEN ROSES-- SHRUBS -- PERENNIALS ROCK PLANTS--EVERGREENS Canadian Grow--Three-Year-Old "Everything for the Garden" Write for special price list THE ARCADIAN NURSERIES Islington, Ontario. Be Kaufman, on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Davey, of Toronto, | was visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, over the week ' end. | Miss Alma Blight and Mr, Chas. Reesor were visitors at the home of glad to give you any information re- garding kinds and prices of waves. AGENT FOR OSHAWA LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING ° Telephone your orders to the Patricia Beauty Shoppe. Goods called for and delivered every Monday and Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rose, Toronto, for the week end. It was with pleasure that the Port | Perry United Church congregation listened to the Minister and Choir | from Whitby United Church, on Sun- day evening. The Choir came out with a strength of some forty mem- bers and gave some pleasing musical selections. Rev, A. L. Richards gave ! an inspiring and timely address. At' the conclusion of the service ladies of the W. A. served refreshments and a social half-hour was spent. On the same evening, the local Choir 1 from the United Church, and the Minister, Rev. R. T. Richards, went to Whitby. Mr. Richards conducted the service and the Port Perry Choir gave musical selections and led in the service of song. They were enter- . tained by the ladies of the Whitby church at the conclusion of the ser- vice. 3 This friendly interchange was much appreciated by both congregations and the experiment is likely to be repeated at an early date with some other local centres, 2 HAVE YOU J seed the big new car inf Phone 148W COKE COKE In a previous advertisement for coke, we merely called it Hamilton Coke, and for fear of a misunderstanding we would like to impress on the minds of the coke buying public, the coke we offer is known as STELCO COKE, made in Hamilton, Ontario. Steleco Coke is not advertised in a general way in the news papers mor over the radio, but the excellent quality of this fuel speaks for itself, and keeps the It WM. SIMS SUFFERS BADLY SMASHED LEG Mr. William Sims, Sr., who resides on the 8th concession of Reach, met with an unfortunate accident on Sat- urday afternoon, April 1st. It seems, while helping to remove a car out of a mud hole with his team, north of Honey's Corners, that the car gave an unexpected lurch and"dragged him underneath causing his leg to be badly hed below the knee. The injured largest coke plant in Canada going to capacity to fill the d d you burn coke let us supply you with a Canadian product. We also have BLUE COAL, America's finest Anthracite; CAN- Courteous Treatment. Prompt Delivery ------ FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73}. NEL, COAL; STEAM COAL; WOOD, LUMBER; ETC. If you want SCOTCH COAL we can supply you. except to live. But we have no exclusive rights angle, than a new Pontiac, Prove it! See drive compare the Economy Straight-8 at your nearest Pontiac dealer's today! , ; per. We understand that through-this accident, Mr. Sims will be laid up for two months. MAN'S HEART STOPPED, STOMACH GAS CAUSE W. L. Adams was bloated so with] gas that his heart often missed beats after eating. = Adlerika rid him of all gas, and now he eats anything and foels fine. . A M. Lawrence; Druggist, The PONTIAC Straight Bisa Big Ce a i in everything but price and y the low price field? 'It's a Pontiac 8 that gives you increased length and roominess . . . swifter, smoother performance . , . a host of sensible and advanced refinements . . . in fact, everything you could ask of any automobile. And here's the surprising part! With all its new pep and power . . . with all its luxurious new appointments , . . Pontiacs as easy as ever on your pocketbook. Prices are actually lower! ... If your present car is past its prime, you can save money by turning it in on a new model! And, mark this, you can't find a safer investmént, from any and lath, will trade Jor chickens. ; Wanted good sized mirror tor RYR ovate vas suns Buckwheat .....uiivyevesso28 man was attended by Dr: W. 8. Har-| .| specialty. LAW OFFICE GREER & HUMPHREYS i 7 Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Money to Loan Now located in the office of H. W. Emmerson, Purdy Block, Queen Street Phone 264 Phone after hours: 3514 Oshawa. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE Bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. Apply to Mrs. Frank Franklin, Port Perry ~~ 2 Ax Printing at reson- able prices AT 'x THE PORT PERRY STAR FOR SALE Seed Oats, 0.A.C. No. 144. Apply to J: E. Mitchell, Lot 3, Con. 4, Reach, RRA, Port Perry, FOR SALE A Shorthorn Bull for Sale, Also Sweet Clover Seed and Hay. Apply to Ben Jones, Port Terry, RR, or Phone 190 r 12. MASONRY WORK WANTED Masonry work of all kinds neatly executed, Tombstone foundations a 1. E. SKERRATT, RR. 4 Port Perry, Ont. Apr20 HE FOR SALE oii Turkey Hens for sale. Apply to J. C. Spencer, R.R. 1, Myrtle Station. 3 aprilé by DR. Ww. 8. JIARPER Graduate of College and A gl . Post Grado SE Sul SI, Loins a 'Royal uate os Oley 3nt Burewre Port Ports. Ont, ps <o The IS PAYING 26c., 2de., and 21¢. FOR - : A BUTTER FAT. 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